When are we going to execute this cucked ZOG faggot shill?


Also which party is the least Zionist party in Canada in the unlikely scenario that I decide to vote in the ZOG voting system?

Attached: Trudeau Israel.jpg (736x368, 25K)

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Yes, day of the rake when?

Jews are just 1.1% of Canada's population. Makes me think.

Attached: canada jew train.jpg (4656x2612, 859K)

We are completely ZOG over here.
Our AIPAC is called CIJA.

Attached: CIJA censorship.png (1264x2432, 234K)

What a fucking Jew.

damn,trudeau is finally uncucked and redeemed

Hes jewish dude. Why you want to kill him ?

vote for maxime barnier the only non cuck choice.

Hes still a cuck and a fraud. Vote for someone who can actually win.

>vote for maxime barnier
Fuck off kike.

>We are not going to try and please the foreign affairs establishment and the United Nations, a dysfunctional organisation which for years has disproportionately focused its activities on condemning Israel as if it were the source of most conflicts in the world. Last year for example, the UN General Assembly adopted 20 resolutions targeting Israel, while passing one each about the human rights situation in North Korea, Syria, and Iran.

Attached: Maxime Bernier Zionist.png (804x496, 377K)

Who "we"? Basemznt dwelling neckbeard?
You do realise these people have no autority above them

conservatives will be back in power but a literal jew will be in charge.
I feel like we're fucked either way we go.

found the trudea sympethizer.

The ZOG is getting weak.

Fuck the french. Wouldnt ever vote for one, especially a macron 2.0

Can confirm. There are Jews in every major PPC EDA across Canada. Jews will help pick every candidate for the PPC.

i vote no government.

When is any of our countries going to execute our zog government?

Even if someone is not corrupted it will become once he's in power

NDP is the best choice

The fact that we are talking about this and the BDS movement is going mainstram shows how much things have changed.
They imported millions of Muslims
Are shocked that the Muslims are against them in universities and business.

If the narrative changes to
>Israel is Oppressive
they lose
and they know this which is why they are fighting so hard to control the narrative
but they cannot control it because of social media.

unironically kys

I'm pretty sure the whole party was created as a ZOG controlled opposition from the beginning.

Isn't the NDP still a bit ZOG? I know that Greek lawyer Dimitri guy who took on the kikes and Bnai Brith was part of the Green Party.

I literally have no problem voting NDP or Green if it's not ZOG and will trigger the kikes.

No he's right, we have no other choice, NDP or Green.

>voting in (current year + 4)
user i...

Attached: 2248D52F-49C6-41B2-A7BD-91429C3521F2-46538-00003B109B814BBD.jpg (1000x1552, 747K)

April 20, 2020.

> When are we going to execute this cucked ZOG faggot shill?
you mean trump?

Attached: 1d5a7800.jpg (1023x978, 129K)

>>voting in (current year + 4)
We should change the dating system from BC/AD to Current Year. We're in Current Year + 4

least zionist is probably the most leftist I imagine..need to keep kikery out of conservatism somehow, otherwise you're left with communists

The only redeeming part about him desu

jesus what a faggot..I didn't know we had this issue here

>thinking your vote matters
>not realizing every event for the next 15 years has been planned ahead meticulously by the REAL people in power
I humbly submit to the will of Geroge Soros.