Women Tell Me About Your Day

I'm a man and I'm interested in hearing what the average day of a femanon is like.

Attached: unforgettable-luncheon.jpg (1024x673, 84K)

Puts on shitty makeup
Buys useless things
Acts retarded
Sucks 54 dicks
Then sleep.

Wake up at 6. Go to the swimming pool. Shower.
Get home. Have breakfast.
Then from 9 AM to 7 PM I focus on studying and class. I have a lunch break from 1 PM to 2 PM (unless I have class). Can be at uni or at home depending on my schedule or how I feel.

Get home. Cook dinner and lunch for the next day. Eat.
Hang out with my boyfriend or my friends or shitpost on Jow Forums.
Go to sleep at midnight.

troll post

Oh, fucking shit, mine was a troll post and not the guy who says he fucks 54 dicks before going to bed?

>wake up at 6
>go to uni - first lecture is at 8
>swing between bored and interested
>get home between 8-9 pm
>study until 2 am - ish
>go to sleep

Wake up, I don't eat breakfast cause I don't like it, usually I stay on my phone for a little while, they I study, lunch time, I stay all afternoon without nothing to do, sometimes I study a little more, dinner time, then I talk to my boyfriend all night until I fall asleep.
Sometimes I go out a little bit but I prefer staying at home, if I go out I'll probably go shopping, have Ice cream or I'll go watch a movie.

I could do so much better than your current bf why don't you give me a chance I'm a really nice guy who'll treat you like a queen and I like that you're so different compared to all the other girls seriously most women are such trash its almost impossible to find a good woman these days but I found you why don't you dump your asshole bf and get with me we don't even have to have sex yet it's cool we can take it really slow and get to know each other it's even ok youre not a virgin bc I'm such a nice forgiving guy pls respond pls be in London

How the fuck can you do a 6AM to 2AM day?
Are you on pills?
This is a joke right?
How can you be a shutin and have a bf.

obviously. Women can't get away with lies here, we know your ways too well. Honesty is rewarded by not getting shit on.

>woke up
>got dick
>ate breaky
>played league
>now for some shit posting

Wake up, drink water, shower, moisturize, get dressed, do makeup then eat breakfast and take lunch. Some days class but average day is work. Talk with coworkers as much as I can without getting caught, come home, eat dinner.
Then I do whatever bullshit needs to be done that day (laundry, water plants, taxes, etc) and use the rest of the night to study, shitpost, message friends, watch YouTube, watch anime/shows or (if I'm feeling like a real dumbass that day) smoke weed and go for a walk with my friend.
This routine will change soon, so for now I'm happy to live a simple lazy life lol.

Fucking women wew lass

I didn't lie, that's my schedule on an average day.


I don't know what a shutin is but yes I do have a boyfriend, we've been together for... 1 year and six months I guess

I wish more guys were like this, I want to be treated like a queen. Do you also like feet user?

one boring, legit answer for you in the sea of shit

>wake up
>skincare routine
>happily work my 9 - 5
>do chores, maintain my home and family

Get up at 5:30 to go to work, draw during my lunch break and browse /ic/ and /tg/

Come back exhausted at 5:30 and sleep/eat maybe shower. On Fridays I sometimes go to the town and play RPGs with some friends. Work at a nursery home so my day is usually really stressful

Wake up at 7-8
Eat fruits Drink wata
Record-Edit videos-Post them
Do all the shit I have to do OR Play videogames (League because my life is filled with cancer)
Practice my art fundamentals
Study my piano theory
Talk to little sister about her day
Do my journaling for the next day
Sleep at 11-12

I find myself strangely into anything my potential partners are into. Tis a rare gift, don't let it go to waste

The joke is you fed the troll by responding to F tier bait.

I awakened at 8 am, ate a healthy nutritious breakfast of coco puffs, went to the gym worked out for 30 mins came back home took a shower and called boyfriend to come over, got fucked, he's asleep now and I'm on my phone and in this thread I work a part time in a few hours.

Not her but it's not that hard when you're young and focused. Specially if you do it only a few weeks/months.

hello, i am very female and my day consists of playing videogames all day, also i like anime and i think personality is the only thing that matters, do you like me already Jow Forums

>the only person who actually does something
Not surprising given it's 4chains but still kinda sad.

What are the videos about?

Eat shit and die.

I quit my job recently and this is my second day of freedom. I haven't done anything except get high and watch Dr. Phil.

Catch up on the backlog nigger.

wake up around noon
get dressed, eat food
go to class
come home
get drunk
play vidya
sleep at 4am


I went from working 94+ hours a week for the last 4 years to nothing. Feeling pretty disoriented here. Dr. Phil is a terrible person. I don't want to catch up on his earlier work.

Narrating stories. I am not a native English speaker so I practice with those.

I've just finished my semester in Criminology and that's why I have so much free time.

My end goal for this summer is to be able to do some small animation and that's why I work on my art fundamentals.

I will start a new job Monday as a secretary to save money for my hobbies and school fees.

My days are meant to allow me to become a better version of myself everyday so yep

Watch Heat, the Matrix and PCU. Thank me later, chief.

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Life's going pretty good for me so stuff like this just makes me smile.

Can I die THEN eat shit?

Not really a movie person but I'm down for documentaries if you have some recommendations.

Attached: dr-phil-mcgraw.jpg (280x290, 17K)

Fyre and Hot Girls Wanted for some laffs.

That sounds like fun! I wanna get high and watch Dr. Phill too LMAO that would be a perfect girls night

It differs.

Today I woke up at noon-ish, bought some food and ate it, then bought some clothes and went to the gym. Now showering, eating some dinner, washing dishes and laundry and then I'll study coding for like an hour or two. Then sit around until 4am browsing the internet, reading, vaping, and maybe learning something useful if I get lucky.

The one about that crazy mother who made her daughter pretend to have cancer for like 20 years, and then was murdered by her, is pretty gnarly.

faggot. Smoke, dip or just abstain baka.

Nobody tells me what to do

Autism Detected

wake up at 8, take a shower then put on sunscreen, make breakfast, and go to work until 4. i usually make some time to read for about an hour during work then i come home and make lunch with my bf. then we study together for an hour, do our workouts, and watch tv or play video games until sleepy time.

Interested in a handsome tall BF?

Don’t give me (You)s, nigger.

Ohhh, thanks. I’ve wanted to watch the Fyre documentary but forgot all about it.

Is it recent? I can try to google it if you don’t remember the name.

Dr. Phil seems to mostly come on during the day time. But okay friend.

No just born innasouth.

Yeah it's pretty recent, should be the Netflix one.

>not autistic
>just born in the south
is there a difference?

i woke up at 9am after sleeping 13 hours, played WoW until 4pm, ordered a giant pizza, and now i'm going to watch borat.

Southern boys are the best boys.

Did I fucking typo?

>playing WoW after Legion
For what fucking purpose? The main Warcraft game storylines are finished.


i play vanilla private but thanks for the (you)

You don’t fully appreciate the delicious irony of using an anime image to convey your dislike of Southern men.

>living in the past

So BTFO they deleted the post omfg

Wake up, mom beats me and yells at me, go into my room and watch movies for the next 15 hours, go to sleep. Rinse, wash, repeat.

Really? I always thought Dr. Phill was a night show... Well I'm not american so my mistake

>you can't play a game that isn't from current year
keep trying to argue for no reason fag

Lel sure yes let's say that

This thread should just get purged like the heretic it is.

WoW was always shit, I’d tell you to get some taste but you’re a single woman lol.

Jesus Christ.

Hey user, if you’re going to be a faggot at least be confident in your faggotry. It’s even more pathetic that you couldn’t even stand to stick by your opinion as a fucking anonymous person.

haha seething

Nah, not even caffeine. I don't need much sleep, I can make it through 6 to 2 days 4 times a week with no problem. But I sleep a lot of Fridays.

Have fun ignoring the real world and living in Azeroth, sweetie :^).

nice projection and you type like you chug 10 pounds of sóy a day

Like, the stories you write yourself or already popular ones? And the animations are for the videos or some kind of bigger project? And hell, with the piano studies you could even provide background music.

Out of the people I know who studied criminology, most were either youth delinquents or super empathetic and idealistic, which one is you?

Anyway, congratz on the new job and actually living your life, keep doing you, user.

The fuck? I don't even play the shit after wotlk but the story with Sylvanas is the most interesting they had in years.

Get fit and start beating her.

I’m not the one playing a fucking videogame from 9 to 4 or ordering a giant pizza for myself.

Yeah, you're shitposting here. A much better use of your time.

Though vanilla is really shit taste. WoW peaked at tbc.

>no fun allowed
cope harder, you lost with your first reply.

>WoW peaked with flying mounts

>this furious at someone calling you out on your bullshit

WoW peaked when their best idea was making up a brand new race and then going to fucking Pandaria despite pandas being a fucking joke race, and a fucking furbolg reskin prior to that.

The fuck is your problem with them?

imagine seething this much AND being shit at banter

>few minutes making a post
>hours spent grinding virtual money with no real world value
Hard choice my dude.

Disengaging from reality won’t bring you fulfillment, friend.

What was OP expecting though? Girls live in a safety bubble which protects them from all the bad things in the world, so this thread is pretty pointless.

>zip from place to place in 5 seconds
>avoid WPVP
>level 60-70 in a week
it was the beginning of the downfall no matter how much people like to claim WotLK is, at least WotLK was creative and had the best storyline by far.

>still projecting
thanks for all the attention brother but quit talking about yourself

>zip from place to place in 5 seconds
They are slow as fuck.
>avoid WPVP
Most happens in the old world and tbc didn't have flying there.
>level 60-70 in a week
>caring about leveling

I’m still not the one playing WoW for hours.

you haven't played TBC have you?

>sperg rage because someone played a video game
this is low quality shitposting and it doesn't even deserve a you

More than I wish I did. Jog your memory, they only work in Outland.

I take it you don’t like pvp either lol. How embarrassing.

i wasn't referring to that, yes they only work in outland however the flying mounts are extremely fast though and PvP was insidious in outland, but not when the opportunity to effectively escape any form of it is still there. leveling was a massive part of the game and it took people 11 days of playing in game on average just to hit 60. TBC is when rushing to max to max level became a thing.
get off my dick retard, do you like me or something? you're embarrassing yourself



Or you could try an MMORPG that DIDN'T give up on class balance back in, ooh, '07

Oh, I do. My father taught me how to arm myself and I quickly surpassed my mother in wushu fighting as a kid. I had to. My mother was in the military and she tried to choke me to death earlier this year (but I know how to get out of a chokehold just because I'm more flexible and much more fit than she is).
Now, all she does is complain about being poisoned (which never happened), being beat in the head (which I only did because she tried flailing me with her purse), and how "oh, woe is me. life is so hard when my daughter doesn't come to my beck and call. I'm fat because you stress me out" while she's banging on my bedroom door to complain about how people at restaurants tried poisoning her with food she's allergic to that they didn't even serve. She also has a Youtube channel where she dresses like a slut and seductively dances to foreign music.
Honestly, can't wait until she drops dead. She was recently diagnosed with cancer so lucky me.

Demn, you should have asked something that only women could understeand... Most of this are guys who talk shit a about women

I used to do this... I will never schedule assigments again in morning time

> the flying mounts are extremely fast though
Just double speed of normal ones. Which would be fine for escaping too, but still kinda slow for traveling.
> PvP was insidious in outland
Still nowhere near as cool as basic ass crap next to/in the capitals. (Or being a cunt and going for pve players next to instances)
And the difference between pvp and pve gear is another thing TBC did way better.
> leveling was a massive part of the game
It was always a fucking chore before people could do the actual content. Why the hell would you want to spend 11 days killing boars and collecting 20 ears.

You come across as BPD, probably with a BPD mother.

Still a pussy.

Already said WoW was shit.