Eyes Wide Shut

can someone post redpill facts about Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut?I think this is an inherently political film since it led (((them))) killing based Stan

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it's weird he died so suddenly after the movie came out but the basic plot wasn't anything new so I doubt it was related.

Tfw they cut over 20 min from the film and no one knows what they took out

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I didn't know about that. Also maybe someone did kill him after the movie came out, it came out before the internet was big so maybe it came out as a shock to some of ((them))

>before the internet

not quite, leaf

Well before normies got their filthy mitts on it

The most basic take would be that ((( they))) engage in satanic rituals, human sacrifice and have the ability to de-person you, memoryhole events and trying to expose them will cost you everything

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raped/killed and eaten

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>was big

Eyes Wide Shut was easily Kubrick's worst movie.
It find 2001 dull, but I prefer it to this piece of shit.

Main plot ? Because fuck if the movie is about nothing. And slow as fuck.

watch barry lindon goys

Also of significance is the fact that the top guys at Warner Bros quit after this films "incident"...


Weeping for tammuz

The youtube channel “Illuminatiwatcher” had a great video breaking down this film, but sadly jewtube took his channel down.

he filmed on site here for the barry lindon film and glows pretending to be the ira threatened him so he rushed part of the film here and went into hiding for a month

Children were at the party. Cruise and Kidman had to give their daughter to the sex cult to save themselves.

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Ive seen all but Lolita and the old one

I heard 40+ minutes.
There's two characters that show up in multiple scenes and at the last scene walk away with Bill's daughter.
I think there must have been some serious shit they cut out.
There's a good movie called The Kill List where a hitman discovers his assigned targets are working in a pedophilia cult. It's a great film

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The movie basically confirms what this bro was saying. Santanic pedo's rule the world behind the curtain

>no one knows what they took out

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For all the Kubrick, eyes wide shut threads, very fuckin rarely does anyone talk about how Kubrick was working on the movie A.I. before his death and then (((spielborg))) ended up doing that film

the real redpill in this movie is how bitches truly are
they can dispose your ass like nothing even if you are Tom Cruise

ooooh shit nigga ! it's another memeflag Kubrick thread

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the thing you have to know about Stanley was that he had the shining ..

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Have they released the uncut, full version?

this nigga Stanley
boy howdy

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Pic on left is a very young Princess Diana.

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checked. also. no. never will we get a director's cut of (J)EWS

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nice !

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I was under the impression they just snipped some nudity/sex at the party scenes to get an R rating.

Also, they CGI-ed in some objects to 'block' some sex scenes.

Usually a DVD release will come out at some point with all the original footage, if that didn't/doesn't happen it would be odd... Since Stanley get such praise as the 'uber director' ...there is no way in hell anyone would 'lose/destroy' a single frame of anything he shot.

Diana was a nobody then. Who would possibly care about Diana? She was a middle-brow commoner, toddler

That movie sucks

the movie is based on a novella by Arthur Schnitzler, written at the beginning of the last century, its not Kubrick's original creation

What have you done to expose the kid-fucking elite? nothing. fuck off faggot.

>Since Stanley get such praise as the 'uber director' ...there is no way in hell anyone would 'lose/destroy' a single frame of anything he shot.
Then it's very convenient he died several days after screening the movie to the Warner Bros executives you fucking retarded low IQ subhuman.

This seems pretty schizo, user...

Maybe it wasn't the same as that novella, as the Shining wasn't the same as Stephen King's novel.

told me to fuck off

maybe your mom stop being such a loud whore

What have YOU done? Posted in a meme flaggot thread?

The movie is great and I wish women loved me as they love Tom Cruise in that movie.

this is now a Viv thread

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Don't be nasty Nigel. It's uncalled for.

Get back to kikebook, NPC.

This. There's a video about this on YouTube.


>Usually a DVD release will come out at some point with all the original footage
That's probably it and they will make a shit ton of money off some more vague allusions to an illuminati group that aren't conclusive.

I wish people would stop wasting their time with these breadcrumbs that just get them more lost in the forest. Look for hard facts to line up with these pieces of art.

The thing is Kubrick was an artistic genius, meaning he might have been a schizo conspiracy theorist that was just capable of depicting his theories in a way that is very appealing in cinema form. That doesn't mean he was right or in the know, it just means he had the ability to really drive his points home. The Shining, Full Metal Jacket, and Eyes Wide Shut were all based on books you know, so these weren't even his stories.

Read about the guy that wrote full metal jacket, and how he worked with Kubrick. It's not really a happy tale. I'd say the underlying story is that he was a bit of a rip off artist that actually clouded the message in a story rather than delivering it to the audience.

Kubrick always did the final cuts in his films, he was obsessive with this.
EWS was not edited by him.
The bong is angry about that, methinks.

Panic schlomo.

This is my eyes wide shut guy:


I think that (most of) what they cut was the conversation between Bill and Alice the morning after he "comes home from the orgy" .. Bill explains that they have to give Helena up or they are fucked.. she is just cranking butts, there is no dialogue.. those be the missing minutes

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Not most, but that was definitely some. Cruise comes home at night, breaks down crying to Kidman when she wakes. Then immediately cut to MORNING, both of them clearly have been up all night, both in tears. They obviously had a discussion about giving their daughter to the cult and had just accepted what they were going to do. There's obviously some sick shit that got cut out of the party too as well as the cult communicating to Cruise that they want his daughter in exchange for his life.

Damn. No doubt she was killed by a bunch of fucking pedos.

have fun paying 50 bucks for the uncut version in 10 years only to go further down some imaginary rabbit hole

if the movie dropped some sesrious info this thread wouldn't be here. It's based off a book, I think that's something you should pay attention to.

Just like A Clockwork Orange and Kubrick obviously trying to tell us about MKUltra? Doesn't matter what something is based on, Kubrick is just using the source material as a tool to communicate with us. Get fucked, shill, the end is near.

makes lots of sense, if we take in consideration the scene of those chinks buying the pussy of the retarded child of the russian guy

TFW the highest-IQ Jews always become antisemitic

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That girl attends the parties. See the screenshot posted earlier in the thread. Also the cult clearly overreacted. Oh no, you saw us fucking prostitutes, all anonymous, masked so you cannot even identify anyone? Oh no, rich people fuck prostitutes, that's what brainwashed normies assume anyway, wouldn't be damning. Obviously there were more sinister activities at the party that Warner Bros axed.

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>Also the cult clearly overreacted.
I think this is part of it, I kind of wonder if it isn't about Tom Cruise's character having all of these moral dilemmas and trying to maintain his character while basically turning a blind eye to the child prostitute he came across at the costume shop. There is a lot of that in society and it plays into the title. Missing the forrest for the trees type of thing.

It was 30 to 40 minutes cut

And the cut came after a private premier which ended with the audience getting really fucking mad, and Warner Bros screaming at him in the hallway.

>It's based off a book, I think that's something you should pay attention to.
As Kubrick was 100% copy of those books.
and cinema is not only about stories but also HOW you tell a history.
Books are LINEAR/LOGIC appealing
It takes a autist like Stanley to make a good admixture of both.

The flaw, or maybe not....
Is that a chick can decide to sacrifice herself to save him and these supposed ultra powerful elite types must somehow honor this whores sacrifice.

Kind of a big plot hole in my mind.

He did also have to give them his daughter

Nigel. Go have a warm pint and some curry.

>Obviously there were more sinister activities at the party that Warner Bros axed.
Exactly. The dead prostitute was just a tip.

Isn't that supposed to be the terrifying thing though? That they are a bunch of pig fucking degenerates but they still have concrete rules, codes and rituals that they will obey with the rigor of a Southern Baptist? Like they are beholden to it.

In reality he is literally owned by the cult, as they know who he is, where he live. His wife and the doctor his friend are participant of the cult.
He is a deadman walking from that night on.

Kubrick is known to take large artistic liberties. Look at The Shining, which not only does he rub in Stephen King's face, where he made the focus the genocide of the american indian.

You guys do realize that ~30 minutes cut from a film during editing is commonplace, right?

The only thing missing from the movie is a J.

>You guys do realize that ~30 minutes cut from a film during editing is commonplace, right?
Sure thing, user.
But only Kubrick could cut like Kubrick.

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Full Metal Jacket
Eyes Wide Shut

>where he made the focus the genocide of the american indian
>making easily-falsified false claims
day of the rake can't come soon enough

Whatever Kubrick shot, Tom would know it, right? We should ask the guy, doesn't the hacker known as Jow Forums have connections at scientology HQ? I thought we infiltrated that thing way back in the day. Pull some strings, Mr Jow Forums

He was fucking dead at that point

I wonder...


The Sabbatean Frankist (Masonic?) JEWS ?

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It makes me so sick and sad brave people like this willing to give their lives to save children and expose darkness will never get proper remembrance for being trailblazers and heroes. I hope their is truly a heaven so god’s tortured and ridiculed heroes on this earth get spiritually rewarded. And in Jesus’s name I proclaim their work will not be all in vain and that Jesus will one day make these sick leaders feel equally the amount of pain they have caused in the lives of innocent children. I sometimes get so frustrated knowing Jesus’s death promises these sick fuckers can torture god’s children all their mortal lives, and as long as they, in complete fear, ask for his forgiveness at the end it is all washed away and made right. But who am I to understand I guess? Maybe just the thought of asking God for forgiveness is the most horrible thing these people could possibly think of or endure, because it shows them they truly have no power and are not the god’s they believe they are.

Shill or newfag. STFU either way, lurk 2 years before posting again.

no reports from anybody who was there? must have been at least a few non-suits there.

(((they))) definitely killed him for it. they couldn't just scrap the film, so they basically cut out the more explicit satanic rituals that may have revealed any semitic undertones.

>He died before the movie came out
>Final cut was obviously missing alot and was filled with unimportant filler scenes.

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You are a blessed person, user.

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the actress who played the chicken that sacrificed herself to save Dr. Bill's life in the movie was on the Alex Jones show a few years ago and basically confirmed the fact that 30 minutes were cut from the actual film.

did she see any of it?

Hey fuckers, it's not that "high" and mystic of what they appear to be. And, if there's such groups, there are good and bad ones, and no matter what you are, maybe some of them are just having psychopathic tendencies or they're fucking flipping because they have to run this god-awful shit show called life. There's people died from less. Then there's money and power and boredom and stuff, idk. Maybe they hate themselves or their lives as you are in fucking chains, especially if you got the money. There's no running away from responsibilities if you got it all, unless you're some kind of hedge fund hereditary.

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I'm sure that she did. she wouldn't talk about it on the show though.

It's a non-subtle expose of the pedophilia and depravity in Hollywood and (((they))) killed Kubrick in retribution.

I forgot to mention that the throne of the guy is a double headed eagle, wich is part masonic symbology.
Unrelated film Crocodile dundee 2 have the same type of throne in the house of a colombian cartel druglord.

Eyes Wide Pilled

The earth is never going to be the place where people like that are rewarded, and the battle never ends in our lifetime

They probably signed a non disclosure agreement

Mass programming is done by governments to meet agendas, the scary thing is once it is complete they can tell you they did it and show you how and you will willingly accept that it happened.

Honestly I think it's about sex magic more than pedophilia, even though that would play into it. If you get really into rainbows and their occult symbolism you can delve into some of that meaning. Rainbow was a sign of the serpent in some cultures, which was carried by water. The female was associated with the serpent mainly because of the menstrual cycle. A LOT of movies carry these occult symbols only other occultists woudl recgonize. In all honesty you are better off just reading a bible and not learning this shit, because once you understand it it just makes it more difficult to deny the hold it has on some people.

Based Cybele poster
Kubrik was murdered, his film was re-cut post mortem, and no one will ever talk about what those deleted/altered scenes held.

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Yes. This is still implied in the ending as it is

It's not easy to be truly woke in this world, I've thought about plenty of sick things upon many people under all this craziness. Years ago I was thinking about joining into OTO, or Freemasons, as one of those groups were mentioned in the earlier link, that mirror writing originates from Leonardo Da Vinci, at least he's one of the oldest known users of it, stars are not that bad and this God thing we got rolled upon our eyes is total ignorance and enlil is far away from an actual creator. Then there's the law of karma, like what goes around, comes around, for all of us, eventually. Even to the highest reigners of this planet.

Church of Satan and plenty of others, light or dark, are just mere gate keepers from the actual truth, which is not that high and mystic, like we were created as a slave species to do tedious work for the gods. Religion = religare = thwart, hold back (from development), worship means working and, shit, gods forbid. I hope some will pay for this shit like big time. Fucking abomination this planet. As a side note, have you ever thought about why there is so much shit in the near space orbits? Like, maybe someone tries to block outsiders from there and being able to block the spectators too? Or like, this depopulation agenda, 5G climate change, they're all being used and at worst case will be used to cover some tracks, as this is, what it is.

Masonic symbolism my ass, that symbolizes two sides of one being, left right, light dark etc. also there's a damn crown on that eagle which symbolizes the unity consciousness, and it's also a Russian coat of arms. Not some shitshow mason lore, even less Redshield's symbol, because they got unicorns in their official house banner. Guys are misinformed. Maybe they were trying to portray the suffering of Russia but good luck trying to get that country away from your stupid conquests, they will nuke the whole west back to the stone age if you ever dare to touch it in a big scale.

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