Every time you buy McDonalds a muslim dies

>Every time you buy McDonalds a muslim dies.
what now?

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I don't eat McDonalds but you've convinced me to start.

Wtf i love mcdonalds now

Buy a burger

for me, it's the mcchicken

Fuck. I hate Muslims, but I also hate Jews. What do I do, boys?

When do the the muzzies actually carry through with their threats and attack Israel from all sides? Maybe then I might give a shit.

Yeah and now they're on the dollar menu. Nothing inherently wrong with eating a McChicken sandwich.

but i like KFC more....

just got 40 mcnuggets 6 double cheeseburgers a large white shake and a large cocola

So what these companies donate to Israel or something?

> Hugo Boss


They tried that already and lost to a bunch of holocaust survives.

Super size me

I’m curious to know how McDonald’s and Israel are connected

Praise the Lord and pass the McNuggets

>Hugo Boss

I'm 95% sure they literally made the Nazi uniforms.

In fact the whole reason I came into this thread when I saw it was that I would happily eat Mcdonalds while wearing Hugo Boss suits, because I care for neither Jews nor Muslims, then I noticed that it was actually on the picture.

Dont worry, every time you buy KFC chicken a nigger dies of starvation.

I'll buy more if it means more dead shitskins.

>Every time you buy McDonalds a muslim dies

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every time they try, they get their shit pushed in. it's hilarious.

I hope palestine sand niggers get fucking blown apart.

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just had 2 cheeseburgers

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c'mon, you know what to do

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Israel is 50% Russian jews. Moscow's oligarchs are 96% jews and the putinbots work for them.. They're playing both sides to con you.

Put intel on that list

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>kill muslims
>or bankrupt jews
God damn it how do I choose?

But user, I'm already subbed to Pewdiepie

Is that why white people here are so fat?

:))))))) dam so I a nigger killer

The redpill is so strong it hurts. Just thinking about how the world is owned by a few people fucks me up. Reminds me of this song :

You expect a religion based on ideas of some real kike are to be benefical to the white race?

keep that garbage off of here man, also don't come back until you're 18 or have more brainpower.
"Just thinkingg fuccs me up brooo wow bro illuminati holy shit bro yo pass the blunt bro fuck this is deep"
kill yourself faggot

brb I'm McLovin it

Looks like I'm eating McDonalds while watching Disney and drinking a pepsi

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Hey are there any 2 for one deals where I can maximize my kill count?

>what now?
Here's an idea.

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Good. Hating kikes doesn't mean not hating mudslime barbarians.

I don't really care for muslims, but I hate Israel more.


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Every burger helps gangstalkers to buy housing and food:
