How many homeless in the soviet union again?
How many homeless in the soviet union again?
You can't be homeless if you've been purged :^)
All of them, nobody could "own" a home, faggot.
>throw all the homeless in gulags
>0% homeless rate
All of them lmao
How many starved in the Soviet Union again?
>hurr durr this rich man is responsible for me being an illiterate fuckup
non jewish population
20 millions. they were called "ukrainians" at the time
second this is the a problem caused by usury wich break the parreto distribution pinciple
How many niggers did it have? Sage.
Dont you commies have a law that states:"you dont work,you dont eat"
Well these 53000 people didnt work hard enough. Should have studied better at schoool instead of smocking weed and playing pokeyman.
Nobody to blame
I believe the Soviet Union had no homeless and had a 0% unemployment rate. But I might be wrong.
None, because they killed them all.
I hope Murru prison gets reopened and they send your ass there to work the pumps.
Do gulags and graves count as homes now? I got a place to put the homeless :^)
>Kikels in bolshevik
Most homeless want to be homeless. There are plenty of shelters that only ask that you not be a colossal sack of shit to reside there. That is too much to ask of these assholes so they instead shoot up under a dumpster and chase people around for free handouts.
Those homeless are spic invaders. Deport them.
I'm sure self reported statistics from a communist shithole should be believed.
>conveniently excludes how many people are actually in the gulags
Well, Soviets did not own homes either
so I would say the entire USSR
Well, according to official statistics around 142 thousands in late 80s.
A lot of them was gypsies.
Homelessness was illegal, and was punished by jail time or by forced employment.
In the Soviet Union, vagrancy was a social crime seen as incompatible with scientific socialism. It was associated with wrecking and dereliction, and was frequently punished with imprisonment, even after the end of the large-scale GULAG system.
>meme flag
>about 18 million
>what are gulags
the rest you couldnt fit into prison (housing for homeless people), you killed with starvation
I guess sending the homeless to prison and killing the rest is better than living on the street with government gibs + private charity
this also
50% of 100000 (1983 people vs 3% of 2.5 million (1953)
So 50000 vs 75000
Worst tzar years better than best Soviet years
100% wrong lol
homeless were killed/starved to death or sent to gulags
No unemployment, because you were forced to work (slave labor) in prisons
>Homelessness was illegal, and was punished by jail time or by forced employment.
I like this idea a lot actually.
Can't die in gulag if shot before gulag
Yea well what ruined LA was a good solid chunk of socialism injected into capitalism.
It used to be much less leftist and it did great.
What ruined it was not a little bit of capitalism injected into your socialism.
Homeless people were sent to gulag.
It's funny. I used to criticize the Communists on the genocide issue. Now I think we need genocide in California. Maybe the Communists more than we give them credit for.
>"Russia didn't put people In gulags!"
>Source- Russia
In defense of Russia it's really hard to freeze to death in urban California.
Literally Scrooge. Wow.
This, California needs more natural disasters to help out with that homeless statistic
Solve homelessness Soviet-style: put five families in a two-room apartment and send anyone who complains to the gulag.
Is a gulag a home
the people own the land
the land is the peoples home
all of the people have homes
glorious soviet union has no homeless
Zero. Those without a home were deemed excess labor and gulaged.
my parents and grandparents lived in communist bulgaria. they still own and maintain the same house. no one else ever lived there.
Communists never promised good education, healthcare or housing.
Soviet union no longer exists
Youre a hopeless twat
I live in Eugene, Oregon and work next to where they hang out. There is probably 70% that start as people who want to "be free" and "live the vagabond life man" who start in their teens to be free of their parents. Of this group a lot of it Is rejection of capitalism so they want to live on the excesses that capitalism causes. These people ruin the system for the actual homeless by using up resources needed by the legit homeless.
The soviet union had the most doctors per capita and among the best education in the world.
they just killed all the homeless people. honestly we should too, theyre either drug addicts or lazy pieces of shit
do you enjoy having a root canal done with no anesthetic?
California is a shithole and generally isn’t totally representative of the entire country.
Haven’t seen the stars recently, but the USA’s unemployment has been actually going down in the last few years and I’m certain for a country this size it’s fairly normal.
If the homeless wanted to die they can jump from a bridge. We don’t need to enstate comunism to force it on them
show your real flag shill
This. Which is why we should just euthanize these losers and harvest their organs for science.
psychotic and oxycotin pilled
Being homeless is a choice.
i stopped caring about the homeless when i found out that half the bums at my churches mission were registered sex offenders and nobody will hire a pedophile. you get what you fucking deserve
Lets talk about the orange revolution my friend.. fusking commies..
do you enjoy dying from a neck tumor because your insurer insisted it was an existing condition?
OP status: Told
>things that never happened for 100 alex
people owned houses in the soviet union you retard.. how about stop responding to posts that just highlight your absolute ignorance
Well the Soviet Union doesnt exist anymore so...
Stuff that never happened unless you had public Healthcare (medicare) where a death panel decided you were too expensive. You can get any treatment you want, you just might have to go on a payment plan to afford it.
Even if true I'd rather die of a neck tumor in my 50s than have to feed one kid to another because the Soviets stole my crop.
Do you enjoy seeing oring for the first time in 1989?
shitty source but the case is real
What was the unemployment rate in Yugoslavia?
You seem to enjoy dying from a brutal totalitarian genocidal ideology.
Middle class isn’t the proletariat, prepare to have your home be redistributed and your neetbux apprehended
Sorry im typing this on my ipad....... a computer. Ohh sorry we didnt have this in yugoslavia. We we too busy trying to fing milk and bread..
this, as always the people who benefit from government handouts will be retarded niggers and spics
why do jews love communism so much?
show your flag, comrade
I know you're a retard but I guess I have to reiterate this for all the dumbshits on here:
under communism the only things seized are the private property, aka for profit ventures. your personal property is yours to keep just like it would be under capitalism. if you're not extracting money in an unjustifiable way you have nothing to worry about.
>home sweet home
Cmon my friend. Lets talk about communism... and all the perks that come with it
>why do jews love communism so much?
Is Israel communist? Literally a jewish ethnostate.
the odds of this happening to me are less than 1 in 100,000. why should i care again?
The USSR doesn't exist. It failed 30 years ago.
It existed for only 70 years.
Soviets could only exist in 3 places: 1.Government housing. 2. Gulags. 3 Graves. Homeless who could work were sent to gulags. Those who couldn't were relocated to graves.
>Kill people until you have the best doctor per capita in the world
>the first soviet land code affirmed the nationalization of land and abolished private ownership of land
>article 27 of the 1922 land code forbade the purchase, sale, bequeathing, or mortgaging of land
Say mad, you commie dumbass.
that is where you parked your car if you were lucky enough to have one
Is this your communism? Or is it the real communism no one’s ever tried that will definitly work?
Lets take it a step further and talk about all the people that “get covarege”, but dont get covarage bevause the state cant aford it..
Reveal your flag. If you're not posting from Bulgaria, you're either lying or your family left the Socialist paradise of Bulgaria for the West.
Which is it?
In fact, the odds of it happening are lower than the odds of being put into gulag for a fiver if you lived in the Soviet Union. I don't have my copy of the gulag archipelago infront of me but it was huge.
That's why every scientific advance they created came from captured Nazis.
Based, redpilled and also ture.
Fuck the silence is deafaning
no shit. land is not personal property.
the soviet union population growth outpaced current eastern europe and most people who lived under it who are still alive want it to come back. you can live in your authoritarian repressive fantasy all you want but it was a good state project, way more succesful than any capitalist is willing to let you know
why were all the first/original proponents of communism jewish
Is this the same german that keeps making the same kind of thread every 25 days under a different meme flag?
the soviet union hasn't existed for 30 years dumbass. mass migration from eastern europe to the west somehow only happened under capitalism.
Hmm, weird....that's not how my family remembers it....
Get over yourself... it never works because the ambition dies out... its as sismple as that
ashkenazi jews have the highest iqs
You cannot argue with amerimutts about communism because they think what Fox News told them about USSR is true
all of them