How does one even cope with the fact that any semi-attractive woman can have sex whenever they want with attractive men...

how does one even cope with the fact that any semi-attractive woman can have sex whenever they want with attractive men without lifting a finger

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By repealing the 19th.

I can do you one better; i'm a decent looking lesbian and fucked three girls in one week off tinder, did kinky things with them too anal play, choking, dressed in lingerie etc no effort just suggested it casually and they said yes. Guys have to beg for that shit.

By being an attractive man and emotionally manipulating women into only having sex with you

Gays are easy. Gay men as well got life on easy mode.

Enjoy the aids and oppression though.

They can’t into combat and only have as much power as men let them. Nothing wrong if you kill them and get away with it, lad.

Lol, no we don't. We just have to not be ugly.
Hot guys can get laid a hell of a lot more than lesbians can. There are a lot more straight girls than gay girls out there.

You can work on yourself and become an attractive man who is wanted by the girls because really attractive men are rare as fuck. Pretty boys and chads with no real self-confidence and skills are so many they are a fucking pest.

Why would you care how often other people fuck?

My boyfriend doesn't even have to ask, to be honest.

attractiveness is 90% genetic lad

You have "grass is greener" syndrome. Women have an easier time getting casual sex, but women are also disproportionately targeted for date-related violence and being manipulated in general. A man lies to a woman to get sex and the world shrugs, as if men can't be expected to act like a decent person. A woman lies to a man and she's a horrible cunt forever, no matter what.

because everything in life is a competition

>women are targeted for shit that never happens in the western world
who fucking cares lmfao

Console yourself with the fact that they become completely worthless after 30, and will have developed no valuable skills or positive personality traits to carry them through the decades that follow until they die alone and miserable in an apartment that reeks of cat piss

How do you cope with the fact that your "boyfriend" is fucking women on the side?

as opposed to 90% of men who never have any worth and also die alone

women peak early
only 10% of men peak at all

>A woman lies to a man and she's a horrible cunt forever, no matter what.

Wtf are you talking about? Literally every word out of a woman's mouth is more likely than not to be a lie, and no one gives a shit. Actually, if you dare to call them out on it you'll be berated for being a desperate loser.

>You have "grass is greener" syndrome
that's called being rational and seeing life for what it is, a rigged shitshow

>women never get stalked or violenced for saying no in first world countries
Google is that way.

Look how fast the roastie flips from oppressed victim to powerful independent womyn. Lmao. You all have literally no shame or self awareness.

it makes sense when you consider how horny men are compared to women. it's simply a case of men having lower standards and being more willing to fuck homely women

what the fuck, are you calling me a roastie?

america isn't a 1st world country, and sweden's statistics are fake

have sex, incel
or better yet, stay at your containment board and don't come back

not an argument

It has nothing to do with horniness, the stakes are different.

At a deep psychological level women are looking for someone that they would like to be impregnated by and carry their baby for 9 months. Men are just looking to dump their load.

Sure, if casual sex is what you want. My point is that the idea of all-encompassing male or female privilege is a lie. Different people are going to be happy with different things. Some men are happy being expected to provide, and other men resent it. Some women love casual sex, some don't and just want to be in a relationship without fielding whether or not they're being tricked into it.

>It has nothing to do with horniness, the stakes are different.
>At a deep psychological level women are looking for someone that they would like to be impregnated by and carry their baby for 9 months. Men are just looking to dump their load.
not anymore

have you heard of

>birth control

nice way to blow your cover, angry virgin
you just admitted that you ain't looking for advice and you just want to vent about how mean are women for not wanting to suck your peepee
there's a board for that, you know. the one you came from

Have you heard of instincts? Subconscious behavior? Have you heard of emotions? Have you heard of sexual desire?

Do you actually think after hundreds of thousands or millions of years or evolution, people wake up one day and say "lol the pill exists , I will now consciously and logically change what I'm essentially attracted to".

he's going to say it's "embedded in their psyche through natural selection and evolution" or some shit

>consequences of behaviour removed
>wjoa this won't possibly have an impact on human behaviour negative reinforcement isn't a thing

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Attraction isn't a logical choice. Neither is your reflexive impulse to post meme reactions to cover up your embarrassment for making such a stupid argument.

I think it's a primal thing, going back to the fundamentals of sexual reproduction. As men have virtually infinite sperm, they do not have the luxury of choice as much as women, who have a finite number of eggs.
It's something we see in nature, stags fighting over does, snake orgies where only the strongest males get to mate. If you aren't worth it, you won't get it.


I think several people here are forgetting the cultural differences in male and female sexuality. In conventional Western society:

>everyone knows how a penis works
>expected to cum
>expected to go after what they want (in sex and in general)

>people still don't understand orgasms, hymen, clit
>orgasm is optional, if your partner even knows they exist
>if you pursue what you want you're a slut, probably damaged goods
>if you don't, you're a prude, probably damaged goods

I don't think it's possible to figure out what's still instinct and what isn't until/unless there's a level playing field. This is just something to think about.



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men don't have to lift their finger much as long as they "semi-attractive". women flirted with me heavily when i started working at my company, implying they don't have boyfriends and touching all up on me. even made intense eye contact with one. i could have easily flirted with them and got them if i wanted to.

>just be a top 10% male like me :^)

I simply dont understand why a "bottom" girl would chose a "fake man" instead of a real one. There must be some issues, I felt so stupid and bad, when I saw two lesbians kissing today. Like the one is a normal girl, long hair, make-up etc, and the other one just some caricature of a male, she looked even ridiculous. And there I stand, a real man, all alone, while some parody of a man is getting actual girl I wouldnt mind getting with. Felt weird to say the least. I simply dont understand that.

They play the game on easy mode, I play it on hard. They’re fucking noobs.

by recognizing that three quarters of the american populace is poor, uneducated, overweight, and largely unattractive and that the idea of being able to easily get sex from such a specimen isn't remotely worth the effort you terminal brainlet

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men get fucking murdered constantly fuckhead, just not for that particular reason and alot more in general. Who gives a shit about the motivation? they get raped plenty often too, and dont get the same victim perks as women do. you dont have to white knight women here, no one will fuck you.

>any semi-attractive woman can have sex whenever they want
>can have sex
doesn’t mean they actually do, retard

Sucks that you’re part of that three quarters

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not really
i wouldnt put the time and effort into trying to fuck me, why bother trying for someone like me
>muh biological imperative
if you were so concerned with that you'd fuck anything that moves, dumb incel

I don't care about such stupid things. God damn man, hire a fucking prostitute if you're so bitter about not getting laid.

Except we're talking specifically about dating and sex. This attempt at shifting the goalposts is both disingenuous, off-topic and transparent. You're also pretty ignorant if you think women get "victim points" for talking about sexual violence. This very post is great evidence for the fact that the cultural climate is still tilted in favor of telling women to shut up, sit down and not get anyone in trouble. Even people that accuse celebrities - I'm not saying those accusations are true or not, I don't give two fucks about celebrity culture - get flooded with threats and hate mail for coming out about it.

Lesbians can't fuck they dont have a dick
Licking each other is not fucking

Sometimes I wonder if I'm simply not compulsive enough with just showing interest, or simply actually ugly. When I read about no-effort shit like this

power to you though