I got banned from my comic shop today

>be me
>have QT3.14 girlfriend
>turns out she is asexual
>I break up with her because I want to have sex
>she asks if we can still be friends
>we see each other and I act like friends
>I hug her and make sure no other guys are bothering her
>a few months later she texts me and says we can't be friends any more
>says I am too clingy
>don't see her for a few months
>go to FCBD at my comic store
>she is at my comic store in Raven cosplay
>the store owner tells me not to bother her or he will have to ban me
>I sneak over when he isn't looking and tell her I miss her and want to know why we can't be friends
>she leaves the store in a hurry
>come back today to get my books this week
>owner tells me that I can't come back after this
>says I made girl uncomfortable and he has to look after his customers
>I tell him I just wanted to say sorry
>he doesn't care and bans me any way

I don't know what to do. I am thinking of going to the police for discrimination and suing the store owner for breaching my confidentiality. What is the best way to go about this?

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I think the first thing you should do is tell us the full story, because it's obvious you're leaving something out. So were you stalking her? Texting her dozens of times a day every day? Is she the comic book guy's daughter?

>the store owner tells me not to bother her or he will have to ban me
>I sneak over when he isn't looking
Dude, get professional help.

No, I mean. I told the comic book guy that we had problems, and he was sorry to band me, but he said he needed to protect his customers.

I wasn't stalking her or anything, just normal friend stuff, like making sure no other guys were bothering her, and giving her hugs when I saw her. I guess we texted a lot, but I text with all my friends. I just wanted her to be safe and stuff. I broke up with her so I can't be stalking her.

Do you think a lawyer would be the best answer then?

This, why didn’t you leave her alone?

user, you have an unhealthy relationship with this girl
let it go, im sorry.

A therapist might have more experience with your problems.

Do you genuinely not see how you acted wrong?

Because I needed to know why we couldn't be friends any more. I just wanted to make it okay again, but now I can't go back to my comic store.

The owner told me not to, but he didn't know she would get upset. He might have been wrong, and I deserve to know why she doesn't want to be friends any more.

This definitely ranks high on the "leaving stuff out to paint yourself as a victim" list.

So what creepy orbiter shit did you pull?

Wait a few weeks and then return to the comic store and politely apologize for your behavior. Ask to be given a second chance and reassure him that you will not mess with any of the girls there again, then DO THAT. Leave this girl alone, never talk to her again. She doesn't want to be your friend. She doesn't care what you have to say. That is her choice. You need to respect that and never again "sneak over when he isn't looking". That's some real creeper shit

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Is this some CWC role play? Because this is pretty much how Chrischan got banned from his local store minus the actual girlfriend part.
If I were you, I’d just let it go, and find a new store before she actually has a reason to press charges with you or something.
Sometimes you just kinda have to let things go, and if you truly didn’t do anything wrong, it isn’t likely to happen again with other people.

>I deserve to know why she doesn't want to be friends any more.
No. You fucking don't. She does not have to explain herself to you. Drop it you fucking creep

*inhales deeply*
*inhales deeply*

You fucking deserve the ban. Maybe you will learn not to be a fuck up next time.

He’s banned. He already tried to apologize. If he goes back he could get the cops called on him for trespassing.

So basically, you were pushing guys away who may have been interested in her? While still being protective of her and being at least intimate enough to hug her when you saw her (I mean, how much more intimate could you get with someone who's asexual?) and trying to "keep her safe?"
Sounds like you were leading her on while trying to control her, but without wanting to commit to something that doesn't include the possibility of fucking somebody else. Yeah, sounds like you were in the wrong to me, buddy. Just be glad comic book guy was polite about it.

All the other comic stores near me are shit though. I don't see why I should not be allowed back to this one and she should go somewhere else

>The owner told me not to
And here is where the story would've ended if you had the ability to act like a normal person in public. Her reasons doesn't matter. It wouldn't matter if she would be happy to talk to you. The owner told you to leave their customers alone.

>I deserve to know why she doesn't want to be friends any more
Maybe. I don't know. It doesn't matter for this scenario. You definitely don't deserve anything from her and should leave the girl the fuck alone. Seriously, look into therapy, your behavior isn't normal and you need some pointers.

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>I don't see why I should not be allowed back to this one
Because you don't have the ability to act like an adult and harassed customer after a clear warning?

If she doesn’t want to talk to you, she doesn’t have to give you a reason. Just assume she doesn’t like you. Even if you knew exactly why she doesn’t want to talk to you anymore, it would still result in never speaking to her again. This is really not worth your time.

But this is the first time I have ever done anything like this. The other girls in the comic store really like me, because I keep the creepers away from them.

But if I am going to work on myself to make myself better, I need to know what I did wrong.

The fact that the owner went out of his way to tell you to leave her alone means that she asked him to do that. There’s no other reason for an otherwise stranger to say that to a normal person.
It sucks when friends ghost you or don’t want to talk to you anymore, I had someone do that to me in high school. But you need to accept this and move on. As for the comic book store, find another one.

For now maybe. Why the fuck would the owner want to risk it? If you do that shit again, they will be the person who tolerated harassment in their store.

If you truly have no idea why you were banned and why you are in the wrong and why you should NEVER go in that store again and why you should NEVER talk to that woman again.
You should kys.
And to be 100% forthcoming, I NEVER advocate for kys in any of these threads. But you should.
There is no place in this world for you.

All the other stores are shit user. They are not cool enough for people like me and full of all the beta orbiters I scared away from the girls at my store.

You not being able to go to your favorite store is a sunk cost. The owner of the store will not sell to you anymore, and you’re risking criminal trespassing charges if you go back there. Just accept that you got the short end of the stick here, and be glad that the police aren’t involved and that you can still go to other stores and order stuff online without a felony trespassing charge.
Furthermore, can’t you get comics online now? Brick and mortar stores are kind of old fashioned, right?

You’re worse that OP. Look away from the monitor for a few hours.

>he actually believed her when she said she's asexual
So how do I break this for you OP...

Also this thread is full of fags. OP deserves to know why he's been ghosted. Don't excuse her shitty behavior.

Dude, chill. user obviously has issues and even a hard time seeing that he has issues ... which is kinda understandable. Being confronted with the idea that you're a creep sounds like a bitter ass pill to swallow. He needs help.

>OP deserves to know why he's been ghosted.
Not from her.

>Don't excuse her shitty behavior.
Based on the thread, she acted perfectly rational.

She already told you that you were too clingy. That’s the reason she gave you, and it’s good enough. Just go with that, and don’t try to pursue it any further.

>he says don't do the thing or he will have to ban me
>I do the thing
This is your fault and you should be banned.

But what does that even mean. Maybe it was just an excuse. I don't know.

Relax assholes, OP is a LARP.
And if it is not a LARP, definitely do NOT go outside ever again, the rest of humanity will appreciate it.
This reads like a children's book
"My first rape charge"

What do you mean? She is asexual. She doesn't want to have sex with me and doesn't like it when I hug her.

>OP is a LARP.
You're forgetting where you at.

>And if it is not a LARP, definitely do NOT go outside ever again, the rest of humanity will appreciate it.
There were people with bigger issues who overcame them and became normal fucking people.

>make sure no other guys are bothering her
>owner tells me not to bother her
>I sneak over when he isn't looking and tell her I miss her
>making sure no other guys were bothering her, and giving her hugs when I saw he
>I just wanted her to be safe

Dude, stop white-knighting. The owner is probably being a white knight himself. You're both being pathetic over some girl that doesn't even want dick. Move on

>going to the police
Please stream it to YouTube, I want to see some nerd complain to the cops how he's not allowed into his comic store because his Raven-dressed ex doesn't want to talk to him anymore and he won't stop pestering her. You're the one who is bothering her, not other guys.

>not from her
Bullshit, from whom then?
Is it rational to ghost a guy that you considered a friend because he's clingy despite the fact that he outclinged himself by breaking up?

OP got his thread btfod from /co/.

I give all my friends hugs, so I am not being a white knight.

>doesn't like it when I hug her.
>I hug her and make sure no other guys are bothering her
Jesus Christ.

I hug all my friends user. It would be weird not to hug her. I need a lot of physical intimacy. It is why we broke up.

There is no way this isn't bait. Jesus christ.

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>from whom then?
Ideally his fucking therapist. It's not like the issue is with her in the first place.

>Is it rational to ghost a guy that you considered a friend
It's rational to ghost a guy who doesn't get a fucking no. Not just from her but even from a fucking store owner.

Also she didn't fucking ghost him.
>a few months later she texts me and says we can't be friends any more
Here a normal person would draw to line and get the message. Her reason could be not liking the whether outside. It doesn't fucking matter. If a person doesn't want to hang anymore, you leave them alone.

>he outclinged himself by breaking up
Which clearly didn't end the clinginess.

I don't have autism user. I have anxiety and depression.

>It would be weird not to hug her.
It would be weird to hug someone who doesn't want to be hugged.

>I need a lot of physical intimacy.
Jesus. Not. Everything. Is. About. You.

For a shit thread, it has some neat gets.

Clingy means you bother her too often. Did you text her everyday or try to hang out with her every weekend? Because that would be clingy.

Irrelevant. If the cops are called on him, he would immediately leave and know that he could not come back. Going back and apologizing again after enough time has passed might give him a chance at going back to the store he likes. If the owner says no, the owner says no. It wouldn't hurt to ask as long as OP is ready to leave immediately upon rejection.

>because I keep the creepers away from them.
YOU are the fucking creep

We hung out at the comic store every week until she stopped coming after she said she didn't want to be friends. I texted her every day to make sure she was safe and no guys were bothering her.

This is the thing I hate the most about girls.
Their absolute lack of directness.
Instead of telling that it is not working out, they will say "lets meet again soon" and then cruelly ghost you.
Instead of explaining the situation between the two of you, they will run away and accuse you to other people.
I know how it hurts, to be banned when you are not even in the wrong. But you need to accept it, take it as her disadvantage, become disgusted with her dishonesty and fakeness, and this will help you to move on.

100% bait.

No, the other girls like me. They never complain when I hug them.

> I texted her every day to make sure she was safe and no guys were bothering her.
Okay, this has to be bait.

>she texts me and says we can't be friends any more
Sounds pretty direct.

They are probably scared you'd wait for them in a dark alley if they complain.

I was worried about her user. I already said I have anxiety!

Your personal issues don't justify harassing others.

If she was really a friend, she would be happy to help him with his issues.

Then you're LARPing. So now you have double autism.

>If she was really a friend
She literally told you she didn't want to be friends.
She is not really a friend. She is not your friend. Stop harassing people you fucking ignorant twat

Most people aren't equipped with the knowledge nor experience to do it and expecting your friend to solve your mental issues doesn't sound too reasonable either.

Besides, she told him that she doesn't want to be his friend.

He isn't harassing people. Can a guy not just want closure without people shouting about 'rape culture'

>I have anxiety!
>I use this as an excuse to my shitty behavior
>I've been banned from the shop due to my shitty behavior
>why does this happen to me
>it's so unfair that I harassed a customer after specifically being told not to talk to her and I was reprimanded for doing exactly what the store owner told me to do

When I first started reading this thread I thought that maybe you were just confused and needed some help. I thought maybe some of the kind anons in here would help you realize some of your issues and you could come to a conclusion.

I know now that I was foolish to believe that someone with your intelligence and blatant ignorance would listen to anything anyone said to you. Seek professional help immediately. You might think you don't have autism, but you've fucking got something bitch. You need help.

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Let me tell you what happened user.
You beta orbited a thot
You asked her for sex so she made a lame excuse
You kept up your orbiting anyway
She got bored of you so sucked off the store owner to ban you
You are banned
Chalk it up to a lesson not to trust roasties.

That's the point. In this LARP story, he thinks she is his friend and he is trying to talk to her one more time and protect her. But in reality he only sees her at the comic shop, made up the relationship in his mind. He did something really fucking creepy and she told the store owner. He then was banned because he creeps everyone out but this got particularly bad.

>person doesn't want to talk to you
>you spam them every day
>ANOTHER person tells you to leave them alone
>you go and talk to them anyway
That's basic ass harassment, brainlet-chan.

>He isn't harassing people.
>>she is at my comic store in Raven cosplay
>>the store owner tells me not to bother her or he will have to ban me
>I sneak over when he isn't looking and harass her
>she leaves the store in a hurry because she is creeped out by me and doesn't want me near her as she has made very clear
>I'm banned from the store, wtf!?

>Can a guy not just want closure without people shouting about 'rape culture'
He got closure. She told him she didn't want to be friends because he was too clingy. OP has admitted to texting her daily, hugging her when she made it clear she didn't want hugs and "keeping other guys away" whatever that fucking means. This isn't about screaming rape culture, this is about an autistic fuck that has no idea how incredibly creepy he is.

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Tell you what he's not got.
A girlfriend.
Or a comic store.

>but you've fucking got something bitch.
A 10 dollar katana and a fedora collection.

Why do people itt keep calling me a creep. This is the first time anyone has complained about my behavior.
I shouldn't have asked here, I'm just gonna go to her house and ask her to get me unbanned.

>I'm just gonna go to her house
Oh wow, it was bait after all.

Or the chick is fucking dead. #rip

>I'm just gonna go to her house and ask her to get me unbanned.
Yeah bro, you got this. Go to the house of the girl who's been complaining about you harassing her and harass her some more. This is a great plan, it won't result in police being called at all. You got this, go tell her whatfor. Rape her while you're at it

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>I don't like the advice I've been given
>I'm gonna go to her house and rape her


pic related: the girl when you show up at her house

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Stop being a stalker. He can refuse service to anyone for any reason.

That is fucking disgusting. I would never touch someone who didn't want to be touched. You have serious problems user.

>I hug all my friends user. It would be weird not to hug her. I need a lot of physical intimacy.

Not the same thing as rape you disgusting fucking weirdo

It's not giving a shit about the other person's personal boundaries. Even murderers tend to start with small animals before going for people.

Not going to go to her house then, as these disgusting anons seem to think that the police would think I was going to rape her. I will just continue my original plan of going to the police.

>saving them the work
Good call. Public services tend to be understaffed and underbudgeted.

underrated desu

you're fucked in the head dude

I think you're leaving out details.

You think he is leaving out details because you sympathize with him. Everyone is calling him a creep though, so their must be something that you missed.
There is.
It is the fact that you are a creep as well.

The user probably meant that OP left details in attempt to look less of a creep. ._.

The OP is clearly a creep with the details provided.

Honestly yeah, he does. People deserve an explanation instead of just being ghosted but then again can't expect women to do anything, let ahold have any personal accountability for themselves.

Also you sound way too angry about something that doesn't concern you in the least. Dumb cunt.

have sex

come up with a better insult

>People deserve
No, they don't. Entitled fuck.

Yes, they do. The only people who don't are cancers on everybody else who bring nothing but misery but can't handle their own bullshit. They're the kind of people who want to be able to use others and get away with it.
These types of people typically are women. It doesn't surprise me in the least to watch you absolutely lose your shit like a gorilla during mating season.
TLDR; the only entitled fucks are the women who think like you do lmao kill yourself cunt

At least you're too stupid to see just how dumb you sound.

t. OP

>The only people who don't are cancers on everybody else who bring nothing but misery but can't handle their own bullshit.
> can't handle your own bullshit.
Isn't that why you made this thread?

seething cunts

wow. truth hurts, eh buddy?