I've witnessed sexual harassment

I saw a person slapping the buttocks of an unconsenting woman.

There were about five people: the victim, the perpetrator, a relative of the perpetrator, me, and another person.

I did non say anything. My first reaction was being speechless and giggling (You know that laughing is a well known psychological mechanism of defense).

What should I have done? I'll share more details if you ask

Attached: what-is-harassment-300x300.png (300x300, 28K)

Was the victim very upset at being slapped on the ass by her assailant?

Can you report it (aka. did it happen at work?)
Can you tell the perpetrator to get his/her shit together?

>What should I have done?
Shit, hard to tell. If you're a dude, I'd just confront the perpetrator. If you're a women it's more risky ... no clue, user.

The victim made some sarcastic remarks to the perpertrator. The relative of the perpetrator turned towards me and made some gestures meaning (hard to write it down) "Excuse me, it's not my fault".

This happened in a shop, I was there as a customer. The perpetrator was a customer, the victim was the owner. I don't actually know the perpetrator, today it was the first time I saw that person.

>Shit, hard to tell. If you're a dude, I'd just confront the perpetrator. If you're a women it's more risky

Now. to add on details:

The perpetrator was an old woman. The victim was a 40ish woman. I am a late 20s guy.

Consider that Victim's husband was just outside the shop door. Also: I can't hit an elder woman, can I?

>I can't hit an elder woman, can I?
You shouldn't, no. Telling her that the other person might not be comfortable with it could do the trick. The granny likely doesn't realize that her actions are fucked.

Immediately after the act, the victim already told the granny (through sarcastic remarks) that "THIS IS NOT SOMETHING YOU SHOULD DO". I was waiting in line to buy cigarettes, I was not ready to act.

The dialogue between granny and victim was more or less

V:"EHM, what did you do?"

G:"Eh, I touched it"

V:"...That's... not a nice thing"

G:"Why d'you say it's not nice thing? It is nice indeed, I touched it."

>I was waiting in line to buy cigarettes, I was not ready to act.
Yeah, it's understandable. You don't get to witness a granny checking out asses every day.
And the victim is in extra shitty position too, since she wouldn't want to piss of a potential customer.
All around a crappy situation to be in for sure.

You know what really got me thinking ? I somewhat "know" the victim - in the sense that I often go buy cigarettes in that shop. And that when I go she always jokes "Good morning, Sir. The usual? Here is it, Sir." - This time she didn't.

It's hard to explain through just text.

>some chick slaps another chicks's ass
>"perpetrator", "victim", "sexual harassment", "unconsenting"
Calm your ass, for fuck's sake. Literally nothing happend. Take this dumb shit to reddit.

> Literally nothing happend

That's your opinion.

It's not really "some chick slaps another chicks's ass", it's like "a 70 years old woman slaps a 45 years old woman" - Not exactly "chicks"

By the way, I used the words "victim" and "perpetrator" because I imagined that many people would just assume the "victim" was a female and the "perpetrator" was a male". But using neutral nouns allowed me to tell the episode without mentioning "he/she/his/her" etc

"Literally nothing happened"

Dude, all the people involved in this (slapper, slapped and audience) were stunned. If "nothing happened" we wouldn't have been stunned, don't you think?

Well, it obviously was an awkward situation for her. Takes a while to "recover" from that shit.

I just can't take you seriously.

You can do whatever you feel, man. To me, this situation left me with a --- I don't know how to express it english. It just stays in the back of my brain, is that how you express this concept?

I'm not saying she's scarred for life, I'm not saying I'm scarred for life, I'm saying I've witnessed an act that I wasn't ready to see. I'm here just to share impressions and opinions

Have a nice (here it's late night, almost dawn - I don't know what it's in your zone - morning? afternoon? evening? night?)

I'm a dude and I've had my ass smacked by chicks in bars/parties. It's not a big deal desu.

I did also get technically sexually harassed at a job I had. One of my coworkers sent me a nude pic of her tits while we were having a few beers as a dare to make me uncomfortable, which it kinda did, but I wasn't like offended or anything and I was still friends with her until I moved back home like 8 months later. Her friend (who was also drinking with us that night) fucking told on her after everyone told her not to and my friend got in sort of deep shit with our boss for a minute. Needless to say the girl who told was no longer our friend. Just something to think about, don't make a big deal unless the person who is harassed thinks it is a big deal.

That's.... exactly my point. Slapping someone's ass is not harassment in itself. It is only if the slapped ass' owner does not want to get slapped from that person in that situation.

BTW, the person that was slapped is a MILF in every sense. But, come on, I'm not that rude that I'd slap her ass. 1)with her unconsenting 2)with her husband near etc etc

She would take action if she wanted. There’s no actual damage done. You can be a witness but don’t be a vigilante.

Vigilante is really the last thing I'd be! But it does not really make sense to say "She would take action if she wanted" when this thing happened less than 12 hours ago

Quit worrying about it. If milf lady wants to do something about it, she will.

Nigga. Fuck. Off. Take it to >>>/tumblr/, you were just an observer, a customer. You don't know the relation between them. People got voices, they can speak. If the one that got their ass slapped didn't say anything like "you shouldn't have done that" or gave a non-verbal communication of dissatisfaction then it's none of your concern.

Don't worry about my zone. Focus on yours. What you experienced was something inconsequential to your own very existence, something so insignificant that it won't affect your subsequent days or future. The fact that you're mulling over it just means you've got a good tender heart inside of you. People get over shit. People simply deal. People just move on. It's an incident that'll likely be forgotten. Stop letting it weigh on you.

>The perpetrator was an old woman
You now know grabby granny

Attached: images (5).jpg (259x194, 7K)

I cast back from whence you came, grabby granny.

Attached: RD-04120_t800.jpg (800x572, 49K)

Holly shit. The state of this board and of the fucking whest (i will assume you are from a western country). Absolute cancer. Fucking hell nigga. Grow a fucking pair. It is not a big deal. It is not your fucking bussines. If the woman doesnt like it she can fucking repport it. Fuck. This triggered me more then it should have done. If bait good job. If not kill yourself.

>Fuck. This triggered me more then it should have done. If bait good job. If not kill yourself.
Why not take your own advice?

Op is a raging faggot

It is a figure of speach faggot. This is just my frustration over the fact that the whest is full of weak minded men such as yourself.

So again, why not take your own advice? You're frustrated over some text from a guy who experienced something he didn't know how to process fully. Can't get much more weak minded than that.

You’re region is a shithole because of pussies like you.

in that social situation I think it's ok, it was among friends so the closeness of it all makes it begrudgly acceptable. Sexual harrassment is more of a complete stranger doing that shit. I think you shouldnt worry too much, let the victim decide on this case because often times speaking for a victim when it's not asked for is disastrous.

time is a factor

OP. It's kinda weird that you think this is a deal. It may have been a surprise and that was probably the intent. Older people are from a different society than we are. Pretty sure the victim got over it already. When I was a teen, my old dude boss kissed me on my dude mouth. I sure didn't enjoy it but he's old and big Christian and has a bunch of sons and a daughter my age and that shit factors in. It isn't all about the rules of your upbringing. You are sorta discriminatory for giving a shit.


I dont think you need to go that far saying she discriminatory, I mean she is asking before she even does anything. You are right though when there are so many factors involved.

OP, these kind of social questions are ok to ask, especially when we live in an age where people over react to sexual conduct that often times is ignored because of being friends. Women do this too like grab the ass and shit. Problem is some people dont get the boundaries arent the same with other people. So older people keep doing the same thing over and over again till they get some one who has strict boundaries.

First you should stop demonizing male sexuality

? One of us aren't paying attention.

I didnt see in OP statement about their gender I assumed OP was a female. None the less OP doesnt need to worry about it.

>the amount of incel faggots itt
women like being slapped like that. Older ones especially so.

I woulda wand easier on a female with the same issue because it would kinda be a different issue.

>old woman slaps a woman's ass jokingly
>op starts chimping about "victims" "perpetrators" and other nonsensical shit

take this autistic garbage to reddit