Official Legion of St. Ambrose Thread

Continued from:

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Video of our first event, footage of both protests. More to come.

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After action report for our weekend of activism:

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Oh you even have a hand signal... the three finger willy.

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God bless bros. watch out for glow moles and instigators

>What is Black Cube, the Cambridge Analytica-linked intelligence firm?
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>How Steve Bannon used Cambridge Analytica to further his alt-right vision for America

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>We are securing clerical support
hhahaha oh man you fucking faggots are going to learn the hard way.
Christkikes are such fucking retards

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> Patriarch Bartholomew, the spiritual leader of Orthodox Christians, is urging Europe to stop trying to divide what he calls economic migrants from asylum seekers.
> Bartholomew is scheduled to visit the Greek island of Lesbos on Saturday along with Pope Francis, and Athens Archbishop Ieronymos, the head of the Church of Greece, to raise awareness about the troubled state of refugees and migrants in Europe.
> The symbolic visit is intended to reiterate the Christian moral duty to show hospitality to strangers, Bartholomew said in an interview published Friday. He added that countries in Europe should find inspiration in the generosity shown by Lesbos residents.
> Illegal immigrants make 10 % of the population of Greece
daily reminder that the orthodox patriarchs are exactly the same shit , and they have repeatly condemned right wing movements like Golden Dawn
But why would it be otherwise?
Christianity rejects all wordly concerns altogether



we should include "inclusive orthodoxy" into this list

Racism is forbidden in Orthodoxy.

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this is some serious fucking cringe. For some reason a couple of years ago it became cool in white nationalist circles in the USA to convert to Orthodoxy. In particular was this group called TWP whose leaders converted.

The Orthodox Church made it very clear that this was not welcome in their Church and told all these people to either stop being nazis or stop being orthodox. Can't fucking wait till you idiots hear from the orthodox telling you shut the fuck up.

no its not. these young men will fight one way while others in the church fight a different way.

natsoc types and other purity spiraling nonsense is pushed either by literal retards or by bad actors working for an agenda. look at mason, anglin, duke, and spencer. all godless twats and all glow like halogen lamps

What books are you burning here?

Lol ok schizo. I was there.

Marxist, feminist, homo, Zionist, degenerate tomes.

What the literal fuck is this LARPing faggotry?

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The churches may be cucked but the faith never has been. There are Biblical and traditional justifications for nationalism and being against Jewry.


Are you gonna release a video on that?

We aren't pretending to do anything. We went out and took the risks in protests. We fed the homeless. We burned degenerate and poisonous books. We do the thing, no one is playing at anything.

Very soon actually.

No it isn't, schizo.

>No it isn't, schizo.

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Are you guys secular or do you guys want something like a theocracy? Are you guys real Christians or just 'cultural' Christians? And what philosophers do you guys read?

No they wont because they will be condemned just like all the other movements. Christkikes are cancer and so are you.
Biblical and tradtional they have always been cucked. Just like in the last thread you were BTFO and couldnt respond. Your movement will amount to jack shit just like the TWP did. I also want to reiterate that your jew garbage will be the end of you like it has always done in the past.

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>We went out and took the risks in protests. We fed the homeless. We burned degenerate and poisonous books
for what effect? one of the reasons why other Jow Forumsacks laugh at groups like yours is because everything you do seems so self-serving.

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Not even that he thinks hes doing a revolutionary act like a typical christkike retard. People have been doing everything hes been doing for the past 20 years and they've all been cuckservative retards. Wow you are a christian and a conservative that protests planned parenthood and had a book burning that every baptist church has done at some point? its fucking retarded useless garbage. The only time this stuff actually worked was at cville because we showed leftest that we outnumbered them and not cuckservative faggot even showed up. It was all natsoc/third position people.

Seein' a lot of dix and not a lot of chix

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This is gay af.

So youre anti abortion activists? Fucking boomers.

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>what is a fraternity

I've never seen a club like OPs that wasn't a pointless LARP, it's a huge shame tbqh.

I want bandanna

lol when will feds, spooks, and political activists learn making up dumb shit like this isn't working? Next week we'll have a new group of literal who's they want to try and pretend represent anything real.

Its just more christkike garbage republicanism all over again. It never does anything and its extremely cringe. Seriously the book burnings are nothing new many KEKED churches still do it.

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Are you lads redpilled on CI ?

Honestly I have doubts they're real christians to begin with.

As Orthodox guy, I very much like this. Keep on rolling brahs. Also top tier optics, loving it.

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How is burning books and dressing in all black good optics? Makes them look like braindead zealots.

Why are you orthodox Christians acting so cringey lately? A protest with flags and masks against sex Ed. Instead of having fun and getting laid is retarded

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lol you arent orthodox you are larping. Go ask your faggot church priests what they think of your larping.

>We went out and took the risks
Yes, you played in the woods all by yourselves
You're very brave little boys
You're all getting mommy's milkies tonight

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Yes. Because good optics are, contrary to popular belief, uncucked and apply mostly to the hearts of radicals. Who cares about mild bourgeoisie normans, those will come later by different methods. In beginnings of every movement you need provocative and militant image to attract healthy core of radical people. Not to mention shock value. Also consider if lads are going just for a smaller fraternity/brotherhood/männerbund type of movement, they need to purely attract those people and no one else.

t. voluntary subhuman.

Stop projecting so much, little homo.

I haven't lurked Jow Forums in a few days. Who are you faggots?

So you're basically westboro baptist church while stealing Antifa's look? Sounds gay.

>Stop projecting so much, little homo.
you are one to talk faggot. its pretty damn obvious you dont believe or go to orthodox church just larp or you'd shut the fuck up like you should be little kike worshiper.
literally no one.

Get different uniforms, the black makes you look like antifa or columbine.

>reiterate that your jew garbage will be the end of you like it has always done in the past
you mean like when the romans tried to destroy Catholicism? or when the vikings tried? or when islam tried? or when napoleon and the french revolution tried? or when the commies tried? or how right now the jews are giving it their all to destroy it?
Christianity will always triumph, truth always wins
but please go back to praying to the intellectual property or marvel and disney llc you larping faggot

You should really stop slobbing so much on that Varg's knob, you ugly mestizo. Let me guess, you are a skinny retard with fake leather jacket and oily long hair, live in suburbs and dream about running in the forests with some overweight whore in tie-dyed clothing while listening to Burzum.

It seems really likely you freaks out that fire.



This. The average normalfag will automatically think "ISIS" or "Antifa" when they see the black uniforms and face masks. Also, Westboro Baptist Church has been doing this type of shit for literally decades and is far more famous/notorious. This group seems redundant when they could just go and join Westboro.


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>The Legion does not endorse violence or illegal activity.
why the masks then?

Stop being Nazi fucks and do something useful with your lives instead.

continue with your activities
any triumph no matter how small against the jews and the commies is one step closer to victory

all these faggots complaining and telling you to do something useful with your time are the same fags that complain about white genocide and dont actually do anything irl lmao
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

The group is confirmed to be a TWP off-shoot now, and some of them are talking

It's useless because they aren't the real enemy, and you are just harassing innocents.

>cant tie laces

White genocide is not real. Temporary refugee migration is.
If you really want to man up, join the military and fix the countries the refugees come from.


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>zionism is white supremacy
What is this campaign of yours?

>I was part of a mossad psyop

posting this webby with no fucking sound. kysf.

Can Protestant/British-Israelites join or is this a Catholic/Orthodox organization only?

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Don't listen to all of these kike fed faggots, they are just mad because they live in a world of faggotry and have no friends outside of their little mgtow gaming circles. They will never organize because they are too scared to sacrifice or do anything with their shitty incel lives.

Arma La Tua Anima, Brother.

>Hurr you need gud optics guise!!!!!
>Be Jared Taylor
>Have the most impeccable optics out of absolutely everyone
>Get banned from the entire continent of Europe for three years and your books burned by the biggest book sellers

You are mossad, you little bitchboy. Youre just a pathetic little incel with no life. We actually organize and educate one another unlike your pathetic existence.

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are you describing styx? LOL fuck off christkike.
>Christianity will always triumph, truth always wins
yeah thats what christkikery is dying. Dont worry after the destruction white people will thrive again without your jewish shit. The only place it will thrive is in third world shitholes like africa and china. Funny the truth will set you free race is real and worshiping a jew is not the truth.

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I didn't read anything about killing niggers on their blog, just standing up against the normalization of faggot anal sex and baby murder, things which you clearly enjoy but things that the Church unequivocally condemns

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this, they are just incel mgtow pussies who cry to mommy when they don't get the new vidya they have been drooling over with their online incel sex doll fucking buddies.

you do know that republican shitheads have been doing this forever rright? I made it quite clear that you faggots just larp and never get jack shit done. AND your church will tell you to shut th efuck up. Orthodox is prots or catholics fuckhead


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>We went out and took the risks in protests.
t. useful idiots

Wrong, I think altright does more then any twp faggot like these idiots. Even the guys identity europa is 100% better then these faggots. Again christkikes are cancer in any movement ANY MOVEMENT thats proven by every single on that is led by them ends quickly or in some kind of stupid scandal.

Yeah dude, the alt-right led by that homo agnostic definitely didn't go down in flames after Charlottesville

>the alt-right led by that homo agnostic definitely didn't go down in flames after Charlottesville
He's not agnostic he's an occultist. His grandfather was a Jewish occultist famous in fact

Black sun = Dugin
Alt Right = Dugin
This thread = Dugin

= Terrorism


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No of course not faggot all the guys whom were at charlottesville are making tons of content and spreading a message where these christkike faggots spread nothing but civnat garbage or other race mixing garbage.

Amazing how quickly kikes show up to shit on people that try to do things in real life.

CIA niggers will infiltrate this so fast it will make your head spin


>CIA niggers will infiltrate this so fast it will make your head spin
Kremlin and CIA create this shit newfag

Instead of burning books and feeding the homeless why dont you burn the homeless and feed the books...... Vlad the impaler is one churchy to look upto and beat up whore and cut their tits off for sleeping with the enemy

>Russia vs globohomo
Tough choice lol lemme think about this one

>Kremlin and CIA
pick one


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you know the internet exists right? all those books are online. Also did you buy the fucking books?
you guys are psy-ops are just dumb larping faggots. What to really rebel? Go find a wife and have 10 white children.

Looks like you're begging to be subverted by satanist violence fetishists.

Based and plasmapilled.

Representing trinity I suppose.