Okay, so Jow Forums is filled with people who either GIVE advice, or people who TAKE advice. This post is actually for the people who usually GIVE advice. Stop treating girls like shit!

"But user, I always treat my girl right, and I don't hit them or call them whores or whatever."

That's not what I'm talking about. I think the number 1 thing I see men doing, ESPECIALLY men who've "gotten their life together", is that they all tend to neglect women. They don't give them any attention. They leave them out of the conversation. They make it difficult for the girl to fit in.

I noticed that a lot of people have this weird subconscious desire not to interact with girls because of a variety of weird hang-ups.

Either they're afraid of coming off as flirty, or they don't want to make it seem like they're "hitting" on their friend's gf, or they want to make the girl seem out of place or unwelcome, or they simply want to show other men how little they need female attention, so in order to do that, they'll all leave them alone or give them short, one-word answers when talking to them at a party (AKA "negging"). Just as a head's up, this doesn't make you look cool, and this doesn't make other guys respect you. In fact, if I saw you doing that, I'd be like "Dude, why aren't you talking to her? That's fucked."

Just be polite, joke around a little, you can even ask them to dance platonically. It doesn't mean you're flirting with them, it just means you want to be nice and make sure they're not just sitting around sipping their beer awkwardly during a house party. You'd talk to the new guy and make him feel welcome, right? Same thing for girls.

I've seen everyone doing this, from betas, to alphas, to incels, to man whores. They all seem to purposely ignore girls, thinking it gives them some sort of cred for "destroying thots" or whatever.

Just talk to her, man. Make her feel welcome, you're being an asshole.

This has been a public service announcement.

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You'd have a better chance to convince people at a gun show of gun control legislation, but hey, props for trying. More sane voices wouldn't hurt the board.

But that would make them think I want them around

Thanks for nothing faggot


I'm assuming you're one of those people who've turned their life around and are now fit to give advice? Think of it like this. When you were a loser, and you hung around losers, do you remember falling in love with every girl who was nice to you?

Do you remember the day you finally realized "Hey, wait a minute, she's not smiling at me because she's flirting! She's smiling at me to be nice!"? Well think of that, but the opposite. Unless the girl is retarded or autistic, she won't think you're hitting on her, user. She'll just know you're trying to be friendly.

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But...I'm Chad Moderate as fuck...

I have turned my life around but I usually just come to see the meme and bait threads like these. I've never considered myself a loser at least not socially. I've always had a good group of friends often involving women but now it's a hassle. Often times they're controlling or its "you can't that." They have a constant needs to state their stupid opinions and don't have the same interests as me or the group and are just there for attention. That other week I was sitting on the bench with a friend and a girl I only know by name comes out of nowhere and starts talking about gun control. I try really hard to judge people individually but it's becoming increasingly difficult when I see a behavior I don't like coming from a specific group. I hate when when guys bring their girlfriends to a dude group it completely kills to mood and everyone has to tip toe around her. It's a chore more than anything.
>inb4 you just hate wahmen

Well that's what I'm saying though. I too am against gun control, and most women tend to be for gun control, but I don't let that stop me from having a healthy debate with them.

I'm from Jow Forums. My tastes are definitely Jow Forums. I have Jow Forums sensibilities. I am a man of the chan. HOWEVER, one time I went to a house party with a bunch of coworkers, and one of my coworkers was a major reddit/discord fag who thought he was hot shit because everyone else was a "normie". Another coworker was a major tumblrina who just wanted to talk about Trump, and the wall, and refugees, and gun control. Both were my coworkers, and both were my friends.

Instead of sticking my nose up at them, I just volunteered to moderate when they got into an argument, and I made sure to plainly state that I was only here for fun; "Fuck, I love these heated debates, they're seriously entertaining".

Turn it around. Don't take it so seriously. Embrace the clown meme and just treat everything and everyone like they're entertaining for you.

When your friend brings his girlfriend around, it's okay to talk to her. It's okay to hug her hello and goodbye (as you should be doing anyway). She doesn't know, so just talk to her and laugh and teach her if something confuses her, like guns or politics. But don't use a condescending tone of voice, or a nerdy "he he, ACKSHUALLY" tone of voice. Just be like "Oh, semi-automatics? Well semi-automatic means that it fires one bullet every time you press the trigger. A lot of wooden guns people aren't afraid of function exactly like that too, which is why in the firearms community, banning semi-automatics seems very silly".

You know, keep it light and polite. Like you're a museum curator explaining something to a curious tourist. Don't tiptoe around her. She's a fucking young adult, not a fucking baby. You can even bants her if you want, your boyfriend's not gonna give a shit, unless you take your banter too far.

Thanks OP. When men treat me like a fellow human it absolutely makes my day.
I really love men in general - platonically and as partners, and it really does bum me out that society looks down on male/female friendships.

>Just talk to her, man. Make her feel welcome, you're being an asshole.
I do. Now all I am to any girl I meet is no more than a friend.

All these things I genuinely used to do but women don't argue from logic like we do they argue from emotion and you can have Ben Shapiro, Sargon of Akkad, and Jordan Peterson but it doesn't matter because if they feel like they are right than they are. Then they'll strawman and focus on the 1% of school shootings and justify the entire argument from there. And maybe for normies or I guess the ultracels, MGTOW, and normie people your op is good advice but for a lot of people in my position it's extra I embrace clownworld but Ive lost a lot of tolerance for stupidity from everyone

Yeah, well, 99 percent of girls I meet, I'd rather not date but befriend.

>Meme Shapiro
>Sargon of Memekkad
>Jormeme Memerson

Jesus, dude. You're beginning to sound a lot like my reddit/discord friend who looks down on other people for being normies, despite being a major normie himself.

You drank the kool-aid, man. Politics ain't shit. I used to be super into trolling libtards epic style, but I grew out of that after I turned 21. I still do it from time to time, but nowadays I'm too busy with work and school and gym and socializing than I am to care about something as silly as left versus right.

Besides, everyone knows only Chads choose moderate/libertarianism.

>Make her feel welcome

and what do i do if i don't know how to interact with anyone?

Yeah, I'll be honest, I had pretty big hang-ups about women when I was 18 too. But then I grew up and realized I was projecting my anger onto women, even if they weren't the ones who used to bully me in highschool.

After I put it into perspective like that, treating girls like just regular people became pretty simple.

Yeah I do this. My father told me the thing girls want most is attention, so I refuse to give it to them.

>You'd talk to the new guy and make him feel welcome, right?
Absolutely, because I have this shared experience and it makes me feel things for him.

I just chose well known speakers I don't particularly care them. Although I do think Sargoys campaign is a good meme. But I don't talk about politics irl it's quite pointless
>makes me feel things for him

That's cool and all, but women really are making it hard for me to see them as something more than a pretty face.

Well, if you have a good relationship with your mom or your sister, you can think of it like "treat them like how I treat them".

If you don't have a good relationship with your mom, or if you don't have a sister, unironically just treat them like "one of the guys". It's the next best step, even though it's not as effective as treating her like you treat your sister.

Just, you know, if you see her sitting awkwardly sipping on a beer, include her in the conversation. If you guys are all in a circle talking about a movie or food or something, turn to her and be like "well what do you think, femanon?"

OH, actually, I have a better idea. Imagine a time when YOU felt excluded, and someone took the time and energy to make you feel included. Now do the exact same shit that they did to make you feel welcome, but do it to her.

I do this but it's not because I hate them or to look cool. I only say a little because I'm not worth shit to pay attention to, especially in relationships
>inb4 edgy

They dont deserve it

>Le one of the guys meme
They don't want equality

If we're being honest, when I was 18 I was an edgy feminist bitch who had a lot of hangups about (read: anger towards) men, and was definitely projecting that as well.
The best part about getting older is becoming less of a shit head lol.

Do you prep Tyrone before or after you play your Nintendo Switch?

>calling OP a cuck
>in reality OP is a based Bloomer

I'll be honest, sometimes I notice that girls use this misconception to their advantage. I use to be nice and accommodating to girls, but sometimes they are very needy and/or have power trips and inferiority complexes... Some of the silent ones are even massive assholes and snobby as hell - then they have the audacity to blame the accuser of being sexist or mean when he's just sticking up for himself. My sisters taught me how crazy (men as well) women can be, and the double standards they have and manipulations, sometimes with them I wasn't sure if they were social geniuses or just oblivious to how crazy their reasoning was and making problems worse.

Don't get me wrong, I get what you're saying, and this has just been my experience... I am a nice and cool guy to get along with, and if a girl wants to befriend me I'm all for it, but when some of them start being conniving and doing mental gymnastics to rationalize how they treat others... it makes me feel like a piece of shit for falling for it, and them playing innocent and hurt - my sisters were vindictive and any percieved slight from someone was met with slow passive aggressive subversive revenge. I lost a job because of one of them, after helping her get rid of an abusive boyfriend, then it festered in her mind that I ruined her relationship with him... she popped my tire in the night, and I couldn't get to work.

Even when my sisters were okay, they became gigantic condescending, patronizing snobs. One of their boyfriends hit them, which i don't condone, but it was hard for me not to think how she instigated things and could rip his soul out that she didn't deserve it.

Those are extreme cases, but some girls are just insecure and not cool at all about things - most of the cool girls I meet, I find out a lot of the things they are interested in or do came from ex boyfriends and not out of her own interest...

I'm just skeptical. The genuine ones are taken and they were the ones I ignored.

>they all tend to neglect women
As they should, the only thing that should be loved is beauty, the only things that are truly beautiful are wisdom and truth, women can't achieve this, thus if you wish to reach enlightenment you must not interact with women.
>you can even ask them to dance platonically
literally impossible
t. Plato

Attached: plato.jpg (201x251, 11K)

Why yes, I DO prep myself before playing Nintendo Switch with your gf. How did you know?

Attached: 1556617292859.jpg (884x1200, 156K)

Good point but for some reason I can't break that barrier. Even when they admitted to having feelings for me. It's bulshit and I dont understand.

Yeah, I'm OP, and despite everything I said, there are definitely girls who are super fucked up that way. I think when men are assholes, they use their strength to try and intimidate others, whereas women are not born with strength, so instead they learn to use emotions and social structures to undermine others.

It's kind of funny, because men grow up not knowing how to defend themselves against social attacks and mind games, and girls grow up not knowing how to defend themselves against physical abuse and violent aggression. This is why you often see fucked up men getting into shitty relationships with fucked up women. In some ways, the two were just meant for each other. A match made in hell, if you will.

This is why I say 99% of all women are definitely worth befriending, but definitely not worth dating. A female friend can be a very powerful ally, by the way. I just want you to know that. Even more useful than having a Jow Forums male friend around.

I'm just kind of jealous of how socially aware they are personally. I hate it when a good girl friend talks to me like I'm an oblivious idiot for not seeing certain things going on, like my gullibility and unaware of how someone is actually feeling. Although, I think she is a genius as well, but wish she could give me the 101 on the fundamentals of understanding these things. Maybe I can learn to avoid other people like my sisters, using reason instead of just being distant and afraid. Got a lot of trust issues.

They're on the fence because you're not exactly exceptional. You're average. You're standard. They COULD settle for you, but you're just...the basic model. As far as efficiency goes, it's not worth their time and energy dating someone who's just average. You need to be worth it.

You need to have something, ANYTHING, that makes you stand out. You need to increase your dating value. From now on, your goal is to pour a shit ton of time and energy into a singular pursuit that girls will enjoy.

Get Jow Forums and have a good body. That'll be enough to tip you into the "average" sector, into the "worthy" sector. Learn to play the guitar and serenade her. That's enough to tip you from average to exceptional. Learn to dance, which will tip you from average, to exceptional. Make a ton of money, which will tip you from average, to exceptional. Get a large, highly impressive social circle, which will tip you from average, to exceptional. Get funny, which will tip you from average, to exceptional. Do all of the above without getting up your own ass about it, and women will practically kill each other to have you.

But I think you get my point. Maxing out a certain skill or stat will be enough to tip the odds in your favor.

Social retards and Gold Star Homosexuals avoid interactions with women. Guess which one we have more of.

>But I think you get my point. Maxing out a certain skill or stat will be enough to tip the odds in your favor.
It's funny because I actually have an incredibly good physic and is literally the only reason I've managed to have sex, I do play the guitar but am pretty shit can only play like 2 songs, earn reasonable money $800-1k a week and did used to have a rather large social circle but I've sort of drives away from most as work consumes most of my life.
Older women express how good looking I am yet I can get nowhere with people my own age, only friends.

Some of them aren't socially retarded, they just realize a lot of the drama stirred is stupid and a waste of time. A lot of "social skills" is more about petty bullshit and niceties, and some of the rules made are in favor of smoothing the ego of those who are "with it".

>They all seem to purposely ignore girls, thinking it gives them some sort of cred for "destroying thots" or whatever.
Bullshit, I do it because I consider myself romantically/sexually unlikable so I don't even bother trying. When I do try talking to them, they appear uninterested and never initiate a conversation themselves.

You literally can't learn that shit from a book. Girls are fucking great at it because they had to learn that shit from a very young age. The only way you can get better at perceiving people and emotions is immersing yourself in it. Another VERY important trait to learning empathy is self-awareness. A lot of social awareness and emotional awareness is just using your past experiences and feelings, and projecting them onto another person to sort of understand how they feel.

For example, say you lost something and you got angry because you thought someone stole it, but then it just turned out it was in the bottom of your bag or something. Has that ever happened to you? Do you remember the angry? The fury? The indignation that no one would believe it got stolen, or how no one was taking you seriously? Now next time someone ELSE gets angry because they think you stole something, you can sort of understand where they're coming from, and you can use that understanding to help relieve the situation.

>A female friend can be a very powerful ally, by the way. I just want you to know that. Even more useful than having a Jow Forums male friend around.
All I get from female friends is advice NOT the approach any girl I like. It's always some "I think she's into someone else", "she's busy with exams", etc. bullshit excuse to why I shouldn't approach whatever girl I'm into. Then they'll give me some bullshit about how I'm a great guy and I'll just magically stumble upon a great girl who'll love me. Nonsense.

At least the bros always tell you to approach and give it a shot, no matter what. Female wingmen are useless.

I understand, a lot of it is experience. Maybe I just lack it, and at my age it's scary to realize I need to throw myself into it to learn... Makes me feel like if I screw up I have to skip town and find new people who don't already have a perception of me in a hurtful and negative way. I already feel that need, and am working on leaving to start a new life, but I do realize I have to be more aware of the lessons I've learned.

Lmao it's because they know. They know.

Know what? If I follow their advice, I'm dying alone 100%.

>I've seen everyone doing this, from betas, to alphas, to incels, to man whores. They all seem to purposely ignore girls, thinking it gives them some sort of cred for "destroying thots" or whatever.

what makes you so sure the only explanation to this is their or your gender? Thats a pretty big assumption, loaded with your own personal biases.

this is not Jow Forums

>Some of them aren't socially retarded,
>continues to describe social retardism
If socializing is "bullshit" and "not worth it" then you are a social retard, no way around that.

Think of it like this. If a girl is worth dating, then a girl is worth woo'ing. If your physique is not enough for her to notice you, max out one more skill that you think she'll like.

Say there's a very pretty girl who likes music that you really, really want to date, but being Jow Forums isn't enough to get her to notice you. If she really truly is worth it, then go one step further and learn how to sing (because she likes music). If that still doesn't work, learn how to sing AND improve on your guitar. All the while, make sure to keep up a friendly rapport with her and keep a close eye on her. If she starts talking about some other dude that she met, really start to pump it up. Now you're practically FIGHTING for her attention with the other guy. It's a challenge. He's competition. You don't win the fight by overwhelming her. You win the fight by getting more positive attention out of her than the other guy is. Of course, it's quite rare to meet a girl so beautiful/smart/funny that men would put this much attention into romancing her, but if she truly is worth it, then that's just what you gotta do.

I would suggest putting funny, kindness, Jow Forumsness, and dancing as top priorities, though I think you have Jow Forumsness down. 52k a year isn't really wow worthy, but it's pretty good for someone in their mid 20's.

>if you don't do what I do you're a retard

Jow Forums is unironically a safe training simulation for social interaction. And unironically, all memes aside, reddit and tumblr are also excellent social training simulators, because in reddit and tumblr, "fitting in" and "socializing by the rules" means way more than anonymity means on Jow Forums.

Also, this is going to sound weird, but watch nature documentaries about social animals like dogs, dolphins, and chimps. Humans are animals too, and you see a lot of social concepts in animals like those that you also see in humans.

Those options are all risk free, but if you REALLY want experience, you just have to do it yourself. This is why family is important. In a way, family is also quite risk free, because they are very likely to be honest with you, and they are very likely to forgive you if you fuck up. As a child, this is why it's so important to bond with your family.

A little bit of both. Unwritten social rules are there, usually for a good reason. Explaining the consequences for not following them can be very difficult, because life isn't always black and white, and the consequences can be very drawn out, subtle, and effective in the long-term. The only real way to understand what happens when you fail these social laws is to see it being broken in person, either from someone else, or yourself, and learning from that mistake. For example, dating a coworker when you're her supervisor. You might think "nah, I do what I want", but weeks later, you realize there's a lot of subtleties that are hard to explain in the work place, and working around your partner can be a major minefield, especially if the two of you got into an argument last night or something.

But at the same time, breaking the rules and telling society to go fuck itself can ironically make you even MORE endearing to other people, simply because they admire your boldness and confidence.

The real world is complicated and not black and white. You just have to be smart, aware, and be very tactical with your social approach to maximize your standing. Me? I don't give a fuuuuuuuuuuuck. I do what I want cause I'm based as shit.

Bruh they probably think you're a creep, immature, know your power level, or all 3, and don't want to subjugate other women to that.
Maybe work on yourself and think about why they not want you to date other women.

You're a walking red flag, user. You need to chill the fuck out and get over yourself. Humans are smart, they can smell personal issues on you from a mile away. If you're mentally healthy, confident, and put some effort into looking good, you will find your situation improving drastically.

Improving your mind can be very abstract and sometimes even impossible. Start with the body first, because that's something that's tangible, and it can be improved immediately. For example, lifting 3 times a week, 1 hour each, you WILL notice improvements, and it's physically impossible NOT to improve. It's low-risk/high-yield as fuck. As long as you lift, your body can literally, physically NOT improve. It's not like your muscles can be like "NO! I don't WANT to rebuild! I refuse to follow nature!" Once you start improving the body, work on the more abstract, impossible concepts like self-esteem and self-awareness.

This is really solid advice that most people on this board need to hear.

Agreed, 2bh. I was always afraid of growing older, but after noticing all the benefits, it's actually not so bad. Besides, being in your 20's is still relatively young, so I think we're still good (assuming most of Jow Forums are people in their late teens and mid 20's).

I don't follow, you're gonna have to clarify

Yeah, if you guys want to know something about me and get a good idea about it. Take this with a grain of salt when I compare, but you'll get a good idea.

I'm like Elliot from Mr. Robot, and 40 Year Old Virgin combined. I'm aware of how people are acting and most of the times why, but when it comes to using these observations, my mind just freezes and I got no idea how to act or talk to people - mainly because of this blank slate issue, I can't seem to think on my feet, so even the dumbest of people can embarrass me or make me look retarded.

I actually wanted to learn to Hack phones and others social accounts, just so I can get a glimpse into their social life and see how they really are, because everyone is so damn hidden from me, I'm not getting the reality. Good to say I came close to doing it, but decided not to because I don't want to go to jail or waste my time.

Well, yeah, your dad is kinda/sorta right. Yes, women do love attention, but no, it's not always what they want. That's the female equivalent of the saying "all men care about is sex".

Yes, men care a lot about sex. In fact, I just jacked off 30 minutes ago, but there are other things men care about. Both men and women like social validation and good company. Both men and women hate alienation and being felt left out.

Making sure girls feel welcome is just the right thing to do. It's just objectively the Christian thing to do. Jesus would drive your son's friend home after soccer practice when his mom forgot to pick him up. Jesus would pick up that piece of trash and throw it in the trashcan, even when no one's around to praise you. Jesus would include that girl into the conversation who's just sitting on the couch awkwardly sipping a beer and looking around uncomfortable.

You don't need to do a fucking power play in front of all these girls at a fucking house party, user. It's a party. It's a social gathering. Just keep it loose and help create a more positive, lighter atmosphere.

No, get out. I'm done.

Your name makes me cringe so fucking hard. Every time lol

I read there are no women on the internet. Tits for proof?

I don't really know you, so I could be wrong, but if your guard is up, people can tell. Humans aren't stupid, they WILL notice, and they WILL put their guard up and block you out.

You're human too, so you're smart enough to recognize social patterns and unwritten cues, but intelligence is not a good substitute for experience.

You're like Khan in that Star Trek movie when he gets BTFO by William Shatner and Spock. He's intelligent, ruthless, and powerful, but he's inexperienced in space warfare, and he's unfamiliar with using his ship to take advantage of a 3-dimensional plane. Will and Spock use this knowledge and their superior experience to come UNDER his ship and blow him the fuck out.

That's you. You're Khan. You're inherently smart enough to understand that space is a 3-dimensional plane, but you haven't been in space long enough to know what that means for you and your ship. After you get BTFO, you immediately recognize what happened, but by then it's too late.

So how did Spock and Shatner know how to exploit that? There is no substitute. They're veterans. They made mistakes and learned from it. They flew around in their little ship for years. They watched others fly and applied what they saw for themselves. It's all about pattern recognition (which you can do), and then APPLYING what you recognized (which is now what you have to start practicing).

You know the phrase "lurk moar"? Try doing that first instead of diving head on into social situations. Hang around the party and watch out the corner of your eyes while you "text" on your phone. Go to a bar, and just drink and listen. Agree to be someone's armchair psychologist and let them vent all their feelings to you while you just nod and listen.

Be the fly on the wall, and in time, you can learn to be a butterfly.

I'm a guy, you fuck

"Size doesn't matter! She should be with a good guy, not these douchebags!"

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 11K)

Yeah, no, I'm OP, but what the fuck's up with the trip?

I'll shove my size 10 foot up your size 1 ass if you talk to me like that again.

Yeah. Tell your friends.

"If u ever, EVER, disrespect my 15 year old brother or me, I will hunt u down and kill u, and then ban u from my server and my channel!"

I rest my case.

I'll pop your nose like a deflated beachball if you so much as look in my direction, asshole.

The name's Paul. Don't forget.

Girls try to fuck me when I'm nice to them, but I don't actually want them to. I just want them to be nice back

Then be firm but polite about it. "I'm not looking for a casual relationship, or a relationship at all. I'm [recently broken up with my ex / busy with work / gay / a huge faglord / trying to date this other girl / running out of time please help me I only have 10 more minutes to live / noooooooooooo]

And in true female nature her argument is name calling and retreats after a rebuttal equality is a meme

>"Hi, what's your name, new girl?"
>Girl is now intimidated by my forwardness and will make an effort to avoid me in future occasions we're in the same room

T-thanks, Jow Forums

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>I rejected a girl in front of everybody. The stupid part is I do like like her.
I just can't accept people actually liking me as a person.
>"I'm sorry women." (Rodrick Heffley).

Attached: shinji.png (271x267, 63K)

Not that, but just be a good host, even if you're not the host.

"Hey, did you eat yet? There're some hotdogs here if you want. And that's where they keep the forks and stuff. I see you already know where the beer is, haha (*don't laugh like an asshole*). This is Fred's house by the way, so if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask him. Oh! And of course, I'm user. Nice to meet you! Sorry, what was your name again? You look super familiar."

There. Now, even if her night goes fucking terribly, at the VERY LEAST she'll have had ONE person who treated her like a human being that night (this post was mainly for people who got their shit together, but still had some small hang-ups surrounding "thots", AKA "women"). But hey, even if you don't have your life under control, it's still a very good tactic. Be kind to a girl who clearly looks alienated and awkward, and even if her night goes fucking terribly and she feels left out, she'll at least remember you were the one nice person who treated her like a human being during the party.

Good for her but what do I gain why do we need to baby women?

I think this is pretty much the case with a lot of women that start flirting with me but eventually it dies out or settles. I guess they want me to show them what I can do or know how to do before they move in closer for the dating stage. Makes sense. Well I'm not ugly but past decisions have put me in a pretty big disadvantage everywhere else. Sucks but it's the truth. Not same user you replied to.

>gay / a huge faglord
Fuck you. I just want to be treated like a god damn person. My entire fucking life chicks have acted like they had the god given right to use me as they pleased and men have tried to coerce me into acting they way they personally thought they might have wanted in response to the attention. Fuck this crap I'm going to keep shutting women out of my life.

Not just women, but do that for awkward dudes too. Just generally be a genuinely caring guy, and not a fedora "nice guy". If I saw you at a party and you were floundering, I would do the same for you too, man. Trust me. I know how it feels to feel alienated. I got your back.

I specifically mention women, because a lot of dudes who think they've "made it" still have deep-rooted insecurities revolving around girls, so they purposely avoid interacting with them, either because they're afraid of committing some social faux-pas, OR because they want to punish women and make them feel alienated and left out, OR because they want to feel like they're above the need for women's approval OR they want their guy friend's to think they're above the need for women's approval. If you know what I'm talking about, then you know. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you don't know.

>a lot of people have this weird subconscious desire not to interact with girls because of a variety of weird hang-ups.
Because we don't want to get #MeToo'd. Seems pretty rational to me.

Attached: fugetaboutit.jpg (393x280, 20K)

You might have fucked up for good, bro. I'm not even meme'ing. She won't forget that, especially since you tried to (and probably did) humiliate her in public.

Read these. I don't know you personally, but it's a start, and everyone needs to start somewhere.

Alright, I can respect that. I would suggest comedy for you, unironically. If you can make them laugh, after a few days you can lower their guard enough to be real with them, and once you can start being genuine with them, they'll not only be able to understand your side of the story, but they'll be able to understand YOU.

I wasn't fucking with you, user. I legit just chose those two options because I was trying to be a comedian. You're not the only good looking person in this thread, user. I've rejected my fair share of women too and been scorned by them and called gay and all kinds of shit. I've had dudes that just couldn't fucking get it and were all like "Haha, why didn't you sleep with her, bro? Bro, why didn't you just sleep with her? Haha. What are you? Gay? Haha."

Yes, it made me mad at the moment, but eventually you just have to realize that shitty women will be shitty no matter what, and now that you know they're shitty, you can avoid them for good. I admit, sometimes when it happens it still makes me mad. It's okay to be angry. I'm not fucking Jesus. I'm human. I have emotions. Sometimes I can't control them. But you have to let that shit go or it'll eat you from the insides.

>sane voices
If you look for them, there are plenty of sane voices here actually.
And men are not misogynistic. They're just bitter. Like women don't do the same goddamn thing.

If you're actually not a brainlet and have a high social IQ, you'll know the difference between flirtation, sexual harassment, and being nice. You'll also be able to tell when a girl is uncomfortable with the situation, with the environment, or with you.

You just gotta not be a brainlet, user.

>think their above women's approval
Why is is this necessary

I mean yeah maybe. Its annoying to think about., but I can see that being the case.

Its just that even men in relationships tend to want that pussy. They're afraid of getting close to a woman for a number of reasons like making their girl think they're cheating or, admittedly, a fear legitimate or not of getting "me too'd". Its frustrating for a vampire, even a nice vampire, to be friends with heavily veined pale people especially if there's a risk of them being called out for their vampirism.
That's the sick part of it.

>>think their above women's approval
>Why is is this necessary
It isn't, but some fools may think that they are coming off as a bitch that will do what a woman tells them. This is a fear guys experience

It's not. It's a power play.

It DOES have its uses, but only in very specific scenarios (like if a girl you don't like keeps trying to manipulate you to get your attention), but when used by dudes who are up their own assholes at, say, a party, then it just makes you come off as generally unfriendly and assholish.

People do it because they want to prove to themselves and others that they're so high value that women don't mean shit to them. This can be a useful skill, but people sometimes take it to the extreme. If your girlfriend needs attention, give her attention. You're not a cool-guy Casanova just because you're neglecting your relationship. If you actually, legitimately need to focus on work, COMMUNICATE that to her.

Hey, babe. I'm going to be really busy with work these next few days, so sorry if I can't always be there for you. Maybe after things clear up we can celebrate by going out to eat or something."
"Yeah, I understand, honey. Is there anything I can do to help you this week?"
"Hmmm, a snack might help."
"How about those barbecue chips you like?"
"Sweet. Love you, babe."

That's it. That's all it takes. That's what a healthy, normal relationship should look like. Openness, no insecurities, and understanding. You can achieve this sort of relationship by being open and communicating in the first place.

>Either they're afraid of coming off as flirty, or they don't want to make it seem like they're "hitting" on their friend's gf, or they want to make the girl seem out of place or unwelcome, or they simply want to show other men how little they need female attention, so in order to do that, they'll all leave them alone or give them short, one-word answers when talking to them at a party (AKA "negging"). Just as a head's up, this doesn't make you look cool, and this doesn't make other guys respect you. In fact, if I saw you doing that, I'd be like "Dude, why aren't you talking to her? That's fucked."

You kind of sound like you got some issues, stan. Like maybe you were like this at one point and now project your past self onto every guy you see? idk.

I really think their should be some difference between what people regard as misogyny and being afraid of women.

Ignoring women (you are not in a relationship with as OP specified) that you are not in a relationship with is a by-product of fears almost every man holds just a little. Not hatred. Not a desire to neglect, but a fear they perhaps don't always realize is present.

To resolve this fear, we have to look from the man's perspective. Not the woman's. I hate saying this and I know this can come off wrong, but I do personally think the woman's side has been pushed far too much. Everyone has their problems and its time to acknowledge that and replace "women's" shelters with maybe something more like "abuse" shelters.

If your girl is cool, she'll understand. If anything, ask her to help make her feel comfortable too. She's a girl. She'll probably understand how she's feeling even better than you will. She'll probably know how to help her even better than you will. Just include her in your endeavors, and in the end, it'll only make your relationship stronger. After the party, compliment how sexy she looks, or tell her she's really good at making people at ease. I don't know, at least act like you're proud of her at the very least.

As for getting "me too'd", if you're at a huge party with tons of people around, and you don't take her in a room all alone, then things should be fine. You'll have witnesses. Evidence. You don't have to talk to her all night. Just check in every now and then to remind her that she's welcome to come play beer pong or whatever if she wants and just remind her that at least SOMEONE cares about her. That's all. You don't need to rub her thighs and whisper sweet nothings in her ear all night.

Yes, I unironically was that dude. Not even joking. It's also very, very common. Maybe not likely to happen 90% of the time, but it happens at maybe 50% of all parties. It's just kind of hard to see, because if a girl is being alienated, then, well, shit, she's being alienated and it's hard to notice her.

Eventually I realized that despite having thought I "made it", I was still subconsciously treating them like shit; not actively, but passively. Like a little bitch would.

I should've also mentioned though I'm not really sure how to explain what I'm about to say that men have trouble with cute things were women don't...
Its pretty complex, really...

Forgive me I've gotten a bit drunk and upset. I want to say the things in my head even though they are not relevant to the thread

I just wanted to be a fucking kid. Why do I have to be judged now as an adult when I wasn't allowed to be a sweet innocent boy then?

Yeah, I understand what you're saying, but I'm specifically talking about people who either purposely do it, or passive aggressively do it.

If you're afraid of approaching her, that's okay.. You don't need to talk to her. If anything, your awkwardness will only make her feel worse. Just try to enjoy yourself.

As for the whole men versus women thing, it's 50/50. Yes, men take more shit, but that's because we're generally supposed to be stronger. Women are, in all honesty, kind of need our help because they're pretty weak. A lot of people take advantage of this weakness, which is why there are more women's shelters then their are men's shelters. However, if you go online, you can always find people willing to help you. They can provide 24/7 support, and they will always try their best to support you and make sure you're not alone. You can also always browse Jow Forums, and even though the people here might joke rough, I always come to think of them as my friends. I can't get a friendship like Jow Forums gives me anywhere else, which is why I always come back here, whether I'm feeling happy, sad, or want to share good news or bad news. These guys are my buddies.

Yeah, it is pretty complex. Humans are complicated, and the answer never is that simple. If you're not from America, and from a place like Russia or Brazil, it could be even more complicated.

My point is, I'm actually a pretty big guy. I'm 5'10", 210lbs, can bench 3 plates for 1 rep, and did 1 year of boxing and 3 years of MMA. I STILL make it a point to go around and make sure everyone's having a good time at the party. I still make it a point to try and comfort people if they're feeling left out. If you're truly a man's man, then you don't give a fuck what other people will think about you. If I act "cute" the way you say, no one's going to stop me and be like "Hey, you're too cute. Stop." If they did, I'd tell them to fuck off because I do what I want to do.

Powerful people rule the world, user. The only way to change the world for good is to become powerful yourself and make sure goodness happens.

That's cool, man. I think everyone kind of does that. I do that too.

When you're good looking and charming, EVERYBODY wants a piece of you, don't they? You can feel it. They know you're a good guy. They know you have something they don't. They can smell it on you. Taste it in the air around you. You have a little bit of goodness in you, which is a rare thing in today's world, and EVERYBODY wants a piece of that. I get it. I actually, literally do, and I'm not just saying that because I want to pretend like I'm your friend. I legit know what you're going through.

The truth is, I don't know how to handle it. This is a first for me too. I'm only 23. It's never happened to me before. I've never seen it happen to anyone else, and if I HAVE seen it happen to anyone else, I've never seen the conclusion. I don't know how they solved it, I don't know what they did to make it go away.

But I DO know you can't let it bitter you away. At the very least, THAT I know. I was right back then, and I'm right now. If you let it fester within you, it'll eat you from the inside, and I don't want that to happen to me. I LIKE having a little bit of goodness in me; I refuse to lose it or let it go away.

It's okay to be angry, or frustrated, or even scared. Like I said, I'm not Jesus. Shit hits me hard too. No matter how great you are, no matter how much you pretend like you don't hurt, I bet it hurts anyway, right? That's okay, man. Humans feel pain. Men feel pain. You can't ignore it. You can't pretend it doesn't exist. But whatever the answer is, I don't know, it sounds super gay, but at least you've got us. Or like at least you got me or whatever. I don't know. Maybe in a few years you'll have figured it out. I bet in 5 years, you'll have gotten it down. In which case, I'd like to ask you a favor and make a thread in 2024 telling me how you did it. Who knows, maybe by then I'll be the one asking for YOUR help.

i treat girls like gold but thats why im still a virgin

>52k a year isn't really wow worthy, but it's pretty good for someone in their mid 20's.
It's actually like 46k a year I just do a great deal of OT. Half hour a day plus what ever I need to do to keep onto of things. I realize it's not great, but it's decentish. Only way I can really make more money in what I am going is to start my own workshop which is not currently financially viable for me but I do intend to.
Anyway I wasn't even really after advice but thanks anyway it was actually rather helpful.

Nah, fuck off.
If the bitch isn't making my dick hard, there's no use of her.

here is the thing with your assessment. When we do treat you nicely, you dont notice, and when we say you dont notice it's not enough, then we try harder, its clingy.
Thing is you dont respect the males efforts to work with you and be nice to you. What you considered being "nice" may range from compliments all the time or just casual acknowledgement.

Not only with that in mind, you focus on only the bad and ignore all the good because you are too focused one what makes you angry.

Like right now, this is me being respectful and returning with an argument of my own. To me, this is civil discourse or respectful disagreement. However you may view it as a challenge to your character or insult or get defensive.
That is not my intent to insult your perspective but when you say things like "STOP TREATING WOMEN LIKE CRAP" kind of thing, that can be, and for me, IS insulting. If anything when you come at people like this at all you are creating a hostile argument rather than helping. and it comes off as starting a fight.