Normally I would break it off, provide child support and get access to my child each weekend. But my girlfriend is Asian and she lives in Asia, which means breaking it off would result in not seeing my kid.
Should I just stick the relationship out? We've been together 3 years but it has lost its spark. I don't feel anything really for her anymore. Actually i don't feel anything for anyone really other than my child. I even hate myself.
Bruh get some fucking help for the sake of your child. Don't punish them for your own issues like apathy and depression. Go to a therapist or doctor, start exercising. Work towards falling in love with your wife again.
You're a father for fucks sake. Take some responsibility.
Blake Moore
Thanks, I appreciate your reply. Do you think therapy can really help me? Can it really help me see both myself and my relationship in a better light? I feel pretty far gone and unrecoverable to be honest with you. I feel like just running away from everyone and everything, caving into hedonism, and killing myself on via a cocaine-fuelled sex heart attacks.
Xavier Kelly
>ldr >kid after 3 years Holy shit kill yourself
Jack Torres
It's not long distance, I've lived in Asia for 3 years.
Michael Brooks
>with your wife
OP did you even marry?
Evan Sanchez
Yeah the things you're saying sound pretty wild dude. Don't care about anyone, hedonism, even suicide? Don't care about yourself. It sounds like you're at your limit here, and I know how that feels. All I can say is that none of that will make you feel better. There's also a chance you're having a mental health crisis or breakdown man. That's fine if you are, but needs to be dealt with seriously before you make these huge, life changing decisions.
Either way yes, I really think therapy is the best path.
Parker Gonzalez
he said girlfriend in the op
op what killed the spark?
Julian Martin
What killed the spark? Good question, I think it is her lack of fluency and intelligence. She's a lovely girl and stuff but she is not clever or intellectually curious. Also, she is 34 so her pussy is not young and fresh. Still tight somehow but not young like a twentysomethings pussy and body.
Thomas Hernandez
Not clever or intellectually curious, sounds like my sibling and hell do I know what it's like to live with someone like that. Just curious OP, why did you enter a relationship with her in the first place if you knew the kind of person she was? I'm assuming she's a pretty normal girl and maybe very traditional. Well, you're a dad now and if you really care about your kid like you say you do you'll get help man. If you feel like you hate yourself, you need some therapy dude. You ok living in Asia? Is it a difficult place to live in?
Andrew Clark
Asia is fine to live in albeit a bit lonely. The problems aren't only with my gf, I have big issues with depression and anxiety. I got with her in the first place because she is sweet and understanding and a traditional woman, which is harder to find back in the west which is full of feminazis who won't even cook dinner for a guy anymore. I'll try get therapy for my own issues first and hopefully that will enable me to see the more positive traits of my gf. I guess if I really want stimulating conversation, the best place to look is by building a solid group of guy friends.
Joshua Lee
hmm. what'd you see in her when you two first got together?
Isaac Hall
I've already explained that. A traditional feminine woman who behaved in a way polar opposite to Western feminazis. She also shares my passion for food and travel. However, as the years have gone by, her lack of intelligence and curiosity have turned me off.
Juan Lee
Fuck it's this thread again.
You should leave and never get to see the kid again. You don't deserve it. You'll be back after knocking up the next girl asking how to leave that one too.
Fucking sexpats are disturbing.
Jose Perry
Another autistic cunt with no appreciation of context who gets his kicks from rambling online to randomers. If you've fuck all constructive to say, piss off and browse CP on /b/ you wet quilt cunt.
Joseph Smith
Oh my so charming. You must have quite the ego to think you are the one who can do better than her. You won't see the kid after you leave, I told you this the last time you posted this sad cope.
Byeee sexpat
Benjamin Reyes
Bit rich of you to get on your high horse about and get sarcastic aboutbeing charming. Also your autism has been revealed because you have no idea what a sexpat is. I can do much better than her so cunt. Bye.
Adam Bell
Its the same with any bitch after a while. May as well live with it.
Angel Lewis
aye, my bad, didn't read that until after i'd already posted. on the fluency note... how hindered is communication between you two given the language barrier? and if it's particularly significant: what are the odds of one or both of you gitting gud at the other's native tongue? also does the sweet and understanding bit extend to your bouts of inner anguish/turmoil or do you keep most of that to yourself?
Mason Adams
There is scope for us both to improve at each others' languages. I keep all of my inner turmoil to myself.
Hudson Cooper
I agree with You are a sexpat and gross
Ryder Turner
Oh noes what do I do I made the sexpat angwy aww bby shh its okay
Wyatt Myers
>wants to break up your family just because you've lost your "spark" Just admit that you're not attracted to your girl's post-pregnancy body and that you want to fuck other women. It's also funny that you picked her because she was feminine and traditional and not a feminazi roastie, but here you are thinking about breaking up the family just because you want to fuck younger and hotter women. No traditional values for you, huh?
Cooper Anderson
kill yourself, you obese 'sperg
Dylan Long
If only I gave a flying fuck about the perspective of some autistic keyboard warrior who knows fuck all about me. You don't even know what a sexpat is and it doesn't automatically apply to all interracial relationships. Kill yourself you autistic wet quilt.
Luis Campbell
I'll cheat on her discreetly with escorts or via Tinder.
Xavier Kelly
It's funny reading people getting on their high horses about ending a relationship with a kid involved. Practically every celebrity has done it at some point. Idris Elba being an example that just came to mind. Why is it fine for celebrities to end unhappy relationships even though they have children but anyone else discusses the idea and the moral high ground police come out?
Robert Reyes
Nobody thinks it's fine. It fucking ruins lives. Christ op you're a sorry case. It would be better for everyone if you had never met your gf/wife
Evan Miller
Ruins lives? What a faggot, sissy, drama queen. Plenty of people have lived successful lives even though their parents have split up. You are full of shit.
Noah Bennett
I'd love a husband that tells people to kill themselves online. It shows their maturity. I can see how ready you are to raise a child.
>If I gave a flying fuck >autistic sperg >kill yourself
We're not married. Another bout of presumptive dross from our resident autistic cunt. Plenty of people are abusive online; welcome to the Internet. You mustn't spend much time here. Anyone who has received abuse from me has abused me first, so go fuck yourself. Toodles.
Leo Parker
sexpatrick is just hanging out in this thread at the small hope someone won't insult him lol