Views on Alcohol


Which is it Jow Forums? I am a tee-totaler myself, not for religious reasons but mostly because in my personal opinion taking any mind-alternating substance is pathetic. Life is what you make of it, so be a man and dictate your life instead of letting other things influence you.

>how does Jow Forums see alcohol

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Other urls found in this thread:

Supposedly some people can enjoy alcohol in moderation

I think it is a bit a both.

It is redpilled to understand and appreciate the cultural and historical significance of alcoholic beverages in Western Society. It is redpilled recognize the storied craft of brewing and viticulture. It is perfectly fine to partake in alcoholic beverages from time to time.

It is cuck tier and degenerate to make alcohol a staple in your life. Drinking culture, particularly the American strain, is degenerate. Becoming an Alcoholic deeply affects your body, soul, and mind. By extension, it deeply affects your family, community, and society.

>I think it is a bit a both.
> It is redpilled to understand and appreciate the cultural and historical significance of alcoholic beverages in Western Society. It is redpilled recognize the storied craft of brewing and viticulture. It is perfectly fine to partake in alcoholic beverages from time to time.
> It is cuck tier and degenerate to make alcohol a staple in your life. Drinking culture, particularly the American strain, is degenerate. Becoming an Alcoholic deeply affects your body, soul, and mind. By extension, it deeply affects your family, community, and society.

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belongs to that class of vice which erodes your will over time
drunks have no human action, the booze is their agency

Moderation is key. Beer is cuck tier. Scotch and spirits is where it's at.

Its for pussies who can't handle reality. It gives them false confidence and makes them believe their lies about who they are even more.

Steel Reserve is the ideal drink for the blackpilled man

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$1.25 for a 24oz can here of 8.1%ABV

So this is the mindset of literally every single person who consumes even a small amount of alcohol, say perhaps a glass of red wine with a nice dinner?

Imagine being this autistic about alcohol

Based and niggerpilled.

its not healthy
i drank alcohol for a few years, mainly beer and rum
it was ok but being sober is better than that

It's ok to drink. Like all things in life self control is required. People without self control are little better than animals whether they drink alcohol or not.

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t. Alcoholic

t. Turboautist

Know when to drink
Know when not to drink
Know how to be responsible working adult
Know how to get lose and get drunk

It is red pilled as fuck

what does that have to do with alcohol u retard

It all started in a beer hall, where people sit around drinking beer. If I am a retard what does that make you? do the world a favor and kys.

I avoid drinking at all costs. I’d rather look good with my shirt off

they came together to do a fucking putsch not to drink beer faggot. i suggest u kys first u piece of shit

>in my personal opinion taking any mind-alternating substance is pathetic

Food is mind-altering.

Moderation is redpilled. Drinking that leads to fucking sluts and vomiting and being fucking stupid is cucked. Also, drinking small quantities of quality alcohol is actually good for you. Good wine, fine whiskeys, quality beer, all are great. Just never get wasted.

Drugs are stimuli which affect electromagnetic operations in your brain and alter your perception. Then again, so is a gust of wind or the sight of a grey wall. Literally everything on earth "influences" you albeit usually to lesser degrees. The only downsides of drugs and alcohol (if the user can remain intellectually active/ in control), IMO, are the physical effects. Alcohol = sore stomach, headaches, fattens you, shortens life span, causes organ problems, etc. Because of these effects it is best to use it in moderation. Binge drinking is degenerate but a glass or 2 of brandy every 2nd or 3rd night while working on your side-project or something to enjoy yourself and get in the zone isn't bad.

"In the future, alcohol, however, will still be used. It is not a stimulant but a veritable elixir of life.” - Nikola Tesla

You're as dense as a rock.

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I'm pretty sure what he meant was that Hitler's forces didn't come there to drink beer, but to do their attack. However, I agree that the guy you are arguing with is a total fucking idiot

pic related in the scope of OP

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i'm drunk right now

As someone with a potential drinking problem I say using alcohol as a stress release is a crutch. It is potentially a therapeutic tool for normies, but in the long term it's a form of escapism that leads to a dependency. Same goes for antidepressants and anti anxiety medications. At first they allow you to deal with your problems, but they ultimately just mask the problem and cause a tailspin type addiction, where you end up worse off than what you started with.

One of the biggest things shilled at you throughout your life that nobody really brings up here.
Literally a neurotoxin.

I'm an Alcohol addict, but I wish Cannabis is legal because its waaaay better for my Anhedonia medical disease.

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>never heard of bullshit industry funded studies before

Drink hard and drink less often. A beer a Day is blue pilled af.

You're an idiot. We have voting halls in schools, does that mean we go there to get taught? No, it is used as a public meeting place you retard. Now, sit there in your wrongess you dumb fuck.

I'm much happier when it's not in my life. I was drunk before noon today. Gotta ween myself off again.

I've destroyed many a relationship through alcohol. I get reckless and piss people off then they don't want to be around me or I turn avoidant out of embarrassment.

Someday I'll be quasi-straight edge. I'll feel great, I know it. Someday I'll stop harming myself and hating myself.

>mind-alternating substance
can alcohol even be considered a mind altering substance? it just lowers people's inhibitions allowing them to do/say what they actually mean. It's not like cocaine, weed, etc. that has a generally uniform upper/downer effects for most people. If someone is a belligerent drunk it's probably because he's otherwise belligerent regardless if they show it outwardly.

Unironically a small amount of alcohol makes me sick for days. Maybe it’s a good thing helps me avoid.

It’s a terrible and destructive drug.
Alcohol and tobacco should be illegal.

Coca leaf tea and other coca based beverages should be legal and all forms of cannabis should be legal. Both should be fully legal to grow in your back yard.

Alcohol and tobacco are two of the most deadly and addictive drugs, there is no reason for them to be legal.

It's empty calories and makes you stuff your face with at least one extra meal at the end of the night.
It's part of the reason so many Americans are so fat

If they served beer in those schools people would go there to drink it. I have provided evidence, with pictures of people drinking beer, which is in response to OP's question. And I am a dumbfuck because I said people in a beer hall drank beer... woosh.. extreme conspiracy theory here.

>its waaaay better for my Anhedonia medical disease.
>my Anhedonia medical disease.

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100% agree

I need to quit

I'm with OP. My religion absolutely allows alcohol, I just don't like it.

I also married a woman who doesn't drink. I don't enjoy it and have nothing but bad connotations to it.

You guys can do what you want, but I'm not doing it.

This man gets it.

t. Guy who used to have a drinking problem but now has his shit together

after i saw this pic I became sober.

had to drop it here in this discussion

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It's just water that's stays uncontaminated much longer. It's like salting meat.

You've got it right. Drinking poison is for white trash.

Whats is wrong with you Khan fin?

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absolute shit drug.

> you get physically addicted

> the rush is just good for a very short time (peaks after 40minutes)

> you are sick for days afterwards (puking etc.)

(cocaine ftw.)

I have a beer every once in a while, maybe 5 or 6 a month. I think that is perfectly fine when I want to relax after a tough day

drinkings fucking stupid
smoke meth if you want to destroy your body, youll have a better time

Today is my 21st birthday. I got a bottle of Kettle One, everclear, Oakheart, Kraken, and Hennessy. What else should I get?

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some jack daniels

>with a potential drinking problem
that last string of denial is a bitch, aint it?

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Marijuana cured my alcohol addiction. At first It just kind of replace it, but now I take an edible once on the weekend. I feel very relaxed for the next few days. I do not have the same anxiety I once did and feel more productive during the week. No hangover or headaches and I feel less depressed.

Sounds nice, I cant stop at just one though.

>Someday I'll be quasi-straight edge. I'll feel great, I know it. Someday I'll stop harming myself and hating myself.
that is the sound of the last lullaby your best self will ever hear. say goodbye to him

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Of course nazis drank beer sometimes, and a beer hall is where you drink beer. Holy shit this isn't evidence that the nazis went to the Munich Beer Hall to drink beer before the putsch. That one occasion was obviously to discuss their attack, not wank and drink.

Any substance that accelerates your dopamine makes you more suceptible for demonic possession. Here:
The word “Alcohol” comes from the Arabic “al-kuhl” which means “BODY EATING SPIRIT”, and gives root origins to the English term for “ghoul”. In Middle Eastern folklore, a “ghoul” is an evil demon thought to eat human bodies, either as stolen corpses or as children.

The words “alembic” and “alcohol”, both metaphors for aqua vitae or “life water” and “spirit”, often refer to a distilled liquid that came from magical explorations in Middle Eastern alchemy.

In the words of writer and health enthusiast, Jason Christoff – “In alchemy, alcohol is used to extract the soul essence of an entity. Hence its’ use in extracting essences for essential oils, and the sterilization of medical instruments. By consuming alcohol into the body, it in effect extracts the very essence of the soul, allowing the body to be more susceptible to neighboring entities most of which are of low frequencies (why do you think we call certain alcoholic beverages “SPIRITS?”). That is why people who consume excessive amounts of alcohol often black out, not remembering what happened. This happens when the good soul (we were sent here with) leaves because the living conditions are too polluted and too traumatic to tolerate. The good soul jettisons the body, staying connected to a tether, and a dark entity takes the body for a joy ride around the block, often in a hedonistic and self-serving illogical rampage. Our bodies are cars for spirits. If one leaves, another can take the car for a ride. Essentially when someone goes dark after drinking alcohol or polluting themselves in many other ways, their body often becomes possessed by another entity.

low dose Naltrexone is the cure for alcoholism, taken an hour before drinking you will not feel like more than one or two drinks

Last night was the first night I completely went without a drink for a long time, because I was on an ems crew for the first time. I also didn't take any sleeping aids and I have to say it was the best night sleep I've had in a long time. My sleep has been atrocious and mentally I've been drained for years because of it. Alcohol has been a big part of my life up until now, but the quality sleep is worth giving it up for. Also today I saw a person with jaundice so bad their eyes were completely yellow. Made me double down on my resolve to quit drinking. Its a nice way to relax after a day of work, but I think there are probably better ways.
I'm just speaking for myself here. For others, I have nothing for or against it.

Views on a thing:
listening carefully to the best arguments on both sides and taking your personal experience and risk management into account before deciding on an opinion
doing what others are doing, listening to one side give weak arguments against and lazy arguments for and mistaking them for strong arguments (Last Week Tonight)

this guy is right on the money

You are a try hard, this is like listening to a high-schooler talk about sophistication and red wine. You make me vomit and I hate you.

I never fucking said that, I said it's where it all began, at a beer hall, where people drink beer. You people sure like to read between the lines. I never once said Hitler and the lads would head out and get shit faced at the ol' Bürgerbräukeller. They went to the beer hall and red pilled the people drinking beer at the beer hall.

>1 post by OP
The internet is a mind altering substance. Log off & kys

Redpilled if consumed weekly/monthly
Degenerate if consumed hourly/daily

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Literally poison

>two sentence explanation of both arguments
found the faggot

It kills your liver

So why do some people enjoy it so much and become hopelessly addicted while watching themselves destroy their families?

Germans drinking beer IMAGINE MY SHOCK

Don't ever trust anyone you cant take shots with

I want to drink whiskey straight in a glass with ice like the historical chads in the movies but it tastes like gasoline what do

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>Not to me
>No, it lasts all day/night
>Not me

This. It's almost amusing to me that in many countries (mine anyway) they are the only legal drugs. Arguably the worst 2 drugs.

>but yeah I still have a drink or two occasionally

It’s bad

Beer increases estrogen. Alcohol makes you dumber and slower over time. It’s bad for your liver. It makes you more emotional.

Alcohol was originally used for channeling demons in indigenous ritual ceremonies. That is the actual use of it.

It's ketel one and it's a cringey brand.

Lawfag here, I've done a DUI or two and yeah American drinking culture is fucked. Last year I saw a colleague get a fucking magical plea deal, like the kind you would expect involved bribes it was so good, his client showed up to his court date wasted off his ass. Guy is probably still in jail.

what is up with all the underage b&
Drinking to emulate your heroes is cuck tier, be your own hero, you nutless queer.

I also think the use of mind altering substances is disturbing. However, unless you gain a dependence on it or it creates violent tendencies, I see no reason to ban it.


buy better whiskey

Redpilled because you can control it. You can sit and enjoy a drink and move on. Cuck tiered when you're an alcoholic piece of shit. Redpilled again if you're a functioning alcoholic who isn't an asshole.

>poison for your brain and body
>should white men drink it?
What do you think, OP?

If you don't drink I don't trust you.

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Drink bleach


Nothing redpilled about making your liver sick.

I'm 48 you little faggot

he could do worse toothpaste

It's disgusting, has a lame high (basically a buzz that lasts for the first couple of drinks), extremely degenerate side-effects (violence, whoreishness, general all-round douchebaggery), and has an absolutely disgusting comedown.


Enjoy goy enjoy

Our jew lawyers will be glad to represent you in court for your DUI charge, and we have great jewish treatment centers to help you with your drinking problem

Literally the same as you. Good job friend.

That's another danger of booze. At closing time the skank in your pic is a 10.

Alcohol is shit dont (you) me

car fuel, not meant for consumption.

>be your own hero you nutless queer
>be your own god you stupid christian
Kek. All people should have a figure to look up to. To ask themselves what they think that person would do in a situation they find trying. All should have respect for God. To be always mindful that a there is a prescient judge of your actions. These qualities help build character. Character that is not easily swayed by weak argument or weak temperament.

this, but unironimcally

this is very accurate. I could never get addicted to alcohol even if I wanted to. just the thought of it makes me nauseous