Has anyone here been to therapy for sexual repression? Basically, due to the way I was raised and my life experiences, I have significant mental blocks that prevent me from expressing any sort of sexuality. In fact, I always use the most sanitized vocabulary possible when speaking. Did you go to a regular therapist? From what I've heard about sex therapists, they strike me as kooks with "studies" degrees. Plus, I hold a lot of 'traditional' opinions that would probably lead to non-productive arguments. To be honest, my repression is bad enough that even thinking about approaching a therapist with these problems and spending my money and their time feels disgusting. How would you approach this issue?
Has anyone here been to therapy for sexual repression? Basically, due to the way I was raised and my life experiences...
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It really sounds like you have no one to talk to about this. Have you considered committing suicide?
its ok to feel the way you feel. you cant control it. i suggest reading up on it as much as possible, it might not feel as gross when you read it to yourself might even relieve you to inform yourself on why you feel the way you feel. you're already aware and accept your issues, thats like 1/3 of the process. you should feel proud for even deciding to post about it and actually admitting it to yourself. keep going OP
>you cant control it
All the more reason to commit suicide OP. Just do it man.
Thank you. Do you know of any reading materials on this topic that you would recommend? I tried to search for articles on this subject a while ago, but everything that I found was specifically aimed at women. I wasn't able to find anything tailored towards men or even written neutrally.
Suicide, OP. Don't be afraid of it.
It's the only way to solve this problem.
OP, in order to end suffering you have to delve inside the belly of your father (roughly speaking) and shield yourself from red lips that signal the arousal of women in the workplace.
>you have to delve inside the belly of your father (roughly speaking) and shield yourself from red lips that signal the arousal of women in the workplace
Or you could just kill yourself. It's your bloody choice OP.
you fucking kill yourself user. fucking small dick piece of shit.
t. writer of actual advice
WOAH WOAH there's no need for things to get steamy. I know it's it's a sensitive topic, which is why I emphasize that it's your bloody choice. Let's not let things go overboard, man.
OP here. I'm not sure why my thread has been the subject of such intense autism. If anybody wants to discuss the thread's original premise, I'm still interested.
God damn, JBP lurking Jow Forums is the best thing to happen to this board in weeks.
You know what you need to do, bucko? I know what you need to do, I know how to solve this bloody issue with your sexual repression:
Clean your motherfucking room, and then commit suicide - these gosh darn young people have forgotten about this wonderful solution.
It's like, gee man, I know life isn't fair, but you can't let these neo nazi egalitarians tell you how to live your life, I mean, just end it all.
It's like, look, I have a degree in psychology, and I know what I'm talking about. I've written multiple essays about the topic and have revised the literature many times, I've also extensively researched Nazi-Germany history, so trust me when I say that you should kill yourself.
It's like, GEE MAN, just fucking die already, why are you still here?
You don't want sex therapists - they deal mainly with people who had good sex lives but somehow lost them.
Ordinary therapists are really good at uncovering the causes of repression and phobias and helping toward release.
Get a hooker not even kidding you and tell her to work with you and shell make confortable being sexual
Can't you talk this over with a friend? All you need is some very simple schema therapy. A school counselor could handle this.
Hell, you could do it here. You just need to project your silliness, perceive it for what it actually is then reintegrate it. What are you repressed about? Would you be unwilling to post your cock on /b/? How do you masturbate, how often, and what to?
Just for solidarity: I've got a date with a man twice my age in like 20 minutes, gunna' fuck him raw. He's got two sons both older than me~ And my cock is a bit over 6 inches, but I have trouble getting and staying hard sometimes.
>Can't you talk this over with a friend?
The very essence of the problem is that I can't admit to having any sort of sexual desire to anyone. Besides I also have extreme trust issues. I tend to view having knowledge about someone as holding power over that person and the more power somebody has over me, the more I distrust that person.
>All you need is some very simple schema therapy. A school counselor could handle this.
My university has an astronomical suicide rate, to the point where they're in constant crisis mode. My problems are trivial compared to what they want to be devoting their resources to.
>What are you repressed about?
See pic related. It's a post that I made in someone else' thread, that was archived soon after.
>Would you be unwilling to post your cock on /b/?
I'm unwilling to ever take a nude photograph of any sort, even if I never share it. I don't like being even partially nude and sleep fully clothed.
>How do you masturbate, how often, and what to?
I haven't masturbated in more than three weeks now, since I finished my last exam of my undergraduate and decided that was a logical stopping point since I only kept at it in order to keep my head clear and focus on my school work. Prior to that, I hadn't viewed pornography in more than eight months and was working solely off my imagination, averaging once a day. My number one turn-on is girls saying that they want to marry me and bear my children, plus passionate kissing.
>I tend to view having knowledge about someone as holding power over that person
That's power you give it. In a very realistic sense, I've got no qualms with anyone seeing my cock or knowing how I fuck. Practically a nudist, I just see no reason for shame.
>the more power somebody has over me, the more I distrust that person.
>"...the issue of closeness and distance pervades the schizoid patient's life. The closer he feels to someone the more he experiences the need to allow that person to dominate him in order to minimize the devastating possibilities of conflict, attack and rejection. Any increase in closeness or involvement represents loss of autonomy and freedom while any decrease raises the specter of rejection and exile." -Mansfield
You've got some simple misgivings about sex. Yes it can be fairly raunchy with smells, sounds and fluids, but it by no means has to be.. dirty, or even overtly lewd. Sex, especially at first, should be an open and honest communication in exploring another individual as an object of pleasure. A man can be confident and self-assured while still being honest and playful.
>construct my image
"The schizoid may also develop a variant of the false-self system, as an as-if personality. The individual relates to the object world on the basis of a childlike imitation, expressing a superficial identification with the environment but with a lack of genuine warmth. The as-if structure serves to defend against the underlying schizoid emptiness and sense of futility. The values and convictions of the as-if personality tend towards identification with whatever individual or group the person finds at the time." -Seinfeld
Try the Dandy as a schizoid alternative.
>Like the schizoid, the dandy’s law of life is to live in the world and, at the same time, remain apart from it. Both place their public personality at a distance, as an instrument of social interaction, with regard to the self that sustains it. However, while the dandy does this like a work of art, the schizoid does so without any special art, attending to the conventions of the context. With regard to the scission to which the schizoid arrives, the difference is that the system put into play by the dandy, within its artifice, is not a false self and, therefore, does not incur in self-deceit. The inner self of the dandy does not make illusions, but assumes what his staging represents. The figure of the dandy is definitely on the path of the cultural character of the schizoid personality. Each in his way, can respond to the same pool of conditions that is imposed by modern culture.
>I don't like being even partially nude and sleep fully clothed.
Trips me out a bit.. Heh, I show up to a buddy's place and the first thing I ask is if I can get my damn pants off. But in this case, perhaps try sleeping nude? Test your boundaries.
>Masturbation, turn-ons
You seem to be Demisexual. Some view it as a "problem", as they can't get off to the things most others do. I'd say your bodily/sex insecurities(comfort wise) are the only real objects of concern here.
From where did you set up on a date? Grindr?
We've been fuckbuddies for like 6 years now, but we initially met on Craigslist.
Yeah, I've been aware of the fact that I display many symptoms of schizoid personality disorder for several years. I also display a number of the symptoms that you didn't mention in your post, like emotional distance, indifference to socialization, lack of close relationship with family, etc.
I wasn't aware of the term "dandy", but it basically describes how I've attempted to cope with being like this. There's no definitive cure or treatment, so all that I can do about it is to adjust my perspective. In general, I've done a pretty good job of living my life as an aesthetic statement and wearing my own personality as a costume.
My only real hangups are in regards to sexuality. I'm a fairly cerebral person and it makes me deeply uncomfortable to put myself in a situation where everyone's advice is to stop thinking so much. I don't really believe in any tumblr sexualities, but the basic premise that I require emotional closeness as a prerequisite of physical intimacy is true. The problem, of course, is that I display symptoms of a personality disorder whose distinguishing characteristic is the inability to form emotional connections. That's a big source of guilt for me.
>display a number of the symptoms
Oh we know.
>Schizoid people recognize each other. They feel like members of what one reclusive friend of mine called “a community of the solitary.” Like homosexually oriented people with “gaydar,” many schizoid individuals can spot each other in a crowd. I have heard them describe a sense of deep and compassionate kinship with one another, despite the fact that these relatively isolative people rarely verbalize such kinship or approach each other for explicit recognition. "
>The dandy is an institution of modern life consisting of making of the person himself a work of art, converting himself in an aesthetic figure. The dandy tries to have an originality that removes him from natural vulgarity and conventional life. He uses art and artifice for this, in his carriage as well as his behavior. He not only seeks happiness in things that others desire, but boasts of a certain decadence. Not in vain did Baudelaire declare dandyism to be “the last flash of heroism in decadence” (Baudelaire, 1868/1995).
>cure or treatment
I don't consider it a disorder, merely a different way of being in the world. Like being left-handed.
> adjust my perspective
I know a bit about this.
>I'm now making myself as scummy as I can. Why? I want to be a poet, and I'm working at turning myself into a seer. You won't understand any of this, and I'm almost incapable of explaining it to you. The idea is to reach the unknown by the derangement of all the senses. It involves enormous suffering, but one must be strong and be a born poet. It's really not my fault. en.wikipedia.org
We're a type of extremes, with the truth of an object being more important than it's potentials for love and pleasure. We just went different directions on this one(overt/covert). I've been a total slut for most of my life because none of the alternatives(abstinence, romance) seemed desirable
>Schizoid Love and Sexuality
>Overt: Asexual, sometimes celibate, free of romantic interests, averse to sexual gossip
>Covert: Secret voyeuristic and pornographic interests, vulnerable to erotomania, tendency towards compulsive masturbation and perversions
>source of guilt
The most traumatic part of my life was the inability to feel my mother's love in a manner I found acceptable. I avoided anything that would gain me praise or affection because it was all wasted on me. I was a toxic object causing harm merely be existing. A spiraling drain that took everything wonderful in the world and did the most terrible thing with it.
>tfw same hangups as OP but my sexuality is degenerate as fuck
Also an interesting covert/overt relation is your schooling: I dropped out in 10th grade myself. Never looked back~
>cerebral person
I have trouble getting/staying hard because I'm always in my head.
>stop thinking so much
I've got to hyperfocus and fetishize complex scenarios in order to get going. If I manage to stop thinking I get the whole tantric experience though, cosmic sexing~
>tumblr sexualities
I'm personally 'undifferentiated' in both gender and sexuality.
>require emotional closeness as a prerequisite of physical intimacy is true
I assume this'll turn out one or two ways: You keep going inward, deny the will-to-life, acquire access to all your internal love-objects and completely lose desire for an external person. Or you end up with a genuine love who understands you and holds your hand through the issues in order to experience what will probably be some awesome sex. Maybe both~ Your best bet is the former, though.
just search for a based and redpilled therapist