How the FUCK do I control this little faggot kid? I moved in with a friend 6 months ago and her little brother (12 y/O) has always been a little bit of a shit but lately it's been playing up intensely.
Any time we ask him to come down for dinner he (and I mean this literally) will scream at the top of his lungs to keep playing fortnite, he's told me to fuck off when I tell him to apologize to his sister and if we ask him to go to bed any earlier than 10pm he'll start balling his eyes out, screaming and punching walls. Yelling at him just makes it worse, talking to him doesn't do anything and I would slap him/nuke his PS4 but his Mum would probably reee at me. She isn't a pushover but she isn't anywhere near as harsh as she would be.
How the fuck do I pull this kid in line? TL;DR >How do you discipline a piece of shit kid without smacking him.
buy a ps4 and get fortnite get good. beat him everytime constantly
Cameron Moore
It's not your kid, so fuck right off with trying anything stupid; you don't wanna get arrested. Why in all od fuck did you move in with a friend at their family's house? Why not your own place? And what did you expect if you already met this retard kid before? You only have yourself to blame.
Julian Gomez
I'm only 19 and I used to rent an apartment until BPD (ex)girlfriend pulled a "you beat me" after I pushed her away mid-assault so I had to yeet.
James Reed
violence and shout never works for kids it makes things worse. So best thing to do is like an addict with drugs is to cut the kid off. Take the system away and no more games. It seems harsh but a kid like that needs a harsh dose of reality, and stick to your guns. He will say kids will make fun of him but that is a lie, he will just be out of the gaming loop. Also send that kid to therapy.
Jaxon Lopez
Why would you have had to yeet if it was your place...?
Adam Foster
We both rented it and I couldn't afford it on my own, believe me if I could have stayed I would have.
Couldn't give a fuck what the kids make fun of him for, little shit is a bully to be honest. Yeah might do that though but I'm more worried about how his Mum will feel more than him. If he screams I don't care but I don't want to be on bad terms with mum.
Eli Green
When opportunity arises, be a complet dick about something and explain why.
Jacob Bailey
Why does the little fucker still have a PS4? No need to nuke anything but why not take it away until he learns how to act?
Grayson Lopez
>violence and shout never works for kids Yes it does. Not OP's kid speed readers.
Robert Cooper
yeah it sounds like your roommate is having trouble with her ex and the kid is struggling through it. His family like many divorced families have a lot of anger built up. Thing is the games make people so frustrated they lash out in rage at anyone. So taking away the games and sending him to do a sport or activity that is physical and well make him deal with harsh realities will set him straight.
Henry Long
Don’t try to be a parent, don’t touch his shit, you’re a guest, don’t forget that. If you don’t like it, I suggest you get your shit together and get out before you make a poor judgement what you’re planning right now.
Jace Carter
oh no it doesnt, the kid OP is talking about isnt the type to stop if you use violence. They just get more violent and become weird and suicidal.
Kayden Richardson
>Not OP's kid Who gives a fuck? Why didn't the mother take it away? The sister?
Noah Sullivan
This site is for grownups
Blake Perez
Who gives a fuck? They didn't.
Robert Martin
yeah and I grew up in a violent house, it fucks you up and makes you just as violent.
Michael Bennett
KNOW THIS: Disciplining him is NOT your job. In fact, the very idea should be a total taboo to you.
If your friend is happy with his behavior, it is literally and legally none of your business. Accept it or move out.
If your friend is unhappy with his behavior, it is your friend's job to discipline him.
You stay out of it
Adam Robinson
If OP didn’t buy it, and the kids mom ain’t taking it away, OP HAS NO RIGHT TO DO ANYTHING. OP needs to act like an adult and not try to start shit with a lil kid.
Adrian Turner
The why is important, since talking to them is the only way.
OP has no place dealing with the little monster and obviously the kid knows it and doesn't take him seriously.
Eli Evans
Aaron Murphy
This user is right, however OP has a right to complain since he is renting from her.
Ian Gray
Yeah but there is a middle way. Associating pain with bad behavior isn't the same as associating pain with love. Anyhow, violence is out of the question for this one.
Alexander Martin
>watch the kid play (hopefully he's winning) >disconnect the fucking Internet Do it a few times.
Christian Peterson
You can’t even get your own shit together and now you think you can teach this kid something? Leave that kid alone, stop being a busybody you fucking loser.
Lincoln Barnes
Well then, you can't help here. Op needs help dealing with something that cannot be delt with.
Jonathan White
thing is some parents will confuse the kid between the 2, and often time parents just take their frustrations out on the kid. That shit stays with you.
Adam Torres
I agree. If it doesn't make a parent sick to their stomach to punish, they shouldn't be doing it. Some never need it. Some cannot benefit from it. But some are lacking it.
Blake Baker
Chad and based
Fuck off nigger I'm doing better than 90% of people my age. Least I'm making an actual living and not going to uni for a liberal arts degree.
Dominic Robinson
yeah I think you know the difference between punishment and abusive punishment. All things asideOP where are you from, abuse is subject to location and generation. A spanking is relatively ok but there are some that call that abusive. What ever the corse simply taking the thing he loves the most is what will control him. That's why it works more because that's the thing that makes him happy.
Logan White
Stop acting like a butthurt bitch. 19 and can’t even support yourself. Moved in with a friend because your family don’t want shit to do with you. You’re picking fights with little boys because you feel insecure. To top it all off you actually think chad is realistic. Grow the hell up. You asked advice, and regardless of a majority telling you to butt out, you actually only want to find some passive aggressive way to get back at this kid. Passive aggression isn’t chad like at all. In reality, you’re the only nigger on this thread.
Christopher Perry
>know the difference Even more so, after learning from you.
Jace Russell
> You’re picking fights with little boys because you feel insecure. Even if it's true, you can't argue that the kid acts in a healthy way; it'd be already neglectful to ignore it but his shitty behavior affects OP's life too, so it's only given that he'd want to do something against it.
Mason Ross
((Assumption intensifies))
In all legitimacy, I wouldn't really smack the kid. Maybe just twist his ear at most. So far taking away the PS4 seems like a good idea. I try to go a bit easier on him than his sister's do, in the sense I'll be more patient with him. Additionally I'll encourage good behaviours and commend/reward him when he I notice he is doing the right thing.
Wyatt Rivera
Listen to him.
James Bailey
Sit him down and directly tell him that everyone is a cringey teenager that does stupid shit somepoint in their lifetime and he's no different, but that Fortnite will die out just like other shitty MOBAs like World of Warcraft was in the 2000s. He'll stop giving a shit about it when the playerbase is completely dead in 2025 and college is more important. Why waste these years now when he could be getting a head start on life?
Keep in mind, he has another 2~4 years left before puberty hits in and that's when losing his v-card as quickly as possible will suddenly become a priority. There's still time to save him, OP.
Jack Morris
Step 1: Don't try to discipline him Step 2: Treat him as an actual person Step 3: Be kind to him Trying to punish, beat, or enrage him will make your problems worse and in fact give validation to his actions. You moved in, so you don't have the right to complain about the behaviors of others that already lived there (to the extent of your own comfort). On the other hand, being a good person to him is more likely to make him respect your opinion and thoughts, so at some point, you'll be able to make an impact on his behaviors. Don't be a fucking retard.
Tyler Taylor
Just report to the big boss snd make sure its fed tht kid got no respect for u. U aint an actual authority figure
Or just laydown the law and unplug the electronics till its done its homework or tea or whateva, ur gna b the bad guy bit its what it is the mum cant b mad ur being harsh if u explain its not the first kid in history too have to eat tea at tea time idk kids r lil shits in my eyes just me tho