How do i convince my fiance to let me play some jpop music at our wedding?

How do i convince my fiance to let me play some jpop music at our wedding?

I dont wanna play music my parent would like becuase it would be rap music and i hate that nigger shit.

Just wanna have these songs
> emi wakui goodbye club
>marmalade boy - memory
>yu yu hakudho ending 4
>tenchi muyo songs
>ange sanctuary - knife of romance
>Whitney houston i have nothing if i dont have you
>go west - we close our eyes
>alio alia serbian song

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Play them for her. Tell her what they say. See if she likes any.

stop trying, you may think they are baller as fuck but the rest of your family wants a normal wedding. Sadly the wedding isnt going to have what you want, this is a girl thing and she is the center of attention.

>I dont wanna play music my parent would like becuase it would be rap music
>has based ass parents
>wants to play manufactured cancer
Shame. But if you have to be a weirdo about it, just make a 50-50 deal with her?


>meiko nakahara dance in the memories
>wink turn it into love

Im the girl tho

Fine, make a 50-50 deal with him.

Could it work?
He thinks we should play music that our parents wont hate tho (excluding my parent and her shit nig music tastes)

Your mom tastes are better than yours, deal with it.

Besides a compromise is only fair. You'll hate some of their shit, they'll hate some of yours. Maybe one or two tracks will hit off.

Girls are the boss of the wedding. That's the rule. Tell him to stop being a faggot.

Your a fucking nigger

oh then you do it but understand people arent going to enjoy it as much. People wanna dance to the same shit they are used to.

>white people have inferior music taste
That's lacist, user.

>>alio alia serbian song
Nice bait

Its not bait i learnt basic serbian

It's funny to me that you think she would ever consider playing nerd music on her "special day".

Buckle up for that marriage idiot. I wonder how many years it will take for you to lose your personality completely.

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Fucking retard. You make fun of "nigger music" but your taste is literally children's music from gookland featuring screaming shrill girls and basic melodies. You're a child. Grow up.

Lol. Based.

Tenchi muyo, yu yu hakusho and marmalade boy are not childrens cartoons

GET OFF THE BOARD WYMEN ARE A CANCER ON SOCIETY AND FLOWERS ARE THE PANACEA. I'm real tired, user. Real tired of your shit! Heyo!!!! No but really, I want to sleep. I'm not talking about a power-nap either, this is the real deal. Maybe one day this writing career will take off. Until then I'll drink myself into what I hope will be a sleep eternal. Ch33rs m8.

Stop hanging around degenerate situations, your the problem like roasties.

I worked in marriage industry for years.

While the wedding is essentially for you, it might be prudent to pick some songs that mean something to BOTH of you and not just you.

I dont like to be critical of people but tastes aside this is the strangest selection of wedding music i have ever seen. Why are you even getting married?

I said my fiance can pick half the songs.


I don't think you shouldn't get married, I just want to know why you are getting married. Its odd that you are splitting this sort of thing down the middle and not working it out together with each others interests in mind. Marriage is a compromise for the rest of your life.

Like you can have your half of the cake, and i'll have mine sort of deal. Sorry if my comment rubbed you up the wrong way.

Im just use 2 Jow Forums being sarcastic al the time

>alio alia serbian song
Is this bait?

No i learned basic serbian a few years ago when i was extremely obsessed with these serbian songs.