Is my GF a furry if she likes to wear cat ears and buttplug tail during sex?

Is my GF a furry if she likes to wear cat ears and buttplug tail during sex?

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Unless she starts meowing and drinking milk out a saucer, she’s just a lil freaky.

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nah just wants to cum

It's literally pet play. My friend's gf does this to a little more of an extent.

No, she's a poser. Dump that bitch, go date a real cat

Naah, she's just being awesome.

Also, that's wife material characteristics right there.

Invite the dog to the bedroom and find out. :3

That's not a furry my guy. That's just some neko shit. Odd, but not deal breaking.
Ears and butt plugs is nothing compared to pic related -real furriers. Once she starts asking for you to:
>fuck an actual can in front of her
>asks that you both dress up as cats to fuck
then you bail

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Catgirls are furfags are not the same thing at all. If she was a furfag she'd own (or want to own) a full fursuit have bizarre fetishes like inflation and vore.

*and furfags
cool typo

>asks that you both dress up as cats to fuck
That's hot as fuck

Not technically, no. "Furry" implies a lot more investment in costuming than that.

What is the male version of girls like this?
It's not outright furries as mentions, so what else?

Good question. The word "neko" means "cat" (roughly) in Japanese, so however you construct your genders in terms of what that would mean when applied to someone who wants to be/feels like a cat is sort of your issue to work out.

Good luck with that; felines have predominately been associated with femininity ever since the Egyptian goddess of Bastet, so like if you feel like saying "fuck the patriarchy," that's totally okay.


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Clearly, but it would have to be "catboi" I think, just to fit the trope of contemporary spelling preferences.

Did you know that cat's tongues had small cilia (basically hairs, but not hair) that is directional and only folds in upon itself as you stroke toward the back of the throat? That's why they lick themselves so often; it's because they're basically combing out all of the knots in their fur that they can get to, because when they run them backwards against it, their tongues basically are combs.


I didn't literally mean guys wearing cat ears, just wondering what the masculine equivalent of wearing a tail buttplug and pretending to be an animal for heterosexual erotic purposes would be like

So, let's start from the beginning. Mammals tend to have either the ability to reproduce by being impregnated or by impregnating others.

Cats aren't female. Cats are mammals.

If you're wondering what the "masculine equivalent of pretending to be a cat would be like, well..."

It's a fucking cat.

There are masculine cats, you know.

I heard someone call my nyaa-mes?

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Kind of. Nothing to worry about.