
It's fucking over

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>Drumpfpherpty waits until after the Russia shit is completely BTFO
>Tax firm reveals Trump's tax records
>Another big fucking nothing
>Rachel_Maddow.exe suffers a fatal error

mmm nothingburger
can't wait for all that salt

Next it will be unpaid parking tickets.
You shills are relentless.

Its over.

Can't wait. Lets see how cash poor he is fucking Zionist.

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No matter what happens, Democrats should be proud and we should celebrate this as a win for transparency.

Raw Story is fake and gay.

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I'm an accountant and can tell you this aspect of the loldrumpf hate is going to give me an aneurysm. Last I heard they were bitching about him recognizing depreciation. I invite any of the retards criticizing someone for taking a legal deduction to opt out of taking the standard deduction and itemizing 0 for next year's return. Let's see if they can put their money where their mouth is and lead by example.

Remember when Madcow revealed his taxes and totally embarrassed herself?

Cope harder faggot.

For you

Whats the big bombshell in the records exactly?

Pretty sure its fucking illegal to give e out to the public a private citizens tax records. I could be wrong but I dont think so.

y-you need to go back

I'm told by my tax doctor friend that Trump doesn't disclose his tax records since there's some NDA on the proprietary tax formula or software and if he did reveal it the firm can sue him.

Now since the firm themselves agreed to release he's off the hook.

Coping is healthy. Maybe that's why you have problems.
President isn't a private citizen.

He was before he got into office. Look at his taxes from 2016 on, I dont have an problem, do it before 2016, fuck off.

>its over
CNN not taking the bait I bet, they've done enough self inflicted an hero

This is how Bernie can still win

You’re a big guy

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I don't follow bullshit so haven't kept up to date with it, but it wouldn't surprise me. This is just another Mueller report desperation act that will likely backfire just the all the others before it and blow up in the Dems faces.


hoo boy, i just cant wait to see what next thing democrats will be frothing at the mouth over this week.

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Its the beginning of the end, its a bomb shell, the walls are closing in, its.......

Trumps' taxes are not going to be a make or break deal for anybody. The people who hate him aren't going to vote for him and never will. People who voted for him in 2016 will vote for him again and if they don't it won't be because of his taxes.

are you not entertained?

Nahh, itll be

im pretty sure the american media just loves trumps face cause theyre fucking homos

It would be extremely painful

it was pretty entertaining 2016-2017. at this point its grating. its kinda like when a girl gives you a handjob. she can keep tugging after you cum for a bit, but at some point she needs to fuck off and go read a book or make a sandwich or something.

under what authority is this tax firm doing so?

If the name of this firm becomes public, all of their clients should and will drop them. How could you possibly trust such a firm after they release client information?


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Good I hope they impeach the traitor.
get that bag.

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End yourself

covered in piss and Mexican children raped by far right Nazis.

i get what you mean
nothing so far has surpassed the great meme war of 2015

you first faggot.

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the gay liberal candidate

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People are going to find out that he pays $0 in taxes and are going to flip out.


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better than president Kushner.

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This. Grating now.

I'll always take a jew over a gay, any day of the week.

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leftists literally expect to find a 1099 from Putin. it will come out it will show that he has properties in other countries, that he claimed depreciation, CNN will kvetch for awhile, rinse, repeat

Fuck 'em both imho. Better to crash the whole damn thing while whites are still a majority.

If you had one bullet and a choice between an enemy and a traitor, which one do you kill? because that is basically the situation we are in now.

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You dumb fuck. The IRS is a governmental agency, therefore full of libs, lib employees leak. No leaks of bad info in Trumps taxes in 3 years....sorry


We go from rapist to Russian and now the oldest dem trick in the book taxes, pathetic

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>I'll always take a jew over a gay, any day of the week.
if it wasn't for jews, faggotry would be outlawed

elijah cummings is an angry milk dud

That he's actually broke as a joke and ripe for corruption

You’re assuming faggots who are talking about this even know how deductions work. That’s what I find the most entertaining about it all. They could hand out his tax forms to people on the street and they wouldn’t know what they were looking at. Even the faggot show hosts need someone behind the scenes to translate them.

It is no secret he has gone bankrupt
At this point he doesnt need to be corrupt to make money
He can get a ghostwriter to write a book for him to sell to boomers or just sell shitty merch

LOL, more illegal activity

>Dominique Jackson

Surely this time

OP is a faggot and my heart could not be warmer. God bless America and God please damn those who deserve it. AMEN

untouchable, the man walks the path of KeK.

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