Niggers in my 2D

There's just so much a man can take.

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Is Japan Blacked?

Top left is not a nigger.

you forgot nathan from blood +

which one is she? looks super familiar


Attached: blacked japan.png (1800x1858, 3.78M) you forgot the most famous one of all

Afro samurai is based shit tho

Jews started dumping money into Japanese banks 3 years ago. Alot of people see Abe as a puppet and japans getting shit for being not diverse.

Japan usually doesn't focus on race making their black characters decent

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>nigger skin
def a nigger

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Yoruichi from Bleach

yoruichi, which would be a south/southeast asian.

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"hey what the fuck you got a fuckin problem, i'll pound the living shit out of you dumbass freaky tourist. I'll knock your fucken head off! SAY HI TO THE PEOPLE IN JORSEY FOR ME!"

Just cause they are dark-skin doesn't automatically mean they are niggers.

Here, I crossed out the ones that aren't niggers

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they also forgot namekians from dbz and fish people from one piece

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Is top Center Afro-Samurai? Isn’t that made in the US


Stupid niggers can't tell the difference between a gook & nigger.

>An anime that has gone on for almost or over 20 years has a minor black character
So that covers Bleach, Naruto, and One Piece

>A show about criminal syndicates in a diverse city full of Chinese, Japanese, and Russians has one notable black character
Didn't they once shoot up a ship full of Neonazis for some reason? I feel like you should be much angrier about that

Yoruichi isnt black tho, more like some sort of island asian where they're tanned as shit

Mr Popo is probably the only nigger I would actually enjoy hanging out with.

>We Wuz Japanese n Shiieeet
She is not a nigger
Her nose is small
Her mouth is small
She's clearly mongoloid.
Not even close to a nigger

For what it's worth, niggers are terrible due to a pretty large and concerted host of factors that you don't necessarily need to write into some manga or anime. Unless it's the skin tone that bothers you, in which case pick your specific cutoff; plenty of darker-skinned waifus out there user. Unless you're just trying to poison the well and sew splinters of division or tension in places you perceive us to draw strength, community or solidarity from. If that's the case I advise you to check yourself into the nearest industrial grade oven.

Daz Bones is probably black as well as all the darkies from the cloud village in Naruto.

Darkshine isnt a nigger lol, he was a small japanese man that started lifting to try and cure his crippling lack of confidence

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This. Some asians have dark skin, but they are not negros. Like Pic-Related

These stupid niggers don't even know their own fucking anime

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why are americans in anime assholes?

what's the middle one?

I have bad news user.

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He looks more mongoloid to me. Do you see a nigger here? Lol user, please.

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Ah fuck
Is this Dante’s Inferno?
Fuck this he’ll hold, I don’t want Japan to go retarded like the west too

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So by improving yourself you become a nigger? Don't you see the message this is spreading to young impressionable white minds?

See my previous post. I marked off the ones that aren't niggers:


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Fuck off gaijin
We don't care about race in fucking cartoons unlike you
If a cartoonist thinks "let's make a black-skinned character appear", it will appear
That's simple
There's no political intention there

Dream on nignog. They hate you just as much every other race.

>He looks more mongoloid to me.
I’m not going to argue the subjective. But this is Oda we’re talking about.

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Because of Japanese reluctance to procreate the potent Negro seed will eventually be sought after. Niggers are more outgoing and sociable.

Sad but true.

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When Japanese think Hafu (aka mutts) they think of half Japanese half white or fair skinned foreigners. Other than the last two who you can tell by their hair color are social oddballs they are referring to the half black ones.
The fact is annually around 20K half Japanese are born. Some in Japan, others outside but they sometimes are brought back. There are a number of African transplants in Japan. Just like other foreigners they MUST have jobs, be naturalized, and behave under the merit system in place.
Most come from shitholes and do what's need to not get sent back.
All in all the number of non-white foreigners in Japan is not drastically high and that article written by a kike who has a hafu child is pure propaganda for westerners.
Japan will be fine.

Why don’t Europeans move there to have kids?

The movie will be. The production itself is Japanese based, IIRC, upon the idea of Blaxploitation movies with a "Japanese touch".

>character has dark-skin
>blacks assume the character is black
Goddamn this is why I hate niggers. Hey blacks, I can be a nigger too!

Dum strate homies, we wuz Japanese n shiiiieeet

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superalloy darkshine aint no nig

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No, by obsessively focusing on building an unbreakable body and slowly undergoing a less intense version of the obsession transformations that creates monsters, he turned into a nigger. But he still gets his ass whooped by a skinny white kid who kungfu's good.

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>All in all the number of non-white foreigners in Japan is not drastically high
Wrong, you idiot

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Kinda. Afro Samurai was the brainchild of an American and originally aired on American television (Spike TV), and it's English language originally. But it was animated by a Gonzo, a Japanese studio that legitimately makes anime. You could make the argument either way whether or not it counts; purists would tend to say it doesn't, but more inclusive fans can say it is.

Personally I would tend to exclude it from being an actual anime, on the weight of the English original dub and the US network it first aired on. Mind you, I'd also exclude Animatrix as being real anime, on a few of the same technicalities.

Are you kidding? Whites can are the same boat; reproducing under replacement levels. Governments have to be bribing people to breed. Even they have started to breed with nogs.

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All those anime characters look Japanese.

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I’ve been too I look pretty Japanese myself.

Coalburners are disgusting & they always end up getting burnt. The negro isn't human & is nothing more than a beast.

Burn the coal, pay the toll

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Articles about the Japanese birth rate are bunk.
Pure bullshit created for western readers. Why? Because Japan has a stiff immigration policy.
When "they" try to force other countries to take Muslim and migrants Japan is among the few that push back.
"They" want other countries who folded to pressure to bully Japan because they feel for the ruse and suffered.
In all my visits to Japan all I see are couples with babies and it was constant. Because they aren't having kids due to some data they want it's suddenly a crisis and westerners fall for it.
Because Japan loves white people doesn't mean they make it easy for them to stay. Getting a job and even housing as a foreigner is a fucking nightmare if you don't have Japanese friends and connections. This is why most foreigners stay on a work visa as "reporters/journalists", write a few articles and vlog and you get to stick around.

Nice random pie chart VPN user.

Anime is the only media I can tolerate blacks in

They have no race (unless they are mentioned in the story) and they are just anime characters and nothing else

I don't believe you. Show us your face user.

Learn more

Bottom left is from One Punch Man and is actually a really good character. Right next to him is from Black Lagoon and is a based nigger. The rest can go to hell because they're stealing Jap culture especially top middle called 'Afro Samurai'.

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Bottom right is from where?

That's cause most of them aren't black to begin with. Small noses, small lips, face faces,...they are clearly mongoloid.

This is what a nigger in anime looks like

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True they are anime characters. But they also look Japanese.

Wow an obscure article from 2005.
I'm sure the number of white foreigners hasn't increased or anything.
Find me some recent data.

They are a tiny island. If they bring groids into their world, it will be the end of Japan as we know it.

Niggers are a fucking burdern & destory everything good. Don't be like Europe, Japan.

Correct me on this, but aren't the niggers in that part of the world deemed as 'outcasts'?

>this thread

The epitome of Rent Free.

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Based Mr. Popo

I'm wondering how many of those women are now single moms or dead?

No, where'd you hear that? Those aren't Africans who moved there to live. They are indigenous.Genetic studies show they are closer to Caucasians on the genome tree than Africans.

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Fucking disgusting

bottom left isn't black. he's suppose to be like an extreme body builder. so tanned up he became blacker than night.

You jelly white boi?

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>Jarawa India

He’s got no dick. How can black boos ever compete?

You are a retard if you think all those characters are niggers .

>Hasn't read the manga and/or watch the anime


Oh wait, he doesn't have one