A mixed race land is the ideal for a modern forward thinking country.
>More mixing >Less birth defects
Diversifying genes makes them more resilient towards shit like cancer and viral diseases. In fact, you should go so far as to seek out a woman who's as genetically different from you as possible, if you want healthy offspring. You should know that genetic diversity is relatively low across all of humanity so it's better to use the little room you got.
Diversity of genes is key to health and life success. The closer your genes the more fucked up you are. Look at Pakistan.
((())) Mixed-race adolescents showed higher risk when compared with single-race adolescents on general health questions, school experience, smoking and drinking, and other risk variables.
Conclusions >Adolescents who self-identify as more than 1 race are at higher health and behavior risks. The findings are compatible with interpreting the elevated risk of mixed race as associated with stress.
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2867623/ archive.is/gyKM6 >The analysis included approximately 1.6 million live births and 1749 stillbirths. In the unadjusted model, compared with two white parents, black/black and black/white couples had a significantly higher risk of fetal death. When all demographic, social, biological, genetic, congenital, and procedural risk factors except gestational age and birth weight were included, the odds ratios (OR) were all still significant. Black/black couples had the highest level of risk (OR 2.11, CI 1.77-2.51), followed by black mother/white father couples (OR 2.01, CI 1.16-3.48), and white mother/black father couples (OR 1.84, CI 1.33-2.54). Virtually all of the higher risk of fetal death was explainable by higher rates of low birth weight and prematurity.
Conclusions >Mixed race black and white couples face higher odds of prematurity and low birth weight, which appear to contribute to the substantially higher demonstrated risk for stillbirth. There are likely additional unmeasured factors that influence birth outcomes for mixed race couples.
sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886912004047 archive.is/TcbxQ Exploring the association between the 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene promoter polymorphism and psychopathic personality traits, arrests, incarceration, and lifetime antisocial behavior The 2R was related to arrest, incarceration, and lifetime antisocial behavior.
>These associations were only observable for African-American males.
>Only 0.1% of Caucasian males carried the 2-repeat allele.
sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301051118305787 archive.is/4eOxb >MAOA genotype modulates default mode network deactivation during inhibitory control >It has been demonstrated, in a long line of research, that the low-activity genotype of the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene is associated with aggression.
archive.is/0CEMs >The 2-Repeat Allele of the MAOA Gene Confers an Increased Risk for Shooting and Stabbing Behaviors
>These associations were only observable for African-American males.
These associations were only observable for African-American males.
>These associations were only observable for African-American males.
>Gene Expression Differences Between Europeans And Africans Affect Response To Drugs, Infections
>But in the process they saw several other differences. Some, including variation in the immune system's response to microbial invaders, were expected. Previous studies have found that African Americans may be more susceptible than Caucasians to infection by certain bacteria, such as Porphyromonas gingivalis that causes periodontitis.
>Others were unanticipated, including significant differences in expression levels among genes involved in fundamental cellular processes such as ribosomal biogenesis, transfer RNA processing, and Notch-signaling--part of a complex system of communication that governs basic cellular activities and coordinates cell actions.
Camden Baker
sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0304394004010493 archive.is/XMubl >The tau H2 haplotype is almost exclusively Caucasian in origin >This analysis shows that the H2 haplotype is probably exclusively Caucasian in origin and its marginal occurrence in other racial groups is likely to reflect admixture.
sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0090825812006981 archive.is/qe4yq >Analysis of common variations in tumor-suppressor genes on chr1p36 among Caucasian women with endometriosis Conclusions >In this Caucasian population, endometriosis seems to be associated with the tumor-suppressor gene CHD5. Our findings support recent data, suggesting that the 1p36 region plays an important role in endometrios.
sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1443950611012546 archive.is/S0nZR Conclusions >NT-proBNP levels were higher in Africans than Caucasians, independently of BMI and gender. This difference was partly driven by higher SBP and lower arterial compliance in Africans. NT-proBNP was persistently associated with SBP and PP in Africans, but not in Caucasians. These associations may suggest early vascular changes contributing to cardiac alterations in Africans.
sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/02/130223111515.htm archive.is/Lo1QE >Race linked to childhood food allergies, not environmental allergies Key findings: >20.1 percent of African-American children were sensitized to an food allergen compared to 6.4 percent in Caucasian children. >African-American children were sensitized to at least one food allergen three times more often than Caucasian children. >13.9 percent of African-American children were sensitized to an environmental allergen compared to 11 percent of Caucasian children.
>The evidence is consistent that the content and distribution of body fat are markedly different between the various ethnic groups. We found that Asians have a greater predisposition towards adiposity at higher BMI than in Caucasians. Moreover, at any given level of adiposity, Asians have a much greater predisposition to risk of cardiometabolic disorders than Caucasians.
It's actually the opposite. Certain races are more susceptible to certain genetic diseases. Race mixing will only introduce those genetic diseases to races that on the whole don't have to worry about it. Furthermore, this is how you spread genetic diseases even more. Now kids that never had to deal with it based on their race, will now have to deal with it. For example, blacks are more prone to high blood pressure, asthma, diabetes, stroke, etc. Hopefully it's obvious to you that genetics between mom and dad get passed down to son/daughter. So congratulations, you thought you did good when in reality did your offspring dirty. I don't know who told you that but they might actually be retarded.
Henry Moore
Name a racially mixed country which isn't shit.
Isaiah Morris
A mixed race has destroyed every country that has ever been a country. A mixed race loses the ideals and passion of both races and the country gives way to incompetence. This is the story of civilization.
sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1078143915004019 archive.is/0ojt0 >Differences in the aggressiveness of prostate cancer among Korean, Caucasian, and African American men: A retrospective cohort study of radical prostatectomy >Overall, high-grade PCa (Gleason score≥8) was more common in Korean (19.4%) than in AA (6.1%) or Caucasian (5.5%) patients (P
Literally the opposite. Mixed race abominations have higher propensity for defects and health risks in general throughout their life. There's also things like bone marrow transplants that cannot happen unless the donor and patient are the exact same race, otherwise the body will reject it.
>Studies reported that for the same BMI, Asians have a higher body fat percentage, a prominent abdominal obesity, a higher intramyocellular lipid and/or a higher liver fat content compared to Caucasians.
sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0376871611004480 archive.is/dU89V >Ethnic-specific meta-analyses of association between the OPRM1 A118G polymorphism and alcohol dependence among Asians and Caucasians Conclusions >The OPRM1 A118G polymorphism may contribute to the susceptibility of alcohol dependence in Asians but not in Caucasians.
sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022347611011590 >E-Selectin is Elevated in Cord Blood of South Asian Neonates Compared with Caucasian Neonates Results >Plasma E-selectin levels were significantly higher in South Asian neonates (46.7 versus 33.5 ng/mL, P < .001), and levels of intercellular adhesion molecule 1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 did not differ. Furthermore, South Asian neonates had hyperinsulinemia (P = .043), dyslipidemia (with significantly higher triglyceride and lower high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels), and higher C-reactive protein levels (75.7 versus 43.8 ng/mL, P = .009).
archive.is/85MQd >Their findings also show that while females have lower brain volume, proportionate to their smaller size, they have higher gray matter density than males, which could explain why their cognitive performance is comparable despite having lower brain volume.
>In general, men have approximately 6.5 times the amount of gray matter related to general intelligence than women, and women have nearly 10 times the amount of white matter related to intelligence than men. Gray matter represents information processing centers in the brain, and white matter represents the networking of – or connections between – these processing centers.
>Hence the individual in grave Bj 581 is the first confirmed female high‐ranking Viking warrior. Finally, we note that both biological sex and mtDNA analyses support the single‐individual origin of the analyzed cranial and postcranial remains (same sex and mt‐haplogroup T)
>The Viking warrior female showed genetic affinity to present‐day inhabitants of the British Islands (England and Scotland), the North Atlantic Islands (Iceland and the Orkneys), Scandinavia (Denmark and Norway) and to lesser extent Eastern Baltic Europe (Lithuania and Latvia)
>Scientists analyzing 7.2 million-year-old fossils uncovered in modern-day Greece and Bulgaria suggest a new hypothesis about the origins of humankind, placing it in the Eastern Mediterranean and not -- as customarily assumed -- in Africa, and earlier than currently accepted. The researchers conclude that Graecopithecus freybergi represents the first pre-humans to exist following the split from the last chimpanzee-human common ancestor.
Race is so important that it's biologically imprinted in infants at birth (ability to recognize in-group vs out)
sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0028393217303378 archive.is/LFZrU Abstract >Race is an important perceptual cue for face perception. In adults, other-race faces are elaborated differently and remembered less well than own-race faces. Moreover, they show a different pattern of activation at the neural level. Developmental studies demonstrated that, during the first year of life, infants start to show the same behavioral pattern as adults in race perception. However, little is known about where and how in the brain other-race perception is elaborated in this population. The present study is the first to investigate the development of different neural responses to faces of different race in infants using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Specifically, a group of 5-month-old and a group of 9-month-old Caucasian infants were assessed during passing-viewing of Caucasian and African faces. Results showed a greater activation for African than for Caucasian faces for both oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin. Moreover, results suggested a tendency for a progressive specialization between 5 and 9 months of age. This is the first fNIRS study investigating the neural correlates of race perception in Caucasian infants during the first year of life.
sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0304394017308698 archive.is/ozbVV >Other race effect on amygdala response during affective facial processing in major depression Conclusions >Increased amygdala responses associated with the other race effect were evident in both individuals with major depression and in healthy participants. Increased amygdala responses with the other race effect is a potential confound of the neural correlates of facial processing in healthy participants and in mental health disorders.
OP just got double dong death dealt to him .... >LMAO buh bye OP yer ded
Robert Gray
Mixing causes birth defects
Eli King
I appreciate it. I wish your family happiness and health. If I lived a million years I couldn't repay my debt to my ancestors and my people. Everything I am is the result of millions of years of deliberate choices and struggles overcome. We are the only people who create environments (civilizations) rather than live at the mercy of it.
Adam Price
>Youth of mixed race/ethnicity are more likely to be at risk for poor mental health outcomes even with a similar number of external developmental assets as their single race/ethnic counterparts. >ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29855805
34 percent of biracial individuals in a national survey had been diagnosed with a psychological disorder, such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse, versus 17 percent of monoracial individuals. The higher rate held up even after the researchers controlled for differences between the groups in age, gender and life stress, among other factors. >ucdavis.edu/news/biracial-asian-americans-and-mental-health?id=8732&
I know who those rats are (OP). They are not random strangers naively hypothesizing about things. That's why I speak that way about their mothers.
Colton Stewart
that doesn't matter at this point. The information in the thread and response is significantly more important as is. There are genuinely uninformed people who lurk and need to see this.
Jaxson Robinson
I believe this stuff, but there is no mechanism found here It could be that the kids were just fucked up, because it is more likely for people to race mix to be shit parents Collectivist epidemiological shit like this is for commies
Nathaniel Wright
Thank you for these I didn't have them.
Adrian Hall
What you state would be valid if other information was unknown. We can see how important, indisputable and exclusive specific genes are here We can see how important the *order and sequence of specific *alleles are in personality and psychological predisposition. We may share some genes within races BUT the *sequence* of alleles within the DNA structure is as important as the specific gene.
Don't cause confusion where non exits!
Ayden Perry
>sequence of alleles is specific to each race these
You're a madlad friend, thanks for the information (and blowing the fuck out of (((OP)))) all in one fell swoop.
Alexander Carter
nice and informative thanks
Brazil destroys OP's entire argument alone. >less than half of the population is literate >murder capital of the world >police are soldiers and operate like judge dredd >extremely left wing government >entire population is white/hispanic/negro mutts
It means more to me that my people are responsive to this information than setting subversives straight. Thank you for everything you do in your personal life which will have a positive impact on my life. love you brother ..don't neglect to love my sister. Goodnight and have a pleasant rest of your week ahead. War until victory
At the very least I feel obligated to speak the truth so people can make informed choices. I owe my so much of my success in life (health, ability and potential) to the loyalty of my ancestors. same to you brother (above) .