So I am in India for a while and thought id check out tinder and on god I've never seen such ugly motherfuckers in my...

So I am in India for a while and thought id check out tinder and on god I've never seen such ugly motherfuckers in my life. You'd probably be swiping for hours and by chance if you're lucky you'll probably find a 4/10 looking bitch who thinks she's "the shit"

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Indians are some of the ugliest people on earth. There's niggers who look better then them.

They just look dirty, stinky and filthy. Like they rolled around in dirt for hours.

Only degenerates use Tinder. The good quality stuff gets traded through arranged marriage.

Aboriginal blood makes them look ugly.

Post examples please. I’ve only seen ugly Americans.

This. Pajeets have a 1 percent divorce rate

Tinder isn’t a thing in India, nor is casual dating. It’s a niche thing.

Yeah, Tinder bitches are ugly. They tend to be the feminist, liberated types who cannot be body shamed by the patriarchy.

How do you find the god tier Indians then?

post pics

>poo tinder

Were you looking for a date to show you the designated shitting streets?

Attached: india-space-program-ufo-shit-in-space-comic-trolling.jpg (735x625, 140K)

go to a Indian enclave in the West, 2nd-3rd gen Indians tend to assimilate and take their of their looks

I thought their families would disown them for it.

They get scooped up for long term relationship and marriage at an earlier age. They don't slut around.

Good quality according to Indian standards are probably like a 4/10 don't count punjabis because they're of Persian descent/mixed so they basically made them look less fucked up

I mean the dalit caste indians are probably ugly af
but the top tier indian women are some of the most attractive women on earth

They slut around in marriage. Government legalised cheating just a few months ago.

Once you move them to the West, and they grow up there they become one of the sluttiest. AFAIK I remember reading a report where Indian women had a much higher rate of STDs than Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, and White women only third to Hispanics and blacks.

They all are "the shit".

Most of the top tier women are mixed, I've seen some beautiful women around too but they aren't pure Indian. Just bunch of dravidians around

Is this god tier standard in India and is this a Punjab woman?

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Which state are you in tho

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Yes she's a punjabi

Her ancestral family is from Peshawar, which is now Afghan-Pakistani territory.

>Punjabis are Persian
Yeah I'm gonna need a source for that

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Oh so she has some Pashtun lineage?

Show pics you larping faggot.

Let's not forget Darius and how he conquered the northern India now shall we? Since you guys are known to replace history and change the names of the cities and places around India which hurt your pride

She is technically Afghan. She’s from the Kapoor family which were Hindu Afghans who escaped and emigrated to India. Ancient India stretched till Afghanistan before Muslims Islamized those parts.

Lmao. This post is incorrect. I see cuties on tinder in India.

Attached: Screenshot_Tinder_20190331-145130.png (1080x2160, 1.48M)

>Indian “race”.

OP you're ugly.
>Image is a match that I got. She's a total fucking normie tho.

Attached: Screenshot_Tinder_20190331-151425.png (1080x2160, 800K)

Lolwut ? What do you mean ?

How liberal are girls in India for sex?

She's indian too. I love the northeast.

Attached: Screenshot_Tinder_20190331-183251.png (1080x2160, 1.39M)

Oh damn.

Asian Indian mix?

It's their punishment for zerging Alexander the Great's army with stupid elephants and tons of poo.
Their abhorrent genes stayed 'pure', kek.

Like white girls. If you are rich only then.

Also OP tinder in India is good. I'll go full retard, it has pretty much worked for me.

No just Asians. British India annexed parts of Asian Empires which became North East India. North East Indians are racially different from mainland Indians.

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Not eastern indians naturally look like that.

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Meh as fuck.

I bet you have zero matches

Idk the first one is waifu types.

Fuck I need to do some research into India. This is interesting.

If there’s on God damn thing the Brits did, which I’m thankful for, is to allow us a supply of Asian qts by taking those parts from China and Tibet.

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Now how the fuck would I get any matches if the only thing I am doing is swiping left because I can't help that your people are ugly as fuck

I had a lot of matches. I keep uninstalling and reinstalling tinder in like every few days. I feel like a normie using tinder.

Dude, I'd even fuck her. I just want a pussy rn.

Attached: Screenshot_Tinder_20190331-153404.png (1080x2160, 348K)

Most of the women you guys are posting pictures of are a product of race mixing. Your arguments are invalid.

North eastern girls are the best. Nationalist than most pajeet girls.


I think you can do better user.

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My dear fellow Indians do not be demoralised by any of the banter here,all of the statistics support our motion and these retards are salty because we were successful in the anti-satellite mission in our first attempt at a much cheaper cost .let these snowniggers cry as much as they can,they are a dying old man with no family of its own,they are bound to rant,cry and abuse all who are better than themselves. death is nearing them and it is only now that they have realised it ,that is why they are crying and shouting in a futile attempt to assert that they are still young and full of life and energy,that they can still fight ,but the universal that truth that stands is that it will die ,soon it will.
In a few decades we will be much better than these snowniggers,doesn't matter how much of our population lives below poverty , throughout history it is only a few that determine the fate of a nation,afterall a people who aspire to attain godhood are bound to be deemed monstrous by men of a decaying civilization.they are decaying and it is us who aspire enlightenment and that is why we will win.


Not bad

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To be fair, isn't most of India the product of said race mixing?

row row row boat gently down stream,
merrily merrily merrily merrily,
please send bobs and vagene

it is but the ratio matters

She's got a pussy.

>I keep uninstalling and reinstalling tinder in like every few days.
Because you get no matches and reset like a faggot, it's never going to happen. It's sad you have to even install it, you'll never know the joy of meeting a cute girl in person.

I'm not trying to come off as an Indian hating incel, I have met a lot of cool people around here, it's just that alot of girls on tinder here are obnoxious and pretentious as fuck. There was this one girl who literally only wanted to be with my travel buddy because he made her look good around her friends

post more pics

Rancid stringy shit pussy

you won't find a sanskari grill on tinder, they only date people whom have something going in their life

Yeah you're probably right.

Nope. Tinder feels sad and bland.

I just read that whole thing in the simpsons Apu voice

You can lie to me all you like but you can only lie to yourself for so long

>So I am in India for a while
are you a tourist?

Wait user. I have more. Lurking in public.

>I'm not trying to come off as an Indian hating incel,
so its you who memeflags and starts India hating threads.
are you the same guy?

Tangentially related but gypsies/romani were originally Indian who got rekt by Ghaznavids, turko-persians, and were pulled west as war slaves. So there's plenty of historical contact between the two regions.

Eat shit Harrapan. You dumbfucks have grown man eating catfish in the Ganges, a supposedly holy river...

Yes, but don't get me wrong I have nothing against indians as a whole, I've met some really cool people and had some good times. It's just that there are only like 5% of the population who are actually level headed. Most of the good people all want to move out of here as they've told me, and i don't blame them. India is a beautiful country but it's the uneducated/stupid apes that really make you wanna move out. I've even seen the election shit show here.

>were originally Indian
even afgan were called Indians.

He's right.

> india is a beautiful country
It was when our ancestors existed, they had better water and sewage, I feel bad for our ancestors they invented so many and we are just throwing ape shit at each other

Say what you want user. I haven't shared a pussy with a nig nog.

Show me your matches

i have seen one Indian poster laarp as karl rock here on pol. thats why i asked.

How'd you post emojis?

Its the birthrates user. Superior Indians are not breeding while degenerates like Muslims are breeding so fast. My mother keeps joking if I get married to a darkie she's gonna disown me.

Uninstalled tinder right now. But I do have screenshots.

China will take this part from you very soon .

That's an old meme. Eww

it's a png

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fuck that shit, i'll just pay for it in Delhi

Is taking. This part is infested by subhuman rohingyas.

yea post em. Have you ever matched with a girl and met up with her

t. Dhruv rathee

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It's funny when poo's claim superiority.

dude today i saw one of those with fake voter id in kolkata.

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I've only met like two of them.

that part was/is and always will be part of our country.

I'm not saying I agree with it. It's just what China does. They will claim it's always been a part of China and Chinese people live there. Then one day your border has moved.

Hassan minhaj trying to legalise them in India. American pajeets are the worse.

Google dokhlam.

True they don't even live here and some how form their opinions fucking degenerate scums

Now that’s funny!