@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

WH Public Pool/Schedule:

>Pres Trump briefed by Sr Mil Leaders 4/3/19
>VP Pence @NATO Engages 4/3/19
>SoS Pompeo @NATO 70th Anniv Reception 4/3/19
>SoS Pompeo meetings 4/3/19 (A Fucking Leaf FM Freeland) (NATO SecGen Stoltenberg) (Roach FM Cavusoglu) (Congoles Pres Tshisekedi) (IAEA DirGen Amano)
>NECDir Kudlow @Christian Science Monitor Breakfast 4/3/19
>SpiceDaddy on FBN 4/3/19
>LabSec Acosta @House on 2020 Budget 4/3/19
>EPAAdm Wheeler @Senate on 2020 Budget 4/3/19
>DHADir NavyViceAdm Bono/Service SGs @Senate on 2020 Budget 4/3/19
>DHADir NavyViceAdm Bono/Service SGs @House on 2020 Budget 4/3/19
>AssistDefSec Rapuano/AFSPC Comdr Gen Raymond @House on Space Progs 4/3/19
>UnderDefSec4Pol Rood/Def Officials @Senate on Missile Def Progs 4/3/19
>NPSDepDir Smith/NPSComptroller Bowron @House on Priorities 4/3/19
>Pres Trump @NRCC Annual Spring Dinner 4/2/19

OP pastebin:

Attached: 49yearsago.jpg (1600x1200, 172K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: 1554344940941.gif (1440x900, 795K)

>metallic taste in mouth
>can't taste anything, feels like I burned tongue but I didn't
>been this way for 3 days
wat do? I keep it clean but I can't MAGA without taste. Dehydrated maybe?

Attached: sick helper.jpg (1024x1024, 115K)

this will unarguably be the greatest political debate of all time

Attached: 1533613677451.png (640x480, 130K)

>Students end hunger strike after UK president agrees to cover mural, take other steps.

>A controversial mural at the University of Kentucky’s Memorial Hall will be covered for a second time in several years after a two-hour meeting between President Eli Capilouto and a coalition of student protesters who occupied the Main Building Monday night. The protesters laid out a series of demands to make life at UK better for low-income and minority students, and in many cases, he met them.

>▪ A permanent seat for black students on search committees for administrative officials: UK will include a representative from the Black Student Collective on all senior-level search committees (deans and high-level administrators).

>▪ UK will immediately cover the mural and re-engage with a new committee to determine a long-term plan. “Although efforts over the past two years to create a more complete context for the mural have been earnest and thoughtful, the artwork in Memorial Hall remains a touchstone of pain and hurt for many students of color,” Capilouto said.

>The 1930s fresco mural by Ann Rice O’Hanlon was painted as part of the federal Public Works of Art Project. It shows Lexington’s history from its settlement in a series of scenes. In one, black men and women are planting tobacco, and in another, a Native American man holds a tomahawk.

>“You have the power to remove the mural or cover it up,” student Daniel Beasley told Capilouto. “This is a moment in time when people of color and marginalized communities are hurting ... take this step for the people of color on campus. We have experienced enough trauma.”

>At the meeting, Capilouto explained that as president, it would be extremely difficult to destroy a work of art, but pledged to continue discussing the issue. Because it was painted onto wet plaster, it cannot be moved without being destroyed. “My heart hurts for the history you have to carry with you every day,” he said.

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i've tried to git gud but the only thing anons ever liked were the couple of acmeme comics i made
yea, pic related was some user adding the glow effect after i threw the logo on a standard b8 meme

Attached: thisbaitglows.png (610x613, 107K)

Good thing the border is shut down, guys.

>how about cash? kek


Attached: 1553817505904.png (1440x1810, 3.56M)

brush your teeth

Attached: 1539687766723.jpg (162x302, 22K)

Get the goddamn kikes out of the White House.

Attached: 9992386426342.jpg (852x960, 177K)

The Nightly Roundup
April 4th, 2019
Back To Tax Returns! EDITION

>British PM Theresa May meets with opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn in an attempted to form a Brexit deal.
>Up to 15 MP’s threatening to resign over these talks, including 5 cabinet members.
>The House Judiciary Committee votes to authorize a subpoena for the full, unredacted Mueller report.
>Pres Trump dials back comments on completely shutting down southern border, but reiterates the essential need for proper border security.
>Tweets "Congress must get together and immediately eliminate the loopholes at the Border! If no action, Border, or large sections of Border, will close. This is a National Emergency!"

>Republicans begin to use “nuclear option” to speed up confirmation hearings for Trump administration nominations.
>The power was used to cut debate time on executive and judicial nominations.
>Creepy uncle Joe Biden Releases video promising to be less of a creep around woman in the future.
>”I’ll be more mindful and respectful of people personal space.”

>United States planning a financial “relief package” for Venezuela to fortify the economy if president Muduro is ousted.
>Pres Trumps accounting firm will provide financial information from Trumps last 10 years to the house intelligence committee, under the condition they are subpoena’d first.
>House committee also asking the IRS for last 6 years of President Trump's tax returns
>why stop at Trump, lets see all members of congresses tax returns?
>Columbia rejects Russian issued warning to nations bordering Venezuela not to militarily intervene.
>”Colombia reiterates that the transition to democracy must be conducted by the Venezuelans themselves peacefully and within the framework of the Constitution and international law, supported by political and diplomatic means, without the use of force.”

Attached: tax return rates.png (1400x821, 49K)

Attached: 1541224235039.jpg (657x1111, 95K)

>why save everything?
>t. folderlet
i am legion for i am many

Attached: 1543808148414.gif (500x332, 3.69M)

>holiday gets created to celebrate Italian heritage in a time where Italian-Americans are being discriminated against
>somehow this gets turned into muh natives 50 years later

fuck this state

We need to drag the enemy deep into the forest. Most of them are well versed in deception and propaganda. They are especially vulnerable to psychological warfare. I hope you’re ready.

Attached: 1016598E-2C28-434F-A18F-CF7B76CBCE61.jpg (638x549, 121K)

I also noticed the last three letters in the url of the song:

Attached: 20161923.jpg (780x438, 32K)

he's not even running though

thanks user

That's cancer, user.

Attached: excuse me but wtf.jpg (641x530, 41K)

I bet you're loving the shit out of this mother.

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Yeah, it's just hard to explain to people that want him to "omg why don't you just close off billions in trade overnight without notifying anyone".
Pulling this without a concrete plan and exit strategy is downright retarded, especially so if you don't want to guarantee a Dem monkey victory in 2020.
Not saying he shouldn't have done it on day 1, but getting border governors on board with public support is a smart move.

They do a really good job of making the older characters funny too and it's not just "these zanny kids"

>yea, pic related was some user adding the glow effect after i threw the logo on a standard b8 meme
I remember you. That was a good day.
based and redpilled AF

Attached: 4chan new vs old.jpg (780x419, 54K)

>ywn go on time travel adventures with Trump with a Huey Lewis soundtrack
Don't need a credit card to ride this feel train.

covfefe in the morning
more water

Probably see a doctor

Attached: D3OPOceUEAA-Lje.jpg (1242x1425, 252K)

Oh it's this thread again..

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Is that beto?

you get gud from being awful for a really long time

real losers never try

Literally wrote a report on this topic for my Religion degree
No, Jews weren't more likely to be slaveowners
The vast majority of kikes in the early US were gypsy-tier AskeNAZI immigrants who lived in ghettos and at most, held one or two slaves as a family unit
Statistically, Jews were no different from any other group in order of actually owning slaves but they were something like 2% more likely to approve of slavery than other groups

Attached: LYtfm17_d.jpg (500x281, 27K)

did you find Jow Forumsanon's canteen?

Attached: canteen.jpg (1600x3459, 2.65M)

Could be worse. Could be Drive. Or Drive 2049.

It really is the little things that wind up being some of the funniest.
>Also I'm sorry for this erection.

Attached: fe58c9f132f10878a8595e585924a43f.jpg (600x849, 54K)

>now say it like Archie Bunker
RIP in peace Harry Goz

Attached: pudding.jpg (256x197, 7K)

According to Bloomberg "the trade deal that the US and #China are crafting would give Beijing until 2025 to meet commitments on commodity purchases and allow American Cos to wholly own enterprises in the Asian nation" citing 3 people familiar with the talks.

Assuming 'big if true' then:
> 2025 until commitments
> Allow foreigners to fully own enterprises in China
unloading debt to foreigners.

Sounds so bad for U.S. I doubt it's even real.

Attached: file.png (1781x827, 130K)

Stop doing meth.

>What's there to steal? A spare turban?

Attached: 8fb065e5902ffe592cf87ecb9aee9959.jpg (700x922, 96K)

Just really well performed from the voice actor, I believed the shock at seeing her run on those train tracks cause like god damn yeah hahahhahah that would hurt and I'm sure the anime didn't address it at al

everyone is too afraid to fail here

no one is willing to make crappy beginner memes

this is the hurt locker, remember

Probably just more algogaming and jawboning

Attached: file.png (1240x864, 144K)

>[[Keiichiro Sobs]]
I wish that was a meme

*MAGAing in CIA*

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Well the 2025 deadline is trash, but letting people actually own the companies in China is a big deal, right now you basically have to do a joint venture with a Chinese company to set up shop there.

pretty solid for a frogposter there

Attached: file.png (870x334, 46K)

digits confirm
here's some shitty paint OC I made

Attached: eagle nigger.png (845x764, 1014K)

make a wish user, the end is near

Attached: MAGA wish foundation.gif (601x601, 1.09M)

>He didn't get on his knees and repent to the lord. Probably because of his half-Pakistani bloodline.
They're fucking relentless with the cabby jokes and I love it.
I'd make some, but it's clearly trademarked.

Attached: d6b0cda9f13bed318184a23087f73050.jpg (1168x1237, 186K)


Attached: file.png (870x956, 588K)

>for a frogposter
frogposting has always been and will always be God-tier
now check 'em

Attached: kek eminations.jpg (1352x930, 1022K)

>off by one

Attached: boy this sure is one tasty gun.png (774x565, 202K)

>but letting people actually own the companies in China is a big deal
It's just that this is a sleight of hand, 'a concession' China pretends it doesn't want to give out (when it by all indicators looks to be way to make gweilo the bagholder extraordinaire).

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Attached: collusion.jpg (585x499, 77K)

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I enjoyed this post

God Bless the United States of America.
God Bless President Donald John Trump.

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What's the point of the draft if everyone is just going to die

Attached: 1553942681203.jpg (720x720, 113K)

God bless those retards over at Jow Forums they always make life fun

Quality banter and a solid statistic to always remember

Attached: cartoon hunting.png (1210x1016, 124K)

Attached: kek.jpg (581x177, 17K)

what a slow fucking news day it was

The sad thing is you could probably fill an entire hard drive with just these images.

Attached: 93892fb9aca59c16251853da3e5aeea4.png (600x900, 321K)

>no one is willing to make crappy beginner memes
what do you mean?

the meme that has been, will be, and always was

Attached: 1537222624660.gif (720x720, 1.44M)

i wish i had the cap of the user remarking feminists didn't have the right to vote when the constitution was made

Post more of her


Jow Forums had some great stuff, I used to be on it pretty regularly years ago. It was pretty insane when Heller came out.

Attached: Keiichiro-Sobs.gif (640x597, 248K)


>You look like a bot
go home 4chinz ur drunk

Attached: large[1].jpg (639x798, 54K)

The Best There Is, The Best There Was and The Best There Ever Will Be

Attached: (517x524, 104K)


how are the yellow vests doing anyway? they still upset?

>honk posting guaranteed through december 2019

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What’s the point of twitter anyway? I mean, besides controlling all forms of human communication...

Attached: 397BDB0E-FC42-4D2E-99DB-F75F7D2B9807.jpg (450x550, 23K)

You stay away from her.

He sobs out to God but God does not answer.

Attached: cf7bd378a475bce6ec507530ee98af5a.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

So when I first glanced at this thumbnail i thought it looked like a fat kangaroo. I was very confused for a second.

all it ever takes is


Nothing, that’s pretty much it.

>they are finally making /ourfilm/
>a film about a white guy getting fed up with society and causing a bunch of trouble

I swear I will pay money to see this in theaters if this is right-wing as fuck and panders to /ptg/

Attached: sneer bra.jpg (116x126, 4K)

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I only joined Twitter to redpill people, see no other point to it

They have one of them on a zoo in Florida

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>Beto O'Rourke says he 'absolutely' supports creation of a reparations commission

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more than communication, also thought

didn't he tell her not to call him "puddin"?

I think the creators explicitly said that there are going to be jabs at Trump in it.

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