What was the worst way you have been romantically rejected?

What was the worst way you have been romantically rejected?

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Eat a salad, that's my advice.

After nearly 3 years together, blending our families and friends, planning out and preparing a wedding, and looking for a place to live together, my gf dumped me to start dating her female roommate.

>be me
>take a vacation to Europe
>meet a really really really qt 19 year old girl
>we spent a week together
>I was a beta then so I never made a move
>when I returned home, we kept contact via WhatsApp
>we talked all day long every day
>she tells me she really likes me
>she says that she wants to be my gf
>I felt so excited
>I book tickets to visit her in a few months
>she is thrilled
>eventually our conversations turn very lewd
>she tells me all of the things she wants to do to me
>I am beaming with excitement
>30 days before I go to see her again
>she disappears
>don’t hear from her barely for 2 weeks
>she messages me back the week before my trip
>apologizing says she was stressed with uni
>tells me how much she cares about me and how she’s grateful for me
>Trip happens
>I arrive in her country, go to her town
>she meets me
>we go to a bar
>she says to me “user, there is something I should tell you. I met a guy a few weeks ago, we are dating now. I just thought I needed to tell you this. I hope you’re not angry. We can still hang out tomorrow if you want to”.
>I felt physically sick for the next 5 days

lol what a fag amirite guys

>her female roommate
That's rough, pal. But hey, it probably wouldn't have worked out in the long run if she was secretly a lesbo.

>meet girl on okcupid
>she's out of my league but she actually responds to me
>exchange nude photography and videos on snapchat
>we decide to hang out
>recently got my motorbike license so I decide to ride those 2 hours nervously to her place
>as I arrive at the location she claimed to be her house
>no reply after 10 minutes so I call her but she doesn't pick up the phone
>even sent her a picture of the front porch lmao
>end up blocked on whatsapp and snapchat
>ride back for 2 hours in shame, it even started raining at one point and I was scared of crashing as I never rode in the rain before

That was really humiliating and I'm still kind of scarred because of it to this day

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Feel like sharing some pics?

No sorry I'm kind of shy

Getting ghosted again and again by women that seem genuinly interested in meeting me first. And my ex breaking up by cheating and writing me that she slept at the guys place on whats app

> be me
> know this girl for like 10 years
> i wouldn't call us friends but I see her here and there fairly often
> always friendly to each other, we click perfectly
> she is hot blonde, very nice, humble and has a good sense of humor
> she's basically my perfect woman
> she dates this sleazebag for like 8 years, but like I said above I would always run into her in public and we made polite conversation
> he treats her bad, cheats on her, etc...
> despite all this she stays with him for 8 years
> I don't say a word, because u don't interfere with a relationship
> finally her and the guy break up
> I make my move basically right away after they broke up
> we start dating and it's wonderful
> great everything, great sex
> this goes on for 6 months
> we're talking about living together, a future, etc.
> one day the bastard ex calls her and begs her to come back to him
> she instantly leaves me, goes back to him, and never talks to me again, no texting, nothing. Removes me from her social media.

Like what the fuck man?

What's even crazier is this was like 5 years ago. I was pretty upset at the time, but I got over it. I later found out that like a month after they got back together, he dumped her.

She tried to add me on social media like 6 months ago. I was like NOPE.

the worst way is that slow burn where they give you less and less attention as you slowly become more desperate and embarrassing

oh fuck, this

High school
Do everything I'm suppose to do
Get to know her but dont become a friend
Sack up and tell her how I feel.
Get note on Friday. Read it. Says she is literally fucked cursed and anyone that loves her is doomed
Have an existential crisis at my grandmother's.

Lawl, women.

Maybe he actually shits on her and she enjoys that? Who knows what dirty secret keeps people like that together.

I tried introducing myself to a girl in me class, she gave me active bitch face and said no.

>get to know girl
>talk more whenever we see eachother
>ask her out sometime
>she says she's not in the right spot in life to date
>run into her about a year later
>we seem to hit it off
>she asks me out to lunch
>after lunch she refuses to let me pay and literally says, "this wasn't a date"
Might not sound too bad but she honestly got my hopes up when she asked me out, and then the way she rejected me at the end made me feel like a child she pitied. I'm over it now but I remember that as the shittiest a girl has ever made me feel from a rejection.

>meet a girl through a friend back when I had friends
>she's cute, my type, but I have negative self esteem so I don't make moves
>through luck we end up hanging out, get a bit closer, its all a very slow process
>she actually says "I love you" to me first
>spend some quality time together but never go all the way
>suddenly ghosts me
>never hear from her again, no one knows what the deal is or if it was something I did

that was like 6 years ago, I don't think I ever really recovered

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She intentionally baited me, fished for compliments and sent me sexual photos until she got bored of me. She also had bouts of jealousy and would get angry when I checked out other girls, even thought we were friends and she didn't want to date. She basically just wanted an orbiter who will worship her.

Now she pretends that she doesn't know me and straight up ignores me. We go to the same classes in uni. Almost everyone hates her and considers her crazy so it's not that bad. Still, it was a massive waste of my time and patience.

>have male best friend
>had a bit of a crush on him
>one night he kissed me
>becomes a full blown crush
>few months later we do MDMA at a party, it was my first time
>we go outside, the two of us alone
>says he's not ready for a relationship and that I'm too good, he obviously realised I was crushing on him hard
>I'm too drugged up to care
>ask him if we can kiss, lean in and everything
>he rejects it
>we go back to party

Soon after he started dating one of our mutual friends. that hurt but I got over him surprisingly fast

Day before my bday

Go pick up a girl at school (she was last year in high school, I was first year in college)

She was wearing this kind (images-eu.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41O4QXxw8cL._AC_US218_.jpg) of leggings. "I'm wearin them because I knew we were going out. I dressed in the teachers' bathroom".

We're going to the park, so I think she'll suck my dick

We drink a couple of beers

I try to kiss her

"Oh, NO! I'm sorry you misunderstood my feelings."

oh you sweet, pure boi
I hope you find someone as nice and wholesome as you are haha

>. She basically just wanted an orbiter who will worship her.
I knew a girl like that, kept me at arms length and then would act flirty or get mad if I showed interest in other girls even though she never showed interest in me. I eventually nutted up and told her to fuck off though

>being in college
>ignoring the swaths of college women to dip back into high schools
Bruh girls that age can be super sheltered and not understand real life at all. She probably just wanted to look flirty and /fa/ you creepus

I just went through the same thing. I'm pretty sure these girls are textbook narcissists. They do this to as many guys as they can at the same time, trying to get validation to fill their empty hearts. The worst part is that it works, they shower you with so much attention at first that you get hooked, and then they pull away and look down on you as you chase.

Maybe you missed the part where I said we were only one year apart.

>ignoring the swaths of college women
ignoring them

Oh, I'm 100% positive that it's either narcissistic or borderline personality disorder. I still didn't get over her, though, even though I'm fully aware that she's bad news. And yeah, she'd text me from 0 to 24, all day, every day, constant attention, good morning texts, good night texts, 2 hours conversations, etc.

I told her to fuck off at one point, drove me insane with outworldish accusations, but she came back begging and hooked me up again only to ghost me. I guess she just wanted to have the last word.

when your girlfriends boyfriend picks up the phone and there is a brief moment of sadness


In all seriousness. I think she liked being treated badly. Many women get off it it. Kinda hard to describe, but it just clicks with some women.

I was really nice to her and I don't think that made sense to her brain.

>> we're talking about living together, a future, etc.
>> one day the bastard ex calls her and begs her to come back to him
>> she instantly leaves me, goes back to him, and never talks to me again, no texting, nothing. Removes me from her social media.

I knew a girl. She grew up without a father, and was abused by random people as a child. She later became a junkie and a prostitute

just saying

Fuck women.

I mean, I fell in love with my best friend when I was a kid, told her, then she ended up first changing school then leaving the country.
But that's not all. I went 5 years without talking to her at all, and only after these 5 years did I realise that, being the autistic child I was, I never asked if she loved me.
I figured the answer was no all along, which actually made a lot of sense, but fuck if it didn't hurt to learn, and feel so dumb.

>Be me, retardo-supremicos
>Know this girl with which you have some common grounds.
>Gets the courage to Ask her to a movies a couple of times.We do and enjoy long walks.
>Usually she never tries to contact me but i push it.....
>Half an year later, couple of days before my birthday offer her to see each other.(we have not seen each other in weeks).
>We meet up and She asks me if I am ok with her seeing some guy.
>I was like " ITs your choice and even its a bit akward to ask me."
> She starts dating the dude-bro(met him twice, better then me in almost all aspects.)
> We chat from time to time but lost all progress with her, I still beat myself over not having more balls.
Am I the biggest loser or what :)

After 3 years of long distance dating, he said it was only sex to him and that he met someone else and it was serious. He told me to leave him alone.
I cried non stop for a month, not so much for him leaving, but the words said. I never felt so much humiliated from a man in my entire life.
Funny thing he texted me last week

Not your lewds, her lewds

fuck I'm sorry dude, it this has any conciliation the dyke will get what's coming to her and your ex.

more like she was convinced by her roommate.

I romantically rejected someone without meaning too.
We were hanging out and she told me she was dating for friends, not her words but we met on PoF. any ways we hang go on dates see movies till finally Disney land.
At the end I missed signs she wanted to fuck. I mean she put on the song I want to See your pussy. But that made me feel uncomfortable because she said we were friends. So the night ended with me dropping her off at her car and the next day O felt great I had a friend like her, she laid into me telling me that I did wrong shit she heard people talking behind my back, stuff I never said, and All I said was ok. never spoke to her again.

The hell is it with girls ghosting guys all the time? Why do you constantly do this? It's really insensitive and makes you a shitty person.

>propose to gf
>'ew, so little you know me you got such a tacky ring? try again next time'
It was supposed to be a romantic moment, the peak of that evening. But nope. The engagement ring was not to her liking.

>The hell is it with girls ghosting guys all the time?
Girls have ten times the options guys do

Sounds like you dodged a major bullet at least.

>she claimed to be her house
Read that carefully.

it's easy that's why. No one wants to get into a fight. So they ghost.

You’re right, she definitely needed an orbiter who gives her validation but not as effort costing as regular date. Agreed on narcissism part too.

Nah. We are now married and all is fine. At that time it hurt like hell since I (stupidly) tought everything was actually over. She is just very strict and picky with her things, and understandably so if she will have to wear the ring forever.

People are expendable. There are billions of people on this planet. If she dont want to talk to you move on. I'm sure there has been someone in your life youve dropped contact with in the past. No one is owed anything stop bieng overly sensitive

Dude, you sound pussy-whipped as fuck.

She had a boyfriend so I never asked her

no girl has ever shown any kind of interest in me, rejected by the collective humanity

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Shut up loser, nobody was talking to you

Imagine being this fucked.

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yikes imagine being this guy

>lying next to her touching her hair
>everything's fine
>at a party touching her hair
And then she started dating another dude

Imagine r/woosh

Men chase, women pick. If you never ask a girl on date its quarenteed you will die alone as virgin. Women dont approach because they dont have to. Its your job to do the first step.

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>be high schooler
>be in band
>have huge obvious crush on someone
>stare like an idiot all the time
>mutual friend points it out
>mentions that crush thought I was creepy
>actively start trying to ignore crush
>end up kind of being friends
>never feel comfortable around her because my insecure ass thought she was still creeped out
>could never stop being around her because of classes and clubs
>this goes on for the next couple of years
>graduate high school
>don't see her for months
>decide fuck it, the worst that can be said was no
>message her out of the blue if she wanted to go on a date
>turns out she already started dating someone else
>feel like shit for a little bit afterwards
>ask other people out afterwards
>they also already have boyfriends
>every fucking time
>accidentally mention that this situation happened before once
>they awkwardly offer to talk about it and I awkwardly decline
It's been about a few years now and I felt like sharing because I recently had a dream where we reunited and I ended up just venting a bunch of shit, man. Maybe it's for the best I got rejected.

>riding motorcycle back home in the rain after getting denied pussy

God I’m glad I dont that feel user. The shame. The everlasting shame would keep me up for nights on end

After reading all of these stories, why should I not just keep banging hookers?

>ask her out
>she says no
>we become really good friends for the next few years
Only girl I’ve ever asked out so I guess it’d be that one

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I went for a kiss during a dance and she asked "Seriously?"

Fucking a chick you're into and that wants you to fuck her is the best feeling in the world and hookers are nowhere near it.

There are hookers who definitely are into it.

Not sure if there has been anything similar to the anons in this thread, but mostly it just has been getting ghosted (or the girl sends a few short messages before ghosting me) and blocked, so I'm kinda used to that.
It still hurts, but the pain passes more quickly now and I just chat up new bitches.

Man, the world must be a really fucking basic place if that's as good as it gets.

>best friend eggs me on to get a divorce because my husband truly is a manipulative abusive sociopath with no job and leaches off my income and stays home and plays vidya all day
>tells me his gf is the same way and he's going leave her
>we bond over having relationship problems
>go over to his place after I serve divorce papers to celebrate while his gf isn't home
>think he's quite ugly and not my type at all, but we get very drunk and he kisses me
>suddenly fall in love with him in that moment, as he's literally the only man to ever be so kind to me and is the polar opposite of my ex-husband
>after having sex for a few weeks, his gf comes home, he decides he doesn't want to leave her after all, 'we were just having fun as best friends' and then he dumps me
>lose my best friend and the man I love in the same day
>also I don't have any other friends so nobody knows this happened until 3 months later when my dad walks in on me in my apartment trying to kill myself


Wow that's so sad :(

>when your girlfriends boyfriend
Your what?

Some people DO like suffering, getting cheated on, etc. I don't understand it either.


At least you didn't become a meme, like that got from the TV show.


damn how’d that happen?

Them slowly distancing themselves meaning you retain a glimmer of hope which makes you keep trying and torturing yourself.

>Find this girl on discord through a mutual irl friend
>She's into basically the same things as me,same games,same books,same music everything
>Talk to her on discord a bit we click instantly,she gives me her ig
>Talk to her there start minor flirting,she responds
>Start flirting pretty aggressively eventually (we turned it into a game kept score of who flirts better)
>Accept defeat and tell her that I've fallen for her
>She says yes
>Gives me her number,text her on WhatsApp talk there for a bit
>Guess I waited too long to ask her out,she slowly gets bored of me
>2 weeks later tells me she can't date me and that she acted impulsively and has never been good with commitment
Takes me a while but I get over it got to study for med school and stuff
>We start talking again a few months ago
>Doesn't take long to get back to flirting
>She opens up a bit more talks to me more
>I think this is the chance
>Ask her to just hangout this time instead of asking her out
>Makes up some obvious excuse so I take a hint
Still talks to me and me being the beta I am,I still talk to her too
She's not the hottest chick around and I don't think I have any competition while going after her so I'll chase her a bit more but I think I'll be making one of these threads not too long from now

3 years relationship, turned somewhat long distance due to separate living whilst I was at uni, he at work. decided one day to dump me due to being ‘gay’, with our last sexual encounter me being very high on mushrooms, saying no to sex, and having to endure it anyway despite me barely being cognitive. he couldn’t finish, hence him claiming he was gay and terminating the relationship. months later he contacts me and tries to take-back the gay claim, saying he was confused and wanted me back. I said no.

I've never been rejected.
Then again, I was always more of a realist than most people, so I always 'knew my place' and never asked a girl out.

Middle school, it was a break between periods, I asked a girl out, around 40 kids swarmed us and laughed at me.

Not an excuse. If she's unmarried, she's fair game. You were just a coward. Don't try and dazzle it up with excuses.

Not nearly as bad as other anons in the thread but
>be lonely fuck
>meet Jap girl through language exchange app
>talk to her a lot as she's actually interested in talking to me
>she flirts with me a lot and compliments me all the time despite having a LDR french boyfriend
>really enjoy the attention and put a lot of effort into being a good friend and getting to know her
>she eventually admits that she likes me even though she has a boyfriend and I tell her I like her too
>tells me she never wants to stop being friends
>this goes on for a few months
>she suddenly ghosts me
>a month later sent her another text and she apologizes saying looking for work has had her busy
>she acts really cold to me
>ghosts me again
>tfw haven't talked to her in 2 months now
It's obvious now that she just used me for attention and in a way, so was I, but I was still invested into being her friend so being ghosted still hurts, especially when I was really going through a hard time and her support would have really helped me.

Kek that must've been awful but I can't help giggling at it

>> Going through bout of anxiety
>> Slowly hanging out with my friends more and more
>> One of them is qt hippie girl
>> I ask her out a few times and we chill, didn't make a move like a bitch
>> Throw a party, she comes over
>> She and one of my friends start talking
>> She texts him that night and they fuck after my party

That was probably the worst. I told her I didn't want to talk to her again and she got super mad and told me I was "pissing her off", then I told my friend and he ended up apologizing and saying I can "have her", then she texted me even madder at me like it was my fault he told her he didn't want to see her.

Eventually I told them both to have at it and I don't care and don't want to be in the middle of it lol.

What a mess! Kek
This could be even funnier if she had his cum on her face and your bro said "sorry, you can have her"

Hahaha! Yes! That would be just like in a pornography, which would make the situation quite funny

>meet this goth girl from school
>fall in love with her
>decide to get to know her a bit
>she says she likes me to one of her friends who tells me
>decide to say fuck it and ask her out
>she wanted to show me this urban exploration place
>it's an abandoned school
>we go inside
>decided to ask her out
>"Hey femanon I love you...Wanna go out?"
>she looks shocked at first
>hugs me and smiles
>says she likes me to but needs some time to gather her thoughts
>wait a few days nothing.
>two days turns to two weeks
>tells me she just wants to be friends
>"Oh user I'm seeing someone else right now hehe..."
>all the while she was asking me to buy her cigarettes and drink
>I didn't
>I'm crushed so I basically ghost her
>she gets mad
>at a party with some friends
>she's there and drunk off her tits
>spots me
>stares at me for a few a while
>clearly looks pissed
>Yells at me"You're an asshole I fucking hate you! I hate you!"
>tries to punch me
>misses as I step back and she falls over herself onto the floor in a drunken vomit mess
>stare at this beautiful girl as degeneracy consumes her as she lays there crying
>decide to go home
Sometimes I wonder why I bother?

is that really your worst rejection?

>Like girl
>We hit it off
>Make out a bit
>She begins seeking me out at school to talk to me
>Holy shit it actually might work out for once
>She becomes distant
>Tells me one day she has fallen for my friend(they begin talking to each other when shes hanging out with me)
>Asks for my permission to see him
>Tell her to fuck off
>She gets really mad at me
>Tell my friend not to see her
>She messages me a few days saying I am the biggest cunt and waste of oxygen because my friend won't speak to her.

I was quite hurt and angry but then again I was about 16.
From then on it was mostly girls telling me they are not interested or just want to be friends.
What is really common is girls will chase me, get with me and compliment all night long but the next day they do not want to know me and if I try to take things further than a one night thing they tell me they just want to be friends.

Rejection is a funny thing.
At first it seems like the most horrible thing that can happen to you and hurts like hell but after a while you get use to it and bounce back easily.
Just last week the girl I was crazy about for three years came onto me and then told me the next day she just wanted to be friends.
I thought I would be heart broken for weeks, three years of loving her, finally getting her and then she just disappears but I was fine after a day.

"Yes, I will go with you, it will be so nice blah blah. We can blah blah together. Page 2: When I die!

Imonna hold a bitch to it if she kicks the bucket before I do.

>3rd year of university
>go on foreign exchange program
>first party with everyone from the program
>shy as fuck, don't really talk to many people, hanging around by myself
>girl approaches me, introduces herself, we talk for a bit before she moves on to other people at the party
>it is what it is
>see her around because we're in classes together
>she's cool enough
>one day a group of people go to a town a little ways away
>she's there too
>once there she and I end up breaking off from the group and wandering around together, chatting
>really seem to hit it off
>she starts talking to me more, encouraging me to go out and stuff
>don't make a move because she has boyfriend back home
>a few months of this
>eventually she mentions at a party that she broke up with her boyfriend
>text her a few days later to see if she wants to do something together
>she agrees, we plan a day trip
>have loads of fun, joking and being kinda flirty
>we plan for dinner later in the day
>all goes well
>a week or two later, go see a movie together
>walk her back to her apartment, she offers to let me use her bathroom
>didn't really get the hint, and I was sick + didn't need to go anyway
>try to arrange for more stuff later, she always declines saying she's busy
>fair enough
>totally smitten by this point though
>sned her a Valentine's text and stuff
>she brushes it all off
>getting anxious, but my autism keeps me pushing
>eventually she agrees to another activity

What a bitch, even If my boyfriend proposed with a fucking Onion ring I would say yes. I love him, not the ring.

>a few days before the scheduled date
>she's in class, sitting right next to me, casually talking to her friends about how she loved how this one guy who pulled her hair while he fucked her
>heard the name before, brushed it off as just a friend
>start having minor breakdown
>after class, I approach her and ask if she's still up for the thing we'd planned
>"oh user, I totally forgot! I have other plans"
>bull fucking shit
>just say alright and walk back to my apartment, dejected
>a few days later she says we should plan a trip together
>get excited
>she really does care about me!!1
>plan the trip, a week with just the 2 of us
>don't make a move the whole time
>she tries some real talk, asking if there's stuff I want to tell her
>spaghetti out, deny it
>last night of our trip, plan to go to a bar next to our hostel
>she puts on some perfume
>climbs up on my hostel bunk, asking me to smell it
>asks if it makes me want to touch her tits
>spaghetti again, try to tell her that it's not the perfume, but her
>some kinda romantic shit like that
>doesn't land
>she gets down and we go to the bar
>she tries more real talk
>still shaky from earlier, badly deny having anything to say
>we go back the next day
>doesn't talk to me the whole train ride home
>get back, we go off
>suddenly hits me real hard how bad I fucked up
>call her, text her saying I do have stuff to say
>says she's busy, but meet a few days later after class

Sorry what I said here user hope you two found happiness together

>tell her I love her
>extreme, but I was still very inexperienced at this point and this girl tried to have sex with me
>she smiles when I say it
>think it'll be okay
>"user, I'm sorry but I don't feel that way about you"
>"sorry to friendzone you like that"
>dejected again
>we agree to not speak for a week
>after a week, I'm talking to some people after class
>she hangs around too
>guess things are okay
>I just start orbiting
>this continues
>we're on good terms, but I know I can't make a move
>eventually, she plans her flight home
>texts me to meet up before she leaves
>we go to the beach, just sit and talk
>we hang out with a mutual friend later on
>bike back to her apartment with her
>she's crying
>long hug to say goodbye
>"I'm going to miss you user, let's keep in contact"
>muh heart
>orbiting intensifies

>snap some over the next few days
>eventually slows down
>I go back home myself
>still hung up
>eventually we start talking again
>gets to the point where I snap her almost every day
>this goes on for about a year
>sometimes she responds, usually not
>I am a fucking solar system by this point
>eventually she mentions she's coming to visit
>I get so excited
>try to think of things we can do together
>she seems excited
>a couple months of this
>the week of, she says she's looking at flights
>"they're pretty expensive"
>she decides to not visit
>2 days before she had said she'd arrive
>fucking JUST
>pissed off by this point
>all my orbiting, all this buildup, and it went nowhere!
>imagine that
>don't talk to her for a few weeks
>finally message her
>"can I ask you a serious question?"
>"yes, ask me the serious question"
>"there really isn't anything between us, is there?"
>"I think we should just be friends, but I think you're a wonderful friend, user, and I want to keep you in my life"
>no, that's okay
>"thanks for letting me know"
>don't talk to her for over a year

Shit was rough, but I learned a ton of lessons from the experience. There's a whole lot more to it, but that's all I'm willing to type. Just think of your general orbiter shit and you've got the ticket. We're on okay terms still. We send each other birthday messages as a courtesy, but that's about it.
I hope I never experience something like that again. I felt completely out of control of my own feelings, and I'm pretty sure she knew she was pulling my strings hard. I'm only pretty sure, though, so I try not to vilify her for it. All I can say is "never again".

I asked her out and then she started bringing up all this random stuff from the past and casting it in the worst possible light. She suddenly turned on me and was acting like I was trying to manipulate her just to get in her pants. She knew me for a long time, and should know I'm a better guy than that. I decided I'm done with that chick and blocked her. I knew her for years and we could have kept being friends, but her friendzone is downright manipulative and emotionally draining. Gotta move on ya know.

My first semester of uni I asked out 15 girls, and I never landed a date during my uni years, so I have a lot of rejection stories to say the least.
The worst one I can remember, it was like the 3rd week of my freshman year, and I approached this conventionally attractive girl who lived in my dorm. I recognized her from my chemistry class, so I went into introduce myself.
“Hey, my name’s user.”
She looked at me in the eye, and said “No”, and then picked up her book and walked away.
I don’t consider this a romantic rejection, but it was blunt and merciless.

Another time I met a girl at a party, and I we studied for a test together the next night. I asked her if she wanted to go on a date to go the park and get lunch, but as I was describing the date she cut me off and and said “come on, doooooon’t” in a friendly voice like she just wanted to spare me a whole-hearted rejection. That kinda stuck with me.

“I have a boyfriend” was the most common rejection excuse I got. Like 10 out of those 15 girls had a boyfriend. The boyfriend excuse never really bothered me as much as it did frustrate me the sparsity of free girls. I got an “I’m married” once too, but that one was more funny at the time than painful.

2 other girls told me they wanted a friends with benefits deal, but didn’t want to date me. One of those girls told me it was because I was white (she was black), and that her family hated whities.

I have never been rejected.
Can't deny if I don't try.

thats the spirit.

that friend is a bro

Flew out to meet a girl I started talking to online (LDR...yeah I know). She lived in another country and I spent $2k to see her. She rejected me and gave me shit for my height and weight and was rude to me the entire time I was there, even flirted with other guys etc. In front of me. It's been almost nine years since that happened and I still haven't recovered.

guys don't have feelings so there's nothing to hurt