I’ve seen all those (((studies))) and shiet But does it actually translate into real life anons?
Do women of color like white boys irl?
No, I'm white and no women show interest in me because I'm a pasty man tittied loser like all white boys
Enough Shlomo. This was my topic for today. Please continue with the daily BBC thread.
Give the link to that thread or it didn't happen.
Every Black woman wants WHITE GOD seamen in her pussy. Like literally my Homies in the hood are all cucks for the big white cock.
Wtf is this?
>23-24 Obscuring the identity of a machine
What does this even mean?
In my experience, yes, it's pretty true. But you may not know a lot of the time because women are quite good at hiding it. They steal looks while you're not looking and use the most absolutely difficult-to-define phrases and body language when socializing with you, unless they're irresistibly attracted to you.
The issue for me personally is that most of the girls/women around me are beaners, black, phillipino or something like that (California). So even on days where I'm feeling extra horny all I've got is either that, or a couple of rare white trash that aren't worth the effort. Also:
Go fuck yourself. Obviously if you look as ugly as a nigger nobody will want you. Go to the gym and get something to make your hair look nice.
post arm and timestamp
Lebanese shakira wants a man with money faggot!
The lips behind every post
Another race mix ape thread. You seriously need to die.
In my personal experience yes.
>mfw I have extreme trouble pulling even 6/10 white females but all i have to do is just look in the general direction of a black/hispanic/Asian and say something to em and they want the big white cock.
Right now at work I'm trying to get with a 7/10 that keeps denying me that ass while I've got harambe with a moose knuckle, a skinny no ass mulatto, 2 older black milfs, a 7 Indian with the dot, and a solid 7 Mexican all wanting the BWC
Didn't we have the exact same thread yesterday or two days ago? Why do you insist on making the same threads?
Possibly using credit/debit card skimmers. The charges on this chart (aside from the obviously kekful ones at bottom) all seem altered from their sources.
Considering Shakira is with Pique
He’s white
They love to get bleached because women want to marry up
White women date down because they’re at the top of the pyramid
But when it comes time to settle down
They marry upwards as well
>women of color
Call them what they are you fucking faggot. You'll be the first against the wall.
Ain’t nothing wrong with it
What would you prefer?
Oh yeah baby.....
Dude, these girls grow up to be ugly.
They're fun at a certain age after a while they get saggy.
>Do women of color like white boys irl?
i cant even answer this question, the last time i saw a man/woman of colour was years ago.
God I love this job!
good roll means YES it shall be
Go for the Mexican or the mulatto. Latinas are the future for white guys.
Whytebois are prime meat for coloured women.
Their main problem is they dont know how to get you or behave round you. What you are seeing just now is attention seeking.
basted memeflag pasta
what is this?
roll for sotos
roll 1212
Absolutely, oc entirely related.
Gibs me dat pussy b0ss
That's a horse vagina.
Yes. Hispanic women get nervous and giggly around me. Asian women always flirt with me.
top kek, I mean she smelled like coco butter but the ass was fat and, she was freshly waxed and tight as a glove. negreeses all wanna do master slave rp shit too, it's worth it just make em swallow so you don't taint the geneseed.
even ugly white guys get a ton of pussy when they travel to Asia.
a bunch of geeks / nerds I know ended up with asian chicks.
miscegenation is easy mode for white guys, but it's a loser strategy as your kids wont be in the club anymore
Full blood plus non blood = half blood
Half blood plus full blood = 7/8 blood
In 3 generations a to get 7/8 blood quantum
Most Americans have been here for more than three generations
However can you prove your purity if mathematically one half breed can make a 7/8 , this may hide your impunity but the truth is you are not as pure white as you think.
Thus we are all mutts
I scored wooooohoooo
Now give me one more blonde
Blue eyes fake red ....she's a closet blonde
No give an Asian QT
Lets get it
But if you want a more detailed answer, I can say that any girls want relationships and even family with whites, but not with whiteniggas(white trash), this means you must have at least an middle(or a little higher) social status in society, what is already in the default settings of white boys.