What are your thoughts on this organization? Does it help make America a better place?

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Fuck the SPLC and ADL.

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Damn his head is fucked

A fraud and criminal enterprise that needs to be destroyed by having their tax exempt status revoked and sued into the grave for good measure.

What groups do the SPLC not consider hateful?




Any group that advocates for white peoples interests is a hate group , basically

press 3 for greek

nope, it's actually a part of the problem and one of the reasons why America is going to destroy itself.

the SPLC's sole purpose is to police and maintain the racial rewards system. you have to understand that the Jew can only feel safe and operate in a multicultural society. so they created muh cibil rights and gave certain groups special rights, but especially themselves.

while whites are bitching about non whites, Jews receive those same special rights, like the right to eternally be above criticism because of muh antisemitism, oy vey goyim the 6 gorillion. the use this as a shield to do all of their bullshit on society.

however the environment the Jew needs to thrive is a nation killer. the Jew doesn't care about this however because once the host is killed they'll just move on to the next one. my bet is Argentina.

look up the guy who has a post-it on his wall marking the decrease of whites in america.
was it mark potok or something.

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They're a hate group and a terrorist organization. They show an obvious bias against certain groups and people, they should be shut down.

Wasn't it proven that they manipulate findings or something and aren't a substitute for the government or really even a benchmark of anything?

Obvious. But anyway.

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No. The work they do is already done by law enforcement, they just ask for money. Similarly others can do the work of telling the history of racism in America when an expert is needed. All of this leaves out their weird agenda and power plays they constantly push.

>they aren't southern
>they care about neither poverty nor the law
>they aren't any sort of center

Literally their entire name is a lie.

what other activist entity has to pay out like this?

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Terrorist supporting Jews. Literally.

Some of you non-goys are alright, don't go to school tomorrow

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Rent seekers