People become dangerously introverted. To be an introvert is natural, but due to faux-social interaction it has become sustainable to live as one and become stuck on a loop of social fear. People with no social skills, no experience, and no opportunities can live comfortably as spinsters until they die if they so choose. And they'll even be applauded for it in some cases.
How accurate is this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Not accurate.
Only half of the people here are like that.
1000 webm collection of funwblacks
That's literally me. I feel so attacked.
That’s me partly cause I’m autistic. Desperately trying to get out of it but I can’t. Any advice?
Yeah pretty accurate, except I'm not virgin
>high IQ
top fucking kek
Finally one that stings. I've been told my entire life how attractive and likable I am, but I've never had a girlfriend. At this point, people think I'm gay. Sometimes I wonder if women don't approach me because they're intimidated, but then I just attack myself internally. It sucks being aware that my internal voice is wrong but not being able to change it.
>I've been told my entire life how attractive and likable I am
>how attractive and likable I am
sick of you faggots feeling insecure because a female didnt validate your existence
everything on tge right is mostly true.
stuff on the left and top is false.
Close. I'm far from being a virgin, and I have a couple friends. Other than that it's pretty on point.
Why are white boys so weak scrawny. Crackers parents didnt feed him?
This, exactly this, but lots of gays hit on me and then get depressed when they find out I don't have a gf. I've tried hitting on girls too but never had a gf either. Ive worked with alot of women and they all are only attracted to guys in law enforcement, biker types, or straight out chads.
what in the fuck is going on lmaoooo
>People with no social skills, no experience, and no opportunities can live comfortably as spinsters until they die if they so choose.
I wish that was the case in third world countries too. Unfortunately, I have to work to pay for my own college fees because my father can't afford it.
The most interesting part about it is that my college is public. But you have to spend money in it anyway, despite it being sustained by taxes.
He seems fine after the larger black male attacked violently. (This is common)
>Why are white boys
user watches three dozen vids of chimps chimping out
reflexively targets wytboi
I'm not a virgin but damn that image describes me perfectly where I'm at now in life.
The real blackpill is that when you finally get a gf you don't give a shit about her because she's not your oneitis
I've been told by 3 different people I should become a priest or a monk. I'm practically already a Doomer NEET monk spending time working on the standalone complex.
We out here exploring a dark continent with this meme shit. I really think there's some reality bending properties about this place. It's great at producing reasonable conspiratorial thoughts.
>I've been told by 3 different people I should become a priest or a monk
This was me until I confessed to my parents that I was getting nowhere in Life, now I've moved Back in with them and am Training to become a orthopedic technician (Lots of Manual Work in a quiet environment). After 7 years of failure at Uni, trying to live on my own and a dishonest relationship with my parents, I am doing something I genuinely enjoy and am gifted at. Most everyone else is quiet and Kind, so I don't suffer from being that socially awkward weirdo who has to choose between sticking to himself and having to put Up a facade of being social and well-adjusted.
I also have a normal sleep-cycle after years of routinely staying Up Till four sind sleeping Till noon.
Remove glasses and beard and I Look like OP's Pick.
If OP's pick applies to you, pull the Breaks right now and find the Courage to face whatever you are doing wrong with your Life, cause your current trajectory won't magically become better.
>caring what others think of you
You'll grow over that eventually, just give it a while, once you hit your twenties the bullshit starts to fade away and you're left with what you actually care about.
Protip? You should already try and figure out what you genuinly care about, albeit your family, your dog, your car, hell your computer, something YOU care about, not what others care for or what others think you should care for.
>occasional intense anxiety
>wasting potential
Quite the contrary
>Consumes media non-stop
>Doesn’t understand what’s wrong
I understand myself pretty well and nothing in particular is wrong
>Will probably commit suicide
>Says inappropriate things
>Not ugly, usually attractive
>above average IQ
>No friends
>Always says no to invitations
>Tells lies to sound normal, is scared to be found out
If you mean I don’t openly spout irl the things I say here, no shit Sherlock
>jealous of intelligent people who have success
Nope because I’m one of them
>never bullied due to appearance
>always alone, knows others see it
True but don’t care
This is a mix of useful insights and projection from someone who has failed at life and thinks everyone in his online community must also be a failure
>tfw literally me
U win this time glowniggers
Us men need to start focusing on regaining our manhood. Feminism has caused such a divide in society, and many young men are beginning to feel out of place and hopeless. I suggest to all men reading this, that have found a connection to the image, to please focus on recapturing your masculinity that has been suppressed and taken from you.
The evil doctrine of feminism has no place in our civilization and we must push back against it!
why are some of those words capitalized is it some nazi coded message
too many people equate introversion with social ineptitude. being introverted means you often prefer being alone or a with a few close friends and get irritated or drained from large social events. Classifying yourself as one does not give you the excuse to be a sperg, or an anxiety ridden cuck, or a basement dwelling neckbearded neet
The syndrome in OPs pic is caused from undeserved ego. you dont try at anything because you are scared of applying yourself or accepting responsibility; if you eternally exist in a haze of mediocrity you can at least think "well i just wasn't taking it seriously" You are petrified of failure or rejection that would break your narcissistic world view; elliot would be the best example of this. you really need to have a heart to heart conversation with yourself and let it go. the only way to move forward is to acknowledge what you are doing wrong. it will only get harder as you get older. dont let it catch you when you are 40.
>is it some nazi coded message
sort of like that.
I have a great salary and a nice house. I have a gardener who keeps everything looking nice, but I don't really have friends. I exercise on my treadmill to keep from being fat. I dress nicely. I like living alone in solitude. Women sometimes check me out and talk to me. I'm polite and flirt back, but I don't pursue it. I hate women.
>What are the average traits of a forum goer that has the global attendance with over ten million unique daily visitors?
KYS you fucking nigger.
shut up nigger
Hey get your facts right, I'm not a virgin.
Also I'm too much of a pussy/arrogant to commit suicide
The guy even looks like me. Why is this? Are you studying me? Or do I fit into an archetype?
You know I was recommended a YouTube video, a song by Manowar called warriors of the world. It was at 2 million views approx. I'd never heard of that band before. It was up for 7 years. In the past 8 or so months it's gone up to like 20 million views. What are you up to huh fellas?
Bruh that guy in the picture is litterally me!
Hello fellow 4channers
i made this original meme it hasn't died ey
this. Normies flooded the fuck out of us
>tfw not religious so can't even be a monk in a cozy mountain monastery and have to suffer alone instead
pretty good
thats it, i can quit the internet now
OPs supreme knowledge illuminated me about my lawed existence
it was nice with you boys, i go and meet stacey in the yoghurt shop now.
>Well above average IQ
>Good looks
LOL, everything else is accurate for poltards
Where the fuck is Hitler when you need him, the day niigers are back is shackles is far away?
why are these fucking animals free? Niggers
It can fit a wide range of people. I mean, really anyone who is somewhat a loner but not a nerd probably has a similar pyschy, at least close enough to kind of relate
he is summoning the ancient god Ayuwoki
you must be nu
that's a fucking leaf, the farthest thing from a nazi
Fucking scum.
It's portraying introversion as social anxiety... Nope.
Strong introvert here. No anxiety in social situations. I dont care about socialising or really what you think about anything at all, you're most likely a moron.
Who wants to spend time conversing with morons? Can you imagine how tiring that is?
Women dont approach anyone, muppet.
Men always have to do the approaching.
Do you lift?
Start. Today.
I haven’t left my apartment in almost 2 years
>The real blackpill is that when you finally get a gf you don't give a shit about her because she's not your oneitis
Go fix your shit and make white babies faggot
imagine having to psychprofile user and meme him as well
Me. It started when I was really young. I never got any proper mental health treatment and I think they fucked up my diagnosis. Parents were never too supportive and life was very insecure. I eventually just stopped feeling some of the normal emotions I felt as a kid. I honestly feel physically numb and rarely does anything make me feel happy. I do things to distract or I am distracted. Its strange because I seem to be very split. I just have an extreme hatred towards others including my own family and it won't die.
I am extremely fucked up an most people can tell after interacting with me for an extended period of time. There is something very broken in me and I can't fix it.
Everything is spot on besides.
>tells lies
Not really, I'm happy to tell people about my celibacy, ascetic lifestyle and world views.
I have it made why would I have anxiety.
>jealous of success
Happy to see my peers succeed.
Honestly yeah.
>women have impossible standards, they make us this way
>I can't find a virgin who is beautiful, makes $250k a year and is a religious housewife who worships me
pol in a nutshell
So who does the shopping? You don't use toilet paper?
Hmm really makes you think.
I rate 2/5, try again later.
Based 4chad
How did you decide you wanted to be an orthopedic technician?
How to recapture masculinity
>blonde hair
>blue eyes
You're lucky if you can find a Jow Forumsack who is white to begin with
I also want to know
...uh. I skimmed and it seems to be aimed at flaky roasties that get bored with new guys. Not sure if this was a troll
Why don't just say nigger behavior? That way looks more truthful
Right wingers like to capitalize random proper nouns like it's German it something, especially if the words are "trad" (ie "you most take a Wife and have several Children"). It's cringe as fuck
show your flag kike
The guy literally is german
We will establish the Reich!
Heil hitler!
oops lol
I don't care about the money or religious thing
Completely accurate, 100%. I now realize that my political views are nothing more than the result of my pathologies, how do I take the blue pill?
>how do I take the blue pill?
Keep paying taxes and using fiat good goy
And don't forget go to war
tons of people here are ugly
many people who are "attractive" now were bullied because they were annoying spergs
worst meme ever. I'm buttfuck ugly kek
what is going on here