Living with anxiety and depression since I was 12, back then It was extremely mild but thinking in retrospective the symptoms where already there, and have steadily grown little by little every year, now I'm a failure at life and I don't know how to get out the ditch, I only have one friend I barely talk to, had sex very few times and anxiety cockblocked me those times and now prevents me for seeking intercourse because I don't want to disappoint, I just don't give enough of a fuck to do something to fix my life but still care enough to feel bad about being a burden and a shame to my parents, I think of suicide almost every day but I'm passively suicidal, I know I lack whatever it takes to do it, I also lack any enthusiasms for life, I'm trapped in a limbo where I can't/won't kms but also have zero will to do anything.
What do I do?
25 yo NEET
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You're not special. I mean, there's nothing that sets you apart from any other loser your age.
You're the age I was when I started to see my life wasn't going anywhere. Mid20's crisis I guess, you know time is ticking and nothing changes. You went to school OP? You worked? Keep in mind A LOT of people out there are not successful by today's standards so you're not really that far below the point of redeeming yourself.
What does it mean to be successful "by today's standards"?
Look. If you expect life to just fall into place as soon as you get a job, a home, a car, I think someone like OP would be thoroughly dissapointed.
completed HS, never worked but tried to get a job like half a year ago got several interview I was never good enough for the job
What kind of jobs did you apply to? Retail, food, clothing, that kind of thing?
I know guys that made it user, guys I knew from HS even some guys I didn't think would managed to do it. I don't think they have their own house yet but I wouldn't be surprised if they have their own car by now. It's been almost a decade, things change and so do people.
i kinda kno what ur going thru user. I was severely depressed and had suicidal thoughts during sophomore year. i also failed a class. i never self harmed, never attempted suicide. life has gotten so much better. it always does. hang in there user
bilingual call center agent because no experience was needed and the pay was better
I hope that for some magical reason the change starts soon, thank you.
If you never worked before getting a job like that might be harder. You have to start small sometimes. Don't be afraid to do that just stay away from factory jobs if you're a skinny guy, the work can destroy your body if you're not prepared for it. Try restaurants, grocery stores, anything like that and try to at least get an interview. Learn how to take the assessment tests if they apply, there's a way to take them and the answers may not be what you think they are. It will take time if you don't have more information and have someone walk you through the process but that's how it works.
I did all this by myself, didn't have any friends to help me at any point in my life. Family couldn't help me either, they usually made things worse for me.
I figured as much, the say no experience needed but sure as hell put you at the bottom of the list for that, and of the things I can't stand during interviews is the "why do you want to work here/with us?" question, the fuck they want? praise? for me to beg?
>Look. If you expect life to just fall into place as soon as you get a job, a home, a car, I think someone like OP would be thoroughly dissapointed.
Tell me more so I can know whether or not to check out now because I am someone like OP.
Those 3 things might not cure depression and anxiety but sure as hell would make things easier for me
You have to keep in mind you're probably not the only one applying user, problem is if even ONE person has a better resume they'll get the job. By your age a lot of adults have a least a job for a few years or a few jobs. I remember applying for those 'no experience necessary' but believe me when I was at the interview the person was shocked I didn't work by your age. They looked at me like saying 'what the hell have you been doing this whole time'. Yeah, thing is they didn't live my life so they have no reason to judge me for the decisions I made. Everything I ever did was believing it was for the best but I guess I was wrong about a lot of things, shouldn't have believed in the people that raised me.
Thumbs up. Face this reality and improve yourself
Yeah, always got that condescending treatment for being a 25 year old asking for a job most people aged 18-21 ask for, and I believe it is a big hindrance in every interview, they probably just see a looser who would probably quit in a few days in, when in reality it is the total opposite, I wan to get my shit together, get a job and keep it .
Already did that long ago, now what? what do i do to care about life?
I'm in the exact situation rn but I'm 22. I had 4 jobs before in retail, warehouse, fast food and cleaning but all of those sucked ass.
I'm 27 and the last time i was at a job interview was 5 years ago. I'm still a neet. People don't understand that people like us excist. People who've been raised by loser parents, brought up in a wrong environment with fucked up issues, depression, lack of (self)-worth, and in the end when we try to better ourselves we still get dealt a shit hand.
So many schizoids so little time. You, as many, are of a religious type so heavily denied the substance that makes this reality worthwhile for them.
>Schizoid Personality of Our Time(I heavily recommend the
To put it simply: You thought too hard about the world and became capable of Jnana(Knowledge). Knowledge evokes a path, as we un-weave the ties that bind the living soul. The intuition of Oneness offers a transformation in consciousness. The intuition is itself joy (ananda). A joy so powerful that we are is no longer content with the works of the world. And thus, we now seek works of the soul: the works of symbolic life. Works which will lead us deeper into the joy of Oneness.
I recommend you pursue denial of the will-to-life, nigredo, individuation and read some books.
Put a gun in your mouth.
Get a therapist. Gtfo off Jow Forums.