So if Article 13 is an EU reform, if Britain leaves the EU does that mean they don't have to abide by Article 13?
Article 13 and Brexit
Other urls found in this thread:
Technically yes
Depends if they want to trade with the EU if yes they have to abide to the laws of the EU or the market is closed to them.
Also they already said all EU laws in effect will be transferd in to UK law apon leaving.
brexit was cancelled though
I thought it was still ongoing
Every limey fuck voted for it from the right to left. Even if they dont ultimately have to they will put something very similar in place
Cool, welcome brother :-)
Time to take over the world and bring enlightenment to unwashed masses with fier and sword.
The second renaissance upon us!
#Oh Freude schöner Götterfunken!
That’s not how the EU works Hans.
Enjoy getting fucked to death by Africans duding the inevitable race war that consumes your continent.
Yes but we're not leaving because our politicians flat out don't want to and are actively going against the vote result.
God damn autocorrect
I don't usually post on Jow Forums but I just felt the need to say it.
From what I've been seeing posted online in regards to germany/uk/wherever that yellow vest riots are taking place.
I will never take how fortunate I am for granted, and I am genuinely terrified because the left sees your country as what they want ours to become.
If I could do anything as an amerifat to help you guys I would.
Britain spearheaded the EU Copyright reform in Europe alongside France and has pushed for it for 4yrs now. Germany was the reluctant party in it and only agreed after a deal with France on Nord Stream II (the Russian gas pipeline).
The UK will be one of the first countries to implement this directive, and do it very harshly (similar to their extremelt harsh GDPR implementation and their porn pass law).
Excellent point
Porn pass law?
>inevitable race war consumes your continent
Not before it consumes yours first. You have way more thirdworld shit heads than all of us combined.
Technically but knowing our government/parliament we probably will conform to it anyway
>porn pass law
What's the deal with this anyway, thought it was supposed to be in effect by now
Delayed again
Circus of clowns
>if Britain leaves the EU
O i am laffin
Fuck the EU. I wish they would let us go.
Honk Honk
That’s not how it works, Hans. You will trade with us because your shitty export dependent economy depends on it.