I consume media as my hobby. Now, to most people, that reads as "I sit on my ass all day and binge Netflix." This could be not further from the truth. Every day I do the following:
>Make progress in 2 video games, one story-driven and one technique-focused
>Read between 5 and 10 chapters of a manga series
>Watch at least 12 episodes of anime at 2x speed
>Listen to and rate about 8-16 albums of varying genres
>Finish off by watching a movie, usually some older stuff
>Read 50 pages of a book
Like, so I made a MAL account yesterday, and while having 25 days' worth of anime watch time under my belt might sound deplorable to other people, I'm impressed because the scope of the medium is within my reach, and by the time I die, I might very well be able to say I've seen every single anime series ever made.
I still work out, have a decent diet, and keep sociable, but I'm constantly consuming media and this is my lifestyle. How is it STILL not seen as a hobby when it's clear that I'm prolific with my interests and am not just idly wasting time on this stuff?
I consume media as my hobby. Now, to most people, that reads as "I sit on my ass all day and binge Netflix...
Because people are stupid
Ok but does it enrich your life in some way? Does it inspire you to do art of your own or anything comparable? What do you even do besides consuming media?
jesus christ dude.
I dropped tv and video games permanently at like 22.
Grow up and find a real hobby.
Fuck yeah it does! I love finishing a good story and reflecting on it, and trying to see how the events line up to me and what I could do better as a person! Dopamine rushes from completing hard video games and understanding difficult texts fill me with so much excitement for all the possibilities of where I could go with such knowledge and skill. Music is my main thing, and while I'm not proficient in DAWs, I have so many interests to pull from and such a broad understanding of composition techniques that I could make whatever I wanted, so long as I had a grip on production.
Besides consuming media, I go to school, practice making and performing music, exercise a lot, and I'm currently looking into taking up dancing and boxing classes!
What is your hobby?
He is LARPing
I get this; I’m a culture writer and the other day I watched like an hour of vintage Looney Tunes literally for my job. you do you, OP.
Awh man, that sounds like a blast :)
>fill me with so much excitement for all the possibilities of where I could go with such knowledge and skill
Do you do anything with it?
Do what you think is fun. Nothing is more worth pursing than entertaining yourself, staying sane.
But don't be so pretentious about it.
If anything I find you deplorable. Some things need to be watched at 1x speed. Some music albums need to be listened to more than once. Some books might need a section reread rather than just churning through it asap. What's the point. Of rushing? L
Gamers rise up
>Now, to most people, that reads as "I sit on my ass all day and binge Netflix."
Well, you also sit on your ass while swallowing shit someone else did from other sources, it's hardly better.
>Watch at least 12 episodes of anime at 2x speed
What the fuck for? If you're going to corrupt the viewing experience, why not watch them at 4x speed.
>Listen to and rate about 8-16 albums of varying genres
Way too many to get a real impression of the work.
>able to say I've seen every single anime series ever made
Which is as impressive as taking a shit every day.
>just idly wasting time on this stuff?
It's what you're doing. Just with more dedication than a normal person, making it even sadder.
i think you're chasing some sort of happiness instead trying to improve yourself and being the best version of yourself you can be. you know you have potential for other things but you're too afraid to face it so you just fill your life up with this shit. man was not meant to be a fucking sponge for content
Is your pic related literally complaining about somebody enjoying things in his free time? What's more childish than that?
it's just an example. it's not 'complaining', it's a critique of the mentality.
what's more childish than believing in hedonism?
>implying there is anything wrong with hedonism
>implying mindlessly consuming stuff is hedonism and not some early stage of depression
/o/, /diy/, and Jow Forums.
I like woodworking and wrenching. Lately I've gotten into soldering old electronics. I buy broken gameboys and fix if I can, for fun.
I'm being serious, all media is propaganda designed to rot your brain, and I used to play for 12hrs a day.
Take a hike, get a dog, there's endless things to do for fulfillment. Media is only wasting what little youth you have left. People with active hobbies have more interesting stories to tell.
Build a birdhouse or something.
And why do you feel the need to critique it? Not everyone has lofty ambitions to be this proud self-made enterpreneur mega chad whatever. You must be unemployed, else you'd understand the need to unwind after a hard day at work. For some people it's Rick and Morty, weed, cigarettes and cereal. I hate smoking with a passion, but really... big fucking deal.
The sad part isn't that you do it
The sad part is that you think you're sophisticated
i was just posting the picture to illustrate the point i made in my original post. of course these things are to be enjoyed, we're only human, and i guess you're making me see your point of not everyone having the same ambitions, but i was replying to OP to give him a perspective of what he's doing on an exaggerated level, that's why it feels like a critique. And no i am not unemployed
>the need to unwind after a hard day at work
If you keep doing it instead of advancing as a human, there will be more hard days of work that will need more unwinding and there is no escape from the hamster-wheel.
Why this pic tho? Made me want some tasty pancakes for a half or day
Seems like you consume a lot of content but dont forget to create content. I bet you could write a sick novel or anime plot. Use your consumption for good and produce something that incorporates all the elements you love
I don’t know where you got the idea that it wasn’t a hobby. It’s just not an interesting one because everybody consumes media.
>I sit on my ass all day and binge Netflix
At least Netflix is something other people can relate with you on. Anime is such a niche hobby that it will be difficult for you to ever find people to talk to about it. Great way to stay isolated.
>I sit on my ass all day and binge Netflix
This is what you are doing though, sitting on your ass. Consuming media requires no thought, this is why people don't respect your hobby. You have to do something more, for example I have loser hobbies (anime, manga, and video games) so I tell people my hobbies are drawing (anime), costume designing (for my anime dolls), and coding (to make anime games). Just hide your media interest behind something else, say your hobby is being a critic or something.