What does Jow Forums think about warpaint? Is it worth the investment for looksmaxxing?

What does Jow Forums think about warpaint? Is it worth the investment for looksmaxxing?

Attached: warpaint.png (799x776, 998K)

Only if you are a twink

I'm probably more like pic related

Attached: warpaint bear.png (796x796, 1.15M)

It's not a purse, its a satchel.
It's not makeup, it's war paint
It's not perfume, it's cologne.
It's not a doll, it's an action figure.


do women wear warpaint?

You can achieve the same thing with a filter for free


show me an example

what a gay way to rebrand makeup.
what a fucking joke.
you're just giving a "manly" name for some faggy makeup .

Attached: 1502675864256.jpg (400x402, 40K)

Tell your marketing guys at warpaint that i personally couldn't think of a worse name than warpaint. It's the typical attempt to make a faggot product sound masculine and appeal to men. The only cunts that will be buying your product are numale faggots. The same cunts that buy "MAN" products for beards etc. See pic related. This is what you're the makeup equivalent of. Now fuck off with this gay shit

Attached: smooth-face-mini-crate-renegade-shaving-shave-clean-awesome-gifts-for-men__92725.jpg (700x700, 66K)

Filters don't exist irl

Whats gay about wanting to look good

What's gay about sticking a cock in another man's ass. It's something only faggots do. That's why it's gay

>What's gay about sticking a cock in another man's ass

There's literally nothing gay about this.

Every woman wears warpaint.
Warpaint is makeup.
You're wearing makeup.

Makeup = war paint
War paint = makeup

Don't be a fucking fag

This is the second thread I've seen on this shit in two days. Fuck off you viral marketer piece of shit. How pathetic do you have to be to advertise your product on fucking Jow Forums?

Post body

Attached: warpaint 3.png (1091x728, 1.22M)

This is warpaint

What you're selling is for sōyboys

Attached: spfcc1nx500a.jpg (500x500, 49K)

>a male model they had to pay to pretend to wear it

You first faggot

Don’t be such a fag. You’re ruining the board with this crap over and over. Mods should permaban people for this stuff

This is cringy as fuck.

If men want to wear make up its fine, why not? But don't go about calling it WARPAINT to try and seem cool and like its not makeup

JohanaK sounds like a bitch

Women can always tell when men are wearing makeup, even just light foundation. I can tell in that picture.

I always avoid because I assume gay.

male models actually wear makeup tho

Embarrassing beyond description.

I mean for TV and movie sure

but for daily wear?

Nigga you gay