Seriously, What the fuck is (((their))) problem?
Movies that are so blatant you couldn't even finish
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Top Gun. When they said who’s up there, hell not goose and maverick, or something to that effect, I knew there weren’t going to be any plot twists and it was going to be a long 90mins
This movie was shitty!
second that
Watched 20 minutes of it, The Jewish director wasn't even trying to hide it
Can't (((they))) let people enjoy movies in peace? Why do (((they))) have to push their politics in your face every 10 seconds of the movie?
Rampage 2. Fucking garbage
Why the fuck is the Rock even trying
All his movie seem to be the same
why were you watching it in the first place? the red flags are everywhere
Like cosmic horror, Didn't see the leftist horror coming though
I heard about this movie but never watched it. What's the premise?
Pure Jewish propaganda
I don’t watch HollyJew. Ever.
refuse to watch it. what did (((he))) do as a director? some anti-trump shit?
Its a she
Hero is a single pregnant women thinking about killing her child
Hero finds a black chad, Fucks the black chad
The only straight white male is the one who abandoned a pregnant woman, Refuses to let people in (People also reply to him by saying that he thinks letting anyone in is a bad idea) and says that because Sandra is a women, She can't use the shotgun
All relations are interracial or LGBT
Yeah but like... what is it? Nothing in the synopsis I found of the movie screams jewry, it just says it's a woman and a couple kids that are blind for some reason, fleeing from some unnamed danger, along a river.
Oh, OK then. Yeah fuck that shit.
Even reviewers I like can't be trusted anymore, because the (((indoctrination))) is so pervasive at this point that they don't even see it anymore. Ten years ago reviews would have mentioned interracial/LGBTP stuff, if only to virtue signal over how it didn't bother them. Now it's just the way all movies are.
Checked, but wtf was wrong with top gun? If you like fighter jets, it was a great movie.
I like district 9. Imo it's a pretty accurate representation of what would happen
Loved this movie
But the qhote guy is also the hero of the day. And all the women were wrong about letting the guy in which lead to most of the dying
Why would you even try to watch the moviejew.
I watched it (sort of) and all I remember was there was some entity that I don't think you really ever see. If you lay eyes on it, it entrances you and makes you kill yourself or some stupid shit. So Sandra Bullock and her kids spend a lot of the movie walking around the woods blindfolded. They do flashbacks to the world before the suicide ghost and that's when most of the ((( ))) shit takes place. It reminded me of The Happening minus marky mark, and somehow worse. I didn't think you could get much worse than The Happening.
I thought it was pretty baste. the fucking niggers kicked them out for acting too niggardly.
Not just a Chad but a Christ-like saint. And, this young black bull is into this 50-something Sandra Bullock wannbe baby-killer artist. And, sacrifices himself for her white kids. Just pure feminist jewry. Plus, it sucks as a horror movie.
I’m a femanon, I was with a boyfriend and hoping for some smooching. I got nothing, he was on the edge of his seat the whole time and I had to watch kelly mcgillis talk about planes
I liked Birdbox
The Happening is at least so awkward and silly that it is kinda awesome.
Different Rampage, less monsters, more guy going postal
Goddamn. That was When Tom was sexiest. Full homo. Honestly, that chick he bangs, might be one of the only females to ever make my dick move. She was a bad bitch.
Tits or gtfo
It was a movie about fighter jets. There are plenty of chick flicks, you are knocking an action movie for not having enough smooching. Your opinion is worthless, maybe your tits won't be.
On the surface, yes. But it felt like the underlying message through the whole thing was about showing how the filthy prawns are actually just like us and should be treated better.
Netflix should be renamed to Cuckflix.
>I go to movies to ignore them
Absolute flick tier behavior
Rampage 3 was far worse than Rampage 2
It's almost every major movie made in the last 10 years, and plenty made before that, but it seems the ratio of 'bluepilled propaganda' vs 'just a fucking movie' is getting ridiculous.
((THEY)) are just trying to help you cum to your own realizations!!!!
This guy was right about everything, but normies wouldn't listen.
It's an allegory for the redpill user, it's the best film of the decade.
Yeah I feel that was a twist
In the walking dead, BAD rick that shoots above the head of the peaceful Musl*m refugee was wrong because that guy ended up being extremely useful for them
While this bad straight white male was right all along
Nice way of saying that you wish that bbc was in your boypussy.
The biggest Chad was the old white guy and he was right all along. He told everybody to not let in that demonic Jew and he was vindicated when the demonic Jew went around killing everyone the house. The old boomer died knowing he was right all along.
What kind of cock do you like in your boi-puss?
I don't even watch movies or TV anymore. It's all stupid Jewish bullshit anyways.
Why do you say that, there's tones of good shows on user!?!
You haven’t the slightest clue what you’re talking about
>old white boomer was right all along to not let new people in house
>black guy martyrs himself for white woman
>white woman debates several times about killing the little girl but decides against it and realizes in the end how precious life is
You could argue the movie was pro-border and pro-life
It's a Netflix original. How on earth did you expect any less?
I was having this discussion with a co-worker and ever she (pretty liberal) noted how Netflix has to shoehorn Gays into EVERYTHING they produce. Every single series and movie needs at least one gay and most often some screen time of them doing gay stuff on camera. Their agenda is so flagrant.
They even cut Aml Ameen from sens8 and essentially blacklisted him from Hollywood because he didn't want to participate in a graphic homosexual scene.
No, I didn’t get the smooching, I’m not complaining about the movie not having it. Your comment is knee jerk and generic, rather like Canada and you don’t get to see tits for that leaf
It was paint by numbers. Cute chick but it’s ok cause she’s ‘actually in the plot’, loyal but slightly less charismatic side kick who gets killed, unsafe pilot who’s allowed to continue pissing around with military equipment because he’s attractive, adversaries are actually best buddies at the end etc. A year later they had the same movie but on motorbikes and I think Nicole Kidman was a ‘brain surgeon’.
White uncircumcised cock
He represents the bad straight while male
I only watched 20 minutes of the movie but all I watched was just hating on that guy
The first time you see him is telling his wife to abandon a pregnant woman, But the women stand with each other and saves her!
Then people are just talking shit about him without any regard to the fact that he just lost his wife
The gay Asian says that he would sue his neighbors
He doesn't allow people in, He says the woman can't use the gun
Its just terrible
You agree with me, So why say I have no clue you retarded fuck
I haven't watched TV or mainstream movies in ten years. It's really awakening and kind of the first step once you realize the hidden messages that are given to the populace via (((media))) aka medium or a conduit to transmit information ie control measures. Wake up
I did support the acceptance of a masculine character though..
Kys Jew.
It's been 13 years for me, don't have a TV in the house at all. It's like living in another world, totally disconnected from the normie fags.
By the end of the movie pretty everybody unanimously hates the white woman but is glad she kept the kids alive, and agrees the old white guy was right all along. Yeah the old white boomer was prickly, but he was vindicated in the end because the empathy of the white woman got everybody in the house killed but her and the black guy. Was there race-mixing? Sure. But not one but two black guys sacrificed themselves for white people/white children.
>being a woman
Thanks for helping make this the future population of everwhere on the planet.
>wasting those trips to shit on top gun
Please go back to fucking facebook.
>black guys sacrificed themselves for white people/white children.
Give me one example irl of this ever happening. Protip: you can't.
Why are you so hostile? Are you one of [[them]]?
>All relations or interracial or LGBT
Sounds like video games nowadays. Oh wait (((they))) control those as well.
If you're still watching the Electric Jew in 2019, fucking neck yourself.
You are claiming to be female on an anonymous board. This place may be chaos but we have rules.
Next time, give your opinion and don't precede it with "I'm a femanon" unless you are willing to follow the rules.
There are still plenty of good films coming out.
If you don't watch mediocre flicks you'll never see social engineering.
I actually think netflix is good for the masses.
Idiot. The white guy is proven to be the only non-retard in the whole movie, and is totally vindicated as their ignoring him results in everyone getting murdered. The main character white woman eventually realizes life is precious and doesn't post-birth abort her kid. I saw this movie before I heard that white nationalists hated it and I have to conclude that it's because none of them finished the fucking movie.
>it entrances you and makes you kill yourself or some stupid shit
nah, the idea of lovecraftian horror is that the entity is beyond our comprehension to the point where even looking at its form drives you to insanity. that's why the insane weren't killing themselves and only worshipping
Everything is Jewish propaganda. I just listen to music and shitpost with you faggots. Television has sucked for about twenty odd years now. My wife was a Netflix binger. Until she started seeing it too.
You'll be shitposting at the fags here all day and probably for the rest of your life which is why you are emotionally and intellectually stunted. When was the last time you even went outside?
it slowly increased, it's the over the top narrative that we now should shallow, a bit not that obvious was TWD and the increase of homosexual couples every season.
western media is doomed, start watching chines cartoons or read older books or something
what made your wife come around?
last year, and it wasn't what my mom said it would be.
So basically like every American Horror Story episode?
We’re approaching end times, shits getting crazy and rules are getting broken. I have a lovely pair of tits that I’m looking at right now. My bra is feeling a bit tight at the moment and I’m soon going to take it off and slip into a nighty for bed. Do you know I can look at my tits any time I feel like leaf? Not only do I share a house with tits, but they are literally attached to my body. You mad leaf?
>all Nigerians are savages
>anti military-industrial complex
District 9 is redpilled as shit.
>Advertising their trash for them
fug, this movie was great
Keep on hitting that box office, goyim!
Lurk more thot
>Everything is Jewish propaganda. I just listen to music
Music is also Jewish propaganda.
Absolutely nothing redeeming about the Hollyjew and it's so obvious if you point out the subversion to normies they get annoyed at it. The only media worth watching are Highspeed Chase Generals.
even sound.
everyone can nowadays produce music so yes the big labels are Jewish propaganda labels but who gives a fuck? listen to smaller producers.
Can't get more Oy Vey then that.
Just stop tv and movies entirely. They steal hours of your life, especially when NPCs watch 4+ hours daily.
What kind of politics were they pushing in it?
Juicy big fuckin bouncy tits
Should probably work out to get rid of your moobs dude. They shouldn't bounce.
who the fuck are you
Not a movie but I couldn't finish "The Monster" anime after they went full "lmao nazis are retarded and turks in Germany are just the best"
I love that movie. It's obvious that the demons of the sky are Lord Hitler and Waffen ss soldiers returned a spirits
Whats more is that the old white guy was right every time.
Hangover 3 and cars 2
Just insultingly badly written
Never listening to jays recommendations again.
Ray Romano was fucking aweful mark duplasss is up his own arse movie blew chunks was boring as fuck.
50/50 did it better
Just watch this
>every series on netflix
First season be okay, next season, full of POC, gay and trans characters, and sjw themes. Every fucking time!
>still watches (((TV)))
kys phaggot
The start was ok but it goes downhill very fast.
This review points out the propaganda of the movie better