Quit Jow Forums

I first came on Jow Forums a year ago. Thought it was cool but realized everyone here is retarded (or most).

>alt right bullshit
>weeb shit
>animal abuse
>incel behavior

All of this shit is cancer and trolls will try to defend, and I'm done with this nigger shit.

Problem is, I can't stop browsing. Same problem with Reddit before I deleted my account.

How do I get these cancerous ideals out of my head and stop browsing this hellhole?

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you’re here forever

If windows user - you can block site with hosts file (google it)

Progress to Stage 2: Commiserating with other bitter users on /qa/.

Then depart to a Discord server for decent banter and use Twitter as a curated meme machine. You'll still pop into Jow Forums every now and then out of some vague sense of longing, but you'll only be quickly reminded why you left.

Jokes aside, just find something more useful to waste your time, like learning something new or watching a documentary. But if this hellhole is fun for you (you keep coming back after all), just stay.

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I've been here for 11.
Go back to re*dit or wherever the fuck you crawled out from.

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I'm here since 3 years. I need to stop too. I want to find a gf before i turn 23 and i'm 22 in 50 days

geez man just deal with it by yourself. did you really had to ask about it here?

Lol I've been here since 2004. It's new people like OP that kinda brought all that shit baggage with them like politics, sexual frustration etc.

So what advice you want? Just leave and spend your time doing other things. Go to Reddit again or just just surf you tube instead. Do some free online college courses. Play games. Fuck what a dumb thread.

You visit the website because it's easy to, and the entertainment is quick and free. So the only solution is to make it more difficult to visit.

fuck that nigger shit hole, reddit drives me insane

the fact that you can't read my original post just shows how fucking retarded you are you anime posting faggot, kys

>implying they don't care about what I have to say

Kill yourselves and don't respond then, asshats. I didn't bring shit here, I rarely post and only read.

I think it's cool that you can admit to being a pussy, user.

I browsed b a lot a few years back and it really fucked me up mentally, I started not caring about anyone at all...I thought LE EPIC NIGGER 9/11 was so funny until I grew up. Of course here I am now, but I do miss the use of anonymity occasionally so to me, adv is okay

just go back, shit-for-brains zoomer

Sayonara newfag

Neck yourself nigger, I'm addicted, if you can't read. No matter where I am, I still do it. JFC

youre kind of like me, hard to quit. all you really have to do is just say that you dont want to browse bc of your reasons is all

i believe in you user

Kinda this. Discovered the site after people on a private server forums told me I copy my humour from 4chains in 2008 or so. Had A LOT breaks but usually do come back for a week or two or three every year.

I came to Jow Forums some 9 years ago. It used be a lot different. People had liberal-ish left-ish ideas, were generally a lot more upbeat and less depressed. There was more banter and less anger. Everything was about the "trollz and lolz". Better, simpler times, man.

Now you can't see a porn thread without someone going on a rant about race mixing and the Jews. People are obsessed with fascism and "Marxism" that has nothing to do with Marxists. Everyone gets offended over everything. The Jow Forums virgins obsessively hate women. /new/ and Jow Forums did nothing to contain the retards in.

/b/ now is just a porn board. Absolutely ridiculous.

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I thought Jow Forums was a great place at first, then I realized how much hatred was there. It makes me sad.

Replace it with reading good books. Try the culture series.

uhh I think you're mistaken here pal, this is 4channel and not Jow Forums.

Buy a used ereader and download free epubs.

Yeah, Jow Forums was actually pretty interesting back in the day when it wasn't overrun by wannabe nazis. There were still a lot brainlets but it was possible to have a discussion about politics that didn't fall into memes.

And ironically, a lot actual nazis from back in the day hate what it became too.

>Don't reply to my advice thread with actual advice
Go get addicted to something else then, faggot. Don't you have anything else to whine about? Dumbshit newfags like you have shit up Jow Forums from people who actually have legitimate concerns and you come here because you "can't stop browsing this Jow Forums site my friends told me bout lol". You're pathetic, an egotistical, overstimulated boomer who has no self control to stop himself from consuming novelty and somehow thinks that's an interesting thing to post about.

>was possible to have a discussion about politics
I actually recently agreed with a Jow Forums poster on a certain topic, but the guy was too stupid to realise that I'm agreeing with him so he got offended.

Not OP, but I think you're retarded.

Your lack of good intent and rants discredit your advice.

My intent is alot more caring to others on advice, but OPs thread is just selfabsorbed garbage and there's really no answer other than to just start doing other things. As for ranting, I do that for myself

Lmao /b/ was always bad but before Jow Forums it was all politics posting and it certainly was not liberal or pro obama

Kek I saw pol get created and soc (even earlier) and a lotta shit. If I spend as much time on something else as I did on Jow Forums I might not regret so many things. I hope it did something, I don't know shit about japan or anime.

Yeah but new fags have this idea that before 2016 this place was not full of nazis and weird Jow Forums types and its not true

Yeah, you were either a nazi a pedohile or literally out of your fucking mind or a weeb if you were on Jow Forums earlier than recent times.

/b/ was around before Obama got elected newfag

There were plenty of these but they usually stayed in their boards and threads. Now you have them vomiting their shit over everything.

Look what happened to /tv/, where basically every thread had a designated nazi and incel.

the 4channel/Jow Forums split did some next shit
I won't go back on Jow Forums now that it's split, I'm trying to distance myself from that shit. I'm used to Jow Forums though, that's why I post pinkshit sometimes on a blue board.

Tbh i dont even think old Jow Forums was better.
Cringe irl ops that are reddit teir like Chanology.
Pokemon and generals flooding/v/
I remember thinking raiding a shitty chat room like habbo hotel was funny while the new kids memed the American presidential election.

>a year ago

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I'm a newfag from the trollface era

>complains about alt right bullshit
>says nigger
>uses a clown world meme reaction image

You can't stop browsing because you're one of us deep down, whether you like it or not


It was a lot more BRO FIST and sincere comeraderie, and less
>what is up my dudes? (actually depression [no gf {thanks jews}])

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Or maybe just using to emphasise that he doesn't have issues with muh un-PC language but still finds aut-right kids obnoxious?

Slurs are basically 4chains lingo; shitting up every thread whining about roasties and jews isn't.

>when you have no reading comprehension but try to call others stupid

Jow Forums in general was more or less radically liberal back then during the bush years and there were pro Obama memes circulating, that's for damn sure. Almost no one on Jow Forums wanted McCain or Romney.

naw it's just me
I;m a fucking force on Jow Forums, and I've recent'ly become an alchohol
goddamn fucking right wing normie faggot infiltrating this bullshit
we used to make fun of you cunt but none of you are shitskins
fuck you will all suffer pain, skin deep at least
psychological will not cut it
fcuk dating, I need blood

japanese people are cancer, worse than white people, zero morals or ability to rationalize a moral construct
they just do what's convenient
fucking evil bastards, they're like white people of 50 years ago, white people have only gotten more evil
and don't trust blacks, they're a simple chimp kind of evil

how do you live with so much hate in your heart? does it ever get tiring?


Ok I feel bad but you probably never been almost murdered by your mother a few times including times by your sister. It only got worse when you had to start fitting in with with people. Fuck I don't speak right I don't look right and when I hit back I get in trouble. Fucking cunts.

I should've broken bones when I could get away with it.

whites ans asians are simply pussy bitches
eugenics would weed those twinks out

i haven't experienced that, i'm sorry user
>dont speak right dont look right
i use to have a really bad speech impediment as a kid and that invited everyone to bully me. the worst thing was that i didn't stand up for myself and thinking that the teachers would do anything, having what seems like your entire world against you is awful

youre here forever
been here since 2011

2007 here. Good lord that makes me feel old.

Don't worry. I've been here even longer then you

Thanks user

Damn, i am considerably newer than you faggots. My first post was in Nov 2018. Sure i browsed here and there but it hasnt even been a full year for yet.

I need to luk moar..

>alt right
top kek, the alt right is pro gay+ pro racemixing
>animal abuse
oh no, you watched a gore video
>weeb shit
He says on Jow Forums
>incel behavior
like what?

Tbh the chances are we're significantly older than you, I've been browsing since I was 13

Try again faggot, 29 in june

I can’t make up my mind which is more cancerous to the soul, old /b/, Jow Forums or Jow Forums

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Huh, obviously you're just a very late bloomer or grew up a normie

Very late bloomer, still blooming ish (hopefully)

OVER 9000

Old Jow Forums memes were very lame


looks like youre now a Jow Forums incel in addition to being a redditor faggot

Brushy brushy
America fuck yeah

Yeah the middling time wasn't great either

Not exactly...
Back in the day, /b/ had a shit ton of genuine psychos.

You won’t see depraved shit like an hero anymore. There were all sorts of legitimately disturbing shit there

OP is worse than an incel lmao

I came on here when I was a kid. I'm part Japanese and grew up wanting to learn about my culture. So I watched a lot of anime and this was the best place to talk about anime.

I was like 12 when I first started browsing. m00t was a hero to me and online gaming was for the older crowd cause computers back then still cost like a grand, but I learned to build computers so I could play Half Life 2.. So I got a head start and got to join in on the fun.

Looking back, I was really privileged to be a young kid learning from all these wonderful people in that era of the internet cause I get to pass down knowledge on Jow Forums

Jow Forums didn't always have serious nazis. Then Trump happened and that got softened to Alt-Right. The Alt-Right isn't even a movement anymore. The leaders were Richard Spencer and some gay dude that wrote 'the way of men' and then some russian guy that wrote 'the 4th way'. All dead movements now. No new conversations being had- just the same talking points from before.

>weeb shit

Do you know where you are? This place is all about Japanese Culture.

>animal abuse

never noticed it. There's been worse anyway

>incel behavior

As far as I know there is no writing on incels outside of urbandictionary and trendy gossip mags. The entire concept is just another way to abuse people like calling them 'autistic'. It's just a word meme that is poison and serves no higher education.

>I know there is no writing on incels outside of urbandictionary and trendy gossip mags

I remember first hearing about incels when Elliot Rodger thing happened in 2014.

It’s definitely a thing people call themselves. Now that they have reached mainstream attention, they shy away from the label

It was a subreddit and he was apparently active on sites for hapas too- venting his frustration.

But yeah- it was a subreddit.

Lemme translate this for you

>alt right bullshit
Facts that make me uncomfortable
>weeb shit
An interest I'm not into
>animal abuse
Been here 7 years, never seen this
>incel behavior
This one is too specific

Yeah, good riddance.

>As far as I know there is no writing on incels outside of urbandictionary and trendy gossip mags.
Are you pretending to be ignorant or something? It's an entire fucking subculture. Did you just get online after a 5 year Internet break or something?

You literally talk about having a Reddit account you had to delete dispite still going there. Holy shit, I knew you were retarded when you used the term "alt right" but I had no idea you were this fucked in the head.

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>Be ethnically replaced in your native countries
>W-why is everyone all depressed and serious now?!
Real life happens. Im guessing you're a sheltered middle class guy who has been sheltered from the real world, but working class Euopeans and Americans have been in a living hell for the last 5-7 years.

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>I thought Jow Forums was a great place at first, then I realized how many facts that I didn't like we're there

>I;m a fucking force on Jow Forums, and I've recent'ly become an alchohol
Please don't get alcohol poisoning user

The whole "jews are a superior race" thing they keep parroting over and over?

You’re a real working class weeb right?

>working class Euopeans and Americans have been in a living hell for the last 5-7 years.
I bet he actually believes it too.

this pretty much. once you discover this site you're stuck here forever. and that's being said, that 80% of anons here are literally autistic to some degree. if you are one of us, you will fit in. you can't go back.
i tried hard to quit this site. never worked. never.,

also OP you should look at the bright side, you here getting some fucking rare skills/knowledge that you can never get from anywhere else. fucking fact bro

The subreddit was deleted

Vice made a short that blew up and then everyone started talking about it in 2018. They were just people in an isolated chat.

This word was not that prevalent until recently and now it is pretty mainstream. It just frustrates me. I've been following it. Jow Forums complained that they got them after the subreddit was deleted and indeed the word and 'culture' has spread to Jow Forums and is reported in places all over.

It just urks me. The word itself just triggers me.

The fact remains it causes panic. As much as I like to laugh at a Chad joke- women find this vein of humor terrifying so I guess all this bullshit was bound to happen.

I started coming to Jow Forums over 10 years ago now. It is insane. I went through a brief period on /b/. Mains for a while were /ck/ and Jow Forums. I spent 6 years working out and enjoyed the wild ride of squats and oats. /ck/ was because I was a cooking demonstrator and know quite a fucking lot about cooking. Occasionally dip into other boards, /diy/, /o/, generally for advice on stuff that I'm doing now I'm a boring old man and on occasion to help others.

I come back to Jow Forums because I am a boring old man and I feel that I have some sort of insight having gotten my shit together. Instead of helping though I tend to kill threads instantly.

What I like about Jow Forums is the ability to anonymously rant/ramble about shit. I grew up with irc, messaging, forums/boards and as a result the written format is far more familiar than video. Blogging is a step too far for me, but Jow Forums provides an outlet.

What I find recently though is it is just a time sink in the background when doing computer shit. Computer shit is still my primary time sink, but I'm maybe not so dependent upon it as when I was younger. The replies/responses are a lot less interesting to me these days.

Don't know if it is my sense of humor or the lack of actual novelty after so long, or the quality is worse or what. But I feel like I'm learning less, interacting less, generally it is worse, but then it is a background thing when I'm killing time anyway.

There's a lot of good on this site as well. Just ignore the bullshit and you're fine

You don't

Subreddit? It's way large than that with their own slang and memes.

>The word itself just triggers me.
I mean, hey, they picked it themselves.

>The fact remains it causes panic.
Where? Most people I know react either with pity or disgust or a mix of these.

in case this isnt bait

>Problem is, I can't stop browsing. Same problem with Reddit before I deleted my account.

yes, but that doesn't mean you dont still browse reddit, so your problem remains.

you likely are an at risk type for addictive personality. Do you have anything else in your life thats unhealthy but you don't stop, like smoking?

I just heard from someone on here that said "it scares them that there are guys like that (elliot rodger types) out there"

I've also personally been told by a girl that people were calling me 'Chad' and that it was really mean of them.

>You're a person ofthis economic class with this hobby, right?
I have no idea what you're getting at.

Probably because you're really as stupid as you appear.

That's one the things. It's genuinely impressive what such a small number of people who have been cast out over ad over for thousands of years by being fiercely exclusionary and helping their own people exclusively. They really look out for their own and have weathered alot.

This is NOT a common opinion on Jow Forums though, just mine.

Im assuming you're laughing at the idea of a factory worker watching anime. That's retarded because the amount of money I make has nothing to do with what media I like.

>This is NOT a common opinion on Jow Forums though
It pretty much is though. Plus the whole ingenuity about taking over the world despite their low numbers while being confronted by hatred. Jow Forums constantly praises them for their superior IQ too while insisting that it actually matters. And sure, they usually word their praise in a backhanded way but that's because they are being full tsu. If you read between the lines, it's basically a jew dicksucking contest.

user, please, just stop posting already. The second hand embarrassment makes me feel icky.


I got linked here once from another website and I've been here for about 10 years now.

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>tfw they have free speech and not hate speech on Jow Forums fuck those misogynistic nazis

also fuck off with "MUUH MUUH IAM OLDFAG" no your not you just carve for attention like real whore

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>Now you can't see a porn thread without someone going on a rant about race mixing and the Jews.
as it should be fucking cuck

also I remember Jow Forums has always been contrarian first and foremost, the right still had the upperhand in the following years after 9/11 hence there was a MILD leftist leaning. And saying nigger has always been ok

>Murica and UK got far right parties going crazy
>most of European parliaments are in hands of right wingers
>East Europen shitholes are full of ringwing populists
>biggest democracy in SA elected a guy who is cool with fascist dictatorship
>the glorious state of Israel got a far right president
Surely if 4chains was contrarian, most of discourse would make leftypol look like centrist then?

>most of European parliaments are in hands of right wingers
do you mean merkel with her horde of muslim immigrants? Or maybe the "part and parcel" mayor of londonistan? Get you facts straight you fuckface

CDU is a right wing as it gets. Where the hell did the idea that right wingers are against immigration even came from? Republicans in Burgerstan had zero issues with the cheap labour from Mexico until they could get more votes from anti-immigrant rhetoric.

>mayor of londonistan?
Who gives a flying fuck about a fucking mayor. There is still a right wing party in charge with a far right group dominating their talking points and their current European elections.

>Lol I've been here since 2004
Prove it

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Visiting this site regularly is probably an undiscovered symptom of serious issues in your life. Like an alcoholic who drinks to forget their pain I find myself on this site only as a means to escape some work I should be doing or increasingly when I'm with my gf. I think you have to make an effort to confront the shit in your life that makes you feel compelled to come here, but coming here is easier to do than confronting and fixing that shit. Obviously less rewarding though.
