I genuinely believe women are legitimately horrible and have no empathy. You know why...

I genuinely believe women are legitimately horrible and have no empathy. You know why? Because I have seen them leave men without ANY sort of guilt or shame whatsoever, knowing that they are women, they can get another man in the blink of an eye. My friend, who Is genuinely a great guy, broke up with his gf of 6 years. I would never have imagined that, they seemed perfect for each other. Also, take boogie2988 for example, got dumped by her wife even though they were married for years. Boogie might not have been the greatest guy, but he was a famous youtuber, had a lot of money. I mean If she was attracted to him early on, why did she divorce him later? It baffles me. Women truly are terrifying

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The best are insecure fat fucks. You can rope one in and they're gonna thank their lucky stars, cook, clean, a blow job every time they don't feel like fucking.

You should just be gay then, OP. There are tons of fags who hate women too. You'll fit right in! I advise buying a large pump-handle bottle of lube though - gays usually have thick dicks and your cute little virgin anus will bleed if you don't take steps to prepare yourself.

If you hate women, this is your only option left for finding a partner.

have sex

>cute little virgin anus
I think she Likes you.

Ok, call me weird, fag or whatever, But yeah, you know what, I would definitely have a guy as a life partner, sorta like a perpetual roommate, instead of a woman. But there are a few things, first is that I'm not sexually attracted to men, and I don't want to live with a gay man and the second one is the stigma associated with it. I would gladly live with another man. Thing is, I don't actually see many of them with this mindset and like I said, I don't want a gay one

I am extremely openly gay and yes, I'll be happy to take his anal virginity. We can smoke pot afterwards and bitch about how horrible women are and why dick is the superior ride.


>hates all women
>still sexually attracted to them
>doesn't really hate all women

You should marry a fleshlight then.

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yes, keep whiteknighting women, are you literally that mentally handicapped that you cannot see that women don't care for men? Even most men agree on this, why are you so retarded?

You've been on Jow Forums too long, friend. You've drank so much of it's kool-aid that you actually believe yourself and what you're saying. Blanket statements are lazy and don't hold up well when presented as "facts". Good try, though.

Do yourself a favor and turn off the computer every once in a while and go outside and talk to real humans - not cowardly anonymous incels. You might be surprised to learn that you may be wrong.

You have not said anything about my argument. I'm sure 90% of married couples hate each other if it weren't for their kids most would divorce and a significant amount so end up doing that. All women carry about is their children. Men are disposable and tolerable at best for them.

Your mom is a woman and she had enough empathy to raise your sorry excuse for an ass.

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in the animal kingdom, males are a dime a dozen and females are won by the most dominant and healthy of potential mates. maybe you're just a scrawny beta and butthurt because you don't have what it takes to be alpha so you label all women as bad. Maybe it's not the women who are the problem......but you?

in the boogie case, boogie is pretty messed up and he even admitted they had been going through problems for a long time before the divorce.

> I'm sure 90% of married couples hate each other if it weren't for their kids
> I'm sure

Let's see some data to back up what your saying. Without data and facts, it's just opinion. People have two things in common - assholes and opinions and they both stink. Pony up data from studies and evidence of this or shut up and go back to slobbering on 's dick.

Rumor is that there are men out there as likely to suddenly leave, or God forbid, even cheat on their partners. Guys are truly terrifying and should be holocausted, amirite?

>The annimmmal kingdom... The al..pha and b..b..beta
Fucking neck yourself, you have no idea what you are talking about

Hey, I'm not the one making threads whining about how I can't get laid and how afraid I am of being a man and accepting that women are human and just as capable of being malicious and deceptive as men. That's all you, boo.

>muh bros before hoes

you're in for a rude awakening

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Seems she dumped boogie because she was literally cleaning the shit off his ass, became more of a caretaker than a wife, and he would say personal shit about her to his audience even when she told him not to. He was also a bad influence that helped lead her to becoming morbidly obese. The reality is that she probably fell out of love for him a while before leaving, but stuck it out because he needed the support to lose the weight for his bypass surgery and get through it successfully. She could have stayed a while longer yes, but she still left at a perfectly appropriate time, and could have left earlier and still have been in the right for it. It was a fairly shitty relationship and probably a miracle she stayed for as long as she did, she was being super self-sacrificing/nice to help out boogie instead of taking better care of herself.

maybe you just suck, OP? If I were a woman and read this thread, I'd think less of you too.

You are saying this now when that asshole ProJared cheated on his cute wife?

I am bi and dating guys is even harder where I live

I hate modern spoiled women, not all of them

>lol just man up dude!
Fucking retard

you sound more gay than bi, skippy

>women are awful
Kek bro, you haven't met by father or his brother yet. They make any cunt look lile am angel.

You focus on stories about men getting betrayed because you are a man. There are plenty of stories about women being treated terribly in relationships, you just don't seek those out.

So what kind of advice do you want for this bait?

Did boogie die?

kill yourself, you incel faggot.

Setting up an entire worldview or belief system based on what you think when you're pissed off and depressed is like chugging bleach, then declaring that the bloody shit-vomit is a sign that you were right all along.

These types always have some rationale about how those stories don't count.