Mueller is coming

Mueller is coming.....

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Thanks Muhammed

How do you obstruct justice when you never committed a crime? I'm confused desu.


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>the daily beast
(((They))) have information that the DOJ does not.

have sex

not with you obviously right?


probably gonna bang my ex girlfriend pretty soon, discord tranny

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It's over Drumpftards. Pol is now a left wing progressive board.


haha! well done!

>he didnt collude with russia
>but he did obstruct the investigation into the collusion with russia
>even though there was no collusion

Are they retarded?

shit!!!! abandon ship while we can!

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Haha they're going right back to that Mueller crack pipe

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Washington post

Why is this shit coming out now? Barr released his summary two weeks ago. This is desperation.

>sources say

k.... keep me posted....

even when the full report comes out they will say something like mueller was black mailed to write a false report or something

You fire the guy that the Democrats wanted fired for interfering in an election. The rest is probably just a bunch of hallucinations caused by TDS. "I saw DRumpgf kiss HITLER"

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Talking about delayed ejaculation.


Technically there were crimes found and people have been charged and found to be guilty of those crimes. It is very true that none of those crimes were related to the election but you made the claim that there were no crimes discovered in the investigation and that simply isnt true. I agree with you totally that the obstruction shit is bullshit. Your agreement, though, isnt a good one.

3 minutes worth of capchas

I honestly gave up on this shit I don't follow this anymore. This saga is too long. What justice did he obstruct?

For reals this time

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Those fall into two categories: process crimes, and crimes from people that have our had nothing to do with Trump. I mean, I have no doubts that the left will pretend like he should be called out for obstruction, and they'l pretend the obstruction was a big deal, but it's bullshit as usual.

It's over

The President can not "obstruct" justice since he is the head of the Executive under which the department of justice and the FBI exist.. he is literally the HNIC and therefore whatever he does with them is within his right and power. Congress can fuck right off.

when you are sentanced to prision by a judge they say that justice will be served by you going to prision.

so since every governer and president had issued pardons to obstruct the sentance of the court, have not every one obstructed justice?

this was the jist of Barrs legal opinion.

He didnt. But to say he there were no crimes for him to obstruct is simply wrong.

Alright retard, what crimes are they accusing him of obstructing, dickhead?

congrats mainstream narrative. at this point you are literally more schizo than the median Jow Forums post

>iphone poster
>1 post by id

There were chemical weapons found in Iraq also but not the way it was expected.

The crimes found were intended as leverage and under normal circumstances would not have been pursued.
It just turned out there was nothing more than casual coincidence between Russia and trump. The best they have is the honey pot meeting.