My dad thinks he’s solid snake

Well not really but he does a really good Solid Snake impression and he does it non stop.

>ordering food
>talking to my friends
>basically 100% of the time

How do I get him to stop? It sounds absolutely perfect when he does it but that’s not the point he’s a grown adult. I need my dad to stop impersonating Solid Snake.

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Try bring it up in a conversation as a joke. Like after you sit down when ordering food just say "Dam, you really like to do that impression a lot huh."

Probably would get the message if you start throwing hints out there.

When and why did it start?

can I suck your dad's dick?

I think your dad used to post vocaroos on /soc/.
Mildly entertaining, sometimes hot.

He’s a dad embarrassing you is what he does

I’ll have to try this, something, anything.

Um I’m not sure. He had me when he was young, like right now he’s 37 and I’m 18. So he’s into video games, anime, etc. Brought me up with all the game consoles, I grew up watching Akira, Fist of the North Star, etc.

He looks like Ragnar from Vikings kind of

I get that's hes annoying sometimes and embarrassing but honestly man just let him. he seems energetic and still in touch with his hobbies despite his age which is rare. don't take his quirk from him.

Well he does a lot of annoying shit. Like he plays mine craft with my younger siblings, super immature. Claims he’s spending time with them, and I guess he builds them things in the game. But it’s a kids game. Also draws with them but childish things like the characters the kids like. Such a fucking dork. Oh and the worst shit is listening to weeb anime remixes in his car, even his car is childish a gt86. Like what the fuck. He does some adult things like he works hard but all his interests are retarded for his age. He claims his interests have never changed and everyone can fuck off he likes what he likes, but I feel like I’m more mature than him.

user, let the man b himself. just cuz he spends time with ur younger siblings doesn't mean he's immature. its him being a good dad. just like how a dad usually teaches their son how to catch stuff. relax, and try to enjoy ur time with ur dad. life is short user.

Give him a cardboard box so he cam sneak past your friends. He will disappear but he will be doing what he loves.

This desu, my dad never did anything with me, just fucked off to Afghanistan for years, then came home and spent his nights getting drunk. Appreciate that you've got something others would kill for.

Son. All I ever did was try to share what made me happy. You loved Solid Snake impersonation when you were a little guy. I am hurt. Son, I just wanted you to laugh. To love me. Son, I am disappoint.

I get what you guys are saying but like I want to be my own man right. And he tells me he loves me every single night. His reason is “because if anything happened to you or me while we sleep I want you to have that as the last words I said to you” what the fuck is going to happen to me as I sleep LOL. I’m 18 I don’t need an I love you good night I’m supposed to be a man.

I get “I love you user” probably 15 times a day. If I go out he texts me like every hour “you ok buddy?” “Please let me know you’re ok” and I’m 18...18!

But yeah the Solid Snake thing just made me blow, it’s been like a week straight of it or he sometimes pretends to be the guy from Kung Fury “I’m a cop...from the future” ugh

Sounds like you have the best dad ever actually. And honestly you sound like a jerk and I’d hang with your dad.

I think the only one here that needs to stop their bullshit is you. You sound like an angsty teen with all that anger towards your dad over something so inane

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>I’m 18 I don’t need an I love you good night I’m supposed to be a man.
Boy, you're probably going to replay the whole series when you're 40-50 just to roleplay your dad's quirk. You only get one dad. This is not some bizzaro family thing, it's very tame and charming. Take at least this from the anonymous anime borb you have posted your weird laundry on.

You've got a way to fall.

>And he tells me he loves me every single night. His reason is “because if anything happened to you or me while we sleep I want you to have that as the last words I said to you”

OOF that hits close to home, I do that with my parents and boyfriend at night and every time I leave the house. I do it due to OCD, anytime I don't tell them I love them before they leave I'm worried something will happen to them and they'll die and they won't remember just how much I love them, and I want them to be my last words to them. It's pretty irrational but OCD is not a logical condition lol

My dad drives to another province for work every couple of weeks and he leaves in the night, I forgot to see him off one night and tell him I loved him and to have a safe drive and I couldn't be calm until he called once he was safely there.

This sounds like bait. Your dad sounds cool as shit. Shut up and let your dad continue the larp. He's a grown ass man just trying to have a good time


Grow up OP. Props to your dad for owning what he likes.

16-20 year old men are perhaps the most retarded demographic.

Your dad sounds genuinely amazing. Please appreciate what you have. Many people don't have fathers or if they do they're barely in their lives.
Yes this may all seem annoying but he seems really happy and appears to care about you a lot. He truly sounds like a great father.

Why are you so fucking boring. Send him this way, I'll have him at my dad instead

I wish your dad was my dad. You dont know how lucky you are. Go fuck yourself op

>He claims his interests have never changed and everyone can fuck off he likes what he likes, but I feel like I’m more mature than him.

is this bait? this must be bait.

clearly the only solution is to perfect your Colonel voice and start giving him orders


>listening to weeb anime remixes in his car

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>kids game

Leave your Dad alone OP. Your insecure about your maturity so your taking it out on him. This is proven by how embarrassed you are by him. Be an adult and let the man have his interests.

Sounds like he's living his dream and you're mad that he doesn't want more. Time for you to grow up. good bait if that's what's up though

One day you're going to break and realize that you are the prick here

Your dad sounds cool man. Sounds a lot like me in fact. Look, appreciate what you have, he cares. It’s better than a lot of parents out there. Think about this Raiden. It could be worse. your dad isn’t a boomer, your dad isn’t dead. He’s alive and well, and actually cares. I wish my parents would’ve played video games with me when I was young, rather than their response of technology is evil. But whatever. Don’t waste the time that you have my dude. Appreciate what you’ve got, because it’s better than what others have.

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Hell, I'd want to know how to do a solid snake impersonation, too. Leave the man be, user.