GET IN HERE! Operation Digital Blackface [BIG BRAINS ONLY]

New Method to combat Interracial propaganda.

>Stock up on Black sockpuppets
> Pose as disgruntled black person
>Phrase your arguments in SJW talking points
> Out Jew the Jew

Be subtle Poltards

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Other urls found in this thread:

>it's not subversive if WE are the ones using kike tactics
how about you just stand the fuck up for yourself and your own kind?
it's more important to see white people trying to fight back/wake up.

All you have to do to redpill Blacks, is to state statistics of majority of Jewish slave owners.

Not bad

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Yes. It will work. It's our best plan for now and should be our course of action.
Let's Get those SJW working for us.
However don't make it too obvious in the comment. Don't seem extra educated. Just enough. And avoid troll pics in the profile.

>how about you just stand the fuck up for yourself and your own kind?

Because people are thick as fuck

Hey this is not half bad
Have a bump

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Finally a good op. I was worried this board was dead.

Black women i know always rage at interracial.
They know a 5/10 white can get a 10/10 black, so they have almost no hope and have to settle for a 5/10 black as well.

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Some taking points
>Black women are unrepresented in media & and historically have been stereotyped as unattractive due to Eurocentric beauty standards. BMWF in advertising is promoting outdated and oppressive beauty standards for women and plays in to " white chaser" myth. More diversity in female casting!

Possible Hashtags

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first post worst post. Shut the fuck up you mountain jew. this is a good idea

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>Hey anons, I had an idea, let's pretend to be X
When will you learn that shit never works.

Phase 2

- Use sockepuppets to reply to each other
(This will promote more conversation in the comment section)

- Use white feminist/Jew sockpuppets to reply rudely to Black accounts talking down to them, calling them racists, and laughing, saying they're being ridiculous
(This will draw in real black activists in to the convo to come to the puppet's defence. There are plenty black women who hate seeing white women & black men couple glorified and hate "white feminism".)

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We wuz niggas n sheeeeit

One of OP's many proxies/sock puppets.

free bamp

OP bumping his own thread.

>we can't use bullets only because the enemy does too!

Checks out

i'm not OP you stupid kike. I'm far too stoned to think of an idea this smart. KYS

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OK bois.
Let's go all in.

This is a good idea


That's an oxymoron.

I want to call her stupid but trying things like that is how we discovered things so she is smarter than 99% of her race.

It is being subversive you stupid fuck, we are subverting the enemy.

Not if you’re a white woman. All black men are 10/10.

Are you a white woman? No?

Good. I’m not gay and exclusively breed with tall white girls with blue hair and blond eyes

Fuck off.

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No, she "discovered" what a significant portion of her race already knew and told her.

>Be subtle

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Sub controlled opposition

damn the shilling is fucking real. If you don't like this kind of shit why are you here? To play big boy subversive faggot from reddit? Go back to studying you stupid faggots jesus christ.

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Fpbp as always.

More to fuel the fire.
The Negress is literally stealing the white woman's bag.

keep these threads coming

Improvise and adapt Nigger
We're using their own tactics against them
We're not going to red pill normies if we go full 14/88
It's a culture war and we're trying to sway public opinion

> not already larping with 7 sockpuppet twittert and reddit accounts as rancid sjw for past 5 years to accelerate society towards race war

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Rolling n sheeit.

Because blacks don't realize that they're much better off improving their own gene pool by breeding with the best of each other instead of birthing mongrels with roasties. If the black community wakes the fuck up and stands their ground for a black ethnostate, that's the second best case scenario for America. The white man and the black man have no hate for each other if they don't live on the same soil.

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Permalius Jones

We da joos, nao.

>I'm far too stoned
Nice brah! Me too! What are you on?
I'm vaping some critical mass.
Take the vape pill dude. Vaping weed is so much better than smoking it

No one said it wasn't subversive
Why not do both? If they call you out for doing it then just reply "I'm playing your game. Hate the game not the player"

>*wrings hands*
>no goy don't fight back, don't forget your principles
Playing by the rules is what got us into this mess


Underrated post and idea.
Keeping it bumped.

> larp as niggresses
nah fuck off fucking MIGApede

Aww hell


>White people buying black records singing along to black lyrics wishing dey wuz black. White people are also record executives and should not be selling to other white songs that use of "nigger" - this is our art. That is our culture and our history, not white peoples entertainment

As you should
People don't realize how easy it to influence SJWs

They operate like a hive mind as soon as an idea is adopted by one of them it get spread through the community like wildfire. They all endlessly repeat the approved talking points.

Some of the ideas on Tumbler I would swear where spread by malicious outside forces

>be subtle
>has a whole thread calling for it
You must be retarded

Roooln' Sheeeiiiit


>LaDaviandanesha Jenkins
>Yo yo yo, wise day fuckin' wypipo always gots ta take muh kangz in sheeeit?
>i'm finna cut a white bitch fo takin mah stronk black niggaz
>fuck all y'all cracka ass crackas
>finna *smacks lips*
>ayo hol'up

Think that would work?

Dasicious Johnson... nice

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How else do you propose we get this going?
So we should just stop having campaigns on chan because we might have journalist watch?

Kek, these always crack me up

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Search these channel's videos to get Black names and pictures
(Use names from multiple people don't just take someone's full name)
To get female names & Pics seach "4c hair care" on youtube

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Godspeed broskies. Good plan.

#Idea, try to weaponize irl black girls in social media through your sock puppets, "redpilling them" with interracial publicity and get them to act for you, be the jew.

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How 'bout we just don't fight at all? Fucking idiot.



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>thinks people can't tell the account named "Jaquan nenigger" is fake
>thinks people can't tell the account whose only friends are "negroman negroson" and "bonquiqui deblack" is fake

You idiots may get baited by fake twitter accounts all the time, but most aren't.

Bump. This an excellent idea

>that yellow gorilla though

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Post pics of your progress!

Criminally unchecked. This is the true path to turning their golems on their masters.

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It discredits immediately before the wheels even have a chance to start turning. It’s not even journos, it’s rando faggots that bring it to their attention

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Damn it this guy is more hideous than me yet managed to score.

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At least she waited until the spawn were dead

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I agree that's why I suggested to use Youtube to get names and pics
( Youtube is best since you don't have to have an account to use it like instagram facebook and it's easily searchable and the stolen avatars can't be reverse imaged searched.)

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I'll help. I've been around them. Trust me on this one.

Talking points:
>Where are the Black women in advertising? We see more black men now but they're always with white women.
>What message does this send to young Black girls? That they're not good enough?
>Does this make young Black men think success means get a white chick?
>(specifically to this ad) That's called a token black man. That is white people fragrance. Even the statues are white people.

Sprinkle with emoticons, run-on sentences, letters substituted for words, and all caps. Keep the rants short. They don't type long messages.

Hone in on black women being beautiful and underrepresented. Question who is doing the hiring, not just the modeling. Call out that black women would hire black women.

>that's why I suggested the same thing that's been suggested the last 500 times some underage faggot tried to come up with this epic raid idea!!!
It's not even summer yet. People can tell you're idiots from Jow Forums since you all type the exact same thinking you're being clever.

Holy fucking shit i‘m triggered.
Nobody would kill my babies whilst i get out alive. He‘d have to kill me first.
But yeah, not surprised that she has zero principles, seeing that she‘s s coal burner.

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Always question everything.

who would benefit for this kind of infighting, in the name of "redpilling"?

The moment you post in on Jow Forums it stops being subtle.
You know there's lots of antifags with a lot of free time lurking here for material like this, right?

I live in Houston m8, nogs are the absolute worst


Nogs of satan

>t. my fellow houstonian

Dang. She got a whole do-over, fresh start sans mongrels, cucked ass dad, and nigger BF.

Some people have all the luck.

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Hoping for something real educated woke and scholarly sounding

I know. What's the alternative shutting down Jow Forums?
This is still the best place to conduct raid/campaigns. Any other site would still run the risk of being watched at lest here we have the benefit of being organized and share a common purpose.