Attached: the-yugoslav-peoples-army-jna.1443552873.jpg (800x531, 129K)
We should have stayed with Yugoslavia and crushed the Croat menace
Alexander Gonzalez
Bentley Nguyen
Yes, fuck Cr*ats
Jonathan Stewart
Can we stop the infighting and see the bigger picture because if not we'll become Sweden-tier soon fellow balkanigger
Juan Watson
Friendly reminder that as the US isolates itself politically, you can go back to ethnically genociding each other.
Dylan Clark
why would you want to eradicate this man?
Colton Wilson
Should have killed all the muslim invaders!
Crusades II Coming to a neighborhood near you SOON!
Des Vult
Colton Ross
as "we" do you mean muslims?
Alexander Roberts
Jacob Moore
Tfw dual Canadian / Croatian citizenship
Might move there desu
Ayden Cook
>memeflag [check]
>obsessed with religion [check]
>muh deus vult [check]
Jack Thompson
Unironically this
Back in the 30s the serbs, bosniaks and slovenes were ok with the idea of an united Yugoslavia, only the croats had to chimp out like niggers
Separatism is not the solution, fascism and unity will lead us to victory.
Charles Thompson
by we I mean muslim, catholic and orthodox bosnians as well as croatians that remained loyal to bratstvo i jedinstvo
Wyatt Edwards
*brotherhood and unity
Joshua Lopez
you are putting me in a tough position, horvat.
William Moore
kek, without us yugoslavia is just greater serbia, you would have fun there Mujo
Daniel Anderson
>fascism and unity will lead us to victory.
Samuel Wood
statistics and actual events show otherwise
Justin Scott
>thinking croatia was that important in yugoslavia
Charles Rodriguez
Are coats the sòybois of Balkans?
Or national communism
Dylan Nguyen
>We should have stayed with Yugoslavia and crushed the Croat menace
Nahh, in suma sumarum muslims and croats ultimately saved us from bubble fairy tail failed state that was knees deep in communism.
Now we have more breathing space to mind our own buiseness and yes, i hate all of you faggots around and want my people to do nothing with you anymore for next 200 years at least.
Thank you very much.
Kayden Morris
urban slovenians are the basedboys of the balkans
Evan Diaz
Yugoslav fascism can fix the problems
The balkan nations have no foresight, no future vision, no morals left and are full ot sin, fascism can unite the people towards a greater goal, can fix the gypsy and degwneracy problems, can fix the coruption, the materialist and hedonist way of life can be eradicated, actual culture like true art and music cab replace the thugish lifestile, alcoholicism, the football cuckery and the gypsy music and low iq rap that us rotting the mids of the young, fascuam can fix all of that if inplemented by the right people.
Julian White
Tyler Barnes
whatever you say buddy
Grayson Jones
Too late for that.
Try in next timeline.
Jackson Stewart
events like Srebrenica kek?
without us and slovenia yugoslavia would be as developed as albania
Aiden Gray
welcome nufag
Jaxson Hill
a timeline where you didn't institute unitary state and dictatorship with Vidovdan constitution maybe
Eli Thomas
srebrenica was caused much later on by the balija leadership of alija, a traitor to the bosnian nation.
Izet Nanic and other bosnians were shelling vukovar until the war in vukovar started
Mason Brooks
Why are Bosnians brown, and why do they all claim they are Croatian?
Logan Stewart
fuck meant to say basedboy
Luis Wright
Yeah thats why we are almost on pair with you today and you arent swiss level state like Franjo promised nor do muslims eat with golden spoons as Aljo promised.
>delusional at best.
Im dead serious. Today yugonostalgics are literal endemic endangered species in Serbia.
That doesnt mean most of us hate everyone, just that we dont want anything to do with ya`.
Also school system here does that job pretty well and internet comment wars even better.
Every 5th of august thousands of yugonostalgic wannabes get red pilled.
Hunter Gutierrez
"croatian" krš inbreds dont count for human
having a tan
Benjamin Ross
David Hill
James Brown
serbs planned since beginning to "make" you serbs by any means necessary
Caleb Harris
try again
Daniel Nelson
what a waste
Jaxson Gutierrez
I wont argue again,whatever timeline you want, i dont give a fuck. I dont want to see anything like it in this one.
I can drink rakija with you but thats about it.
Oliver Young
>be White
>make money
>share a house with friends who are similar to you politically
>save up money
>bring more Whites similar to you in the area and have them do the same
>get even more money
>Whites around Europe and America catch on and copy
>bypasses leftist globalist government and is completely legal
>higher chance of finding decent work through shared information between Whites
>more money from sharing and splitting the bills and food
>literally Nation building but on a housing scale
Jack Hall
>my epic digits
Owen Stewart
>its another yugoretards flinging shit while foreigners laugh
God just send an asteroid and obliterate the entire Balkans already, its obvious all the mongoloids inhabiting these lands deserve to die
Daniel Watson
yeaa we ruined it during 90ies like a bunch of niggers. I think war was just a orcestrated show so they can make shady buisness easier while public is focused on war. Nice digits though
fair enough
Landon Hughes
Robert Sanders
That is correct croats are faggots.
Daniel Mitchell
he's back
Nicholas Long
Ethan Moore
worst waste in a while
Jose Rogers
Wasted just like you Serbs wasted Yugoslavia
Henry Kelly
Nice digits.
Jace Harris
That's literally what Eastern Euros do here though. They stick together and build these strong communities, helping each other with work and so on. You'd be surprised how many ghettos they've cleaned up and made livable again
Jack Foster
The war was obviously staged and was likely a Mossad false flag that escalated. Strange how the leaders of all three warring states were commies...
Gavin Reyes
you just had to ruin it didnt you serbnigger
Jace Taylor
Yugo wars were a MOSSAD psyop
Carson Morales
You westerns don’t have the balls to say this shit in person infront of any Slavic Croat bull.
David Cruz
>a fucking shitskin
we fought the wrong people in Sarajevo
Jace Carter
Go back to /b/ nigglet
Wyatt Perry
I used to laugh, now it's just sad seeing you mongs bickering with each other. Especially when you know that all of this is a result of great powers pitting you all against each other ever since the fall of Byzantium. Unfuck yourselves already ffs
Alexander Gonzalez
Check em`.
I go sleep now with smile on my face. Bye
Tyler Gonzalez
fuck Croats, they are EUSSR-asslicking faggots
Ryan Ortiz
Srebrenica was an Arab False Flag
John Adams
well theres some hidden importance to this, obv. to get fucking HEPTS
Parker Jenkins
Daniel Miller
Based post
Based digits
Colton Thompson
God is a serb.
Christian King
Vucic kind of looks like a fish
Lucas Rodriguez
Oh look another thread occupied by diaspora arguing how the balkan war should have been fought....
Samuel Reyes
Jejed really hard, you're the awesome autist frenchie ^^
Brayden Garcia
Ryan Phillips
we’re still waiting on your money
Jack Robinson
money what money, it's all numbers on a computer
Samuel James
what’s the average salary in greece?
that’s just numbers
Wyatt Rivera
no that's paper and we just get 150 real euro per month , the rest is debtmoney from your pocket
Jackson Barnes
RS larper acting like hes a mudslime to get pity points by westerners LMAO
John Foster
oops :)
Colton Jenkins
there you go
David Taylor
>le croat thinks he's more developed than Albania
John Smith
That's what Jews do.
>decide to colonize an area
>buy local residents out
>others who didn't immediately sell panic and try to cash out before property values go to shit
>once there's enough Jews they get on the school board and defund the public schools
>people who didn't leave must now because of shitty schools
>burn down the last holdouts houses if they sell to a non-Jew
They have done this multiple times in NJ and NY as they get priced out of Brooklyn and scurry like rats off a sinking ship. They also completely ghettoify they areas they live.
Adam Jenkins
now show the rest of the country :^)
Julian Edwards
fucken checked
Levi Green
Based opinion. There should be a agreement where Bosnia would have a special relationship with Serbia and authonomy for Serbs within it, and a common hardline against the Croatian menace. The kikes of South Slavs continue to shit everything up
Tyler Cruz
Jace Hill
agree, both of you are turks you should just join up.
Samuel Ortiz
I actually prefer more this
Matthew Brown
Those are some of the ugliest buildings I've seen in my life. Fancy commieblocks
Tyler Bell
it's just graphics, son
it will never happen
Justin Perez
Yes Bosnians are many. If they were on Serbias side youd manage to push through Velebit XDXDXD.
Gabriel Hall
At least we have some sense of honor unlike you shameless cunts
Noah Gomez
lol it's not graphics retard
>front pov
Adam Price
>should have stayed in constantinople
Chase Ward
the famous serbian sense of humor: "tvoja keva bre"
Ayden Stewart
ok, wheres the helicopter pad ?
Lincoln Perry
just keep away from Croatian territory honorable man
Juan Howard
>yep. hate those commies from sdp
>yep, I am somewhat of a poduzetnik myself *rents an apparetment for 3 months*
>yep, I was there in '91
fucking boomers
Eli Martin
you people are traitors and will lose territory to Serbs, God is a Serb because are catholcuck
Josiah Ramirez
Blake Fisher
udba jebotebog
Ryan Reed
i like it
where is this
Jace Moore
pay debt turk
Ethan Peterson
no you pay debt turk