Why are grooming gangs and underage rape a phenomenon exclusive to Britain only?

Why are grooming gangs and underage rape a phenomenon exclusive to Britain only?

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We're the only country in Europe to have a large population of pakistanis

They aren't. That said our arab population is far far greater than official statistics suggest. I live near a lot of towns which you will not see a single british person driving through.

Think of grenfell where the death toll in a single council building was multiples of the expected due to sheer amount of illegal immigrants in it.

Add those numbers to a police force actively complicit in the rape and replacement of british people and you have the rape gang phenonenon.

>underage rape
That's all over the turd world, in Africa they believe it cures AIDS. In South America it's a cultural tradition, they just do it piecemeal.

When Muslims try to tell me how great their religion is, I think of this:


(((why does it keep happening?)))

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Grooming gangs are fake.

>in Africa they believe it cures AIDS. In South America it's a cultural tradition
in Britain it is a national sport

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They aren't, they are just covered up. What are you trying to hide Abdul?

Lack of vitamin D makes Pakis extra rapey

I can tell you directly they are not. I did a rotation in psychiatry and literally every patient we had under 18 was part of operation stovewood, which is dealing with those who have been raped by Pakistanis. As in you could not find some young patient who hadn't been targeted.

as long as they were not killed with a gun or knife, then it is all OK in the UK.

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The royal family tends to hire a bunch of pedophiles maybe that’s the okay sign for the rest of the country

Low end britons are shit of the earth and dont care about their kids
Any other EU country, if your kid is gone for more than 12 hours you have 20 tv stations for the hunt
In UK, its normal for a 12yr old to be away for days so the drunk mother isn't bothered

B/c This is Britania.

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With what they've allowed in their country to happen, brits are the niggers of white race.

They are famed pedophiles, just like you Krauts.

Its not Britain only but its bad there. The reason is SJWs un-ironically. Or at least the far left. Years ago they fucked with the police department bringing them to court. They managed to punish the police department for racism that could not be proven. Essentially why did you arrest so many brown people? Then ignore the crimes those people disproportionately did and punished the cops for racism.

Now you have a police department that is more afraid of arresting brown people then they are of the crime committed by such people. And you have police who just dont want to track this shit down.

It was called the Macphersen report.

Guess what the UK just found out a group of people have been stealing money from within the UK government for decades. turns out the cops were afraid to confront the issue from the looks of things. Guess what color they are.

not only, but scale of this problem in britain is unbelivable. like watching some snuff 1984

You're correct this is why I think all white Brits should imigrate too the states and help overthrow ZOG.

why are you spamming every thread with your week trolling attempts, don't you have anything better to do?

cause of their karma with the muslims, they raped
a lot of them, now the muslims will rape redcoats.
i'm happy to see in the news the daily rapes and
murders of british monsters at the hands of

we hardly have any arabs here outsisde of posh bits of london

We have pakistanis that are much worse

Because Britain is the largest colony of Mainland Pakistan.

Germany has grooming gangs and underage rape. So does most of Europe. It's just its illegal in Britain, unlike most of Europe.

because brit/paks are based , have sex and get invited to party's

I use arab as a catch all for pakistanis to moroccans. Bit loose but generally understood.

>1 post nigger
>not an argument
every single time.

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1: It's not exclusive. Finland had a big grooming gangs bust right around their independence day celebration.

2: The police and politicians are complicit in all European countries. It wasn't fears of racism that prevented investigation.

3: It's much more common than even most of Jow Forums is aware. It's been a full blown industry for decades.

too many paki aryan BVLLS.

These days its the easy to just get cucked and then go back to their dumb lives not thinking about it.

Worse than that, our savages make sure to drag a daughter or young girl along on their border hopping expeditions because they KNOW someone is going to have to pay for passage and they'd rather a bunch of filthy goblins going to town on their daughter rather than to pay their own way.
Like that wonderful Dad who used his daughter ss a cum bucket border pass and didn't even bother to feed her or share his water. Dad didn't lose a pound, daughter starved to death walking across a desert in a group of a couple hundred people.
I remember this every time they claim they just want a better life for their children. Apparently those girls aren't getting raped enough at home, gotta drag these prepubescent girls through the rape corridor that the spics made all on their own.

So are you? against or for child sex slavery?
>troll thread reeeeeeeeeeeee get it away!

>pretending to be a fucking retard to get response,

they do it in canada all the time but the women just end up being called whores and sluts after word gets out they were in an Asian gang bang, or they ran a train on her, they do it to thousands of highschool teens here every year in every small town and city while also dating white women. i'm not saying this to demoralize and be an asshole. its the cold hard truth. if you say anything bad about Asians, you are then seen as a racist, stigmatized and probably assaulted as well. they only want to fuck white women, and white women have no loyalty so they buckle to the constant sexual pressure they apply. these people are almost always drug dealers or in gangs as well. and yes they would prefer and be better off with white men but it's too late. they become damaged goods.

They exist wherever muslims are.
In your retarded country too kraut.

Your second point is prescient. The rotherham police department recently won awards from muslim award bodies and national diversity initiatives.

It wasn't fear, they wanted it hidden.

Hey Fbi Faggots get in here!!!!

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It's the same anyplace that, for whatever reason, refuses to enforce the law. Britbongs refuse to prosecute Paki grooming gangs because they are afraid of being called racists, as a result there are now large organized grooming gangs because the gang members know there is basically zero risk.

Same goes for homeless derelicts is places like Seattle and San Francisco: there is no enforcement of homeless crime because the police are afraid of being labelled as fascist, so the homeless flock there because there is zero risk.

The term grooming is erroneous. The girls consent until they don't.
They're slags who prostitute themselves to sand niggers for drugs and petit cash.
When they realise they can cash in a second time and get council housing and Gibs from the government that's when they come forward.
Fuck niggers and fuck white roasties too. They should be allowed to rape them to death so no white man has to pick up the pieces and they don't get other girls into their shit drug habits which is often how more victims are made

german population is too old to have prostitutes. so that's why they import from eastern europe.

but they do have plenty of old women having anal sex in front of a camera for money

Absolutely based lads
Keep it up guys, They must pay for what they did to our countries

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Hello fellow MAGApedo can you please sauce me on pic related?


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Ahmed you know you cannot consent under 16?

Stop being petty babies. Our Country got ransacked and pillaged. Get in line with the other 2000 year old Civilizations that also have a grudges with stupid ass white people.
>take that you wigger topkek


You sound like a Mohammadite.

Fuck you you dirty peadophile worshipping cunt. In the race war we will win. We know where you live, we know who you are. We will throw you into the camps.and into the ovens you go


What a shithole.

>tfw paki
>tfw never joined a grooming gang

Most of the ones involved in these gangs are old perverts and chavs. Yes, we have chavs too. The ones at my mosque think they gangsters because they smoke weed, drive second hand BMWs and shag local white slags.

Jerk, that's not how it works. What a fucking ashole...

Fucking die cunt

Bet your uncle is though

Wouldn't an assumingly red pilled pakistani living in britain be making plans to return to his land?

Fuck do I know. I barely speak to most of my family.

Hell no. Pakistan is a backwards shithole. There's a reason most pakis here aren't patriotic, we or our parents/grandparents left because it's close to hell. Don't confuse our strong faith with patriotism for the homeland.

This. I'm sure there are isolated cases in other countries, but in Britain we're talking about thousands of girls, multiple grooming rings in every major city and decades of abuse which was known but ignored by the authorities.

Sounds really bad. Can other Canadians confirm?

And what should be done to the white parents of these fucked up girls for ruining their daughter for a normal life? How does a 16 year old end up selling herself in gutters for drug money? What about the white babies who will never be born because these girls end up overdosing on drugs, or giving birth to Paki turdletts?

However surely you understand the reason europe isn't shit is because of europeans and enough pakistanis will eventually make pakistan. It is not a viable long term plan.

well why don't you go back to Pakistan and make it not a shit hole you fucking parasite.
fuck off out of our living space.

If you think its exclusive to the UK you're a fucking moron


Why does a serial abuser like to stick with a target? Because she takes it without complaint.

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>Hell no. Pakistan is a backwards shithole.
And you know what's funny? England is becoming a shithole because of you. You are fleeing your original shithole to create the same shithole in England. Pakistan is a shithole because of pakistanis, the problem it's the population, the problem it's YOU.

There looks to be an entire supporting infrasructure via the police, children’s homes, social services, cps, courts, media and secret services. All likely to allow politicians, business men and the royals to literally fuck who they want when they want. These gangs are just taking advantage of that infrastructure.

They are not! Plenty of dark shit going on in Europe!

The words of a hated enemy. You and every fiend named Mohammed will be ground into fertilizer to improve lawns and forests. Finally useful.

Part and parcel of living in a muslim society you limey fuckin faggots

>Why are grooming gangs and underage rape a phenomenon exclusive to Britain only?

2 things.
1. They've had pakistani populations since the 1950s.
2. They're not. We just got our latest load of muslims, who knows what the fuck is going on.

child abuse it not a great britain problem its a problem worldwide.

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Hasn't been my experience, and I grew up in Toronto. Maybe the really shitty parts of Brampton or Scarborough it happens, where whites are heavily outnumbered and the women are pozzed white trash. It hasn't been my experience, but it also wouldn't surprise me. If you go even an hour north of Toronto, you start seeing "GO HOME PAKI" sprayed on the sides of gas stations and convenience stores owned by said races, so stepping out of line like this would have consequences.

Always wondered how ugly cunts from poo in loo regions got their dicks wet.

I figured it was mostly incels but the birth rates are too high.

Britain is the Zionist Banker global headquarters

>Why are grooming gangs and underage rape a phenomenon exclusive to Britain only?
At least the Brits come around after half a century.

Who are the 500 people targeted in operation Susi?

They're not. They're just bigger in Britain.