ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to give honest answers, don't answer questions.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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Girl invited me separately from the rest of our group to practice our skit at 7 at night. There’s no way we’re not banging right?

>Why would a girl who intended to ghost me agree to go place after place after place on a 5+ hour long date, all the while paying for herself and talking about what we're gonna do when we next meet up?

>Why spend 5 hours on a date. Could save some for when you know if you like her. Then spend more time together when she agrees.
I dunno, I guess because we are both fuckin losers who never get out the house.

>Clearly, she didn't intend to ghost you. Either something came up that's made her busy or something specific has hastened that you aren't aware of to change her opinion.

>There was another guy she liked more
How do I punish her for this?

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How do I know if I'm losing a virl?

I can't do anything right

She could think that you and her dynamic is actually flat and needs more work, but it's likely she's at least a little interested in you if she's invited you solo - where are you meeting up?

Well if she ain't yours, you can't lose her. So, are you in a relationship?

I feel like setting up a dating app just to look for someone to just cuddle with and make dinner for, for one evening or so. I'm short and fat, started eating healthy and lifting recently though so who knows, but right now I'm like a teddy bear. My only passions are drawing and vidya, but I like doing other activities when I don't have to take charge. NEET and hope I'll never have to work again, any of jobs have been the worst experiences of my life. I am very easily amused by dumb, childish humor. If it matters, I also get horny easily, so sex is pretty much always a go.Hygiene is important to me, I make sure to be fresh all the time, and I shave my crotch frequently because it feels good - I'd expect good hygiene from you but shaving isn't required, however I won't consider oral on a forest.

What are the odds that a girl would give me a try? Pretty much never?

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It's more like a friendship thing right now.
I have trouble keeping friends normally so having one that's female is significantly more challenging.
I'm not sure if I want to go further with it but I'll never know if she stops talking to me.

> just cuddle with and make dinner for
There are literal websites made just for cuddlebuddies, but the rest of your post makes me think that you are actually looking for a relationship.
Yes, I can't see a reason why a girl wouldn't give you a chance honestly, but that's easy to say through a screen.

Oh then, that's easy. She talks to you less, she stops trying to instigate things, her responses are difficult to respond to (or, depending on the chick, more difficult to respond to). How to win her attention back depends on the girl, but just try to chat to her like you used to and invite her to do things with you.


I am a kissless virgin in my mid 20s and I want to crawl out of this fucking hole. But having so little experience means I have no idea what is and isn't appropriate to do on a date. Would it be weird if I kissed a girl on the cheek before kissing her on the lips, almost like a baby step? It seems like something couples do after being together as a modest form of PDA, not really a first date kind of thing.

>be me, 22
>date uni students who are 18-21
>feel like I'm 50

Is this normal? Why is there such a huge difference in knowledge and approach to life?

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I think I meant to start with, see where it goes. Yeah I miss having a relationship. I left my ex because of her suddenly poor hygiene and disinterest in life. We were so perfect but she just decided to quit I guess. That was 5 years ago and I only recently started feeling lonely.

Do women actually want or like to be cold approached?

Nope, definitely not weird. Make sure she's expecting it tho because someone leaning into your face when you're not expecting it is jarring as.

No idea but it is a real thing, you're not alone. !8 year olds are actually just children in comparison.

Yeah then you should be fine on normal dating sites man, make sure you specify you're looking for someone to cuddle with cus not every chick likes cuddles.

Depends on the chick. If I got cold approached by a dude about something nerdy I was wearing, that would be fine, but if they came over to just talk about random shit then I would be uncomfortable. Let them know asap that you're actually interesting to them, don't just talk about whatever because you want to talk to her.

I was out drinking with my crush/coworker and out of the blue she asked me what I wanted for my birthday because she said she was going to buy me a gift. I was surprised but happy that she had been thinking about it/me. Our birthdays are one day apart, about a month away. As we were talking I also asked what she wanted for her Birthday and settled on buying her a bottle of her favourite brand of spirit after talking about what she would like, she said she was going to surprise me with something I haven't tried before for my gift.

A month later and our Birthday's roll around. The Friday before our birthday's I come into work and head to her desk. I catch her alone and and tell her happy birthday and hand her the gift. She then starts protesting and saying I didn't have to do that. I was a bit confused but shrugged and said "well we talked about it for so long the other night it seemed right". She said she was only joking about the gifts but now she would go and buy me something.

Girls, do you have any kind of insight into this reaction? I honestly wasn't even thinking of buying her a gift before she outright stated she was buying me one so I felt like I was suddenly obliged to get her something in return. Now suddenly it has flipped 180 with me giving her a gift and now she seems to be the one who has to go buy a gift out of social obligation.

Whaaaat. How doesn't everyone love cuddles?

For women

Am I an ugly guy? I hang around plenty of girls but I’ve never been hit on or complimented. Had a long bout with tinder and absolutely no results... when I post here in a rate thread it’s a rate never above a mediocre and unlikable 6.... I’m 27 and never had any sort of intimacy. No therapy I attend is able to make me feel okay with this. Please give me constructive feedback, I’m so incredibly lonely and low confidence now.

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Would getting a game we could play together for her be a bad idea?

No idea! I just no they actually exist, I'm friends with a couple men and women who aren't fond of it.

Oh come on Brandon, you can't post the same thing over and over and refuse to learn from the feedback. This is insanity.

Nope, that would work perfectly for me so I think it's a great idea. Just make sure she's comfortable accepting gifts from you first.

you're barely 1/10

consider suicide or plastic surgery, otherwise you're doomed.

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>Nope, definitely not weird. Make sure she's expecting it tho because someone leaning into your face when you're not expecting it is jarring as.
That makes sense. When is the best timing for that? I get its hard to answer that here since it probably depends mostly on factors that can't be considered here like the girl in question and the mood of the date. But according to movies/tv it seems to be towards the end of the date.

WHY CANT ANY OF THE FEEDBACK EVER BE LIKE “user you look cute to me”????

I ask so many fucking times and there’s never a positive outcome even though so many people use this place

user you look cute to me.
Ok now fuck off forever.

You’re literally just saying that because you’re annoyed by my posts. I can assure you that if I had a normal life with any positive interaction with the opposite sex at all, I’d never feel inclined to ask such shameful fucking questions all the time.

>You’re literally just saying that because you’re annoyed by my posts
I thought you don't know how to get a hint.
Just get the fuck off.
This is why you can't have positive interaction with opposite sex.

No it’s not. I can’t because girls want a chad or decent looking man to be around, regardless of how he acts. And I wouldn’t be down on myself if I was noticed or liked obviously

I told you you have an insufferable attitude already. Fuck off with this attention whoring go do us all a favor and kys.

Looks and attitude are two separate things. I believe one has to be attracted on a physical level regardless of how upbeat the attitude of said person is.

How would you know your attitude doesn't matter if you keep acting like a brat over and over even in the face of consistent failure?

I didn’t say it doesn’t matter. I said physical attractiveness matters more ultimately, and it is udged first

There's a gay girl who's been ignoring my boundaries as a straight guy and it's getting difficult. She'll touch me too much, call me cute, and has asked to kiss me on the cheek while we were out one night. She says she's primarily a lesbian, but has mentioned other men and says she'd be with one; she knows I'm straight, although I have my kinks. I don't know if I'd say she's sending mixed signals... it's more that she's sending signals without thinking who's receiving them.
What do I do? Ignore her behavior until she stops or discuss it directly? The issue is I'm attracted to her - not too real or anything, but her personality is my type. I also don't want to cause conflict where there doesn't need to be any, but as it is now I feel less comfortable around her.

The point still stands, how would you know how much it matters if you're constantly acting like a virgin with rage?

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Nigger i told you before you looked alright and that I know plenty of guys that look like you and have gfs. You completely glossed over that sentence and continued with the pathetic woe is me whining. Just fuck off.

you act like ugly couples don't exists.
No, ugly people still fall in love to each other out of desperation.
But you, you are just a brat that will never find love unless you change your attitude.

I don’t want an ugly partner. I want to become not ugly and improve, so that’s why I want to know why I’m not attractive now.

and we told you,
again and again.
Your shitty attitude turn everybody off.
Women won't desire you,
and men don't want you around as friend either.
Yet you refuse to change your attitude, nor getting the fuck off.
I guess you are hungry for attention, doesn't matter positive or negative.
So i'm just gonna ignore you and stop giving (you)s to you.

But my looks alone have been judged as undesirable over and over again. So I need to address how I look first before I can even change how I feel about my looks.

Sure, bud, that's what you need.

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>Thread turning into a delusional incel getting flamed to death

Girls: in my late 20s, spent several years with someone who wasn't "ready" (religious reasons) but it didn't work out, and still a virgin. Can't decide whether, or when, to let future dates/partner know that I've still got my v-card...? Kinda want to share the moment, but not sure if it'd be off-putting.

Not ugly. You look alright

It's your decision but personally I would want to know. Being someone's first is really hot to me and the combination of knowing my partner did not trust me to have a good/reasonable response and realizing I missed out on the chance to consciously experience a rare fantasy would be quite disappointing.

I would tell it either when it naturally comes up (aka she outright asks about your sexual experience) or when you are about to have sex. Not talking about five minutes beforehand but you know, you've made out, you've been invited to sleep over, sex is going to happen tonight or in the near future.

Don't make a weird official announcement out of it. Share it in an exciting "omg this is going to be my first time" way. Regardless of personal hang ups or feelings it is always easier to take something lightly when the messenger does too. Also being inexperienced in itself is easy to overcome, baggage like feeling resentful that you were with a woman for years without having sex is a lot more difficult, so it's good to avoid that impression.

For a casual partner you could definitely consider not telling her depending on how safe you feel. For a long term partner I wouldn't lie. It's a once in a lifetime experience, value yourself enough to walk away if she doesn't respond well vs lying in advance to maybe please someone.

how can i impress girls in the new class that i'll take? shall i pretend not caring or what?

Why are the boundaries important to you? Does it matter if she eventually wants to go for you or not? Are you taken? You need to know first where you stand and what your best and worst case scenarios are.

I definitely wouldn't ignore her behavior as it bothers you. Depending on how open you want to be and how mature she is you could straight up tell her
>anonette, I'm only human, men don't get touched a lot by regular friends, it complicated our friendship for me when you are physically close

If you feel she might get a kick out of the implied suggestion that it turns you on to some extent or whatever, it can also work to just act dismissive without being mean. She asks you to kiss you on the cheek? Laugh and tell her she needs to step up her lesbian game and find a proper girl. She's being touchy? Move back subtly at the first chance you get or start a conversation with someone you need to move towards to hear each other well. If she calls you cute you can make a joke about how you don't want to be the stereotypical guy who thinks he has a shot with a lesbian but then she needs to change her strategy.
If she's a socially sensitive person she will realize you have mixed feelings and back off a little. Humor can be a great way to point out behavior without attacking someone or making them feel humiliated in front of others.

Depending on the circumstances you can also stick 100% to yourself and tell her you're not a very touchy person and just don't enjoy it outside of romantic/sexual relationships.

Not him but I am also a virgin and recently I had an old friend from high school who once had a crush on me hit me up out of the blue through FB chat and she was asking about trying to hang out and stuff.

It was actually a group chat with a third, mutual friend and the mutual friend ended up bringing this up, almost teasing me over it. But it seems like the first girl is interested in me almost because I am a virgin, though probably not just because of that. I thought girls were really turned off by that but she seemed almost turned on by it, taking the opportunity to bring up up her kinks and stuff at the same time.

>have/make friends and visibly have a good time with them
>it doesn't matter whether you engage in class a lot or a little (there's fans of both types) as long as you aren't either pretentious about being active or obnoxious about feeling too cool for school; take your shot here and there to show intelligence in asking questions if you can
>just make sure you look okay, get regular haircuts, wear clothing that flatters you
>if girls sit near you or you interact with them otherwise, don't ignore them but don't leap towards them trying to impress them, it should mostly be your behavior outside of interacting with girls that gives them a good impression, something more casual like a little joke or question is a lot better than being all "so what do you think about this class/teacher/course material"


if a guy kissed you on your neck the last time you were together and now wants to meet again for lunch or something, how likely is it hes gonna try and initiate sex ?

based thank you user!

Thanks for the advice!

Girls, what do you think of asocial guys?
Assume he's rather normal in every other regard but just doesn't really care for socializing.

Girls, how often do you check your phone? What if it's an app you don't use that often?

I'm waiting 2-3 days for a girl to see a message let alone reply to it, should I just block and move on?

Women like different things just like men do. There's always patterns, but it's kind of like how by far most men would like a blonde, voluptuous-but-slim woman, but it wouldn't be the personal preferred type of all of them.

I like to be in charge during sex and setting it up so you can single-handedly craft a good first experience for someone else really hits some hot spots. Of course there's also the stereotype that most virgins are really curious and excited about sex. No matter how you look at it you're going to introduce this man to real intimacy, giving him a night he's going to look back on in life guaranteed, that's going to influence what he expects from future partners. That's a hugely powerful thing. I am very grateful towards my first partner because despite fumbling and awkwardness and whatever there was always such unspoken respect he had for what I wanted and my body, the idea that he would make me feel self-conscious with a negative comment, or make me feel gross for doing a certain sex act, or nag me about physical grooming or whatever was unthinkable. That has given me such a strong foundation to not take bullshit from people. I feel porn and societal stereotypes kind of prep men to fuck like studs, feel embarrassed if they come too soon or lose their boner, not show vulnerability or focus on receiving pleasure, focus on how much they want the woman vs wanting to be desired themselves and so on. The idea of trying to nip that in the bud and just show someone pleasure, joy, respect, what sex CAN be like, yeah that's great.
Obviously I don't have statistics on what other women find hot but afaik this is not a rare or "out there" fantasy. I'm 26 now and I feel like women tend to also be a little later with focusing on what they personally like in bed rather than the image of the perfect woman.

It sounds like she enjoys the dynamic and feeling like the more sexual one. It might make her feel sexy. Feel whether it makes YOU feel good/sexy.

It depends on a lot of factors, a.o. if he seems to be steering for a relationship or for something casual. If he already kissed my neck on the first date I would definitely expect him to want to escalate next time though.

Nothing much. It's not my way of life and we would not have much in common, let alone enough to date (which is really 90% socializing), but not being the same and not having the same idea of what a good life looks like as a group is part of the fun.

Dude, take up photography and learn how to take a good selfie

Do a little cardio to tone up a bit. Maybe couch to 5k

Sleep 8 hours. Drink 65+ oz of water.

Maybe take up some hobbies that let you meet people like crossfit or dance.

Wear something fitted. Maybe with a collar. Make sure you take the coat hanger out the bottom of the shirt so you dont stretch the necks out.

Stop eating junk food. Limit flour based foods and soda. They make you bloat.

Shave off the facial hair. Clean your razor blades in isopropyl while you shower. Rub face with hands in shower while water hits it. Shave when you get out.

Really, you aren't horrible looking. It's how you advertise yourself. It sucks but you need to put in more effort.

Not the best person to answer this as I don't use a smartphone. But 2-3 days I think it's safe to assume she's not enthusiastic. If it was the only way I could speak to someone I was interested in you bet I was doing it. Sounds like she's trying to be polite/friendly without giving off the wrong impression.

I don't see why you should block her but I sure wouldn't go investing hope and energy into it.

Girls, what's the proper way to make the first move? I don't wanna be rapey.

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>It sounds like she enjoys the dynamic and feeling like the more sexual one. It might make her feel sexy. Feel whether it makes YOU feel good/sexy.
We are not even close to being intimate but the idea that she'd be willing to take the lead a bit when it comes to sex is actually comforting since, as a virgin, its something that I am very uncomfortable and unsure about. I would think most virgin males would like a woman t come along and take the reins to show him the ropes.

any advice? the whole situation just feels awkward now.

Build up to it. Say you've gone on a date. You help her in her coat (if she's the traditional type) or for a moment put a hand on the small of her back when you're walking outside. During talking you sometimes tap her arm to stress something fun she just reminded you of, or place a hand on her to get her attention to ask something. If your legs touch when sitting down don't move away.

If she's accepting all this, there's chemistry, you're chatting and laughing, you're bringing her home, you go in for the kiss. You tell her you had a great night, she says yeah so did I. There's a natural little lull. Now the important part, you don't ask shit nor do you launch yourself. You say her name, or something like "hey" or "you look great", have that moment of deep eye contact, and then you (put your arms around her and) move in for the kiss. Basically you don't ask permission but you let her know what you're headed towards and you give her the chance to reject physical contact when it's still smaller incidents.

This is a single scenario obviously but it's about the principle. If you're drunk in a club and more moving towards a fast hook up, just putting a heavy hand on her waist and making intense eye contact, or straight up saying "I can't think of anything to say I want to kiss you too much" before moving in accomplishes the same principle of letting her know what's up and giving her time to react.



How much of a turn off is it if a guy smokes weed regularly? As a guy, is a bit of a red flag and a turn off for me when girls drink and talk about wine regularly so I figured weed is like the equivalent of wine for guys.

Girls are so cute and can't have sex with them or or anything like that. I just wanna nuzzle you

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Most of us check the phone multiple times during a day. But we don’t really respond to bois all that much, because if we do we will be doing nothing else. Guy texts is like a tsunami, and our phone is the bucket we’re holding on the beach. Just no way to do it right.

So I'm pretty sure I've noticed it before with other girls, but currently I'm noticing it with a girl I'm interested in. It seems like there might be potential and we've been making plans together, but still unsure if it's just friends or if there's potential for more.

Anyhow, so why do they match the kisses at the end of my messages? If I end it with one X they'll do the same, if I end with two X's they'll do the same, etc

Just seems kinda odd, why copy like that?

Just a misunderstanding. Was she drunk? I know when I've been drinking I get enthusiastic really easily. It kind of sounds like she loved the idea in the moment, probably forgot about it anyway because alcohol, and was then caught off guard by you not just getting her something but something you paid good money for and puts her on the spot to match your efforts despite only having one day.

Neither of you is really doing something wrong or being weird. These things where in the spirit of the moment something is said ("we'll see each other sooner next time!" for example) without being able to live up to it is really common. I know if I told a coworker "ohh I'm going to get you something for your birthday" I'd probably be thinking of a bar of quality chocolate or a craft beer, not something >15 bucks.

Still though she probably wasn't joking just kind of thinking out loud and enjoying the idea without bothering to make a mental note to go through with it. She no doubt feels awkward too. Just accept her gift and make a joke about how this is your strategy, you just get people a decent gift and then create expectations for your own birthday. This isn't phrased ideally but you get what you mean, just something playful.

Mmm yes. Unless you really got your shit together, smoking weed on a regular basis is a turn off. Responsibility and willpower is one of the best attributes a guy can show these days. Not saying weed is bad, but it gets old, fast.

Have you ever actually tried this? Because if you start thisnshit too early, you'll creep her the fuck out.

Any such drug is an instant reject, block and forget.

I assume you would want a guy to be upfront about it if they do use it right? Instead of a kind of don't ask, don't tell situation as is the case with porn.

Just common politeness to people we like. Some people hug, others kiss. Some respond in kind. Can’t guess if its just friendly or more.

Does alcohol count? Its more socially accepted and lends itself more to socializing but on the flip side there are other concerns with it.

Depends what regularly is. Monthly, fine. Weekly, hm. Depends on the rest of his lifestyle I guess, wouldn't be happy about it for sure. Daily, absolutely not. I prefer weed over drinking myself but I've spent several years doing it too often and am done with that, I'm not looking for a partner who still does it often. Another factor is that I don't want to smoke more than once every six or so weeks myself but of course smoking together is great fun and I don't want to have to tell myself no all the time when my partner is gleefully lighting up, I'd just prefer it's not a big part of my life to begin with.

Also no tolerance for/appreciation of alcohol and weed just depends on the person.

Have you ever had to respond to an email in a situation you're not used to, like communicating about your first job interview, and scroll down to see how they ended theirs? Sure literally copying whatever you do is excessive and makes me think she's likely a little insecure. But matching the level of familiarity or enthusiasm of the other person is normal particularly when you are self-conscious about potentially making the wrong impression.

If I just approach a girl out of the blue and start talking to her what do they think?

Honesty all the way, it’s absolutely the better option. I can’t speak for my entire gender, but we are more lenient towards a vice or two if you’re upfront about it. But some girls are a total no-no on porn, but...would you really want to be with such a girl anyways. I say, you do you, be honest about who you are and girls will respond to that. Saves you a lot of hassle

Really depends on the circumstances. No way to tell when the percent time is, just gotta try and find out.

>he's interested in me
Little more is certain, it depends on their personality, their mindset at the moment (good day? bad day?), whether they like the sight of you, how you present yourself, you name it.

It's easy to say as a guy you would like it, full stop, but I think if a girl with a receding hairline and hopeful eyes interjected you with what is clearly a bullshit excuse to talk to you right while you were starting to worry about whether you are going to get to your appointment on time you won't love it. "Someone coming up to you to talk" is a HUGE range of experiences.

Ladies, do you employ ghosting to let someone down lightly?

>I don't want to have to tell myself no all the time when my partner is gleefully lighting up
Would it make a difference if he had the courtesy to not do it in front of you or anywhere where you might smell it? As in, you know he is doing it regularly and he is honest about it but its out of sight and smell.

How should a guy even bring that up? "Hey you look great to day, btw I smoke weed"

How regularly? I'm not a fan of weed myself but if he got his life together I don't think it a big problem if he smokes occasionally. Same as drinking really - if it's all he does and talk about it's a turn-off, if it's an occasional indulgence it's alright.

All of the time. It’s just too much to reject every guy. We might seem like cunts, but it takes a lot of courage, energy and emotional stress to deal with these things. And we’re kinda forced to do it a lot.

Yeah that makes sense I suppose. Well I'm hoping the fact that she's copying means she wants to give a good impression. Like earlier today:

"Hey, would you like to go out for dinner together soon? xx"

"Yeah that sounds good to me xx"

Am I in there ?

Yeah we were both drunk and in the back of a cab. I mean, when we were chatting about what we would get each other we knew the gifts were going to be decent. I asked what her favourite drink was and she asked the same as me. I even wrote it on my phone and said "I'm taking note so I don't forget in the morning." and she just giggled and slapped me o the shoulder.

Yeah I might play it off in a playful way. Maybe something a bit self deprecating because last week I joked about being socially inept for misreading a different situation involving her. So the fact this has happened as well is sort of funny in its own way.

Just common socializing, no one goes through a check list on first encounter. When i say be yourself and honest, common courtesy still applies. You don’t have to find out everything about a person up front.

Interesting, thanks. Fuckin sucks but I get where you're coming from. Happened to me after a first date which particularly stung but just gotta improve myself I guess

One glass of weak to mild alcohol a day is alright, even recommanded by most doctors (especially red wine). As long as you don't get drunk or too tripsy, everything is cool.

Let's say between 1-3 times a week to once every two weeks.

Would it make a difference if he was a binge smoker? As in when he buys a stash he smokes through it quickly but takes time, let's say between a month or two, between stashes?

I've only employed ghosting as a last resort when the actual rejection was not accepted.

Having said that it can definitely be tempting and for me the biggest appeal is not letting the guy down lightly (it could be worse but no one likes ghosting and it's not respectful), but avoiding the emotionally charged fall out. It can be really, really hard to get across to a guy in a sentence or two-five why he was not as nice and respectful to you as he thinks he was for example. Or why you could tell that you are not compatible or on the same wavelength despite only talking for an hour or two. Especially young, inexperienced guys with poor social skills really underestimate how much you can infer from how someone carries himself, how he talks about relationships etc. And you can pick out a concrete example like "x comment shows an outlook on relationships I have zero interest in" and they will say you are reading too much into it, or it was a single comment.

A lot of the time the answer also boils down to - yes okay maybe I've misjudged you and you're the best thing ever, but I'm not seeing it and don't want to fret over another date and put in work to keep a conversation flowing when I'm not seeing it. This is not an illogical sentiment but written out it sounds really harsh and self-involved - especially to a guy not used to being approached himself. A lot of guys have the attitude of "what's it to you" without realizing that you could spend a lifetime going on weekly dates with men you have no interest in with that attitude.

Obviously some just get really wounded and sad, or unpleasant and snarky. But the above is the biggest to me. Really the only elegant way to wrap it up is to say
>I've had a good time but I'm not seeing a future here, thanks for taking me out
and for the guy to gracefully accept that. This happens in at most one out of ten cases.

You didn't misread the situation, if anything your take away is more logical. Honestly I really think she just forgot because of the drinking, or was zoned off into her own world and did think it was a joke but only because she was too drunk to really follow it.

Don't worry, an honestly self-deprecating joke is fine but keep it light, again you did not do anything wrong, you took her words at face value and in this case that's perfectly understandable. In the worst case scenario you were wrong to assume she was serious (arguable to me) and she was wrong to assume you were joking so you're still equal.

Improving yourself is always great and something we all should constantly work on. But if she ejected you, it’s not the girl you want anyways. You’ll find something better in time. Just gotta endure the hellhole that is dating.

I would consider 1-3 times a week a bit much personally.
And I'd say binge smoking points towards lack of self control more than anything. Also I guess it depends on if he smokes a joint with friends occasionally or sits in his room by himself ripping bong constantly.

It’s not recommended by doctors, it’s just tolerated as one glass of wine don’t really do any harm long term. The benefits of red wine can easily be exchanged with a handful of blueberries, and it has way less sugar.
Any doctor that says alcohol is good for you is a shit doctor.

It would help if he didn't light up around me yes. Still what would that look like in practice? If he does it with friends is he part of a stoner crowd that is very interested in smoking all the time? If he does it on his own does that mean e.g. two additional evenings of quality time are out?

Make no mistake I am happy to have binged on weed and not alcohol as an adolescent. But I don't think it's the best way to enjoy life to really be under the influence multiple times a week - from anything, that includes alcohol, there's a difference between one or two beers and actually getting buzzed. And I don't get into relationships with someone betting that they will outgrow a habit they already had. Again I know it took me years to quit, I don't think I could've done it for someone else, it was how my life was organized, I needed that radical "time off".

I guess if I felt the guy was my soulmate I'd at least try to find a way to work around it but it would give me serious pause.

It's a good sign, nothing to draw conclusions from but obviously she pays attention and if she wanted to be cautious with coming across interested (which girls often do) she wouldn't end a practical message with that when she doesn't have to.

Thanks for the substantial answer really painted a different perspective for a dude.

Thankyou. Yep can be such a hellhole indeed. I'm a young dude trying to get back in the game after the shitstorm that was a relationship with a personality disordered individual,so it makes stuff like being ghosted seem like not so bad. We're all gonna make it bros/sisses

Thanks for the insight and advice. I felt like I was going crazy there for a bit.

I’m out of a relationship with someone who had a personality disorder too! It’s so freeing, who knew relationship could be easy and fun.
Pro tip to anyone in the dating game: stay far away from mental illness! It’s not worth it.

>Especially young, inexperienced guys with poor social skills really underestimate how much you can infer from how someone carries himself, how he talks about relationships etc. And you can pick out a concrete example like "x comment shows an outlook on relationships I have zero interest in" and they will say you are reading too much into it, or it was a single comment.

In there defense, everyone knows girls that date and fuck human garbage. There are women out there that will date a guy that hits them. Or does meth. Or cheats. There are women that stay with men that molest their children.

In the Male's mind he is way way better than these guys and doesnt understand why the female appears to be picky.

Obviously everyone is different and it should be obvious that one girl will be picky and the other will not be, but young men know nothing about dating and are mostly getting bad advice from people that know nothing or dating books that dont want you to be too successful because you will then not need more dating books.

Would it make a difference if he had a medical reason? Or would simply the fact that he was a stoner turn you off?

Here I am asking for a friend. He is hands down addicted, does it at least once a day and I'm talking about dabbing. He does not have a medical license nor as it prescribed for him but growing up he had chronic digestion problems which manifested in him regularly throwing up. I'm talking multiple times a week and at times daily. Almost anything could make him throw up and he was so used to it he could almost vomit at will and he was even diagnosed with Crohns disease at one point.

But ever since he started smoking that has pretty much all gone away, even his Crohns disease has gone into remission and he stopped taking his prescribed medication for it like two weeks after it was prescribed to him. I think its because of the relief it gives him that he got so addicted so fast.

And in his defense despite being obviously addicted he is also very functional, it doesn't seem to stop from doing what he needs to do. Good student, very disciplined(except when it comes to weed of course), hard worker and he is even pretty muscular which I would guess is a turn off for girls. Of our stoner group he is the one who seems to get the most attention from girls by far despite having high standards and not really looking for one. If he got a girlfriend I suspect he would do it less but still fairly regularly, no way he wouldn't smoke at least twice.

As for me I have asthma so regardless of what girls think I should really stop.

I made a girl cry.
Not sure what to do about it.
I was minding my own business sitting alone in the lecture halls and some stranger straddled over me to get to the seats in the middle.
And she had a really funky smell, and without conscious thinking I remarked to myself under my breath, "smells of tuna", and that was it. And then I looked at her a moment later cause she was staring at me with a distraught face and later she started crying in her seat.
I feel really bad. I didn't mean to be mean to her or anyone.
It was just a random thought I had.
And I was sitting alone just saying it to myself.
I sometimes talk out loud.