Hypersexual, multiorgasmic and dominant girl

Hi guys. Im 21 years old girl.
I would like to know from the male sex, do you like hypersexual and dominant girls? As for dominance. I notice what everyone likes cute innocent girls, I would like to know if this is true, or are you just feel more confident with these girls.

I am hypersexual, masturbating from the age of five, getting at least 5-10 orgasms (vaginal, clitoral or simultaneously) a day, i dont have the hymen from birth(aplasia of the hymen)and have constant desire of sex. So, what is the question. Is this all an advantage for you in a girl, or you dont give a fuck? Have you met such girls yet? Would you like to have a relationship with girl like that?

Sometimes I feel insecure and lonely because I havent met such girls like me. Perhaps you are the same as me, tell your stories.

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You already know that's every man's fetish stop asking for attention.

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I would never date or seek something long term with someone like that, but you should have no problems finding sexual partners

This is not true, seriously. But I am pleased to hear that

Do you feel like you use masturbation and orgasms as a form of escapism OP?


Learn to submit to your man and you'll make him happy by being his obedient sex toy.

>hypersexual and dominant girls
hypersexual: yes
dominant: no

I think that most guys love inexperienced and shy girls and teach her everything by yourself

Maybe OP‘s goal in life isn‘t to be a fetish

And why is that?

Don‘t do that. You are not a toy OP.

>Do you feel like you use masturbation and orgasms as a form of escapism

I dont think so. I can't stop jerking off even when I need to do something else what i like.
I am an introvert, but I have no problems with socialization.
Moreover, it began in five years, when I had no problems at all.

>And why is that?
Simply not the type of qualities I look for in a girl when it comes to a relationship. Dominant with a constant craving for sex? No thanks. Would definitely be fwb though

Why hot? And yes, I am against of promiscuity

>Learn to submit to your man and you'll make him happy by being his obedient sex toy.
>Don‘t do that. You are not a toy OP.

I will be glad if there is a man who will like me for who I am

What do you mean by dominant? That you want to pet him? That you are in charge during sex?

They are indeed puting estrogen in the water supply jesus I would kill someone to have a gf like that

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Would fuck you nonstop and then distance myself if I started catching feelings.

Would never make you my girl.

Does it bother you being with a weak shy guy? Cause that's pretty much who it attracts. Guys that find comfort in being led.

>wanted to be dominated in bed with a woman who has a masculine sex drive and tendencies

>What do you mean by dominant? That you want to pet him? That you are in charge during sex?

I like to take the lead and watch the pain bordering with pleasure.

I like the idea that the guy will allow me to give him pleasure and he is not afraid to seem unmanly, as well as he will follow my orders

Pretty much this
And also this. You will attract actual s.oyboys and as long as you’re okay with that, go ahead. Not saying it’s impossible, but finding a worthwhile man in your situation is going to be quite difficult

Oh, that's so sweet, thank you :з

Oh, that's what I'm talking about. Why are you doing this separation?

Guys would love to have a lover like you.
But you are definitely not wife material, because men can't keep giving you sex all time everyday.
So, guys would just assume that you will eventually cheat on them.
Have fun fucking guys left and right but never gonna settle down.

Have you ever had sex though or is this just a fantasy?

OP, marry me.

No, I am attracted to both self-confident alpha males and shy ones. But I'm afraid to scare them away.


Girls like you are very rare, I would kill to meet one. You will have no trouble finding a guy.

Wouldn't want to be ripping my mind apart any time you're out of sight after an argument.

I love fucking women like you.

You know what you like and want.
Nothing wrong with you at all. You value sex. What do you want from a relationship?

Because some who is addicted to sex and masturbation would not be good to marry and procreate with, there’s always a risk that you could cheat, oxytocin levels probably low as fuck, and it’s generally a turn off for a woman to take on masculine roles. Also, I imagine you’ve probably had sex with several guys already, which is a no-go for me. Like, it would be cool to be fwb and expirement, but I could never do anything more with you. That said, there are some guys who would love to let you take the lead and dominate them, but those types usually come with caveats like mommy problems and insecurity. I cannot speak for everyone, though

Here you go, OP. Nows your chance

Exactly. Post nudes and a vid of yourself masturbating.

I genuinely would like to have you as a partner, but i would be curious i can keep up? I can easily go 3-4 rounds per day but not sure how long.

And that will be a main problem for you i think, most guys will love you initiating and being dominant first few days but miht get tired soon.

About dominance, that is no problem for me, but for some other people they might want to feel dominant so it might not work out.

If a guy doesnt want it, I will not force him, I will manage with masturbation, although it certainly doesn’t compare with sex, but I’m definitely wont be upset about it. I even think that I could fall in love with a frigid guy.
There would be a problem with only one thing - the other guy would be very happy with a girl who has such qualities, but the frigid will not care, it would be insulting

I accept the offer

Stop overthinking this shit.

Maybe its about mommy problems and insecurity. But dont forget that there is no absolutely mentally healthy person. Everyone has their own kinks and its absolutely normal

It's very nice to hear, thank you, user

Are you afraid of adultery?

Love and adoration, mutual

I can easily swap roles.

Get tired And from what do not get tired?
No chance to please men

I meant getting tired as in literal physical tiredness. The idea of having a dominant, sex driven girlfriend feels like a dream.

But i wouldnt know how it would turn out after a few months. Cant know without trying i guess

You are my type of gal.

I'd be your wife if you were gay no joke.

It depends
If you're desensitized from so much masturbating to the point where it takes you 15 minutes to cum and you need to orgasm 10 times a day, you're going to wear out the large majority of guys extremely quick
If you're able to cum in like 30 seconds though that'd be my dream girl personally

You need to post a picture.
Because unless you're attractive there's no way a guy would put up with your constant horniness

my dream girl lol

Not just yours pal, not just yours.

You are lesbian?
I kissed with girls several times

I finish quickly and dont really like long foreplay

I have been told that I am pretty, but sometimes I think that I am a little ... not cute. If you want to know how I look. I am tall brunette with brown eyes and pale skin

Awww, thanks for raising my self-esteem, you spoil me :з

Please be in London. No meme.

Beta orbiter general over here

Most men are gay and love to get voilently buttfucked by alpha female. Specially masculine men if they get erectile dysfunction so they're no good for sex but they get off if you insert your whole shoe heel in their bum. Many men have confessed to me that they love being treated like dogs

You will be surprised to know where I am from. May have noticed that I have bad english

It's hilarious
*dont mind about strapon"

>bad english

I study as a linguist-translator. English and Spanish languages ;)

South America then? How unfortunate.

Biotech. English and Russian languages. Spain?

No, I am from Moscow...


HA! No way. Well, thats that then.

I can't take someone seriously if they say they are dominant and then take a dick up their ass. It's baffling and demeaning to say. If you only wear a dildo an exclusively peg then that is a different story of course.

Male here, 18 years old.

It's true that some men like dominant women, but personally, I don't. I'd rather be the pilot, I'd rather be in charge.

I'd dare to give a shot to hypersexual women, but not to women who are polygamous because I don't like polygamy. I'm not okay with making a contract with a woman only to break up because she cheated on me, but I'm okay with women who like to have sex often. To me, the rule is to keep it monogamous. Hypersexuality is fine to me, being a cheating bitch isn't.

I'd also dare to give a shot to "cute innocent women", although I highly doubt anybody past age 13 in post-modern society is "innocent". If I were to date a woman, I'd like one I can trust and build a family with.

You probably won't have trouble with finding fuck buddies, but good luck in finding a boyfriend or a husband. You can find submissive men today more often than you could 100 years ago, but you'll still need a dose of luck until you find a sub male partner.

Moжeм пpaктикoвaть pyccкий зa oплaтy

You don't know what it means to be real dominant, boy

Right. Most males who are into stuff like that are just lazy, dumb bottoms who don't want to do any work during sex. They pay ridiculous amounts of money just to be with one dominant female who has 10 subs. This is why I'm gay.

Nah, i dont need practice, though it pleasant enough to spice up usual daily usage of english language. Besides, im a student - no money.

You must understand that this is just an image of these girls. They just make money

Define "innocent".
If you mean - no sexual experience partner-wise, well, depends. However, if you mean exposure to sexualised content... Yeah, only those from remote communes (Amish etc) are innocent.

A чeм oплaтy вecти? ;)

Want to get a Finnish residence permit and live in Helsinki through marriage?

Of course I want, I adore Ville Valo ahaha

Hy нe знaю, нe знaю ;)

Кaжыcь в (you).

Can you cook? If so you'd be the perfect hypersexual housewife.

Yes, I like to cook. I know how to cook all the dishes of Russian cuisine

Do you want children one day?

Maybe, but through a surrogate mother. I don't want to spoil my shape

Height, weight, bra size?

Fucking hell a girl like you would solve most of my problems right now, you’re fine don’t worry

>20 y/o guy is who’s just split up with a girl with high sex drive

What are your measurements? Are you a tranny? Sexually aggressive women aren't really that rare so I'm surprised you as a girl dont know any, unless you're a sinister tranny.

I was with a girl with a high sex drive. We had sex a lot. That's really all there was to it.

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>Sexually aggressive women aren't really that rare so I'm surprised you as a girl dont know any
Dude, she's from fucking Russia.

not every guy wants to get full bore "dominated" but you won't find many guys who dislike it when a girl takes the lead sometimes

I don't mind the hypersexual part, that can be nice. What I don't like is when sex becomes a chore, as in you have to get me X orgasms or I'll get angry if you cum. That tends to take away the fun of it. Which brings us to the next point. I don't like dominant girls, at all. I tend to take the lead, being stronger and bigger and dominant. Having some little thing being uppity or recalcitrant is just a turnoff and makes for unexciting sex, just like saying no to everything in bed.

5 7

Humility is boring. Be okey

Why did you broke up?

just don't be a fucking cheating whore. that is all men want but that is too much for you ladies.

when i had a gf, we basically fucked the day away. fine by me. i don't appreciate someone trying to dominate me, though.

Many reasons, she became distant, her mental health deteriorated, I stopped feeling attracted towards her and the other whole thing just fell apart.
The sex and banter was always ace tho

If that's so important then what's her ethnicity?

you need to accept that your personality will scare some people away and thats okay.

you have a personality type thats on the outside of average, what this means is one day youll find a match and you two will be hit it off ridiculously

you just need to not resent yourself or others who cant handle you and patiently wait until you find the one that suits you.

Im sorry for you

What did she have with her mental health?

Like your pic, do you happen to have sauce?

It's not about the ethnicity but the culture in her country; Russia is a sexist hellhole. If she'd lived in some modern country, she'd have zero issues finding women with a similar sex drives, and guys who don't feel threatened by it.

This. Part of the reason why I don’t care when women get beaten, raped or murdered anymore.