Brit/pol/ - Anthea Turner Edition

>Live House of Lords

>‘Behead the political class’: Ukip and Tommy Robinson prepare for Euro elections – Paris Gourtsoyannis

>Labour discussing second referendum with Tory ministers

>Videos & Music
>Oswald Mosley - There Is Still Hope....

>Sir Oswald Mosley on Globalisation

>An introduction to off grid living in the UK

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for WTO

Attached: ted5.jpg (1200x758, 179K)

Based Anthea OCD mentalist

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Do you think UKIP can knock the tories into 3rd place in Newport?

Pretty sure they're not going to win desu

Attached: 1553724619902.png (500x440, 81K)

First for withering defeats

Attached: sigh.jpg (856x139, 39K)

>We, an un-elected body, should be able to decide Brexit!

Attached: Screenshot_2.jpg (511x448, 27K)


>The referendum doesn't count because there have been 2.4 million new eligible voters since then.
This guy pisses me off so much.

Bare in mind that this fat arrogant twat is only a "lord" for getting more of our population addicted to booze and making money off them. He is a glorified drug dealer.

Attached: 1554410660265.png (547x502, 445K)

Why are LARPcels so envious of Based Wayne?

Attached: basedwayne.jpg (400x600, 60K)

They roll billions of dice and still get mostly snake eyes.

Attached: indians.png (900x1600, 1.19M)

Why are you so mad that people like booze and drugs you pathetic virgin?

Whats his name?

Why does it make you so mad that I do it again?
Do it again

Attached: (973x569, 446K)
on QTime

Will Self points out Billimoria literally sells one of the most lethal drugs of all: Alcohol


Attached: the man who could have saved us all.jpg (220x305, 17K)

Why don't you pick your poison and have a drink with your painkiller?
ave a line ya virgin

Attached: tfwdrugs.jpg (1300x954, 136K)

cross thread to film anons
kek no i haven't seen it either that's why i was asking

if i'm to reccomend it would be two by craig zahler. redpilled almost to the point of being too in your face and he's a terrific filmmaker
bone tomahawk
brawl in cell block 99

In a civilised country Yvette Copper would have been questioned for anti-British activity and possible collusion with a foreign state. In UK she'll probably be given protection as she, no doubt, would claim that she's receiving threats, like all female MPs do when caught cheating

All his kids prob on shitloads now they at college

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## Shitposts ##
/ave a line/i
/never been to a party/i
/what's a brexit\?$/i
/you've never had sex$/i
/Why haven't you had sex\?$/i
/don't you get invited to parties\?$/i
/why is brit\/pol\/ so upset at me for having sex\?$/i
/why are you so intimidated$/i
/you have never had sex$/i
/Why are you so envious$/i
/why do you envy me$/i
/sniff blow$/i
/sniffing blow$/i

>4ChanX -> Top right wrench icon -> Filtering -> File name. Add the below.

/^ave a line ya virgin\.jpg$/
/^mobile phone mast\.jpg$/
/^ave an eccy\.jpg$/

>4ChanX -> Top right wrench icon -> Filtering -> Tripcode. Add the below to filter all trip fags

>4ChanX -> Top right wrench icon -> Filtering -> Name. Add the below to filter all name fags

>If you don't want to use filters. Don't reply to shit posters. Summon the Jannies.

Trevor Phillips is racist.

He looks like half Paki

>Do you think UKIP can knock the tories into 3rd place in Newport?
No, as much of a campaign Neil Hamilton ran.
You have to remember that UKIP is basically a complete new party, with basically everyone from top to bottom having been replaced.

Have you seen the Louis Theroux documentary on the Hamiltons? One of my favourites

>This fucker again

Attached: pax.jpg (300x300, 22K)

please convince me to commit suicide filtermong

He's nothing to do with us

Baron Bilimoria,_Baron_Bilimoria

>do it again
What, exactly?

He's Persian

My lords we are literally on a train hurtling at 700 billion mph into a CRASH out CLIFF EDGE WALL of CATASTROPHIC brexit ARMAGEDDON and the train driver has strapped a BOMB to the carriage and shot himself in the head while ISIS release a troupe of POISONOUS SNAKES into the train and the CHASM ahead of us is filled with LAVA and FLESH EATING GORILLAS armed with UZIS my noble lords if we do not stop brexit now, and I am not being dramatic, this is almost certainly what will happen to our great country.

Attached: _60468682_-5[1].jpg (512x288, 26K)

why are you so jealous that racists take cocaine?
Why do you envy me for my drug use?

What's the story in Billimoria
Wouldn't you like to know

please use the tools provided to notify moderation. Thank you.

you're a LARPcel
why do you envy an idiot who ruined his life?

>House of Lords works for hundreds of years
This looks like a job for President Blair!

Attached: THINGS.... DEEPER.png (99x374, 34K)

Why are you so unfamiliar with Static-X lyrics you fucking LARPcel?



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Too understated
Good effort tho.

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Says he's Indian on his wiki

He's been on TV before

Attached: Omar Walliams.jpg (300x300, 34K)

Hold on, did this guy just say he's teaching students at university using brexit as a case study?
How the fuck can a guy so deeply involved give an objective view on the matter?
He's just indoctrinating those students! WTF! Why doesn't anyone object to that??

hes an indian zoro

Ah ok.

If Blair had gotten his way it would of been full of his crony Lords and the Cooper bill would of been rubber stamped this morning.

The ones stopping this farce are the hereditary Lords which Labour want to get rid of.


>300years of unified scotch and English parliament
>Blair: We need to do something to stop rising scotch nationalism.

Did he get anything right?

why are you so envious that Buzzoven take heroin and have sex?

Who would win?

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Fucking hell, what a wanker.

Apparently this cunt made his fortune by selling booze, so tricking young people into self-destructive actions seems to be his thing.

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>youve never been to a party
I have, just not very many.
They're shit.

I've done a number on you you LARPcels

Thinking about taking the Pube-pill lads. I want to have sex and if sniff and drinking and parties will help i'm not sure I have an option. There is a Norf FC fan who drives a wagon and delivers product to my work and despite being in his 30's, fat, bald and 5'9 deadbeat dad he is always showing off pictures of the lasses he is shagging and bragging about his nights doing drugs. Today he regaled me with a story about pulling an insurance job on a car he owned that he sunk in the canal. His life is interesting and he doesn't consider tomorrow. I'm basically sat around listening to podcasts and following politics and bored and horny. Talk me out of it lads or i'll be lost to the degeneracy for chasing primitive desire.


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I hope his kids get shitfaced

pathetic virgin cope
convince me to kill myself

take some sniff and shag some slags
death is inevitable
do you want to spend the lead-up talking to these LARPcels?

I'm shitfaced
what are you going to do about it you pitiful LARPcel?


I fucked your mum

No you should follow those base desires before they manifest into an obsession with trannies.

>implying pube does any of that

>would of
*would've/would have

Attached: WojakDrinking.jpg (645x773, 49K)

>Did he get anything right?
Literally nothing. I'm still waiting to find something. Even David Cameron gave us the referendum.

free my niggas the hereditary peers

>I'm a junkie pisshead who destroyed his only meaningful relationship and any chance at relative contentedness in life
>these LARPcels consider me a god
wtf you virgins

you don't need to take drugs to have sex mate

If you killed yourself I wouldn't see your posts anymore.

You're not invited to my party

Technically speaking, what could MPs do if the PM & cabinet defected to the opposition party? Since a vote of no confidence can be tabled by the government or the opposition, would MPs of the PM's party have any way to topple it?

remember we heard your voice on those vocaroos and it was pathetic? if you even ever did have a gf she must have been rubbish lol

How many traitors did you kill today?

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I doubt that.

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Probably had a tranny

I want No Deal to happen and for May to go and for her to be historically blamed for it because she fucking deserves it. Then any bad shit that happens can be pinned on her and she will go into history as the most hated and loathed PM that we've ever had.

I don't know what you mean by LARPcels.

That won't happen, i'm not into men.

Honestly I think he does cocaine because how else can he stay up for days drinking and obsessively posting about it. Dunno about parties and sex though. Not sure he has time for those things.

Yeah I suppose. I tried sex on weed years back and it was honestly an unpleasant experience.

is this pube?

>if we haven't reached an agreement by the 12th, we must agree with the EU and seek an extension
>agree with the EU
This right honourable gentleman seems to be under the illusion that the EU is going to grant them one.
When any one EU country can veto it.
And Macron wants to veto it.

give us some info about yourself. why can't you have sex right now as you are? more info

>the PM has already said she will request an extension, therefore the reason for this bill no longer exists

That's not her hand closing her nostril I smell a conspiracy coming on

what the fuck is this thing

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>(((David Aaronovitch)))
>(((Eric Kaufman)))
Wish (((they))) would just fuck off.

Why are there so many lefties on Twitter? My timeline's filled with the pricks and I only follow a few.

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Before Blair's lords reform they rubberstamped everything. The Lords he appointed subsequently turned around and gave him two fingers and hammered his leglisation. For example his "ant-terror" legislation was perpetually delayed by them, using his human rights act against him.

TLDR, hereditary Lords cucked out, appointed more likely to do their jobs.

Based dyke roastie

Attached: Lord Norf.png (459x541, 92K)

It's always been that way. Normies who indulge in social media are often left leaning.

the frog is weak, he will do whatever merkel tells him to do and she doesn't want to end her reign of europe with this

Why don't white nats use free movement to subvert democracy across europe?
2.5M people could take ireland democratically.

lol noice

Is the UK going to get away with being pussies and just asking for an extension, or can the EU do anything to really fuck them?

Be respectful when you are talking about the lords of your country. They are your leaders

BASED Conservative