1/2 African Americans are direct decendants of slaves

I my self I'm rwandan but this is purely unacceptable PAY NOW white devil so

HERES THE MATH 9MIL African Americans x $400000(for each) = THIRTY-SIX TRILLION dollars!!!!

Pay now

Attached: Smug negro.jpg (700x700, 29K)

The niggers have cause about $100 trillion worth of damage to our country, including welfare, and their crime. I think that the punishment should be about $20 million per murder, $5 million per rapes, and $100,000 per robbery. So, the niggers owe US $64,trillion. That comes out to about $700,000 each nigger owes US. The only way to recover ANY of this would, of course, be to make them slaves again.

What if your only 1/4 black, half, ypu get 1/4,or 1/2 ? Its stupid. How do you prove your portion of black heritage is from slave era african stock? S America had much more of the slaves sold out of African by their brothers than the US did. How do we distinguish? Its not happening fella...nice try


Come and get it nigger. Its right here waiting.

I started a btc for the local negro community and deposited funds into it, you should help me help my local negroes

Attached: qr.png (200x200, 419)

Nope, you get 1 dollar of lead at super sonic speeds.


Attached: hate.nigs.now__7_.jpg (509x763, 105K)

Why don't African Americans owe white people for slavery? Ask any of them if they want to go back to Africa. 0%. Africa is a shithole in the process of being anally raped by China and African's themselves. African Americans alive today did not have to suffer the institution of slavery, and most probably did not even have to live in the US pre-civil rights movement. Therefore they only enjoy the benefits of living in a first world country, and yet, as Jow Forums will tell you blacks are a prime cause of violence and crime.

In short, slavers did modern "African Americans" the greatest favor you could possibly imagine.