Should cat calling be criminalized?

Should cat calling be criminalized?

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The answer is yes.

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they are doing you a favor by letting you know they are douche bags

this is why free speech is important. you have to let idiots talk or else you wont know they are an idiot


Black men are really the straight white men of black people.

What's wrong with saying pishawishawishawishawish?

>hey girl
Guess the ethnicity of the catcaller.

No. Just another way for women to make the state protect them at the expense of everyones rights. If they don't want to be catcalled, then get the fuck out of a degenerate city and move to a place with more values. Oh wait, you want to be able to live wherever you want and have everyone treat each other however you fucking feel they should at the enforcement of a man with a gun. Letting women out of the home to begin with was a fucking mistake.

Nope. It’s a consequence of diversity and decadence. Let it be.

women want to criminalize black behavior without saying it is black behavior.
feminists are born cowards.

Tbh, I don't like impolite society. Cat calling is for shit skins.

>Should cat calling be criminalized?

Only if white people do it. We can't realistically expect blacks to act civilized. It's not fair to them.

The real answer is yes but only for ugly people

Well at least if you ask women

>Only if white people do it.

Sorry, I meant white MEN. White women should be allowed to do whatever they want as long as it's not offensive to a higher ranking minority such as blacks.

should cat-calling be illegal?


should rape be legal.


>I don't like when random men say inappropriate things to me
>Let me just write "shit" "ass" and "dick" on the sidewalk in bright letters for kids to see

Feminists are retards.
Op is a faggot.

part n parcel

I concur. I believe we need to keep the white women in their proper place on the oppression hierarchy.

>dudes telling me im hot on the street is like the worst thing ever
>also lets give kids hormone blockers

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What if I just called her a cunt and turned 360 degrees and walked away?

>What's wrong with saying pishawishawishawishawish?

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Some people who hate this probably support harassing people in red hats so whatever.

Fuck no. How will I find Oscar next time?

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That would be racist.

Women should be abolished from voting, that needs to be the primary goal of the future