How do I stop hating women?

How do I stop hating women?

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Play them, Ted Bundy did nothing wrong.

You have to learn to stop hating things in general. Hatred is useless. If something is good, cherish it, if something is bad, avoid it or destroy it, if something is neither good nor bad, ignore it. All of that must be done with a clear mind and good intentions

You don't. 90% of Women suck. The 10% are lesbians or transmen. Lesbians don't want you. Transmen aren't women: they're men with vaginas.

Just calm ya tits there buddy. Stop thinking about them and you will be better.

This, apathy is far better than hatred.

You stop hating yourself

It's not apathy, it's self-control and discipline. Apathy is worse than death and should be avoided at all cost

By realizing that reducing a whole group of people only to their worst aspects and generalizing them is never fruitful and only ever leads to hatred. E.g
"In their core every man wants to take advantage of women"
"In their core women are all golddiggers/whores"

Women deserve abuse

I'm in the minority of people that went from a full blown red pilled misogynist to seeing women as people again. You see how you see all men as essentially the same? Sure there are superficial differences like height, muscle density, pitch of voice, even skin colour but underneath there is something essential that is shared. You feel that that essential thing is unique to men and women don't have it too. All you have to do is see that the difference between one man and another is the same difference between a man and a woman i.e superficial surface differences. The essence is the same and that's how you see woman as human beings which is how you stop hating them. It won't happen overnight.

realize that it's retarded to hate like 4 billion people and half the planet however many women there are on the planet, from little babies to old grandmas, just because some girls made fun of your in grade 9 one time or whatever your problem is.

If it is a political, you don’t need to hate them, just understand them. Just like men, they are defined and constrained by what they were born as. Hating them for this is wrong. Rather, understand them, accept it, and apply this knowledge. No reason to hate them.

>You have to learn to stop hating things in general. Hatred is useless
This. Having resentful feelings towards something you can't change is stupid. Just stop caring.

I don't get why you hate them.

Have sex

go to therapy because you probably either had a shit childhood, have had experiences with women that were damaging or traumatic, have incredibly low self esteem, or have some mental health issue

have a daughter

By realisong it's not just woman, men are just as bad, it's only the matter of perspective.
I've met a few nice guys, more absolute pieces of shiet and even more guys that won't even look at you as a human being.
It's the same with girls.
Meet more ppl and you'll see

To see her whore herself with a nigger

> how do I stop hating women.

I am not judging but it might be you just are hating a to of things in general, you are most likely making things in your head about women that are not even true.

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>Hatred is useless
>if something is bad, destroy it
Good advice.

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>Just like men, they are defined and constrained by what they were born as. Hating them for this is wrong.
The problem is that they let being a woman define them. 99.9% of all women outside of their work mostly only care about having relationships, trying to be a good person, and living life care free good lives. They dont even put as much effort into most productive activities as men do. Alot of them also almost always prioritize socializing on social media over having interesting hobbies. And even the ones on here come off as uninteresting, shallow attention whores. Seriously. They want to anounce their gender, and even when they dont, you can tell when a thread or post is made by a woman. On Jow Forums Jow Forums especially its
>hi guys femanon here
>hi guys im not like the others girls accept me
>relationship advice
>hi guys lets talk/blog about our day

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I'd love to start hating women if it wasn't my gf who follows me everywhere so whenever I begin doing so it hurts her too