The scientific dishonesty of race
I bet the alt-right youtubers will pretend this doesn't exist lol

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That's your response to something that literally scientifically proved racial science to be incorrect?

kys nigger

>"race isn't real!"
>bans Nobel prize winner responsible for unraveling DNA because he said race was real
I'll put my faith in actual science, not youtube communists. Thanks.

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What's your family health history OP? Cause if you're predisposed to heart problems, whether you're a nigger, or not, could determine whether the medicine kills you.... But race isn't real I guess.

I didn't watch it. Let me guess. He recognizes the difference in IQ. Then he mentions that it could either be genetic or due to bad education. Then though needlessly long amounts of pilpul he pretends he made an argument that it's education. This is typically what I see from leftists.

He didn't prove very much, he was just selective of the "scientific studies" he chose to disprove. What he has stated doesn't change the fact that various groups exhibit different amounts of aggressiveness, lower average IQs, and different selection for genes.

It's similar to how news organizations continually post that the racially motivated murders and clearing of land in South Africa are regular crime, and not a mass racial cleansing, despite the fact that African leaders keep professing that these are in fact racial purges, and that all Whites should be moved out of Africa by force, if necessary. But when Europeans claim to want the same thing, it is lambasted and put on every front page of every mainstream media outlet.

TL:DR - He's just being deliberately selective, using outdated studies which have the right idea, but don't prove it in the right way.


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Kill yourself nigger

>30 minutes of “they used to measure cranium sizes which was kind of useless huh and they would also say mean things about different races”
>differences measured back then weren’t sophisticated so acknowledging thresholds of population-scale genetic difference doesn’t exist

so this...
this is the leftypol standard of proof


show your Turkish flag


>When i have to screen for race before i prescribe a medication, but we are all the same.
Why do you think medical questionnaires ask your race? Did you really think that we are LITERALLY all the same? How old are you? What race are you? What race are you parents? These questions add a wealth of information about what disease states are more common for you.

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>This guy lied about races having different skull sizes.
>He did it by choosing samples from races with smaller skulls.

Jesus Christ. This is turning out to be worse than what I thought it would be here.

race? not even the same species you gay retard.

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>he doesn't even touch on IQ
>the entire video is just him cherry picking old studies that were wrong, of which you could find for nearly anything in the pre-modern period

They aren't sending their best and brightest.
Except that Morton didn’t lie he was correct and (((Gould))) who tried to discredit the research was proven to have a bias of his own, Typical.

It’s blatant propaganda at this point
>In a study published June 7 in Public Library of >Science Biology, researchers led by >anthropologists Jason Lewis of Stanford >University and the Paleoanthropology Institute’s >David DeGusta re-measured 308 skulls on which >Morton had published data. Their conclusion: >Morton’s numbers differed significantly from their >own in just 7 cases, and those few >mismeasurements didn’t favor the narrative of >Caucasian superiority that Gould ascribed to >Morton’s motivation. Three of them actually >overestimated the volume of Egyptian skulls.
Morton was right.

It's like dealing with people saying gravity is a social construct and to "prove them wrong." And remember, they're the "party of science".

It's more like people pretending they understand exactly what gravity is and caused by.

I don't understand liberal hypocrisy when they smugly cite evolution for attacking "stupid christians" then simultaneously abandon the basics of evolutionary genetics when it comes to race - hence the agenda now being shilled that "HUH race doesn't actually exist, goyim...i bet you feel really stupid being proud of your race now don't you.?" Even on Jow Forums on many boards you will see people immediately spout this, with cherry-picked studies that offer no "evidence" for their claims. The basic fact is that upwards of tens of thousands of years of evolution separate the races, most of which evolved in radically different habitats, whose physical physiology adapted to said habitats (Black skin and large noses for blacks, low melanin for Europeans/Asians.) The fact that you can immediately identify what race a non-mixed person is shows that race exists. Its absurd double-think. I cannot fathom it. Furthermore, if physical differences can arise through evolution, there stands no reason why mental and emotional differences would not also arise. There is a reason many marxist psychologists in the 20th century panicked after the implementation of IQ; "Oh no, these Africans appear to be clinically retarded based on their IQ scores, what should we do? Uhh just say IQ doesn't exist, say its designed for white people!" Science itself is being censored at this point.

Kek at the IQ part. These Jews, they always say with the utmost of confidence that "IQ is pseudo-science." But when you simply ask them "Why?", you'll be lucky to even get a response. But that's the best answer you'll get. It's even more ridiculous when they actually try and back up the claims against IQ.

Science is certainly being censored. In OP's shit video he shows a snip of a wikipedia article talking about some fossil from 800 BC having similar genetics to "modern Iranians." Even ignoring the historical fact of Aryan rule, there was an Arab invasion. No doubt they went and plucked up some mongrel that fit their agenda, and plastered the science journals with claims that Iran has always been Asiatic mongrels. I've noticed that their strategy towards Indo-Europeans is to "memory hole" it, and just pretend they didn't exist. I guess it reveals to much.

> No doubt they went and plucked up some mongrel that fit their agenda
You mean like everyone we wuzzing on Jow Forums? Namely white people.

I've never heard of Aryan's ruling Iran, that doesn't even make sense looking at artifacts and what not. Can you go into detail?

A fucking youtube video. A fucking. You. Tube. Video. Go away you illogical retard.

Iran literally means "Land of the Aryans." Start here and work more down the rabbit hole. Even Siddartha Gautama, an Indian, was Aryan.

>Iran literally means "Land of the Aryans."
Come on now.

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I skipped through it briefly, this was stuff taken from Gould's Mismeasure of Man and was followed up on by examining the actual set of skulls. It was concluded not too long ago that Gould lied and it was he who mismeasured deliberately to promote his egalitarian fantasy.

East african women are hot as fuck tho, i want to have beautiful race mixed babies one day that look like that.

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I chose this one, for the lulz factor.
>Come on now.
The article comes with sources, and I only mentioned it because it was a good start for the rabbit hole.

Shut up nigger


actually I didn't really learn anything from that, it was just some kike whining it seemed like.

>humans are the same
>blacks have denser bones than us

>jews are smarter than you because DNA
>but you goyim are all the samee the same garbage compared to us!