What evidence is there that we live in a simulation?

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daily reminder to filter all memeflags and instantaneously cut shills from your life by half.

glitches in the matrix

kys to confirm

speed of light, to start...

Why the speed of light? I think that Planck's Constant is a much better evidence that we're digital and not analog.

Anybody who believes in simulation theory is fucking dumb as fuck. You stupid fucking niggers are falling for one of the oldest psychological tricks in the book.

>what if reality isn't real
>can you tell the difference?
>then it's real you fucking retarded shitskin.


yes this theory has been debunked over 600 years ago. Congrats.

Timeline shifted.

>That headache you feel

You're being lied to


its in essence, a download speed.

Mandella effect. I know it sounds like such BS and it's just false memories etc. ...until you experiencd on for yourself that you are one hundred percent sure of.

leaf sources Wikipedia. need more?

hes right, everything is the same thing over and over again when you zoom out

think of space as gaps on a higher level the same on our own lower levels and planets and stars and all that shit as electrons protons n sheeeit

I'm having recurring nightmares which feel 100% real when I experience them. Gladly I wake up eventually, and am happy to realize that they were not real. However, those nightmares usually consist of waking up into "reality" a couple times, then the nightmare starts again. Until I "really" wake up - or do I?

check out the movie "waking life"

why does wiki describe it as " American philosophical adult animated docufiction film " why "adult" is this fucking porn or what? im not saying i trust wiki im just asking why they would describe it that way

Within this Holographic Universe All things are One thing +1=0 now -1 appearing as Two Opposite Extensions of the Centred One Thing.

Tap the side of a round bucket of water.

Because there exists a profound and perfect 4pi Spherical Symmetry between positive and negative electric charge Compressing Energy Contraction +1=0 now -1 de-compressing expansion when that symmetry was broken forming Spiral Symmetry.

Now we get the imperfect 2pi Spiral Symmetry of the Fibonacci sequence seen almost everywhere in nature.

Which is a fluctuating repetitive process.

All information is recorded electrically via to equal pair's of opposite expression.

Each of the pair cancels the other out in cyclic periodicities.

Each of the pair then becomes what the other was simulating rest and balance now through violet motion.

But the information still exists however remaining within the seeds where they can once again reappear in the form of idea.

Because everything is made of Just Two Spherical Sine Wavefronts Compressing 3D Wave Centres of Energy 1=0 now -1 de-compressing Two Opposing Spiral Vortices.

From Virtual Pair's of Plasma, to Gases, Liquids, and Solid Fibonacci Fractals.

Only difference is their 3D Wave Centres Time Dilating Rate of Vibration, or Volume now at the centre of their Own 3D Centred ref-frames within the One Infinite Universe.

With Antimatter Energy Compression +1=0 now -1 de-compressing expansion forming the Mass and Acceleration equivalence principle F=ma.

Thus bubbling up from within its the constant de-compression expanding outward from the opposed centres forming the Mass and Acceleration equivalence principle.

It's rather like Buddha himself said reality is like over 2,500 years ago.

Every particle made of Vibrating Wavefronts concentrically layered like onions has two dipole energy resonance states known as antimatter matter annihilation.

Antimatter matter annihilation is like looking a series of wavefronts at right angles coming to a seashore (Universe) as the water recedes from the seashore (Universe) into the bass of each wavefront forming +1=0 now breaking from the crest of time -1 resulting in the production of continuous expanding bubbles (Photon oscillations) or new quantized spherical wavefronts of electromagnetic interference independent of the motion of their source's.

A wave comes +1=0 now -1 breaks, then it withdraws or contracts as another wave comes +1=0 now -1 breaks, then it withdraws as another wave comes +1=0 now -1 breaks, then it withdraws as another wave comes containing much of the same water, the same information as before.

Only the frequency now is relative at each dipole magnetic moment of time.

With antimatter positive energy compression representing the past, and potential future enfolding an organization process +1=0 now for -1 the continuous disorganization of statistical entropy as time unfolds.

Therefore as objects free fall into the future towards the greatest energy compression generation of any information exceeds radiation during the first half of the cycle absorbing energy input +1=0 now -1 emitting the density from the two previous vectors spiralling out the Fibonacci sequence seen almost everywhere in nature.

From 2pi Spiral Radians 360 degrees, to Spirals of Elements, DNA, Seashells, Spiral Galaxies , and even living cells.

Tap the side of a round bucket of water.

Because what seems to be a conversion is the golden ratio between opposite vectors interpreted as distance and time, physical reality and spiritual reality, annihilation and creation, matter and antimatter, mass and energy, or interference and resonance within an abstract arrow of time, of Cnow=0's forming a Vortex in Space Time at the same rate that time flows.

Tap the side of a round bucket of water.

Because everything is made of just Two Spherical Sine Wavefronts Compressing 3D Wave Centres of Energy +1=0 now -1 de-compressing Two Opposing Spiral Vortices.

From Virtual Pair's of Plasma, to Gases, Liquids, and Solid Fibonacci Fractals.

Only difference is their 3D Wave Centres Time Dilating Rate of Vibration, or Volume now at the centre of their Own 3D centred ref-frames within the One Infinite Universe.

Therefore after the death of the physical body due to energy conservation the mind will actually continue to exist Compressing 3D Wave Centres of Energy +1=0 now -1 de-compressing Two Opposing Spiral Vortices in the form of electrical activity.

Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me...(Albert Einstein.)

Because in reality there really is Only One Source the One Unified Electromagnetic Force Velocity = Time Density +1=0 now -1 Density of Space Time G/r2.

V= td +1=0 now -1 ds-t G/r2.

Everything is formed by a surrounding 4pi Spherical inward absorption +1=0 now -1 outward emission of electromagnetic waves.

All motion is 2pi Spiral.

And all 3D directions are 4pi Spherically curved thus Wave Centres are everywhere relative to an infinite future of potential possibilities continuously coming into +1=0 now -1 out of existence.

Time is inverse multiplying energy compression +1=0 now -1 dividing expansion like frequency and wavelength.

The greater the Energy Compression, or Mass the shorter the expanding spiral wavelengths and the time period relative to the perspective of an outside observer.


Wow. Just watched the trailer, thanks a lot for the recommendation. Somehow missed this movie, seems to be a gem.

not porn at all user

Motherfucker have you not been keeping up with the news these past 3 years? What evidence is there that we DON"T live in a simulation?

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eye opener user

Maybe it’s about our reality being artificially constructed, like what if there was no global warming, nuclear power was safe, there was no Ebola, there were actually cures for cancer and autism is being caused on purpose etc. you could say our entire reality was being faked despite us not being able to break out

Attached: steve-ditko-strange-tales-93.jpg (640x968, 381K)


another good doc that will answer lots.


This is a decent video to watch regarding saturn and its role in our experience here.

Attached: saturn4.gif (500x500, 1.03M)

another proof is symmetry.. nothing is chaotic.

Samuel L. Jackson has been virtually in every single major blockbuster ever made since The Simulation booted into its new update created around 1991.

I mean its gotta be some fucked up hacker who decided he wanted to live the fantasy of the ultimate actor who got all the girls fame and money. I assume there is some leeway in how much you can succeed so though you can program a huge boost to +charisma you can't make yourself win Oscars.

I have no idea. I spent a week in January (despite no history of mental problems or heavy drug usage) tripping out of my mind because it was trying to convince me I lived in the future in some cyberpunk neo tokyo dystopia. I'd peek out the window. something in my heart hoping a cyberpunk like city would stare back at me but it didn't.

This is not what simulation theory is about, not at all. You're talking about Lugenpresse and conspiracies, while sim theory is talking about the very fabric of our (perceived) universe.

im not a science person i dont have any formal degree but i dabble heavily in electronics and electricity specifically digital. i know how to calculate where current will travel and how much of it should be there, so basic electronics ohms law shit. but ive always felt that everything exists only because of the opposite of it exists, even things like ideas that arent very tangible to us even though they are technically physical chemicals in our brains. consider a world where war murder or intent of harm on another human has never occurred and doesnt exist, well how does the idea of peace exist without war? they depend on each other to exist, there is no peace without war literally. to defeat war and intent of humans harming each other you have simultaneously defeat peace. the idea of peace exists because the idea of war exists and vice versa. in a world where these ideas do not exist there is no peace and there is no war. thing JUST ARE WITHOUT THEM BOTH. THEREORE ANYONE WITH THE PEACE SYMBOL TATOOED ON THEM GUESS WHAT, THE PEACE SIGN IS ALSO THE WAR SIGN. FUCK IM DRUNK

>what if reality isn't real
>can you tell the difference?
>then it's real you fucking retarded shitskin.
This is hilariously incorrect. You are too attached to the material world to understand yet.

this is true luciferianism...


Quantization and discrete nature of space, time, and energy are the biggest.

When I'm off my meds, sitting there overwhelmed by my schizophrenia, I self-medicate with ridiculous amounts of 'shrooms while having a shitty diet.
Then, at the apex of my mental breakdowns, I come into contact with God, vampires, elves, my gangstalkers, Qanon, Anunnaki, CIA niggers that glow
in the dark and paragons of the flat-earth-society. Only smoking a blunt while browsing reddit calms me down from that wokeness.

Fucking ignorant uneducated dipshits. Take your heads out of your asses and learn some cosmic theory.
The universe doesn't revolve around you, selfish fuckheads. What a preposterous claim to make; an entire universe made only to house your worthless consciousness.

i agree user. its all fluctuations of electricity..

simulation theory is just atheists conceding the concept of a creator without admitting that creator is God. It's 100% cope

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i disagree user...


i disagree with you. i believe in a higher power of some sort but i also believe that if a so called creator or god built a "universe" as we call and understand it, that it would make perfect sense that it would mimic or mirror and actual simulation...so really, what the fucking difference? were put into a cage by a higher power either way arent we? how are those two things different? can you explain this to me as a process so i can understand it from your perspective?

Is it digital or quantizable?

I had an extremely similar paranoid delusion when I was doing hallucinogens in high school. I was expecting something like a veil being to be lifted off of reality and reveal that my town is actually a super technologically advanced civilization but I sadly it never actually happened.

Water, 35 liters. Carbon, 20 kg. Ammonia, 4 liters. Lime, 1.5 kg. Phosphorus, 800g. salt, 250g. saltpeter, 100g. Sulfur, 80g. Fluorine, 7.5g. Iron, 5g. Silicon, 3g. And 15 other elements in small quantities.... that's the total chemical makeup of an average human adult body. Modern science knows all of this, but there has never been a single successful case of human transmutation. It is like there is something missing... Scientists have been trying to find it for hundreds of years, and to this day they still don't have a theory. Just as a side note, you can buy all these elemental ingredients at the market with a child's allowance. Humans are pretty cheaply made.? We need that spark to really be...


sorry but this will have no effect on me and im not going to read random wikis without someone explaining to me its relevancy in its own words. this means nothing to me.

if you cant describe someone as a process to me so that i can learn then you will be disregarded but you yourself may be confused.


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this is exactly what im fucking talking about, everything is the fucking same

Drug use and traumatic events create a feeling of unreality or this feeling you are in a dream. It's like being high all the time.

i dont feel that im in a dream though i dont know what youre trying to slander me with right or why. im not saying this isnt real. A SIMULATION IS A REAL THING. do you understand what im saying? simulations and reality are the same! theyre both real!

all of this is reality

so now people that disagree with you are drug addicts thats really your fucking argument is to copy paste other peoples opinions research or experiences instead of being able to formulate your own original thought? if anything youre the fucking simulation lol, i know im real, no one will take that from me without a fight. get lost asshole.

Yeah, I was referring to quantizable. Digital was the wrong word, I picked it since digital vs analogue usually comes with a quantization in bitrates n stuff.

>the double slit experiment
>out of body/near death experiences

actually ive seen credible pushback on the double slit stuff.

Nobody would design an expensive simulator and code a fucking retard like you into it?

Like I said at the beginning of the thread, if the simulation is real "enough" then it's real. You are believing in something with no proof other than a feeling of something that has not been perceived. I don't care if elon musk said statistically we are in a simulation he has no proof. Also think of the computational power you would need to make the known universe, and an infinite amount of unique things like snow flakes, trees, people, genetics. It's highly unlikely that it's a simulation. It's more likely that people become disassociated with reality due to trauma, for instance, like watching your race be subsumed by foreign entities. I suggest you might be on the verge of a nervous break down, that's my summation.

Pushback? The double slit experiment has been reproduced countless times.

Are you gonna post a link or are you just gonna stand there like a lemon?

why not? isnt that exactly what youd need to test things? isnt that what a simulation is for? to set the things in motion and let the dominoes fall and observe all possible outcomes? im sorry man but i cant discuss this with you anymore youre too closed minded and have a nasty elitist attitude. bye.

there you go again accusing me of believing this or that without knowing shit about what i actually believe

subscribe to poopeepie you Jow Forums niggers. to yawwwn for this low q shit, formulate or fuck off.

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I think the computational power required is way less than you think. You assume that it's a perfect simulations which computes every snowflake and dust particle every tick. While it's "known" that the universe is basically a probability cloud which only materializes those parts with specific detail which are actually observed. Quite clever performance optimization our creator(s) made there, eh?

its common knowledge that test became popular back around the early 2000's and theres been multiple rebuttles but im not going to breastfeed you. you seem to think i care about wining an argument on the internet for some reason, i not trying to debate or argue anyone. i dont care what you think of me. i dont know you and i never will.

Not a signal snow flake, grain of sand or person is the same, yet you said everything is the same in a reply to another user when he posted two images that looked similar. I'm just warning you that you are displaying psychotic behavior, you seem like the precursor of a schizophrenic. I'm simply pointing out that yes, this is real.

okay maybe i spoke to general but thats not what i meant.

dude, youre fucking pathetic lol. are you handicapped or something in real life?

is that why youre like this?

If you can entertain the idea of the Bohmian interpretation you will probably come to the conclusion our reality is a simulation, whatever that actually means "out there". Bohmian mechanics makes a lot of sense through the lense of simulation theory and resolves a lot if not all of it's criticisms. The problem with simulation theory is it opens a whole new can of worms, if we're not in base reality the physics we are defining are essentially the code running the simulation. Which means we are not defining "real" physics. So what are the real physics(if different from our simulation) and is that even something we could know is the problem. This is the heart of Simulacra and Simulation, and Bohm says something similar. Bohms Gnosis is a good read.

Find me two indentical snow flakes, and ill believe your simulation theory. Find me two identical plants or trees. Till then shut the fuck up retard.

>test became popular back around the early 2000's and theres been multiple rebuttles

oh i get it now, you hate americans.

>you cant get a computer to never make the same thing twice
lol yeah youre done bro.

This isn't about winning an argument you old goon, I'm simply asking for proof of your claim.

If you're gonna be a faggot about it then fuggetaboutit.

its the fundamentals that are the same...base formulas..


>1 billion posts by this user

chill out psycho

You might have an argument if all snowflakes ever to have existed have been catalogued. But they haven't. So your argument sucks.

Delayed choice quantum eraser
Bell inequalities
Hidden variables
Holographic principle
Information entropy === thermodynamic entropy

Everything physical reduces to and is indistinguishable from information in any way we can measure, they are for all intents and purposes the same thing.

still waiting for some proof, I can prove you have brain damage by saying you have a disassociation disorder but you can't prove that I'm in a simulation, which is more real to you?

I'm just supposed to believe what you say because I guy who makes chinese quality-tier electric cars says so?

this...light is pure information..

It's an interesting question, actually. With a limited set of constants/numbers/letters/entities you have a limited number of permutations, mathematically. So, assuming that a snowflake has a minimum and maximum limit of water molecules it consists of, there is a limited number of variations of snowflakes. But since that number is damn huge and water molecules bind more chaotically than for example carbon atoms, we get all those variations.

Information is that which distinguishes something from something else.

everything we know is based on 36 symbols. 0-9 and a-z...

Read up on Bohmian mechanics and you'll figure it out. I'm done with you leaf.

>What evidence is there that we live in a simulation?
After Eliot hacked those files that could nuke everything he decided not to do it.

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I can't say i care about anything other than living forever through reincarnation, if we're in a simulation that's irrelevant to me.

Fucking Descartes and his stupid solipsism all over again.

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0-9 is just because base 10 though, a human construct to make counting easier. If we counted primarily in binary you'd have said 28 symbols, so I'm not sure what your point is.

Depends on the language, but yeah. Language is an amazing thing.

The argument is this: if it's possible that advanced civilizations can run simulations of the universe, then they will likely run more than one. So now, we are occupying a universe, and there is one real one and N-many simulations, and since we know nothing about which universe we are in it is more likely (assuming N > 1) that we are in one of the simulated universes.

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Why is his Solipsism stupid? makes perfect sense to me, all i can really know is that i exist and i'm experiencing stuff.

a human construct... uh no.