*inhales deep*

*inhales deep*

another day, another win for european aircraft industry. it is official now, airbus is superior to boeing. deal with it, burgers. it's not something you can leave to women and poos, it's a complicated and responsible job needed to be overlooked by capable white men, and you lack those more than anything.

toodaloo, motherfuckers.

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List of Croatian contributions to the aeronautics industry?

oh....there isn't one...

Does Boeing build spy devices in planes it sells to German companies, like Airbus does in Toulouse?

Croatia mot corrupt country in Europe


not really surprising. their software was causing that automated system to turn on when it wasnt needed. however, non-monkey pilots should've just turned it off-- no big deal. but the monkey pilots....they apparently squealed and stomped and rode that shit right into the dirt

Attached: 1547351203812.jpg (1080x1349, 1.74M)

>346 people
How many were white though?

Nice joke.

>kill 346 people
>don't even release a manifesto
what the fuck, boeing?

Boeing builds shit for the (((black budget))).

The only brazilian company that works for real, Embraer, was acquired by Boeing recently. I guess it is fugged now.