How could I determine if I have HIV after 2.5 years...

How could I determine if I have HIV after 2.5 years? I had unprotected sex with a tinder slut one time and she gave me chlymidia (later cured) but what if she also gave me HIV? I’ve been in constant anxiety ever since then and I even bought a test which turned out negative, but I’ve heard of tests being negative because HIV can be undetected after the first few months. Now, I’ve got a Christmas tree rash and I’m not sure if it’s related but I’m panicking hard

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Does liquid/discharge come out of the rash? Maybe it’s herpes? See a fucking doctor OP

It is incredibly unlikely you've contracted HIV...
>How can I tell
Testing. Go get another one if you're so worried.

It was on of those home tests, not a blood test
No liquid or discharge. It doesn’t actually look that bad, it’s pretty tiny. Also I have an appointment Thursday

Pour t'aidé la seronconversion du VIH prend environs 3 mois. Tu as fait un test au VIH après 5 mois si je ne me trompe pas le teste (si il est conforme au réglementation de l'OMS) devrais être correcte. Cependant dans ton cas, je te propose de prendre rendez vous avec un médecin pour éventuellement faire une sérologie (prise de sang) et observé par la même occasion si tu n'as pas chopper une autre MST (sexual transmited diseas) qui sont tout aussi merdique que le VIH. Dans l'espoir que tu n'ai rien chopper !

lmao. i've had unprotected sex with 38 people and never been tested. no symptoms of anything. Never had a rash in my life and shit is fresh as daisies.

Cool advice. Are you implying is HIV rare or something?

only niggers and niggerfuckers have STDs. OP should stop dicking coalburners and latinas.

>I am now aware that Tinder has been around for a full 2 and a half years

Go to your doc or health department or planned parenthood. Get a REAL test. Not those at home things.

Also tinder sluts: never again.

Attached: unicorn cat.jpg (500x418, 67K)

Assuming he's not checking beforehand? He's incredibly lucky. You cannot get an STD from someone that doesn't have an STD to transmit to you though.

>Google translate to see if this translates clear
To help you HIV seroconversion takes about 3 months. You did an HIV test after 5 months if I'm not mistaken the test (if it complies with WHO regulations) should be correct. However in your case, I suggest you make an appointment with a doctor to possibly do a serology (blood test) and observed at the same time if you have not chopper another MST (sexual transmited diseas) who are just as crappy than HIV. In the hope that you have not chopped anything!"

Okay... so basically you say OP should do another test, but since the test came out negative, chances are OP did not contract it.
I hope that's right.

*I hope that translation is right.
And then he should do another test to rule out other sexually transmitted diseases that could be just as shitty.

You BOUGHT a test?
Nigga, they can do that shit for fucking free and legitimately as a charity service kinda like how they do blood drives. Least around here and I imagine in most other non-shithole places too.

I got desperate one night. Couldn’t stop thinking about it

This reply post was submitted to Jow Forums's Jow Forums where other anons brag at foreveralones, make walls of misogynistic rants, make up dumb fake stories to see how people react, and are trying to tell people to actually an hero, break up with their wives, and indulge their debilitating psychoses to people who have real legitimate problems.
I've seen people do vague one or two sentence roleplays in GIOYC threads probably at this point just to meme or be ironic, I've seen bitter tripfag posts.
Yet, out of all of them this is still manages to be among the overall worst content of this board.


Relax friend, I’m getting one on Thursday. I made this thread because I’m anticipating the day and my anxiety is shooting up

it's true doe. why are you so anally devastated? i know it's sociopathic but i just can't give a damn. i don't even care if I get aids, why would i give a shit about some random guy?
user said he had an appointment made already. chill out. stds aren't even real.

OP here, my biggest question:
After the 3 month period, can HIV become dormant in your body and become undectable by home tests? I took mine about a year after first contact. Was it only negative because it may be dormant?

Oh. I must've missed that post.

>[I'm a] sociopath
Okay then...

Bump for this

After 2.5 years you'd definitely feel something, if you have untreated HIV/AIDS. I wouldn't worry. But if you're scared, go to a clinic and get tested. Only way to be sure.

See, I thought the same thing. But I’ve read that it takes about 10 years to see the side effects so that’s why I was unsure