>too edgy for female friends >too slightly feminist for edgy friends >shit Jow Forums humour means I make friends irl with people who browse this putrid site >come across as either autistic or an attention whore >have to pretend to be a normie constantly, especially around women >dudes figure it out and reveal their power level (too fucking high m8) >4ch bros usually make for shitty partners >here forever
How fucked am I? How do other femanons deal with this shit? Anons, how would you judge a girl for this shit? I don't care enough to leave, but I'm curious.
i understand what you feel. im just a highschooler and being on Jow Forums is like my secret life where i feel like i can just let go and crack a few jokes with other weirdos on the internet, but i get this feeling of not knowing where i belong if im ever accepted if you know what I mean?? i think i need to grow thicker skin and just be who i am and not give a fuck what others think and i agree with 4ch bros make shitty partners. im not against my partner knowing i go on Jow Forums for the jokes but dating one is a mess
Carson Davis
Dh, don’t say that. They could ban you.
Bentley Morgan
I wouldn’t judge a girl per say, as long as you aren’t autistic about it. I was a stupid edge lord in HS, but realized that it was stupid in Senior yr.
No matter how much you hate (Insert group here) and think (insert activity or norm here) is degenerate, just act “normal”. Don’t talk about it, don’t sperg out.
You can be critical and autistic with your friends who know the same truths and have the same ideas. Although, I’ll add, Id be open to dating a girl who goes on Jow Forums, cuz it is just a website who cares, but maybe that’s too much (((woke))) for one relationship. Idk, maybe it would be good to be on the same page about everything actually.
Cameron Carter
oh god oh fuck the world will end
Benjamin Reyes
yeah guess I just need more likeninded friends. I never sperg IRL so I'm just a little repressed lol By woke you mean..? meta honesty? That sounds ideal.
Thomas Ross
It depends on what you think makes you see the world differently from others because of Jow Forums. If you go on Jow Forums, it’s politics, ect. So whatever you mean by “autistic”. Also wdym repressed? Just chill a bit, go meet people, and yes there are women who aren’t lame and drones. They exist. Go make friends.
Xavier Flores
Condescending shit tier advice
Angel Cook
So I get that most of the possible male partners are going to be terrible here, but couldn't you filter them out?
Luke Martin
It might be, and I admit that it is easier to say than to do, but what’s wrong with it?
Literally, and I’ll admit it with my own failings, meeting up with friends and taking care of your social life is at the heart of a lot of issues for people. The hardest thing about it too is that you just need to go outside and meet people. You will not meet people inside except on tinder and Instagram, and even then that won’t culminate into anything if not taken outside.
I want OP, and everyone, to succeed. Maintaining a healthy social life for a
Adrian James
Sure but I'm not about to go to /soc/ It's not a dating requirement for me but at the same time I'm just tired of having a different outlook than most people in my life.
The problem is I do have friends, maybe about 10 people I really care about, mostly women. Just not getting all of my social needs met, need to be more specific, don't know how. Girls are usually a no go on this issue specifically and guys are either intimidated or wanna fuck, so hard to befriend. Again, shit tier advice because you're taking me literally. IRL you would think I'm well adjusted enough, because I think I am. Just want to share shit memes and talk half ironically about anime with people as well.
Ryder Sullivan
In what way are you slightly feminist?
Asher Watson
Ooooh, you just want a friend you can use as an outlet for this shit. If you are in college, look at anime clubs. Try and meet people (Lowkey I am not sure about this but I’m sure maybe there is a decent way to do this??) off Jow Forums itself. Use the internet to meet like minded people, and actually meet up with them.
I would really try anime clubs, and basically anything that is about an interest that most 4channers are into. College is a great place to socialize for this stuff IMO.
Mason Baker
/soc/ is mostly dickpics, not really useful for meetups. In ways of outlook do you want to be similar?
Ryan Kelly
Hoo boy here we go. In my mind nothing shocking but that's up for debate. Basically center left opinions. Pro choice, think that sometimes "intersectionality" has a lot of merit, happy that the rare case trans people are able to transition, etc. At the same time see firsthand how these ideas are twisted into oblivion in university culture. Fake oppression, people pretend to care about causes but don't actually give a fuck (virtue signaling), double standards, people suddenly wanting to be called "them" and just magically thinking that means they're trans and anyone who questions them is an evil, lowly bigot, a general lack of respect for men in modern society. I will never be fully left or right, I prefer complex views, but that also means it's hard to be accepted.
I think that's why political polarization occurs in the first place. It's easier to have simple opinions, and it's nice to have a strong group identity. I don't think it's the right way forward, though.
Henry Bennett
>anime club Pls no
You're right though I will keep looking lol
Robert Butler
Dislike anime, or the cringe?
William Brown
>I will never be fully left or right, I prefer complex views, but that also means it's hard to be accepted. >I think that's why political polarization occurs in the first place. It's easier to have simple opinions, and it's nice to have a strong group identity. I don't think it's the right way forward, though. Actually you sound perfect. Can I be your non-shitty partner?
Ryan Clark
oldfag femanon here. I started browsing Jow Forums when I was 19 and I am almost 32 now. I don't even know why I'm still here. My life is good and I'm not an incel or edgelord irl. I can make friends fine, but sometimes I get sick of sites like normiebook. I guess Jow Forums will always remain a home for a part of myself that has nowhere else to go.
Elijah Turner
Newfag here. Sounds like you're in a catch 22. You want to be around those who aren't infected by the chan-itis but not quite normie, yet you end up repelling them and attracting the 'wrong' kind of people. Trying to have your board and spam it too.
There's two options I can see. 1) Learn to accept the differences you encounter from others(either the normies or 4ch types). 2) Learn to better hide whatever aspects of yourself that are alienating the people you want in your life.
Patience and humility are the pillars of congeniality and polite society.
Or just stick with your internal resentents and tensions until you eventually explode with rage like I do.
Josiah Diaz
Jesus we really are here forever
Jonathan Morris
Lonely femanon here, u might be just as fucked up as me ...drop ur contacts we can be 4ch besties
Carson Morris
well, i think all is not lost. as a male user, i personally tend to steer away from the spergines of thislace, even (f i stay here for longer. there should be more people like me.. the key, i believe, is to meet plenty ofeople, thus allowing you to pick rare, but existing likeminded ones. go to a couple of parties and events
Angel Butler
If I gave contact would you talk with me? I am male.
Cooper Fisher
same, I've never had another friend that is female and also goes to Jow Forums
Dunno if this is bait but I'm in the exact same boat. Honestly, you can find other female edgelords in the same capacity and women who are willing to be friends despite. In terms to romance, be friends with normie dudes and don't reserve yourself. One or two of them will be okay with it, I got one and kinda just ended up falling into a relationship with him.
Michael Perry
The cringe, I like NGE and all but that's a far cry from the standard anime fan. maybe anime club is less chris chan and more ironic edgelord where you are.
>here for fucking ever I'm glad to hear you're doing well after over a decade here, shit. This gives me hope, ty fren
I would be as fucked as you say to trust this lol. Feel free to drop contact for the braver than me tho
Yeah true I probably just need to find a way to meet less social science students and more stem types. I'm 2nd year psychology now, so that probably explains a lot of my issue lol
Not bait but thx for the bump
>you can find other female edgelords The dream >In terms to romance, be friends with normie dudes I have only dated normie dudes. I don't have trouble finding someone, but I can't go back to normie dating. I'm fucking tired of it, I really couldn't respect someone like that anymore. Just waiting to find someone good, which is fine. Not a fan of the typical misogynistic angry brainlet cuck edgelord either. I'm sure the happy medium exists for dating too?
Justin Gray
wat happen
Ryder Baker
God, please let this be bait. This whole fucking thread has to be bait
>urgh, I'm not like the other girls ): That's this whole thread. A whole bunch of normalfags who now think that because they somehow found their way onto 4channel from reddit and has been posting here for a week they are now at an enlightened state separated from rest of society. I know Jow Forums is normalfagtropolis but fucking hell, this thread is on another level.
Joseph Wood
>reddit boy lol pls no
>thinking I always post as femanon lol I'm fucking loving this
Nathan Green
Tits or gtfo.
Ethan Wright
reddit nerds are the sweetest lil things trust me
Evan Mitchell
>she thinks its because she's female
>Jow Forums humour >powerlevel >just want to share shit memes and talk half ironically about anime with people as well Im glad people like you stay on the shitty boards.
I do fully admit to the cringe of asking how to deal with my Jow Forums hannah montana secret double life, but I came to the normalfag board for normalfag advice. Fuck off fag I'm having fun
no. dated redditors twice and would rather kms
weak bait
Oliver Wright
And the worst part is that in reddit you can break as many rules as you want, because getting banned from one sub reddit isnt a problem when theres over a million.
Michael Roberts
hey mister, nice meme I say this stuff in real life and a lot of boys get really hard It sucks because everyone loves me and I'm really unique and don't fit in Please help with advice Please tell me which boards are good? Tysm x
Jaxon Wright
Honestly I really doubt I am going to find someone as compatible as this You want to give it a try?
Mason Sanchez
>good boards
Kevin Ross
I just have male friends, and try to forget that they only tolerate my autism cause of a 0.01% chance that I fuck them
Jeremiah Powell
hello, taking gf (male) applications
Lincoln Garcia
I want to write it gets better with time. But...only kinda. I just gave up on the notion of friends after 30. Now i got cats and dogs, but they are way better than any edgy/normie friend I’ve ever had. And i got a like minded weird cool relationship too now, so I’m set. Just stay your glorious self, fuck everyone else.
Nathaniel Martinez
Not him, but i will take you up on that offer OP. You seem alrightnfrom the thread so far
Luis Rivera
>tfw when no laid back gril to have wholesome fun with and go on adventures and cares little to nothing about secks I know I'll find you dudette
Michael Williams
I actually got introduced to Jow Forums because of my equally edgy Jow Forumsommando friend. It's really not that hard to hide your "power level" around normal people unless you're an actual autist.
Dominic Harris
>imagine shaping your personality according to a website big OOF, girl
Ayden Cook
>too edgy for female friends >men who are even edgier aren't your type >Feminist Fucking kill yourself if the only friends you make are people who post on an anonymous forum
Oliver Miller
>Tfw never have to hide my power level around friends because I'm not fake and share my time with people like me Feels bretty gud to be able to shit talk comfortably whenever I want desu
That said you really shouldn't take every aspect of your personality from how people interact with each other anonymously.
Robert Sullivan
>personality sucks ass >can't land anything comfortable because of it Look, we want edge in our TV, games and anime and bullshit, not in the people we have to deal with on a daily basis. You guys have got to graduate from your weird ass high school beliefs if you want to socially succeed even slightly in this world. Also >slightly feminist this literally just sounds like you pick fights over issues that don't affect you personally.
Jason Myers
You're not being fake by keeping your unorthodox or controversial opinions to yourself. You can still be comfortable acting like your normal self around your friends without sharing your political or ideological opinions.
Connor Ramirez
>You're not being fake by keeping your unorthodox or controversial opinions to yourself. Except my normal self is pretty extroverted and outrageous. Wherever i go I must shitpost, m8. There's a time and a place for it , sure, but my actual friends and even family have gotten to know me for being a bit over the top.
It's almost like a chronic issue, I just can't help myself sometimes. Usually you can just put layer on top of later of irony and that's enough to not piss most people off. They know what my opinions are and don't care. I have friends who are like hardcore communist who I constantly shit talk with all the time. It's great fun
Nathan Stewart
So get therapy. What are we supposed to do to help your obsessive compulsion with being the center of attention since you spent your life dejected from it/rejecting it?
This clearly runs deeper than "just b ursjelf" is going to fix.
Easton Howard
Who said this was a problem? I make friends through me not being able to shut off my mouth, it's an integral part of my personality.
Colton Ortiz
Robert Ortiz
Maybe you need just to grow the fuck up, first? You let vague shit define how you think and overthink how others perceive you like a fucking teen. (Which is fine if you're a teen obviously)
I bet I'm more edgy and more feminist than you and never had any issues dealing with different kinds of people. Unironically trying beeing yourself.
>Just want to share shit memes and talk half ironically about anime with people as well. And most are fine with it.
>basic ass opinions >you sound perfect, wanna date That's just sad, bruv.
Caleb Thomas
Basic opinions? I have literally never heard a girl state that anything close to that, and not a guy just like that either.
Dylan Bell
What kind of people do you talk to and more importantly, from were? And hell even if it's Murica, I talked to a few girls from there (get to know them over fucking Jow Forums) who said basically the same shit while wording it better.
Asher Lopez
I've been here for 8 years and you could never tell irl because I'm clean, fit and take my life seriously. I look like a normal guy, but behind closed doors I can't stop talking about how much I hate niggers.
We could flirt and talk if you want OP. I'm probably the only person here that could meme with you while not sperging out.
Caleb Perez
Dear god, me too. I'm 34, though. I can't stand normiebook and refuse to get an account there.
Please don't be the wingnut kind of feminist screeching about the patriarchy. They make all actual feminists who try to fight actual problems like little girls being sold as sex slaves look like idiots.
Anyway, how do I cope?
Meh, I just reign myself in a little unless I know people are cool with it.
Sometimes you are surrounded by normies and can't go danker than lolcats. Sometimes you are talking to an old ex-biker who uses "faggot" as a term of endearment and can be a total /b/astard. People will tip their hands as you talk to them. It's not hard to take your time and read cues.
Also, I try to avoid shallow normie scum. They make me want to stab things. Especially the "women". I actually hate most women. Thanks, society, for turning people into vapid bitches. Meh.
Well this is the first time I heard it. I would appreciate it one would talk to me.
Luke Perry
OP here. this poster isn't me, just some larping incel, a few other posts were larps as well. surprised this thread is still bumpin
Aiden Anderson
From your point of view, what do you think the best way to get a date off of here would be? Obviously you aren't interested, but maybe you could tell.
Logan Watson
Tits or gtfo
Oliver Thompson
You first, faggot.
Christian Torres
I have a set aside email, but have never given it out. I once considered contacting an user because we had a long discussion on Jow Forums. Still regret not getting his contact. I have no other advice but natural interaction, maybe other femanons can suggest better.
Jayden Morris
Not a femanon but natural interaction is indeed the best way. Even in contactfagging threads on /soc/, establishing a connection before messaging people is much more effective.
Dominic Walker
Listen slut. You need to leave Jow Forums and go back to wherever females congragate. Tumblr, facebook, snapchat. OUT
>getting this angry at femanon larping lol. that post still wasn't OP, retard
I'm OP and I'm ignoring you because weak b8, go back to 2004 when this shit was funny
Ayden Reed
I've met a couple girls like you. You're just a sub species of the "all my friends are guys" sluts. >bouncing from one dick slinging "friend" to the next because the aren't good enough Yep. That's the archetype all right.
Owen Fisher
Still not tits posted...
Luis Gray
Okay I bet you're not too edgy for me. Let's be friends
Grayson Green
Yeah, I figured this would be the case. I feel kind of like a creep trying to hold a conversation explicitly hoping to get her attention, when at least by default she wouldn't be interested. I guess that's what it's like being in oversupply...
Dylan Myers
Nah been single for over a year, no hookups, and my only male friends are dating my female friends lol. My problem is that I need more varied friends and maybe a compatible partner. But thanks for adding "dick slinging" to my vocabulary lmao
Noah Anderson
>4ch bros usually make for shitty partners I'm not like other Jow Forums boys, please be in md.
Carson Stewart
I don't deal. I just am myself and I attract a ton of dudes/nerds/activists that all like to see me as a raw energy source. Friends or not, I still go out.
Grayson Baker
If it matters, does getting in contact after the type of long discussion connection mean that you would have some kind if investment in it? To me, I went about it thinking that getting a throwaway email was like the online equivalent of introducing yourself, rather than getting a phone number or something.
Brody Sanchez
Because it is creepy and creeps are indeed in oversupply. Get rid of the expectations for a start. The conversations that go well don't need too much effort or thinking about keeping anyones attention.
See kids, bee urself meme is how you do it.
Ryder Wood
Well I am saying that I realize that is creepy, and do not do it because I am a creep. But what I am saying is in oversupply is guys looking for a girlfriend. I don't have any expectation trying to start a conversation is going to be something, just a hope.
Kevin White
I'm basically a pseudonormie. I go out drinking and dancing, I talk about mainstream topics, not a NEET, well-dressed etc. My power level cloaking technology is extremely advanced and no one has a clue other than my best friend who is the only one of my friends who's even heard of Jow Forums. I have some geekish acquaintances who think that I'm a normie without realising that I'm a bigger geek than they are.
I don't mind blending in, I feel like I belong to both worlds, there's no outsider syndrome. I wouldn't mind a Jow Forums gf, it would just open up extra topics and I couples' shitposting might be fun. As long as the girl doesn't have major mental issues or doesn't wash herself or something like that. Also, no Jow Forumstardinas.
Joseph Reyes
Pointless to think about the other guys. You do you, they do them.
Jaxson Sanchez
>dudes figure it out and reveal their power level (too fucking high m8) So you don't want Jow Forums autists friends while admitting you are one? The fuck, nigga?
Aaron Clark
She's obviously saying that their "power level" is too high, not just high, but too high. It's like a Star Trek fan meeting another normal Star Trek fan vs a Star Trek fanatic. A normal fan will say something like: >oh, I really like the show too, The Next Generation is my favourite while a fanatic will straight up start quoting the characters, speaking Klingon and making Vulcan hand signs.
The first one is socially acceptable, the second one is just cringy and wierd.
Michael Foster
Well how I approach it has a lot to do with what other guys do. For example, if men tried to get contact as rarely as women do, I would probably be pretty successful at it, as it would be somewhat novel.
Asher Ward
Dunno, as a man I never tried to get shit and always got asked for mine.
And the number of people who try doesn't mean too much. If there are 50 people going "omg, be my gf, here is my skype" most likely all 50 are going to get ignored.
Dylan Johnson
All women in male spaces are there to soak up attention from dudes. Youre not special in that regard
Jonathan Davis
She said she can't relate to normies and have to pretend. That's nigh max power level already. Autists above that would never talk to a girl.
Isaiah Williams
All men are only doing hobbies to attract girls and have no genuine interests like women do.
Cameron Gray
>the number of people who try doesn't mean too much. If there are 50 people going "omg, be my gf, here is my skype" most likely all 50 are going to get ignored That's exactly what I am talking about, something has to be different about you, or she would have said yes to one of the 5000 men who asked before me.
Jason Garcia
This would be incredibly sad considering it doesn't work.
Ayden Lopez
Well Femanon, one thing is that if you think anons here are extreme then you also might need to notice how extreme you can be too. I know you said that you are too much this and that, but you might want to look at how much you are too much of what you mentioned. To me, you are just the same as any user here, where basically you have a hyperbolic view point that drives you mad to a point you a capable of shitposting. Thing is we all have egos, some too big some really small. But all in all we are all in a chaotic storm of what we call Jow Forums.
I wouldnt judge you too harshly because like you I have views that some people consider extreme or not extreme enough.
My hope really is that you dont judge me too harshly and would be my friend rather than a possible enemy. But I am the sort of guy who accepts the crazy viewpoints as just viewpoints and not reality.
Julian Collins
>be girl >get 999 replies
Fuck off
Aiden Myers
I wish, my hobby is 99% male.
That is one bad choice of a hobby to find girls..
Christopher Martin
curiously what is it?
Jayden Adams
Tabletop miniature gaming. Warhammer 40k in my case specifically.
I mean i played hundreds of games, never once against a girl. So yeah :)
Wrong choice of hobby for a girl, but i like it because it is mine.