i dont want to work anymore
im 26
how do i stop
I dont want to work anymore
or at least like stop working standard set hours i need flexibility
Everyone would like to. It just depends if you're smart and determined enough to make your own business or if you're gifted enough to work in short bursts for lots of money.
Some people do acting jobs for example that might last a week then they have a week off.
Truth is though, ask anyone who spends all their time at home if they're enjoying it. Very few people do unless they have something to keep busy.
When you're not working, the world is very strange and dull.
You don't have to work, you're not a slave. You only have to work if you want all the comfy modern amenities our modern world can provide.
You wanto to know hot to start working again? Where have you worked anyway? If you've been in places that look like prisons inside then I can kind of see where you're coming from. Try in ordinary places where teenagers usually start working, do cashier, custodian, anything really. If you need flexibility you won't like warehouse/factory jobs they drain you pretty fast. A lot of people I've seen in those kinds of places come from another country where they probably have it worse, either that or they're just temp workers. Not a lot of people like those kinds of jobs.
I have to have food and a place to live.
This is bullshit. I have taken periods of time away from work, and it's the best fucking thing in the world. If you don't know how to have fun without spending 40+ hours at work, you're an awfully dull person.
I'm not OP, but in America, yes, you have to work full time, because if you get sick or whatever, you won't have medical care and will die. It's ridiculous.
I worked 1 year on a ranch, five years retail supermarket, 1 year dog kennel, 2 years call center/tech support
I sometimes get to work from home with the tech support job. It's ok. But I don't handle strict schedules well and this is very scheduled.
I've been a neet before and have hobbies.
Any prolonged time off work is great for me. I don't go crazy. I can binge draw/paint or game for like 24 straight hours which I am not able to do while chained to a 40hr scheduled workweek. I can go for walks at my convenience. I can keep my living space really clean and organized. I can wake up when my body is rested rather than an alarm. I can go to sleep when tired instead of strategically sleeping around estimated wake time for work start time.
I imagine freelance stuff is more "at your own pace and time" but the only skills I have are art, dog care/training, and some unmarketable outdated webdev programming.
There are jobs out there where you only work part time. Packaging and mailing services have part time schedules and so do other places. You have to look around OP, you'll find something.
Stock market
Part time is just low paying jobes for 24 hrs instead of 40 but still the rigid 7 am to 3pm type inflexibility.
>I'm not OP, but in America, yes, you have to work full time, because if you get sick or whatever, you won't have medical care and will die. It's ridiculous.
Oh yes, this. Be careful.
Also, you'll be treated like crap by cops.
No you don't you fucking retard. Nobody is forced to work. Nobody. You might "feeeel" compelled to work because you can't imagine life without a modern house with electricity, plumbing, AC, medical insurance, and internet, but it's entirely possible to live without those things.
Are you advocating homelessness and street living?
There aren't many places you can legally "live" in the US (see: without risk of police brutality) without paying money.
Different user, but basically the entire west coast allows junkies to live in the streets at the expense of taxpayers
Says the person who's never been homeless. You don't know what you're talking about and it shows.
Was homeless for several months in 2016. Eat shit.
True but legally not allowed to live there. The police turn a blind eye to it but can disrupt and remove homeless camps at any time. I have slept in parks/outside and in parking lots etc "illegally" but it is illegal and they are allowed to remove you.
It's illegal on paper. The police can't do anything here in California. I've called the police on tweakers jacking off in the park at midday and they say there isn't much they can do. And you can't complain to the city because they just say call the police. Even if some homeless fuck gets picked up by the police, he'll be out later that day since we've reduced so many crimes to almost nothing. And I don't even live in a liberal shithole like SF.
I haven't been busted for it either but its not a viable strategy since at any time they could choose to enforce the law on you. People do need somewhere to legally live and that requires money in most instances.
What do you think is a solution to that issue in places like California. I went to SF not too long ago and I did see homeless people but I didn't think it was a problem to that extent. I believe what you're saying, where does the problem stem from?