Trudeau today kicked Jody Wilson-Raybould out of the liberal caucas for what he called the "unconscionable" act of secretly recording her phone conversation with the clerk of the privy council Michael Wernick. What do you think of the move? Smells of desperation to me
To little too late. They should have kicked her out and refused to say anything to the media or in the house from day 1
Logan Richardson
That would probably made it worse there was no way this story wasnt getting out
Blake Garcia
To be honest, I haven't really follwed this. My co worker has, and hoo boy does he get worked up when talking about it. Not 100% of Canada's laws, but recording someone without telling them they are being recorded is illegal, is it not? In parts of the U.S. it is. For her of all people to do that, yeah, absolutely. See ya later, sweetheart. I can't really speak to the larger case.
Eli Thomas
Not even sure myself about the recording laws I've never had to look into those laws before myself. But I'm glad she did and someone in Ottawa is honest enough to call the government on their bullshit
Aaron Hernandez
>leftoids fighting
Pray for an outbreak of Ebola.
Eli Ortiz
Lol I think JWR should go over to the conservative party
John Diaz
as long as one party out of two or more is aware of the recording it is legal, meaning if you're the one recording a conversation between yourself and someone else it is completely legal in leafistan. It is illegal to record two people when you're not part of the conversation.
Joseph Johnson
It's not illegal. Worst case scenario defendant's attorney might have removed from list of evidence. But of course it us up to judge to decide.
Remember to vote for PPC come fall
Eli Wright
I live in a riding where there is not a hope in hell of the liberals not getting elected so since my vote doesnt matter I'll vote PPC
Easton Price
Canada has a one party rule to individuals recording phone calls. If you're participating in the call you can legally record it.
Thomas Gutierrez
The thread is still alive, so let's go. I repeat: I haven't followed the story in depth. I have read some stuff and have a loose understanding, please correct me where I'm wrong. She's from Vancouver, so I heard of well back as being this super-Aboriginal Rights champion. Championess, sorry. Championette? I remember a dust-up between her and another Chief in Ontario over whether she could be a Chief and run as a Liberal and do a proper job with each. Her band confirmed her in a vote and several Aboriginal groups backed her as a Liberal as she would be able to make changes from the inside, like a fifth column. She might even be PM one day. Since then I've been skeptical of her.
Her wiki says: >Wilson-Raybould also introduced Bill C-16, which amended the Canadian Human Rights Act to add gender identity and gender expression to the list of prohibited grounds for discrimination, which was another key mandate letter commitment. The legislation also amended the Criminal Code to extend protections against hate propaganda, and it received Royal Assent on June 16, 2017.
Christian Cook
What riding are you fren?
Ayden Sanders
Winnipeg center
Jonathan Thompson
What got my co-worker worked up is the SNC-Lavalin thing. Our company does subcontract work for Lavalin, and I can tell you that they pay their bills on time and the ones I've dealt with at least are okay people. The one guy told me about his Lavalin co-worker who was killed in Eritrea. Crazy.
Joseph Reed
Oh shit commies in power since inception. I am sorry man.
Zachary Gomez
Trudeau is a power-mad psycho barely holding it back.
Dominic Sullivan
In both the US and Canada, the rule is that only one person participating in the conversation needs to know and consent, which 100% covers your own damn phone conversations.
Evan Walker
Yup my current MP is falcon oulette some native piece of shit diversity hire
Adrian Perez
this conversation is being recorded
Leo Sullivan
This lefty asshole made it a smaller offense to not tell someone you have HIV before sleeping with them
Adrian Torres
what a racis
Lincoln Cooper
Every male feminist is an actual psycho misogynist and predator trying to get close to more prey. I bet Trudeau shits on his wife's chest behind closed doors.
Caleb Perez
Jayden Miller
Doesnt matter what he does no ones voting for another Justine PM
Joshua Watson
That's a bug 10-4 they are either beta males or fucking psychos sometimes both!
Christian Robinson
dear vancouver and ottawa please stop ruining canada
t prince george
Colton Fisher
God I hope you're right but this country is pretty cucked they just might and that scares me
Camden Moore
It's legal to record a conversation that you are also involved in. If she had tapped his phone and recorded conversations between him and JT, that would be illegal.
Julian Bell
Justin Smith
brave woman, i have to say. she stood up for justice and impartiality when trudeau wanted to lick quebecois assholes. liberals have guarenteed a loss in the next election.
Henry Rivera
That's the most hilarious thing about his whole story. If instead of picking JWR as his justice minister because he wanted to get pats on the back as a good "it's the current year" feminist, Trudeau had simply picked the lawyer jew he eventually appointed none of this would have happened. The jew (or really any career politician) would have quietly made sure the friends of the regime got their DPA and nobody would have known. At best JWR is acting like a very principled activist unwilling to engage in the dirty side of politics, but more likely she's acting like a dumb ambitious injun who thinks she can destroy Trudeau and position herself as eventual successor by portraying herself as incorruptible. Not that the whole incorruptible thing would be bad branding, but you can't repeatedly publicly shiv your own party leader and then expect that party to elect you leader.
Jackson Gutierrez
Yes......or and much less likely what if shes just an actual honest politician?
Actually not gonna lie I'd run her through the boards
Angel Lopez
I don't see her as being honest though. She's a fifth column. She's angling for PM one day, and has a PC force field - female aboriginal. Shut up, you sexist bigot!
Juan Long
what if i walk by and go "hey guys" am i now part of their conversation?
Based Harper caused all of this. He saw it all coming. He passed a law that he knew would catch the next lib government doing what they do.
>The Public Prosecution Service of Canada was made independent of the rest of the Department of Justice, although the Director of Public Prosecutions still reports to the Minister of Justice.
she's still a fucking liberal so i don't care about her. i'm kinda pissed that one of his own brought him down and not someone in the opposition,.
Christopher Allen
> (You) (OP) >she's still a fucking liberal so i don't care about her. >i'm kinda pissed that one of his own brought him down and not someone in the opposition,.
Are you kidding? This was way better it's almost poetic how he was taken down
Christian Parker
liberals are going to win this year
Andrew Allen
really don't care about this shit, all government is corrupt, the indian women is just playing politics too, she saw the corruption and took advantage off it, no matter who gets elected this year, we are fucked unfortunately, the next 10 years in this country are going to be really fucked imo
>Scheer memes just seem lame, I can't. you have to make that the angle he's so lame, he cool
Joshua Hill
I couldn't care less about her recording. People twiddling over ethics now after allowing SNC Lavalin to bulldoze our laws in order to buy a few votes in quebec.